After 019

repaid the money quickly, Tang Dao believed that he was well equipped, so he planned to continue to go to the sewers to brush mutant mice.

The two made an appointment to meet at the entrance of the village, and leaned against the tree boredly, Tang Dao had to hit at least 1 silver coin today, otherwise the dagger in the warehouse would not be able to be taken out.

"Did you go robbing the bank?" Seeing

Tang Dao's equipment, the heart of death looked up and down, with her gaze, naturally she wouldn't recognize that this was green equipment, but it was only a night.

Did you actually sleep for three days?"

Tang Dao smiled, with this set of equipment, isn't it easy to kill mutant rats

?" "Well, if you reach level 10 today, you can go to Sal City, do you have a guild?"

"No, what, you have?" Tang

Dao was a little puzzled.

"No, when the time comes, we will have time to level up together. The

Reaper's Heart didn't say much.

The two set off again and headed to the plains deep in the swamp, where few people came because it was a novice village, and most of them killed wild boars and hedgehogs in the fields by default.

After talking to the witch, he got the mouse to show him the way and went to the mouth of the sewer.

At this time, the ghoul crocodile has been refreshed, but this attribute is no longer able to pose any big threat to the Tang Knife.

It's just that he walked in a hurry and didn't collect red beans, so he could only kill them head-on.

"Your HP is estimated to be 600+, right?"

The Heart of Death looked at the 64 points of damage, almost only knocking out one-tenth of Tang Dao's HP, and was also a little surprised.

"Well, 630 points, in addition to the defensive power, it can almost be compared to a mercenary. Tang

Dao didn't hide it, although the two met in Pingshui, they could be regarded as eye-to-eye.

The two didn't say anything more, and continued to kill the ghoul crocodile, and because they lost the heart of the alchemy fanatic, they got a lot less copper coins, but it didn't have much effect.

At ten o'clock in the morning, both men reached level 10.

"Let's go, let's go to Sal City first to learn the skills and then come back, what profession do you choose?assassin or ranger?"

Tang Dao glanced at his wallet, 3 silver and 77 bronze, which is not bad.

"Assassin, I'll only play Assassin.

The Heart of Death replied immediately.


Tang Dao nodded.

Thieves, Mercenaries, and Mages are only the starting classes, and at level 10 you can choose a quasi-class, where a Rogue can choose to become an Assassin or Ranger (Archer), a Mercenary can choose to become a Swordsman or a Warrior, and a Mage can choose a Mage or Summoner.

As for the priest, it is a branch of the summoner and counts among the light summoners.

"Son, you are now a qualified warrior, go to Sal City to find a mentor and grow up to be useful to this world!" said

the head of the novice village on crutches, trembling and handing each of them a letter.

Tang Dao: "Okay old man.

Death's Heart: "Thank you, village chief."


Dao was a little speechless and touched his nose. Doesn't this show that he is very disrespectful to the old man?

The two of them did not have a guild, so they went directly together, and Tang Dao took the green snake tooth blade.

"This is also green equipment, did you really go rob the bank?"

Although it was only a glimpse, the heart of death was extremely sure that the dagger was green equipment.

"Well, I didn't rob it, I did a mission, and this is the reward. "

Tang Dao also feels a little dreamy in retrospect, a complete set of green equipment, plus a main weapon, I can't even think of it.

There is only a small road from 9527 Novice Village to Sal City, and there will be some maps along the way, each with monster spawns, but occasionally there are wandering merchants who can resupply and buy potions.

Along the way, we arrived at the city of Sal, a human city of medium size and luxuriant.

The gray-white stone bricks were neatly piled up to a city wall ten meters high, and the city guards at the gate couldn't see the rank at all.

Compared to the dilapidated Starter Village, the bustling city of Thrall is almost heavenly, with a central avenue leading from north to south, allowing four carriages to travel at the same time, and players and NPCs bustling with players and NPCs in front of various buildings on both sides.

Different from the background board of the previous game, every building in the world is real, characters can talk, shops can buy things, restaurants can eat, and 99% of what can be completed in the real world can be completed in this game.

On the central square of Sal City, there is a luxurious hall, which is the guild center, and there are six NPC mentors in it, but they live a 9-to-5 life and have to leave work.

"Mentor, I want to be a powerful assassin!" Tang

Dao handed over the letter of introduction from the old village chief.

"Well, yes, are you sure you want to be an Assassin?" The

Assassin Mentor was a thin man of 1.7 meters tall, most of his body shrouded in a black cloak, and he took the letter of introduction with his thin hand.

You ask me why I know it's a man just by looking at it?

Just compare it with the magician and summoner mentor next to me.

"Yes!" Tang

Dao chose yes, and then two skills appeared in front of him.

Flash (Level 1): Strikes 2 yards in the specified direction, consumes 50 mana, and has a cooldown of 10s.

Cutting (Level 1): Continuously swing the dagger for 1 second to deal 120% attack damage, can crit, is not affected by attack speed, consumes 100 mana, and has a cooldown of 10s.

After learning the skill, Tang Dao replaced it with a green snake tooth blade.

"Here, this piece of equipment is very good, and the two of us are also fated to give it to you.

Tang Dao handed the tooth of the carrion to the heart of the god of death who had just finished learning the skill.

"Oh, this piece of equipment is worth at least 1 gold coin, and it's not impossible to sell it for 2 gold coins, even if the exchange rate of gold coins and paper money is 1:5000 today, that's a lot of money. "

The heart of the Grim Reaper was clearly a bit of a surprise.

"I also want to thank you for the 2 gold coins, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get this equipment right now.

Tang Dao waved the green snake tooth blade in his hand.

"Well, it looks like it's time to say goodbye, goodbye. "

The heart of death is not twisted, she really needs a powerful dagger, and this carrion tooth not only has good attributes, but also brings 10 points of physical strength, which is simply a rare equipment at this stage.


Tang Dao waved his hand, although the two of them didn't say it explicitly, they could guess that the other party was an internal beta player and had their own set of strategies, so it was the best choice for each to go their own way.

After separating the heart of death, Tang Dao rushed directly to the priest's guild in the city.

"Stop! "

The priest at the door directly blocked Tang Dao's way, the reason is very simple, he is a necromancy.

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