"No, I'm used to being casual, I'm afraid it will ruin your guild's reputation."

Tang Dao smiled slightly, if he really wanted to add the guild, he would have added it a long time ago, so why wait until now.

"Cheng, how about adding a friend? Next time you have good equipment, tell me in advance, the price is not a problem. The

treasure hunter also smiled, and he just mentioned it casually, after all, it was not his job to recruit people.

"Good. Tang

Dao happily added friends with the treasure hunter, and the other party's ID is called Xunqianlou Master, which is a bit of a fantasy novel.

"The Scythe of Death, it's a good name. The

owner of Xun Qianlou glanced at Tang Dao's ID and sighed.

"Landlord, I'm here with money, huh, I'm going to Saarland in a while, so far away, what good things have you found?"

A level 8 mercenary squeezed into the crowd, it was a cute girl in her twenties, with a high ponytail, ID Starry April.

"April, come, it's these three pieces of equipment, the price is 2 gold and 30 silver, including the reservation fee, and the alliance leader has agreed. "

The owner of Xunqianlou seems to be very familiar with the stars in April, and hurriedly said.

"Well, okay, here you go.

Fanxing April happily opened the trading interface, and Tang Dao received 2 gold, 18 silver and 50 bronze, which deducted the handling fee.

"Death Scythe, what a weird name, let's go!" The

stars came and went in a hurry, said hello to the Lord of Xunqianlou and left with his equipment, and a few figures in the crowd quietly followed, but I don't know if I can get it.

"Is your alliance leader called the Cold-Blooded Rose? is also from this novice village?" Tang

Dao suddenly remembered, the starry April, the icy January, and the burning July, isn't this the person under the cold-blooded Rose? At that time, she also said to the overlord bone, she is not afraid of Shenghuang, and now it seems that she is afraid that she really has some ability.

After all, that Cold Ice January had completely abused the quasi-first-class master of the Overlord Bone at that time, and had already reached the level of the first-class middle and upper class, and the cold-blooded rose was probably not weak, or even stronger.

"Well, what's the matter, brother knows our alliance leader

?" The lord of Xun Qianlou was also stunned for a moment, is it his own person?"

Tang Dao nodded, this 9527 novice village is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, not only has two quasi-first-class masters of Overlord Bone and Feng Yanju, but also two first-class masters of Cold-blooded Rose and Cold Month, and that Flowing Fire July must not be easy to match, it is estimated to be about the same.

With the addition of himself, the heart of death, and the Fengyun Sword Immortal, there are six first-class masters in a novice village, which is also quite strong.

"Oh, Cheng, I still have something to do, go first, if you have equipment, you must contact me, our guild is developing, not bad money." The

owner of Xunqianlou nodded, said hello and left, after all, this business has been completed, and there is still the next business.

Log in to the Treasure Pavilion and sell all the 2 gold and 21 silver in the backpack, and it was almost sold out as soon as it hit the shelves.

Ding, your bank card with a tail number of 2710 has received 12,597 yuan.

"Alas, I'm going to pay again, 5

% of the handling fee! Gan!" Originally, 2 gold and 21 silver were 13,260 yuan, but after deducting 5% of the handling fee, there was only so much left, but it was okay, in addition to the 1.2w that was returned to the heart of death, there was still 597 yuan, and an egg was added to the fried rice tomorrow!

After leaving a message to the heart of death, Tang Dao also chose to go offline.


, bang, bang, bang, whew, whew!

A thunderous sound rang in my ears, accompanied by a heavy panting.

Tang Dao opened his eyes, and he was already in a white mist, which was like some kind of liquid, extremely heavy and viscous, making it a little difficult for people to breathe.

"Is it a dream again?" Tang

Dao couldn't help but stretch out his right hand and grabbed a cloud of mist, which became wet in the palm of his mist hand.

Looking in the direction of the sound, it was still a white mist, and I couldn't see the future clearly, and I didn't know where it came from.

I just don't know when, the sky suddenly darkened, and the muffled thunderous sound and heavy breathing sound were much closer, and each sound made people's chests feel like a heavy blow, dull.

"No, it's not dark, it's the sound of a heartbeat..."

Tang Dao was thinking about whether to stay here and wait for the dream to end, or to take a look at the truth of this dream, when he suddenly realized something and slowly raised his head.

The fog gradually retracted, as if a hundred rivers converged on the sea, and retreated in a certain direction, and the surrounding scenery gradually became clear, this is a barren plain, lifeless.

The four legs as thick as the pillars around supported a huge body, covering the sky and the sun, and the Tang Dao was under the belly of this giant thing, and the muffled thunder was actually the sound of heartbeat, and the sound of breathing was also made by this huge thing.

Tang Dao could see it clearly, he couldn't even compare to a single scale of the other party, let alone see the true face of the giant thing, like a drop in the ocean.


a roar like a bull's roar, the giant thing slowly moved its steps, and the next step was to step on Tang Dao's body, and the cylindrical hoof prints continued to enlarge.

Tang Dao instinctively wanted to run away, but the giant thing was too big to even run out of the soles of its feet.




his face and confirming that he was still in the real world, Tang Dao only felt a burst of weakness, stumbled to the washstand, grabbed a cup, and took a full glass of water.

I was about to drink, but I suddenly stopped my hand, came to the kitchen, scooped a spoonful of salt and poured it in, people who sweat too much should not drink plain water directly.


Watching the salt grains in the cup melt one by one, Tang Dao was a little puzzled, he played games all year round, his eyesight was not very good, and sometimes he had to wear glasses, how could he see so clearly?

"My eyesight has been strengthened?" Tang

Dao was shocked, his best eyesight was not so exaggerated.

After thinking for a while, Tang Dao couldn't think of a reason, so he had to drink the water, change into a set of clothes after washing, and go out for breakfast.

"Have a bowl of ravioli and lay an egg. "

Considering that I earned 579 yuan last night, I added an egg to breakfast very luxuriously.

After eating in a hurry, I returned to my room, washed my clothes briefly, put on my helmet again, and went online.

"I'll pay you back. Seeing

that the heart of death was online, Tang Dao sent a message to the past.

"Add WeChat. "

The heart of death sent a friend QR code.

The game account can be bound to WeChat and QQ, so you can add friends directly.

I can't see that the heart of death is an assassin, and the WeChat avatar is still a cute little white fox.

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