"What's going on?" Seeing

the chaos behind them, Fengyun Sword Immortal and the others couldn't help but be a little worried in their hearts, and hurriedly asked.

"The rear was defeated. Soon

the news came.

"The shadow of the sword follows the wind, bring a group of 100 people over, and protect the song of ice and fire. Fengyun

Sword Immortal immediately said, the army is besieged, and this mage who can be called an output machine is very much needed.

"January, bring people back to help, you must keep

the Song of Ice and Fire!" "Cold-Blooded Rose also got the news, and immediately asked Cold Ice January to take people to protect the Song of Ice and Fire, after all, her output is very important.

"Shaking the heavens and five mountains, you can resist it! Mountains and rivers are thousands of miles, bring a group of 100 people with me. "

Immovable Rushan was worried about Tang Dao and the others, so he immediately handed over the command to the Heaven-shaking Wuyue, and he rushed to the rear with people.

At this point, the place was already in shambles, the formation was broken, at least a thousand players were killed, equipment potions exploded, and the gold coins were all picked up by goblins.

"What should I do?"

Tang Dao and Tang Xin were trapped in a large group of monsters, and the two of them were back to back, vigilant of the monster's surprise attack.

"Kill out! I'll cover you!" Tang

Dao finished speaking, and then rushed in the direction of his own formation.

It's a pity that the effect that the assassin can play on the frontal battlefield is too weak, and he was forced back in three or two clicks, after all, these monsters can touch it casually, and Tang Dao will die.

The Assassin has the second highest single output in the world, but it is also the second most crispy.


coins!" Tang Xin suddenly thought of the characteristics of the goblin, took out a large bag of gold coins from his backpack, and then threw it around like a scattered flower, and the Tang knife was also concocted in the same way, and the two of them scattered out a full 2000+ gold coins.

Sure enough, when many goblins saw the golden gold coins, the greed in their hearts suddenly surged into their hearts, and they all scrambled and even fought.

"Let's go!"

Tang Xin and Tang Dao suddenly felt happy in their hearts, waved the dagger in their hands, and gnawed a hole in the encirclement.

However, the wasteland worm didn't like gold, so the two were soon surrounded again.

"Knives! this way!" Just

as the two of them were about to fight to the death, the sound of immobility as a mountain sounded not far away, and then a team of knights rushed through the encirclement.

The two seized the opportunity, joined the team, and fought bloodily to kill them, as for Tang Tian and the others, when the formation was overwhelmed, they had already been buried in the sea of monsters.

"Thank you. Finally

seizing the opportunity to take a breath, Tang Dao knocked on the shield that was as immovable as a mountain.

"Well, what else are we talking about?" he

patted Tang Dao on the shoulder.

"Let's go, the battle isn't over yet.

Tang Xin clenched the dagger in his hand.

The three of them immediately returned to the battlefield, this time Tang Dao and Tang Xin chose the camp of the Xuantian Shield, with the shield array of the knights in the front row, the two of them have the confidence to output, as for the cost of output, of course there is.

So, with the output of rage, the goblins and wasteland worms that fell under the daggers of the two quickly covered the ground.

", didn't you say that assassins don't have much ability on the frontal battlefield?"

"That's with us, the assassin can come back after killing a circle, and if there is no solid shield array, the assassin is a disposable. "

Eternal Hengtian is also a little envious of such an output ability.

"Okay, don't be poor, isn't there still a lot of bosses that the Death Scythe helps us fight?"

Although the rear formation was overwhelmed, fortunately, the mage group of A Song of Ice and Fire was not affected, and under the frenzied output, everyone defeated the attacks of the Ice Goblins and the Wasteland Worms, and the two groups threw down thousands of corpses before leaving.

Tang Dao silently picked up the gold coins, just now he scattered 1000+ alone, which is converted to 1000 real currency, and he doesn't feel distressed when he uses it, but he feels distressed when he runs out.

After cleaning up the battlefield, many of the players who were killed also came back to life.

For being killed and knocked out of the level, many players are also very unhappy.

"What kind of bullshit double death assassin, the other three parties can withstand it, but the two of them can't withstand it, and it will cause Lao Tzu to fall down. Someone

scolded in a low voice, after all, there is no way to recharge the level, and if you drop it, you can only practice it yourself.

"That is, why don't you command the formation of a shield array? Obviously, as long as there is a shield array, you can block it.

"You are counting on the two of them, the assassin has a fart, I didn't see that if I hadn't moved to save them just now, these two rookies would have been torn apart." "


The atmosphere became a little strange for a while, and many people blamed Tang Dao and Tang Xin for the collapse of the rear this time, thinking that it was the two of them who did not act, which led to the rout.

"Them?" Tang

Tian was puzzled, and he only felt aggrieved in his heart.

"Did I not command? Who listened to me when I first asked you to form a shield array?"

Tang Xin immediately stood up and said.

"Then you can't command again, and you have the ability to do nothing and watch us fall off the level?, and now you're happy?"

a player suddenly retorted.


Tang Xin put his hand on the dagger on his waist almost instantly.


Tang Dao hurriedly stopped.

"Come on, come on, there's a kind of killing labor and management, what a kind of waste, causing so many brothers to fall down, it's just going to be in the nest, right?"

the player saw Tang Dao stop Tang Xin, and said again.

Flash! Heavy Attack!

The bright red critical hit flew up, and the player's health bar was instantly emptied, and even the long sword was exploded.

As Tang Xin made a move, everyone became louder, pointing and pointing, and for a while, it seemed that a thousand people were pointing.

"What? Do you have an opinion? I'll put it here, first, we commanded at the beginning, but you didn't listen. Second, since I know that this is a game world, I should keep my mouth clean, the knife in my hand will not recognize people. I'm not wrong, if you have an opinion, you can speak with strength.

Tang Dao took a step forward and said in a deep voice.

"Heh, I really think of myself as a person, silly fork. A

player in the crowd cursed under his breath.

Thunder and Flash! Cut!

The same instant kill, Tang Dao grabbed the bracers that burst out, and then washed off the sin value on his body with the exoneration scroll.

"Who else? "

Anyway, there is already a contradiction, it is better to directly use force to deter, and critical attacks are the truth.

Seeing the truth, the crowd fell silent.

"A group of cheap bones, since you don't need it, then I won't press this rear camp, you can fend for yourselves.

Tang Dao sneered and led everyone to the side of the Xuantian Shield.

The many small groups in the rear immediately muttered and discussed for a while, and then elected a guild leader of a large size to be the commander of the formation.

"Don't care?" Jin

Qiujiu also noticed the riots in the rear, both assassins, she still understood Tang Dao and the others better.

"No, the mud can't hold up the wall, don't worry about them, they don't have the qualifications to join the Blood Rose anyway. For

the four words of fear, the cold-blooded rose is too touching.

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