
Ronald suddenly woke up most of the time, and hurriedly followed the man to a room.

In the corner of the room, a quilt that had been lifted was thrown on the ground, a faint light shining on the corpse's face, and blood was still bleeding from the wound on the neck.

"Assemble, assemble, everyone!"

Ronald shouted in shock.

Soon, the bandits were assembled, but only 32 of the original 46 bandits remained, and a full 14 infantry were killed.

At this moment, there was a sound of exclamation of war horses from the place where the horses were stopped at the entrance of the village, and then the sound of hurried horses' hooves, gradually moving away.

"Oh no, warhorse, follow me!"

Ronald drew his sword at his waist and ran towards the entrance of the village with a group of bandits.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, they found that the reins of the war horses that had been tied to the stone grinders had been cut off, and the war horses had run away, and the ground was covered with messy horseshoe prints.


Everyone hurriedly looked over, and the bandit at the end of the group had been cut open and was dying, and a necromantic assassin was rushing into a wooden house.

"Follow me!"

Ronald was already flustered in his heart, and rushed into the wooden house with two cronies, and the smell of sesame oil was blowing in his face.


But when he saw the sesame oil on the ground that was about to flow on the torch and the sulfur carbon crystals that reflected in the firelight, he was shocked, and grabbed the nearest cronie in front of him.


entire wooden house exploded in an instant, and the dozen or so bandits who entered the wooden house all died, and the bandits who did not have time to enter the wooden house were swept away by the shock wave of the explosion and fell to the ground.

Puff, puff

... The sound of a sharp weapon entering the flesh sounded, and the overturned bandit was already a little dazed, and he was slashed before he could react, and only two figures could be seen in the vision of the whirlwind of the world.

Since most of the cavalry who followed Ronald into the wooden house were cavalrymen who did not ride horses, the attributes of the infantry left outside were much worse, and Tang Dao and the two of them were enough to kill.


the ruins of the house, Ronald coughed up blood and struggled to stand up, his left hand had been blown into flesh, his right hand was holding a long sword, and a large area of skin on his body was melted, revealing red muscles and cyan veins.

Although he looks miserable, from the player's point of view, he still has 37% HP, and the attributes of the level are not reckless.

Tang Dao, who had eliminated more than a dozen infantrymen, didn't even touch the corpses and hid in the darkness nearby.

"Go, go, go..."

Ronald was completely confused, and with the support of several cavalrymen who reacted, he hurriedly evacuated the village, and did not even have time to check if there were any survivors in the ruins.

There were 47 people in the group, and only one of them went back in disgrace.

When Ronald left, Tang Dao and the others walked out, touched the equipment of the 10 infantrymen, carried 30 sets of equipment, and moved away from the ruins.

Sure enough, the two small bosses did not die, one of them was used to block the explosion and only had 7% of his HP, and the other withstood the explosion, but with the cushion of the person next to him, leaving 31%.

However, both of them looked extremely miserable, the limbs that were used as meat shields were all broken, and mouthfuls of blood gushed out from the corners of their mouths, and they were already dying.

The one with 31% health is blind and groping on the ground, as if trying to find a glimmer of light.

Without any hesitation, the two raised their daggers and killed the small boss with 7% HP first.

Since there are no other NPCs involved in the output, but only 7% of the player's output does not reach the standard 30% HP, it is judged to be a special way to kill, and only gains experience and gold, but no equipment.


% kill level 28 bosses, Tang Dao enjoys 30% of the experience points exclusively, and the remaining 70 are distributed according to the output and other data, the output of the two is similar, and the Tang Dao is slightly higher, so he gets more experience points.

The 90 gold coins that broke out were put away by Tang Xin as studio operating expenses.

The remaining 31% of the small boss also fell under the blades of the two, and there was almost no room for resistance, after all, he was seriously injured, and the only thing left was the amount of blood.



The last knife is Tang Xin's, so Tang Dao only got basic experience.

However, the boss also broke out a piece of green equipment.

Badface Breastplate (Green)

Level Requirements: 25Class

Requirements: Crusader, Knight, Knight, Berserker Strength Requirements

: 1400 Strength + 240

Agility +35

Physical Damage Immunity + 10

% Critical Damage Immunity +10

% Magic Damage Immunity -

5% Effect: None

" -

5% , What kind of magic is poor, wearing armor can't withstand magic attacks.

Tang Dao expressed disdain for the last of the three incidental attributes.

"The highest defense against magic is the shield, exclusive to knights.

Tang Xin said, and at the same time sent this equipment to the team, with a price tag of 800 gold coins.

There are only two people who are suitable, Qiuguan and Cangshan Xue, and they were finally obtained by Cangshan Xue, and the daily income is added to 800.

"Let's go, let's go to the Tiantong Mountains first, and by the way, see how the camp of the guy who doesn't move like a mountain is developing. "

There are 30 sets of armor in the Tang Dao backpack, which can only be handed over to Jiang Chengji and others, otherwise it will occupy 60 grids.

The two passed through Jingmu Mountain and then arrived at the Tiantong Mountain Range.

On the outskirts of the Tiantong Mountains, a camp rises from the ground, gathering hundreds of displaced people, and the smoke of cooking is wafting from wooden houses, and many soldiers with rudimentary spears are patrolling.

Some fields have been cleared around it, wheat and potatoes are grown, and since it takes time for crops to grow, the main source of food is still meat from hunting and rice brought back by adventurers.

There are also a few players who are submitting quests, apparently returning from a wild boar hunt.

"Why are you here?" Just

as the two were about to step forward, Jiang Chengji walked over with several soldiers in armor.

Since it is not controlled by Thrall, this camp is basically a combat unit, even women, if they are in the prime of life, they have to participate in training to defend against the attacks of the orcs.

"It's going well, I'm here to send you something.

Tang Dao looked around, and only felt that it was thriving, now it is a camp, and it will be a small town or even a city in the future.

"Oh, what I'm lacking most right now is armor and weapons, and if I have the right equipment, I don't mind taking people out those disgusting orcs.

Jiang Chengji complained that the abilities and skills of the soldiers he trained were actually very good, but because he did not have the equipment to make up for the physical strength gap with the orcs, he often fell behind in battle.

"What if I say that I brought armor and weapons?"

Tang Dao flipped his right hand, and a long sword made of refined copper appeared.

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