
briefly cleaning up the battlefield, the army started again, but after two battles on the pontoon bridge and here, the two thousand soldiers had lost nearly one hundred, and Liu Jun's face was also a little worried, after all, he had not yet reached the Screaming Ice Cave.

Fortunately, in the following time, the road was calm, and they were not blocked, and everyone successfully arrived at Bluestone Castle.

In the bluestone fort, a centurion hurriedly came out with a few soldiers.

"Where is the Zuo Tower, the defender of Bluestone Fort? Why don't you greet it in person?" Seeing

that the visitor was just a centurion, Liu Jun was a little displeased, grabbed the reins, and asked the defenders of Bluestone Fort.

"General, Captain Zuota has already led people to the Screaming Ice Cave, and now there is no garrison in the Bluestone Fort except for the five hundred people left behind. The

centurion hurriedly clenched his fists and said.

"Hmm? Zuo Ta went in person, why didn't he report it?" Liu

Jun frowned, Zuo Ta, as a school captain, should guard the bluestone fort, how can he take someone out without asking for instructions? To put it seriously, this is called leaving his post without permission.

"We reported it, and the sentinels sent out more than a dozen people, but they didn't wait to come back. The

centurion immediately explained.

"More than a dozen sentries!" Liu

Jun realized that something was wrong, and turned his head to shout to the sentries in the team.


the captain of the sentry immediately stepped forward.

"How many messages have you received?"

asked Liu Jun.

"Report to the general, except for the one that was intercepted and killed, there is nothing else. The

Sentinel Captain replied.

"Impossible, half of the sentries in Bluestone Fort have been sent to you, how come they haven't received a single message?"

"You tell the story before and after, and you can't miss anything!" Liu

Jun frowned, at this point, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Just after the first sentinel departed, Bluestone Fort received a distress letter again, which stated that the battle situation was difficult, and under pressure, the captain had to take people there himself. The

centurion thought about it for a moment and said quickly.

"After that, we also sent a sentry to the captain, but there was no news. "

No matter how stupid the centurion is, he realizes that something is wrong, and the bluestone castle seems to have become deaf and dumb.

"Sentinel, immediately arrange people, report the situation here to Sal City, and go to the Screaming Ice Cave to contact the left tower, and the rest of the people enter the Bluestone Fort to replenish, and set off after half an hour!"

The antlers at the entrance to the castle were removed, and a path was quickly cleared, and many players entered with the army of NPCs.

Players also need supplies, one is cotton clothes and torches to protect against the cold, and the other is potions.

"Ah, the primary red potion of Bluestone Fort costs 30 copper coins each, why don't you grab it?" In

the bluestone castle trading house, many players expressed pain in their flesh, and the primary red potion in Sal City was only 15 copper coins, which was twice as bad.

"Let's use it, it's normal for prices to be high in Bluestone Castle. "

There are also people who can see that it is difficult to transport supplies after all.

After a simple resupply, the army set off again, stepping north into the snow.

The wind swept the ground, blowing the iron armor like ice, hanging on the body without the slightest way to protect against the cold, even if the outside was wrapped in a thick cloak, the soldiers were shivering with cold, and the palms holding the weapons were even more red from the cold.

"Why is it so cold?"


How is this fighting?"

But the boss didn't speak, and the soldiers could only complain while continuing to march.

After walking for a distance again, I have entered the snow field, and some of the snow around me does not melt all year round.

"No, what about the scouts, why haven't any of the sentries sent out have come back!" Liu

Jun counted the time and waited, but he didn't see the sentry come back to report the news, and he already sensed that something was wrong.

"General, how about the last general personally take people to see it?" The

captain of the sentry stepped forward again, and he was almost the commander of the light pole.

"No, give the order to restrain the troops, without my order, no one can act rashly, send orders to all armies, speed up the march, and go to the Screaming Ice Cave!" Liu

Jun's face was extremely solemn, obviously, what was definitely going on over there in the Screaming Ice Cave, but he didn't know it yet.

Many players are also a little uneasy, and they have sent out spies to spy on the surrounding situation.

"I'll go with Tang Xin. Tang

Dao stopped the immovable Rushan who wanted to send people out, most of his subordinates were knights, and their moving speed was slow, so they were not suitable for spying on intelligence.

"Well, be careful.

Immovable Rushan nodded, he naturally believed in Tang Dao's ability.

Soon, Tang Dao and Tang Xin left the large army and rushed towards the Screaming Ice Cave.

The cold weather made Tang Dao also have to tighten the padded jacket on his body, without adding any combat attributes, this is considered special equipment, occupying the position of the flag.


The two were not separated, the second was to move forward side by side, stepping on the snow and moving quickly, looking down from the sky, on the snowy ground, two small black dots were rushing.

"Not true.

Tang Dao stepped on the soft ground, and a deep footprint appeared on the ground, and he immediately sensed that something was wrong.

The north is frozen soil, extremely hard, how can it be so soft

?"What's the matter?"

Tang Xin asked, and at the same time raised his eyes and looked around, and also found that something was wrong, what about the snow? There was no snow on this small area, and the ground seemed to be turning around.

"There are strange things around, how can the frozen soil be loose?"

Tang Dao was not at ease, and stepped on the rest of the place, and sure enough, it was all soft loose soil.

"Well, there seems to be a hint of blood in the air.

Tang Xin slowly clenched the dagger, and the two of them held their breath, carefully probing all the movements around them.

Sure enough, in addition to the heartbeat of the two, there was also an extremely faint heartbeat.


the two of them suddenly realized, and the scattered earth under their feet suddenly moved.


as the two of them were withdrawing from their figures, the position where they were originally standing was rushed away by a behemoth, and a thick figure covered in earthy yellow came out, and then opened the mouthparts at the top of the two of them, which were dense teeth, and died of dense phobia on the spot.

Death Worm Elite

Level: 30

Attack: 6000 Defense: 6000 Health: 15000


: Earth Escape

Introduction: A creature that lives underground, rumored to come from the Demon Realm, often lurks in the soil and attacks passers-by.

The thing was as thick as a bucket, two or three meters long just when it was exposed to the ground, and its thick skin was covered with floating soil, and there were four small golden eyes around its mouthparts.

The Death Worm failed to strike a blow, and its body surged, and then spat out something that was difficult to digest, such as a saddle, a helmet, and a token.

Obviously, the scouts who disappeared before were all attacked and eaten by this thing.

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