Thunder Flash

!Blade Kill!

-3819, -3819, -300, -300

flew up with four critical hits in a row, depressing the monster's HP, and Tang Xin on the other side also hit a heavy blow, reducing the HP of the Death Worm to 3000+.

Immobilization Spell!Cut!

Tang Dao raised his hand and gave the death worm a immobilization spell, and then Tang Xin swung his dagger to take away the monster, and the two of them each got 0.2% of the experience points of this level, which is a lot.

Gathering Technique!

Rotten Flesh ×2, Carrion Venom×1

Now that Tang Dao has developed the habit of touching corpses, there must be something, right?"

Tang Xin stepped forward very cautiously to confirm that the death worm had completely lost its breath of life before he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dozens of scouts and sentinels have been sent out, and the news has been blocked, and it looks like there are a lot of dead worms here.

Tang Dao also nodded and said.

After a brief discussion, the two sent a message to the rear as they continued to explore.

Although the Death Worm has a strong latent ability, it has an Achilles' heel, which is that once it has already attacked, it is bound to appear on the ground as a cloud of floating soil, which is extremely conspicuous on the snowy fields.

However, the two also got the bad news, that is, many scattered players did not obey the management and unified command, and had broken away from the military in Thrall, and each scattered and teamed up to rush towards the Screaming Ice Cave.

Given the previous situation, Tang Dao naturally wouldn't remind them of anything.

After killing seven or eight death worms one after another, Tang Dao and the others also saw the Screaming Ice Cave.

It was a relatively hidden terrain, surrounded by low hills, and there were rocks at the entrance of the cave, and the black slope led to the ground, so it was impossible to see the inside.

However, to the surprise of the two, quite a few ice goblins were guarding the entrance of the cave.

These cruel little creatures were swinging their tomahawks to chop up pieces of bright red flesh before excitedly dividing their food, judging by the tattered clothes on the side, they should be the previous Sentinel Scouts and their horses.

"Human meat is just delicious, but it's much more tender than horse meat. An

elite goblin nibbled on a piece of flesh with yellow fat on it, and then said to the ordinary goblins around him.

"Hey, there's more to come. The

ordinary goblin next to him could only gnaw on horse meat, and the thick muscle fibers stuck in the fangs made it look disgusting and hideous.

"Tsk, you don't know, there are a few human girls in this ice cave, their skin is snow-white, and the taste is... Tsk, it must be good, but it's a pity that I don't have enough level, otherwise I can share a piece anyway. The

Elite Goblin munched on the piece of meat as he spoke regretfully.

"Boss, who is this, and why does the leader care so much?"

asked the goblin next to him, curious.

"I don't know the specifics, okay, these things are not for us to talk about, eat enough, and cut off a few more human heads in a while. The

Elite Goblin shook his head.

The two Tang Dao not far away heard the conversation, but it was not easy to make a move, there were a lot of goblins here, and they surrounded the Screaming Ice Cave, and they couldn't enter it with Qiang Yin.

The two of them stepped back lightly, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong.

Unfortunately, the truth was not as expected, and the ground under his feet suddenly trembled.

The two of them could only dodge with an instant, and a large hole was drilled directly into the ground, and the body of the death worm drilled out of the hole, and the mouthparts covered with fangs opened and pounced towards Tang Dao and the two.

At the same time, in the ice goblin's station, many goblins were also attracted by the movement here, and rushed out with battle axes.

"It turned out to be two necromancers, the little ones, who had torn apart their bone racks and boiled the soup!"

the elite goblins screamed, and then the goblins rushed over.

"Let's go!"

Tang Dao and the others naturally couldn't fight back, and immediately ran away, using their movement speed advantage to get rid of the goblin.

Woo -

the sound of breaking wind behind him sounded, it was a goblin throwing a battle axe.

The two of them had to lie down, dodge a round of throws, and then got up and ran again, and when they passed by the battle axe of the elite goblin, Tang Dao grabbed it and ran.

"My axe!"

the elite goblin screamed, then pursued the two even harder.

"Boss, if you chase it again, you will leave the garrison range. The

goblins behind them reminded them that their mission was to defend the Screaming Ice Cave.

"Bastard, my tomahawk! chase me!" the

elite goblin slapped him, and then chased after Tang Dao in a frustrated manner.

"Qiang Yin, screaming ice cave!"

Tang Dao said to Tang Xin.

"Be careful!"

Tang Xin naturally understood what Tang Dao meant, and when he turned around the hills, Ka's vision turned on, and then he broke away from the goblin's pursuit and headed towards the unguarded Screaming Ice Cave.

At the same time, Tang Dao also contacted him to see if he could have the opportunity to pick him up, but unfortunately the distance was still a bit far.

Fortunately, the goblins couldn't come up with a second battle axe, so Tang Dao ran quite smoothly, and the elite goblins chased after them with some goblins with better attributes, and the army was further behind.

Soon, some figures appeared in front of him, and they were scattered players from Thrall City.

"Let's go!" Tang

Dao was startled in his heart, and hurriedly shouted loudly.

It's a pity that no one listened to him, but mocked Tang Dao, and some players even took a fancy to the equipment on Tang Dao.

"Death Scythe, I didn't expect you to be chased into a reservoir dog one day, oh no, you have long been chased by Shenghuang.

"If you're willing to call me grandpa, I'll help you stop the monsters behind. "

I'll give you 100 gold coins to buy your dagger." "


The ridicule and ridicule around him continued to sound, and some people even chose to shoot directly.

"Look for death!" Tang

Dao has always adhered to the principle that people don't offend me, I don't offend people.

Although the Assassins around him drove the Qiangyin, the footprints in the snow betrayed him.


a wave of the dagger, the critical hit killed him directly, scooped up the necklace that had exploded, and then moved to dodge the arrows of several archers, and then the thunderbolt flashed behind a magician and killed him.

Even if the tiger falls in Pingyang, it is not a small dog that can be bullied.

After killing a few players in shock, Tang Dao ran away again, knowing how terrifying the goblin army behind him was.

On the other hand, the players who gathered over wanted to besiege Tang Dao under the guise of justice.

"Get out of the way!" the

elite goblin flipped the player in front of him.

"No, that's..."Someone

finally noticed the dense army of goblins chasing behind, and the pupils in their eyes suddenly shrank in a circle due to shock and fear.

The army of ice goblins swept by, and these unorganized players were instantly torn apart, and the snow was covered with blood and corpses, as well as explosive equipment and potions.

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