In the 171 kitchen, Qiu Guan wore an apron and stir-fried vegetables neatly, and the table in the restaurant was placed with dishes full of color and flavor, such as pickled cabbage fish, braised pork, fried chicken with green onion and ginger, stir-fried cabbage, tomato eggs, and seaweed egg soup.

The rest of the people looked at Qiu Guan with respect, at least for these people, Qiu Guan's cooking attainments were completely out of them.

"Chiba tofu, let's start the meal.

Qiu Guan walked out with a large plate of Chiba tofu.

"Didn't you cook when you used to live by yourself?"

Tang Xin asked in a low voice to Tang Dao.

"Vital signs are foolish, don't mention it.

The corner of Tang Dao's mouth twitched, he can cook, but it's not delicious, and he has to eat it himself.

"It's hard work, let's have dinner.

Tang Xin's face was slightly red, and he said with some embarrassment.

"Boss, I don't mind cooking in the future, can I get a salary increase?"

Qiu Guan asked very bluntly, she seemed to be very short of money.

"No problem, add 1,000 per month, and the food expenses will be counted alone.

Tang Xin waved his hand and agreed.

Tang Dao suddenly felt that this little aunt and grandmother didn't take money as money, but after thinking about it, people's fathers were so rich, it was okay to burn a villa, and he didn't care about thousands of dollars, and Tang Tian had just raised a million, and there was indeed no shortage of studios at present.

"Thank you.

Qiu Guan nodded.

After a brief meal, take a short break, and go online again at half past two in the afternoon.

At this point, it's midnight in the game, and most of the NPCs are normally resting.

The town of Anchaohu is also quiet, the militia trained by Qu Xingjian is patrolling, and several large trees near the village have been transformed into guard towers, which can be seen far away.

After a brief replenishment, the crowd began to march towards the place of the Boar King.

During this period, Tang Dao also opened the forum and took a look at the recent activities.

Poster: Eating melons Xiao Song

Just half an hour ago, the condensed tiger clan of the Flame Forest attacked a camp in Sal City under the leadership of the Tiger King, hundreds of soldiers were killed, and as many as 50 people were injured, the key is that the Tiger King also ran away.

Obviously, this tiger king with wisdom is no longer comparable to ordinary bosses, according to Shenghuang's lonely sky feather, the attack of the condensing tiger king has reached a terrifying 7200 points, and the defense also has 6000 points, and more importantly, it also has a 25% critical strike rate, and ordinary knights can't block the attack at all.

1st floor player Lonely Sky Feather: No way

, can't stop it, unless goodbye White Tiger is almost here @ Goodbye White Tiger 2nd floor player Goodbye White Tiger: Don't cue me, busy!

3rd floor player Fengyun Sword Immortal: Not necessarily, maybe you can find it if you can't find a mountain to try, that's also a very powerful knight player.

The player on the 4th floor is as immobile as a mountain: Thank you for looking up to me, with a critical hit of 7200 attack power, I can block a ghost.

5th Floor Player Darkest Starfire: If another top-tier assassin joins forces with me, I'm 70% sure to keep it.

6th Floor Player Overlord Bone: But Sal City doesn't have a second top-tier assassin.

7th Floor Player Feng Yanju: Not necessarily, you forgot who was beaten to the ground in Canggongpo?8th

Floor Player Overlord Bone: Are you looking for trouble?9th Floor Player

Gu Kong Yu: If the Double Reaper Assassin can make a move, then you can try, but no one has their friends.

10th floor player Feng Qingge: I added it, but it was deleted.

Cold-Blooded Rose for players on the 11th floor: Ahem.

12th Floor Player Fengyun Sword Immortal: I have the Death Scythe.

13th Floor Player Death Scythe: Guess why I deleted you?

Sure enough, not long after Tang Dao had just sent this message, Fengyun Sword Immortal's friend message was sent.

Fengyun Sword Immortal: Are you free? The Tiger King may need you to strike with the Heart of Death, as well as the Darkest Starfire.

Death Scythe: I'm not available, I'm on a mission.

Fengyun Sword Immortal: Version of the event, the task can be put aside first.

Death Scythe: Gotta add money.

Fengyun Sword Immortal: ....

Fengyun Sword Immortal: I didn't say it, just wait a minute.

The system prompts, Fengyun Sword Immortal invites you to join the Tiger Hunting Squad, do you agree?Enter ~ Fengyun Sword Immortal

, Cold-blooded Rose, Immovable as a Mountain, Fengqing Song, Darkest Starfire, Song of Ice and Fire and other people in Sal City are all there, unexpectedly, there is another person, a level 25 archer, thousands of miles away.

Darkest Starfire: The trio team up to kill the Tiger King.

Death Scythe: It's hard to say, I've already fought the Condensing Tiger King once, but that time was before the version update, and this time the Tiger King has a higher level of intelligence, and he is definitely not an idle person.

Fengyun Sword Immortal: If it's an ordinary boss, there is no need for all of us to get together.

Cold-Blooded Rose: If you have fought it, you will know where the territory of the Condensing Tiger Clan is, and you can form a team of 100 people to go in and steal the Tiger King.

Immovable as a Mountain: Again, I can't bear the damage.

Feng Qingge: Shenghuang has a team of priests.

Death Scythe: Led the priest team into the territory of the Condensing Tiger Clan?

The atmosphere was a little frozen for a while, I couldn't bear it, I couldn't milk it, it seemed that there was no way to take this Tiger King.

Death Scythe: Actually, there is no need to be so aggressive, the Condensing Tiger Clan is just a beast tribe on the periphery of the Flame Forest, Shenghuang has been developing near the Flame Forest for so long, he doesn't know it, right?

Feng Qingge: But after the previous sneak attack, the morale of the Sal City military is obviously much weaker, and once it is attacked a few more times, I am afraid that the event will end early, and everyone will not be able to get the benefit at that time.

Death Scythe: Unless you break through, the two guilds will use a pincer attack to contain most of the power of the Condensed Tiger Clan, and then the three of us assassins will go in and kill the Tiger King.

Fengyun Sword Immortal: What if the Tiger King also comes out?

Death Scythe: The side where it is is wiped out is in vain.

Cold-Blooded Rose: Can you

trick the Tiger King out and kill him? You have to eat, right? Feng Qingge: You can try this method, buy some sheep to graze, and then trick the Tiger King into the valley, block the way, and kill him.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone felt that it was feasible, after all, the orcs of the Flame Forest had previously caused the displeasure of Thrall City by plundering the cattle and sheep in the nearby villages and towns.

The plan was decided, and the group chose a small valley closer to the territory, with steep cliffs on three sides, and the road in and out was very narrow and easy to block.

After a brief discussion, everyone first went to the Thousand Golden Castle in the Flame Forest.

At this time, the flow of players here is not small, and the major guilds of Sal City have gathered here, and some of their family backgrounds have been revealed.

Shenghuang has the largest number of people, 1w+.

This is followed by Fengyun Pavilion, which is about 8k.

This is followed by Blood Rose, 5k+.

To Tang Dao's surprise, it turned out to be the fourth guild, which was 4k+, and the leader turned out to be Chidi Qianli, and there were many high-level archers in the team.

The Xuantian Shield ranked fifth, gathering a total of 1k+, and the number of people showed a fault-like decline.

The sixth is also an acquaintance, A Song of Ice and Fire, bringing 700+ people and having a rather luxurious lineup of mages.

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