At this time, Xiaoxiao Duyu, who was chasing Tang Dao and the others, also noticed that something was wrong, because a very strange corpse appeared in front of him, which was also a sleeping tree spirit, but it was a hero fragment.

The tree spirits that were seven or eight meters tall were torn to pieces, and their two arms were torn off and discarded at will.

"What's the matter, Captain?" asked

the swordsman player on the side, who had been crouching beside the dryad corpse for several minutes.

"Ordered everyone to search to see if there were any traces of large animals.

Xiaoxiao Twilight retracted her gaze, her brow furrowed deeply.

I vaguely remember that there seems to be no summoner in the team of the Death Scythe, and the pet of the Death Scythe is also a bat, how can it be?"


The swordsman is the one who just commanded the arrows on the edge of the cliff, and his strength is not weak, and his equipment is not bad.

Three minutes later, all reports were that there were no signs of large animals.

"Be careful and follow me.

Xiaoxiao Duyu suppressed the uneasiness in her heart and led people to continue to follow.

The Tang Dao people who had been moving forward didn't seem to notice anything wrong, slashing and slashing sleeping tree spirits all the way, and they would also meet the Misty Forest Savages from time to time, but with their previous experience, these were no longer a problem.

After killing his opponent again, Tang Xin couldn't help but look behind him, but there was nothing but the silent forest.

"What's wrong?" Tang

Dao was a little puzzled.

"It's hard to say, I always feel like someone is following us, but I don't feel anything.

Tang Xin shook his head, and his tone was also a little puzzled.

"I'll take a look.

Tang Tian got up directly and walked behind him.

"Be careful. "

Don't worry.

Several people watched Tang Tian leave, staring at the small green dot representing his teammates on the map, for fear that it would be extinguished in the next moment.

However, it turned out that everyone was just a false alarm, Tang Tian didn't find anything, didn't encounter any danger, and returned safely.

"Maybe I'm thinking too much, let's go.

Tang Xin sighed and led everyone on.

The path of the crowd was like a sharp sword, piercing the heart of the forest.

As we went deeper, the surrounding scenery became more and more magnificent, and the mist of colorful colors gradually converged into multicolored colors, gold, cyan, blue, red, and yellow, intertwined into a gorgeous cloak, gently wandering among the trees.

Walking in this magnificent scenery, the soft moss under your feet is like stepping on the clouds, and the fresh air and the fragrance of flowers and grass lingering on the tip of your nose are like being in a dream.

Finally, a different view appeared ahead.

In the middle of the forest is a small empty plain on which a large altar is made of bluestone.

There is a statue in each of the four corners of the altar, holding a spear in the air, the sharp tip of which pierces the sky.

Then there are four staircases that lead to the highest and most central part of the altar, and the steps are covered with moss, bearing witness to the passage of time.

In the center of the altar is a statue of a deer, with three hooves on the ground, the right front hoof gently raised, looking up at the sky, as if calling for something, and the whole body is full of flowers the size of fingernails, colorful, but not abrupt.

There is even a bird's nest on the huge antlers, in which three or five yellow-billed birds are waiting to be fed, and a pair of birds are flying with fresh insects.

At the same time, it was the Song of Ice and Fire and the others who appeared at the other end of the altar, and the two sides naturally noticed each other.

However, compared to Tang Dao and the others, the Song of Ice and Fire knows better that I still have people behind the other party, and this wave of advantages is mine.

"The rich vitality is indeed the essence of wood.

Jasmine stared at the statue of the deer and muttered.

"Up!" The

Song of Ice and Fire let out a low cry, and Snow Mountain Yaochi suddenly rushed towards the center of the altar with his shield, and the rest of the people quickly followed.

Not to be outdone, Tang Dao and the others also rushed towards the center of the altar.

Although no one knows exactly what this treasure is, it is clearly related to this statue.

The moment everyone stepped onto the steps of the altar, the statue moved.

The right front hoof that was originally raised by the deer was slowly lowered, and the flowers on its body turned into butterflies and flew away, and the moss receded like a tide, revealing the body carved in bluestone.

The bird on the antlers seemed to speed up in space, and in just a few seconds, it grew from a young cub to an adult, flapping its wings and flying away.


The stone deer hooves were gently buckled on the ground, making a crisp sound.

Bang lala~

The deer shook its body, and pieces of stone fell from the body, as if molting, and then revealed a pale cyan body, and the fur was shiny and shiny, which was perfect.

As if a little uncomfortable, the deer shook its huge antlers, and at the same time shook off the fragments on its face and neck, revealing a pair of clear eyes that were bright and clear.

"You shouldn't be here.

Shenlu's gaze swept over everyone, and then he actually spoke, and his posture was quite elegant.

Immortal Deer King (E)

Level: 35Attack

: 8000Defense: 8000Health

: 500000Skill

: Poetry, Spirit, Wood BondageIntroduction:


Divine Deer that has been ignited can seal itself in a stone statue and spend a long time.

The people who grabbed the BOSS attribute were a little puzzled, the attribute of this BOSS didn't seem to be so strong, but how could this attribute match the style just now?

"You have the spirit of wood in your body?"

Jasmine was not polite, and asked directly.

"Impatient young man, I sense the magical element in you, maybe you are called a powerful magician on the outside, but in front of me, you are just an apprentice, and you should not covet what does not belong to you. The

Immortal Deer King spoke slowly.


Jasmine snorted coldly, obviously a little unconvinced, after all, he was the most talented magician in Sal City, and he had already sat in the position of the leader of the Magicians Guild at a young age, how could he be afraid of a deer?

With a move of his right hand, he summoned his staff, and simply chanted a fireball spell and flew over.

Unlike ordinary fireballs, Jasmine's fireballs are a light flower, as her name suggests, a jasmine flower, but it's not simply fancy, it's a subtle control of the power of the fire element.

Compared to ordinary people's fireball techniques, Jasmine's fireball techniques have obviously reached a higher level, and under the seemingly fancy fireball technique, there is several times the power of the fire element, flying out like a sun.

In the face of this fireball, the deer did not have any anxiety or anxiety, his eyes lit up slightly, and the fallen leaves around him were rolled up, wrapping the entire fireball, and then dividing it and annihilating it in it.


this hand, the deer was not complacent, as if he was just strolling leisurely, his gaze slowly swept over everyone, and finally set his eyes on the song of ice and fire.

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