"Hmm, what, can't the necromancer accept the mission?"

Tang Dao glared at the priest Shengwei, although he didn't have eyeballs, but the power was still there.

The priest and the guard didn't pay attention to Tang Dao at all, but just blocked the door with the copper staff in his hand.

The Priest Guardian is a member of the armed forces that belongs exclusively to the Priests' Guild, and has been baptized by the Light, although it may not be the most superficial healing technique, but it can fight!"

"This is a handwritten letter from Lord Dorel, asking to be handed over to Bishop Koster, Mr. Holy Guard, you don't want Lord Coster to know about this, do you?"

Tang Dao took out Dorel's letter and pointed out the signature on it to the Holy Guard.

"It's... Lord Dorel's letter?"

said the Guardian with some surprise as he looked at the signature.

But what surprised Tang Dao even more was that this holy guard actually called Dorrell an adult? Dorrell is so powerful?


Holy Guard seemed to be a little afraid of Dorel, and not only let him go, but also showed Tang Dao the way.

"Thank you.

Tang Dao walked into the priests' guild, and regardless of the surprised eyes of the others, he found Bishop Koster's office and knocked on the door.

"Please come in. A

powerful voice rang out, and the door opened by itself, revealing an old man reading a book inside.

"Lord Coster, this is a letter that Lord Dorel has entrusted me with.

Tang Dao took out the letter and handed it over.

"Oh, Dorrell, where is this guy again?" said

Koster, who was a little puzzled, took the letter and opened it to look at it carefully.

After looking at it twice, Coster's brow furrowed, and he twisted the beard on his chin, as if considering something.

After a long time, Fang let out a long sigh.

"Young man, I need your help, there may be danger in this, are you willing to help?"

Koster pressed the letter and looked at Tang Dao.

"Yes!" Tang

Dao replied immediately.

"Very well, it's a very dangerous task and you need to prove your courage and strength.

Kostic nodded, then took out a scroll of maps and handed it to Tang Dao.

"To the east of Thrall is a barren hill where a pack of wolves lives and often harass the nearby villagers and brings back the wolf king's fur to prove your strength!"

"Take this Ring of Gifts, it will help you."

After Koster finished speaking, he handed a silver-white ring to Tang Dao.

System Prompt: Ding, you have completed the quest - a letter (F), and you have gained 10% of the experience of this level and 2 credits.

System Prompt: Ding, you have accepted the mission - Trial of Courage (F), go to the barren mountains east of Thrall City, kill the Wolf King, and bring his fur back to Koster.

Ring of Blessing (Green)

Level Requirements

: 10 Strength

+ 5 Agility +

5 Effect: Gift - Restore 10 health every 5s, and gain a dual-attribute shield equivalent to magic points after 5 seconds of leaving the battle.

"Good thing, if the magician is afraid he will laugh.

Tang Dao was a little surprised, this equipment is a bit bug-level, as an assassin, he only has 40 magic points, but which of the magicians at this stage is not 200+ magic points? That is

to say, if the magician gets this ring, he can immediately obtain a shield equivalent to his own attack power, which is even thicker than his own health.

There is no hesitation, just put it on.

After leaving the Priest's Guild, Tang Dao did not rush to the Eastern Suburbs Barren Ridge, but first went to the Magicians' Guild to find the alchemist Tolan.

"Hello, may I ask if Master Tolan is here?" Tang

Dao asked politely.

"Who are you, what are you looking for Tolan?" the

mage saint guard looked at Tang Dao with a strange gaze.

"There's something I'd like to ask Master Tolan about.

Tang Dao said.

"I'm sorry, but Tolan is no longer in the Wizards' Guild, and he's not a master, just a madman. The

Mage Saint Guard said coldly.

"What?" Tang

Dao sighed in his heart, not in the Magicians Guild, so big Sal City, where can I find Tolan by myself?"

Tang Dao took out a silver coin, and the holy guard was unmoved, as if he was upright.

Two silver coins, the holy guard glanced at it, his lips twitched, but he still didn't move.

Three silver coins, and the holy guard took them.

"Count you kid acquaintance, say, what do you want to ask?"

the holy guard checked the silver coin in his hand to confirm that it was not fake, and then his attitude became kind.

"Why did Tolan leave the Wizards' Guild?" Tang

Dao was in pain, but he finally asked about the situation.

"Tolan used to be a very good magician, but then he seemed to be obsessed with potions, and often made strange things and made a mess of the pharmacy, but then he actually left the Wizards' Guild because he said that the city of Thrall was destroyed, but no one believed it.

Tolan was unusually persistent, constantly asking for medicinal herbs and their own materials, and spreading his ideas everywhere, and the guild expelled him for the sake of reassuring the people. The

Holy Guard said slowly.

"I see, so does this big brother know where Tolan is now?"

Tang Dao was happy in his heart, this seems to be a hidden plot, you must not miss it.


the guard coughed lightly, but didn't say much.

"The last two silver coins.

Tang Dao was a little speechless, took out the last two silver coins in his wallet and handed them over.

"Tolan has a small courtyard in Alley Seven in the west of the city, and it's probably there right now. The

Holy Guard was not polite, took the two silver coins, and spoke again.

"Well, thank you.

Tang Dao said goodbye directly, special meow, 5 silver coins!

Came to the seventh alley in the west of the city, Tang Dao originally wanted to ask door to door, but the smell of medicine was too pungent, and he instantly locked on the target.

Tuk Tuk—

"Is Master Tolan here?"

Tang Dao knocked politely on the door.


came an impatient voice from inside.

"Master Tolan, I'd like to talk to you about the sewers in Saarland.

As soon as Tang Dao's words fell, the door opened with a bang.

"Who are you?"

Out came a middle-aged man with messy clothes and hair, covered in ashes, with something on his hands, covered in black oil.

"I am an adventurer and found this in a swamp near the village southwest of the city of Sal.

Tang Dao took out a rat crystal nucleus and handed it to Tolan.

"Hmm, rat snort crystal

nucleus!" Tolan was a little surprised, took the crystal nucleus and looked at it for a while, and then moved out of the way, meaning to let Tang Dao in.

As soon as he entered the small courtyard, Tang Dao saw glass bottles all over the floor, as well as dense prescriptions hanging on a few ropes.

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