The players of the 172

major guilds occupy almost all kinds of professions of high-end players in the entire Thrall City, and more than seventy percent of the high-level players have joined the guild.

In contrast, Tang Dao's line of eight people is indeed a little unacceptable.

In an open space outside the Qianjin Castle, everyone gathered here.

"It looks like we're going to join forces again this time.

Fengyun Sword Immortal smiled, he naturally knew about the frequent activities of Tang Dao and the others near Anchao Lake Town.

The leveling point of the Fengyun Pavilion was nearby, and he wanted to expand towards the vicinity of the Starlight Forest, and the Clothed Ink Ke and the Broken Void Chengfeng also persuaded him many times, on the side of the couch, how could he tolerate the blade, but they were all vetoed by the Fengyun Sword Immortal.

After all, now that Fengyun Pavilion and Shenghuang Ming are fighting in secret, if they offend the Death Scythe and the others again, I am afraid that they will suffer from the enemy on their backs, and the gains really outweigh the losses.

"Let's talk about how to divide the equipment first, my strength here is the weakest, if you turn your face and don't recognize people at that time, won't we lose a lot of money?"

Tang Dao got straight to the point.

"Of course, it's the old rule, the top three players in the professional list ROLL points, and the rest share the gold coins. Darkest

Spark replied.

Yes, we are all witnesses.

Tang Dao nodded, with so many people in front, Sheng Huang can't go back, right?"

"I have already arranged for someone to buy sheep, and when the time comes, the warriors and players will all carry stones and wait at the entrance, and once the Tiger King passes, he will drop the stones and cut off his retreat..."

"It's only the three of us who really do it?" Tang

Dao asked, according to Feng Qingge's plan, there were only three assassins in the valley who were entangled with the Tiger King.

"No, it's four, and Chichiri.

Feng Qingge shook his head.

"The archer doesn't have that long attack range, unless he has a special skill.

Tang Dao glanced at the map, it was impossible for the archers to stand in the valley to output, so they could only output on the edge of the valley, but that was beyond the archers' attack range.

"I have a passive skill of comprehension, and I have 25% more attack range than the average archer.

Chisato Chisato smiled confidently.

"Well, it's a lot faster if you have an archer.

Tang Dao nodded.

"In view of the failure of the siege during the previous attack on the camp, we speculate that this Tiger King may not necessarily come according to the basic hatred standard, just in case, at that time, several major guilds will need to lead people to open a shield array to block the exit of the valley, on the one hand, to prevent the Tiger King from summoning an electric condensing tiger to rescue, and on the other hand, to prevent the Tiger King from rushing out.

Feng Qingge added again.

"Yes, the knights of several major guilds have joined forces, it is enough, as long as they can contain the Condensing Tiger King with the Death Scythe. He

nodded as well.

"Really don't you form a group of 100 people to enter the valley and output?" asked

Cold-Blooded Rose again, after all, if four people fight, it will take a long time.

"No, the hundred-man group is at the mouth of the valley, and when the time comes, you and the masters of Fengyun Sword Immortal, Lonely Sky Feather and other parties will be on the defensive, and the rear will fully support you, and I and the Song of Ice and Fire will be the second output.

"After all, there is no way to completely seal the entrance to the valley by gathering sand into a tower, and if it is crystallized with sulfur and carbon, the condensing tiger king may smell it."

Feng Qingge explained, she naturally also knew about the sulfur carbon crystals, but that thing had the smell of rotten eggs, even if it was covered up and people couldn't smell it, but the sense of smell of the tiger beast clan was probably stronger than that of people.

"Alright, that's it.

After confirming that it was correct, everyone agreed.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, it was officially dawn in the game, and the people arranged by Feng Qingge found a sheep herder and tamed a large flock of sheep into the valley, during which he deliberately let the members of the Condensing Tiger Clan see it.

In the middle of the valley, the sheep herders crawled out of the rattan that had been prepared in advance, leaving behind hundreds of sheep.

In the surrounding mountains and forests, the outposts of the major guilds were keeping an eye on the situation from the trees.

To be on the safe side, the large army did not come first, but planned to wait for the Condensing Tiger King to enter the rear before coming.

Wasn't Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's Ma Yi plot leaked because of the large number of people, and finally failed?

Everyone waited until five o'clock in the afternoon in the real world, and it was already noon in the game, and the Condensing Tiger King, who had already arrived outside the valley, never entered the valley.

The scorching sun shone down, and the mountains and forests were like a steamer, and the people who stayed in it were a little dry.


the sky, an eagle flew by, and the cry through the clouds made everyone's hearts even more irritable, but fortunately, those who could come were patient, and there was no accident.

Finally, the Condensing Tiger King, who had stayed for a long time, swaggered into the valley.

As if smelling the smell of the sheep, the Condensing Tiger King suddenly sped up, and more than a dozen Condensing Tigers behind him also galloped in.

"More than a dozen have entered!" The

people who were watching the battle were also stunned, the Tiger King would allow the rest of the younger brothers to watch when he ate?

The key is that there are only three assassins in the valley now, and it is impossible to fight a dozen and one Tiger King.


it!" Feng Qingge was also a little worried in his heart, but the situation had come to this point, so he couldn't give up, right?"

"Do it!"

When the Condensing Tiger King entered the valley passage more than halfway through, with Feng Qingge's order, many warrior players rushed to the cliffs on both sides of the passage, took out the large stones in their backpacks and threw them down.

Boom -

There seemed to be thunder in the valley, and almost in the blink of an eye, the valley passage was blocked by stones.

At this time, the Condensing Tiger King was feasting, and the ground was full of sheep blood and minced meat offal.

Roar -

The Condensed Tiger King seems to realize that something is wrong, stops eating, and then wants to rush towards the exit.

On the tallest tree on the top of the mountain, a meteor-like arrow flew out, with the sound of breaking wind, towards the Condensed Tiger King.


the Condensing Tiger King dodged the arrow with a nimble jump, and the dozen or so Condensing Tigers behind him looked around vigilantly.

The three people hiding in the bushes clenched the daggers in their hands, but they didn't dare to make rash moves, and more than a dozen electric condensation tigers died when they shot.

Chichi Chiri missed a blow, and immediately changed his target and aimed at the ordinary condensing tiger, these monsters did not react like the Tiger King, so they quickly shot one into a hedgehog.


Condensing Tiger King let out a low roar and slowly retreated, the muscles on his body tensed, as if he was accumulating strength.

"No, he's going to cross this stone pile!" Tang

Dao suddenly shouted in the ranks.

On the other side of the stone pile, the shield array has just taken shape, Fengyun Sword Immortal and others are waiting for it, if the Tiger King crosses here, the three Tang Dao people in the valley will not be able to make a move, then they will have to fight with him.

At the last moment, an eagle's cry broke the situation, and a giant eagle with a wingspan of five meters fell from the sky, its claws reaching into the canopy like iron hooks, and grabbed Chiji Chiri, who was about to kill an electric tiger, by the shoulders.


! Instant kill!

Chichi Chili was directly torn in half.

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