Whirring -

The fierce ice wind swept by, mixed with goose feathers and heavy snow, like a blade blowing, even if it was shrouded in a felt coat, you could still feel the force.

No one can go against the wind in such bad weather, except for the soldiers of the Northern Army.

In the midst of the snowstorm, in a somewhat rickety wooden house, the soldiers of the Northern Army completed the change of defense.

"Brother Fang, it's been a long time since I've seen such heavy snow.

A soldier of the Northern Army said to centurion Fang Chen.

"yes, the last time I saw it was a few years ago.

Fang Chen also sighed a little, the weather in the Northern Region was indeed elusive.

"Brother Fang, how many years have you been in the Northern Regions?Have you seen a lot of such snowstorms?"

A young soldier looked at Fang Chen curiously by the fire in the house.

Although Fang Chen was not very old, his seniority in the Northern Army was very old, and many of the commanders were soldiers he had led.

"It's been a long time, before I came, Lord Fang was already there. Another

veteran knocked on his cigarette gun, then took out a pinch of tobacco and inserted it, lit it on the fire, and took a puff.

"I don't know, I forgot too.

Fang Chen smiled and gently covered up the past.

"Will the barbarians come in this weather?" asked

the young warrior again.

"No, those barbarians are fine, don't look at their five big and three coarse, in fact, they are more familiar with the environment of the Northern Regions than us, and they won't go out at all in this kind of bad weather. The

veteran took a puff of his cigarette gun and spat out a cloud of mist that lasted for a long time.

"It's true, this weather can indeed freeze people to death. The

young warrior walked over to the creaky window, trying to see through the window what was going on.

A flash of white light flew in and enlarged in front of my eyes, and then I could see its shape, which was a huge axe.

The sound of breaking windows and the sound of splattering flesh and blood sounded almost simultaneously, and without any incident, the flying axe slashed directly into the young warrior's face, and the sharp blade of the axe penetrated deep into the bone marrow and even stuck in the bone under the tremendous force.


young warrior fell straight to the ground, blood pouring out, staining the ground red, but quickly condensing into ice in the cold weather.

Several people in the room were stunned, only the cold wind that poured in from the broken windows woke Fang Chen.

"Enemy attack!" Fang

Chen exclaimed in surprise, grabbed his spear and kicked the door open.

The rest of the warriors also hurriedly picked up their weapons and rushed out with him, not to fight the barbarians, but to pass the news to Huaiyuan Town, so that they could prepare early.

Fang Chen, who rushed out of the house, was stunned, because in the howling cold wind, there were barbarian soldiers who were also wrapped in thick wool felt.

The outpost has been surrounded

!"My lord, we will cover you and rush out!We must pass the news back!" The

veteran immediately reacted and said, these barbarians were obviously prepared.

"Yes, Brother Fang, you are the strongest, you will definitely be able to rush out. "

That is, we fought to the death, just for the hundreds of thousands of people in Huaiyuan Town. "


The rest of the people also immediately said that in today's situation, there is only one way to survive, and that is to surrender to the barbarians, but will they? No.


Fang Chen was still a little hesitant, there were dozens of brothers on this side of the outpost.

"My lord, it's too late!"

the veteran ran away from Fang Chen, and then rushed towards Huaiyuan Town with the rest of the people, even if there was a huge difference in strength, they were not afraid, because over there, was the home to be guarded.

Fang Chen grabbed the spear, followed everyone to rush into the enemy formation, and then fought to the death to fight a bloody way.

During this time, the warriors around them fell one after another, but they used their last strength to entangle the barbarian soldiers as much as possible.

"Want to go?" A

barbarian general saw that Fang Chen was about to break through, and immediately drew his bow and arrows, and the three stars fired in unison, heading towards Fang Chen's back.

"Be careful, adults!" The

veteran's sharp eyes immediately blocked behind Fang Chen.


power of the arrow was so terrifying that it pierced through the veteran's body.

Fang Chen reacted, but he only blocked two arrows, and finally forcibly dodged, and one arrow sank into his chest, not being shot through the heart immediately.

The moment the blood poured out, it had already frozen, and Fang Chen stumbled towards Huaiyuan Town.

"Shoot him!"

the barbarian general shouted, and the rest of the barbarian archers immediately drew their bows and arrows and aimed them in Fang Chen's direction.

Puff puff -

the sound of sharp weapons entering the flesh sounded, but it was not that Fang Chen was shot, but the few remaining soldiers of the Northern Army used their bodies to help Fang Chen block these arrows, and the strength after penetrating a body was greatly reduced, plus Fang Chen opened the distance and did not hit.

"Throw their bodies back at the outpost and don't eat them. The

barbarian general looked at the corpses of the Northern Army on the ground like a sieve, and said to the adjutant.

"Yes!" the

lieutenant also nodded, waved his big hand, and someone immediately went to do it.

Fang Chen, who had escaped, endured the pain in his chest and stumbled towards Huaiyuan Town, in the howling cold wind, blade-like snowflakes scraped across his cheeks, making Fang Chen a little unable to open his eyes.

It's so vague, it's like crying and being stuffed into a box, are you going to die? It's a pity that you can't avenge your family.

After exhausting the last bit of strength, Fang Chen fell to the ground, not knowing if it was an illusion, before closing his eyes, he vaguely saw the outline of Huaiyuan Town.

In Huaiyuan Town, the princess was watching the blizzard raging outside by the window, holding the box in her left hand that she didn't know where to go, and fell into deep thought.

The general in charge of guarding Huaiyuan Town is named Chen Xiuyuan, and he is arranging the people affected by the disaster and the reconstruction after the snowstorm, and by the way, he is also checking whether the grain, grass and fuel reserves in Huaiyuan Town are enough to survive the snowstorm.

"General, just now the patrol found Fang Chen two miles away from Huaiyuan Town. A

soldier hurried over, still holding an arrow in his hand, but only half severed.


?" Chen Xiuyuan was shocked, Fang Chen was in charge of the northern outpost, how could he be here?"

"When we found him, he was already seriously injured and unconscious, but he had this stuck in his chest. The

soldier gave the arrow in his hand to Chen Xiuyuan.

"This is, the arrows of the barbarians, the northern outpost is attacked, notify me quickly, first, all the troops that are resting immediately change their equipment and prepare for battle. Second, patrols were stepped up in the city to prevent people from taking advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble. The third enemy is that the granaries and firewood houses are strictly guarded. Fourth, send a message to Linshuo Town, it is likely that the barbarians have more than one target. Fifth, reassure the people and avoid panic.

Chen Xiuyuan immediately said, giving orders in an orderly manner.


the soldier immediately left the herald.

"Barbarians, what are you going to do?"

Chen Xiuyuan came to the map and muttered.

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