"It's... The long sword produced by the Bronze Stone Town Armory?"

Jiang Chengji said that he was also a former centurion, and he recognized the origin of this sword with a sweep of his eyes, and was stunned for a moment.

"Take a step to speak.

Tang Dao said in a low voice.

"Okay, please!"

Jiang Chengji immediately invited the two into a wooden house, and there were two soldiers guarding the door, and there were twenty or thirty people who came over on the spot, and now they are mainly relying on them to support them.

"What's the situation recently?"

Tang Dao was not polite, and came up straight to the point.

"It's hard to say, more than 500 people have been gathered, of which more than 200 are men and women in the prime of life, and they can be used with simple training, but there is no armor.

"Grain and grass are mainly hunted and purchased from adventurers, and some wandering merchants make ends meet.

"But what is most lacking at present is talent, blacksmiths, carpenters, stonemasons, etc., now rely on a brother who has worked as a blacksmith to support, otherwise even the hoe will not be able to repair."

Speaking of the development situation, Jiang Chengji sighed, it is indeed difficult.

"This time, I have brought you 30 sets of armor battles, all of which are relatively new, and I will lend you another thousand gold coins to buy grain and grass.

Tang Dao took out the equipment in his backpack one by one, handed it to Jiang Chengji, and then sent over a large sum of gold coins.

"It's... Tell us about your conditions.

Jiang Chengji was also stunned when he saw the entire thirty sets of armor battles, plus the 1,000 gold coins, the value was not low.

As the saying goes, if you give courtesy, you must ask for something, not to mention giving money and materials? The other party obviously wants to get something from himself.

But now that he is guilty, and he doesn't have the family business of the Jiang family before, what does he like?"

"It's very simple, I want to cooperate with you."

Tang Dao stared at Jiang Chengji and said slowly.

"What kind of cooperation method?" Jiang

Chengji's eyes narrowed.

"I will have my own city in the future, but I need a lot of troops, and you can be a general at that time, and the treatment will be no worse than in the Fire Kingdom.

Tang Dao said seriously.

"Haha, I'm just a centurion, where can I be a general?"

Jiang Chengji laughed when he heard this.

"Yes, I heard that there was originally a Jiang family in the city of fire, a hereditary marquis, but in the end he was stripped of his title because he offended the king, and he was sent to Sal City.

Tang Dao spoke confidently.

"How do you know?"

Jiang Chengji's expression changed slightly, and his right hand had already touched the long sword on his waist.

"Don't be nervous, the Jiang family is not completely finished, I even know where the Jiang County Lord is, but I can't take you there now. Tang

Dao didn't mean to be vigilant.

"Have you seen my little sister, where is she? Are you okay?" Jiang

Chengji was a little excited when he heard this, when the men of the Jiang family were sent to Saarcheng to fill the army, and the women were confiscated as maids, it has been more than 20 years.

The family who followed him to Sal City was almost completely destroyed in the war, and I thought that my little sister had also died, but I didn't expect that there was still news.

"She's fine, she's in the City of Fire, but I can't take you there yet.

Tang Dao shrugged, the game progress has not arrived, and the map of Fire City is still in the fog.

In fact, this is the time of the internal test, and by chance I received a task from a maid in a royal palace, called Dusty Accessories, and the maid told him about the Jiang family's past, and hoped that he could sneak into the mansion that had been occupied and steal a piece of jewelry, because it was a gift from her brother when she was ten years old.

It was at that time that Tang Dao first came into contact with the name Jiang Chengji, and the old marquis gave him this name because he had high hopes, but it was a pity that the creation made people and the king was stupid.

"City of Fire, alas.

Jiang Chengji sighed, his expression gloomy.

"Don't be sad, the past is a foregone conclusion, the future can still be changed, as long as you work hard, you will meet again.

Tang Dao comforted.

"Well, you seem to be very knowledgeable, can you give some suggestions for the development of my camp?"

Jiang Chengji gathered his thoughts, now is not the time for children to grow up.


Tang Dao hesitated a little, but Tang Xin beside him spoke first:

"First of all, with these thirty sets of equipment, plus the original strength, you can have a team of about fifty warriors, which will also be your strongest strength at present, the number is too small and you should not take the initiative to fight, train the soldiers to sit in armor, wait for work, wait until the orcs come to attack, use the terrain to deal with them, and you should not hit the stone with an egg, and increase the casualties."

"Secondly, the food problem, whether it is potatoes or wheat and corn, the growth cycle is not short, but there is one crop with a high survival rate, a short growth cycle, and a large and cheap amount - buckwheat, although the taste is a little rough, but it is definitely the best choice at the moment.

"Also, you have too few wells at present, although they seem to be enough, but in fact, once you are really besieged, you can only wait for death in vain, either choose a place with good terrain to dig more wells, or build a reservoir, otherwise once the war starts, the water will be cut off, and then it will collapse without a fight."

"In the end, your houses are built too scattered, which is not good for transportation and is not fully utilized. Although there are no stonemasons at present, it is also possible to use yellow mud, grass ash and clay to connect some stones, build simple defensive measures, arrange the outer wooden houses in a regular manner, and build a low wall in the middle, plus the wooden houses themselves also have a certain protective capacity, which is also a good protective measure.

"Once these problems are solved, you can consider annexing the nearby villages, with thousands of people, while allowing the adventurers to explore the information of nearby towns, find the right time, attack the town, and plunder the population and armor.

"Once it is successful, taking advantage of the situation, Thrall City is tired of the war with the Flame Forest, and hindered by the elves of the Starlight Forest in the east, they will not dare to exterminate it in a big way.

Tang Xin's words made everyone in the room respectful.

"Thank you, Miss, for your doubts!" Jiang

Chengji also took a deep breath, he didn't expect that there were such capable people among the adventurers?"

"What is the low-profile version of Longzhong, right, Niu Pi, boss." Tang

Dao was also a little surprised, I thought Tang Xin was a technical player, but I didn't expect the whole strategy to be so strong.

"That's, otherwise how can you be your boss.

Tang Xin was a little proud.

"Don't worry, listen to your words today, if you see the sun through the clouds, Jiang Chengji will repay you in the future!"

Jiang Chengji got up and hugged his fists and saluted.

"Okay, let's get busy first, we still have something to do.

Tang Xin didn't say much, and he didn't know until he developed it.

The two said goodbye to Jiang Chengji and were just about to leave.

Ding~ system message.

Immovable as a mountain: Brother is not there, help fight a BOSS, there are not enough masters here.

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