In the 204

inn, the middle-aged man with a spear on his back walked quickly upstairs and walked to the princess's side.

"Uncle Zhai, what's going on?"

Although his footsteps were very light, he still woke up the princess.

"Princess, something happened, the barbarian army attacked Huaiyuan Town. The

middle-aged man said, his tone a little solemn.

"What? This weather, aren't they

afraid of death?" The princess was a little surprised, how could she enter the army in such a snowstorm?

Uncle Zhai pursed his lips and did not speak, of course it is a taboo for soldiers to enter the army in the wind and snow, but the other party would rather risk the taboo of soldiers to come, I am afraid that the plan is not small, in this case, the question of not being afraid of death itself seems a little ridiculous.

"I didn't mean that, since I dare to invade the territory of my kingdom, I will go to the city wall to supervise the war. The

princess also realized that she had lost her words, and hurriedly said.

"Your Highness, the sword on the battlefield has no eyes, I'm afraid..."

Uncle Zhai was a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, the world rises and falls, and it is the responsibility of the husband, why should I avoid it alone because I am a woman?"

After the princess finished speaking, she immediately instructed the maid to prepare to change into armor.

"I'm going to inform Brother Zhongli and Da Xichao.

Uncle Zhai shook his head helplessly and walked downstairs.

Of course, Tang Dao would not know about all this that was happening in the outside world, because at this moment, he was being embarrassed by this ice armor bear.

And the Linhai Valley blocked the wind and snow from the outside world, causing the entire Xuantian Shield to not receive the news in the first place.

The power of the ice armor bear is terrifying, and every time it hits the ground, it has a tremor effect, which slows down the surrounding targets, and Tang Dao does not dare to use his skills now, and concentrates on the attack trend of the boss.

-686 and -300

attacks only dare to leave with one sword, and use the effect of the wolf poison potion to consume the boss's HP.

Finally, the boss's HP has reached 70%.

The Ice Bear suddenly stood up, six or seven meters tall, and its broad and majestic body made people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The strong claws were raised high, and then they slammed down on the ground, and the snow on the ground was shaken and splashed in all directions, and a large cloud of snow fell between the pine trees around them, blocking everyone's view.


within a radius of 5 yards were all impacted, and Tang Dao was not spared, and was directly stunned.

Immediately following the boss's claws, he slapped down on Tang Dao, and without the slightest accident, Tang Dao was killed directly, and the level came to level 26 again.

The key is his death, the boss is directly invincible, without the containment of Tang Dao, the rest of the players suddenly became fish on the chopping board, and the leading Baiyun Gorge is even more directly numb, in the end, he is just a newcomer.

"Distance yourself and drop the level in batches!Drag it until the Death Scythe is resurrected!"

Tang Xin's voice resounded in the team channel, and through Tang Dao's gloomy avatar, she had already guessed the situation over there.

"I'll send a priest over for treatment!" said

Fudo Rushan hurriedly.

"No, the number of priests is not enough, once you walk away, you will be dropped leveled, and the hatred will also be lost, take the level 1 of 15 people for the Death Scythe to resurrect! Drag the boss and don't let it regain health.

Tang Xin immediately retorted, several knights have no attack power, mainly to carry injuries and drag the other two bosses, so they must be stable.

It takes 30s to resurrect in the wild, and the boss recovers after 3s of leaving the battle, so it must be interrupted once after 2s of leaving the battle, and 30s is 15 people.

"I'm coming!" Qiu

Guan took the lead and swept a sword on the boss, hitting 1 point of forced damage and pulling hatred.

At the moment when the boss raised his right claw, Qiu Guan raised the long sword in his hand, and the whole person was like a sculpture, indestructible.

Block!-3252, +200

Qiu Guan is still disabled, the Crusaders have no displacement skills to escape, they can only carry hard, although the spike is a displacement skill, but it must be used to lock on to the target, but when Qiu Guan raised his long sword, he poured a medicine bottle.

-213, +42

Qiu Guan stabbed backhand, sucking back a little bit of health.


unfortunately fell, but it also bought time for the resurrection of Tang Dao.

After the boss got out of battle for 2s, after Qiu Guan, Cangshan Xue took the initiative to stand up and carry the injury, using the bloodsucking mechanism of the berserker, and also carried the 2s, and then it was another time to get out of the battle.

The two of them bought 8s of time for Tang Dao, and the rest of the players also followed the step by step and switched to Tang Dao for resurrection.


Tang Dao poured a blood vial the moment he stood up, and then rushed towards the wreaking havoc boss.

-892, -892, -300, -300, +187, +187

HP restored.

"Dodging the epicenter 3 yards won't die.

Tang Dao shouted at Tang Xin.

"Okay! Help me solve this boss first.

Tang Xin nodded.

When the boss she was dragging had reduced its HP to 70%, Ice Bear raised his arms again.

I have to say, this is a tried-and-true skill, and the ice bear itself is also controlled, and when the skill effect is over, Tang Dao uses the immobilization spell to control it and then pull away.

Time passed, and the Ice Bear's HP soon reached 30%.

Frost Armor!Sharp Claws!Ice Armor

Bear roared angrily, and the cold aura on his body was cold, and a layer of frost armor suddenly condensed.

System Prompt: Ice Bear uses Frost Armor, which increases its defense by 30% for 10 minutes.

"Don't panic, spread out, I'll do it.

Tang Xin said to the people who were a little afraid, and then looked at the ice armor bear's sharp claws with full attention, and the light flashed on his arms, it turned out to be a small group killing skill.

With his arms crossed on his left and right, eight sharp edges staggered across him, dealing damage within 3×3 yards.

Facing the eight paw prints that fell like a net from heaven and earth, Tang Xin slowly raised his hands, of course, not surrender.


The toes slammed a little the ground, and then Tang Xin's petite figure actually drilled through the gap between the eight sharp edges, unscathed.


Everyone was stunned for a moment, could they still play like this

? But how was she going to get down?

The Ice Bear opened its bloody mouth, as if waiting for the prey from the sky to fall.


moment Tang Xin fell, his feet lightly touched on the upper and lower jaws of the Ice Armor Bear, and his body jumped up again, and then he turned over behind the Ice Armor Bear in the air, grabbed the Ice Armor Bear's ears, and then hung firmly on the Ice Armor Bear.

The ice armor bear who was being played with was extremely angry, roared in a low voice, and stretched out his hand to tear off Tang Xin, but there was no way, and he couldn't catch it at all.

In the next 10 minutes, Tang Xin's body fluttered like an aerial ballet, dazzling everyone, and dragged it to the end of the boss's skills.


Taking advantage of the end of the boss skill, Tang Xin jumped to the ground, panting, after all, this operation is not simple, and more importantly, almost every step is dancing on the tip of the knife.

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