"You are a very gifted magician, I can even sense the magic elements cheering around you, but you should not be here, the treasures here do not belong to you. The

Immortal Deer King said as he stared at the Song of Ice and Fire.

A Song of Ice and Fire did not speak.

"They are here for the spirit of the wood, so what about you?"

the Immortal Deer King turned his head to look at Tang Dao and the others again.

Obviously, this boss's intelligence is already very high, and it can even be compared to humans.

Tang Dao and the others did not speak.

"Alas, there were countless people who coveted my treasures, but they all ended up becoming the nourishment of the land. The

Immortal Deer King shook his head and let out a long sigh, and then a flash of green light flashed on the huge horns, and a green elemental ball flew onto the statue in the corner.

The tall statue holding a spear slowly came to life, the spear in his hand was as high as two meters, and the height of the whole person was also one meter eight.

Stone Guard (E)

Level: 30Attack

: 10000 Defense: 10000 Health: 200000

Skill: No

Introduction: An ordinary statue, mediocre.

After activating a statue, the Immortal Deer King retreated to the back and waited quietly.

"Be careful! all retreat!" Tang

Xin let out a low sigh, and Qiu Guan and Cang Shan Xue protected the rest of the people and withdrew from the altar.

The Song of Ice and Fire is so powerful that it is naturally not afraid, and the Snow Mountain Yaochi stepped forward with his shield and rushed towards the stone guards, wanting to hold back the hatred.


The stone statue guard's spear swept away, and the sharp tip of the spear smashed on the shield of the snowy mountain Yaochi, directly repelling it.

The rest of the knights on either side stepped forward suddenly.

Bang bang!

As if the stone guard had not attacked, he swung his spear again and forced the two knights back.


Gu Ying is pitiful with his bow and arrows, but the damage he brings out is very touching, even a little higher than the base damage.

"How is it possible?"

Gu Yinglian's whole person was almost stunned, was his output fake?

At this time, the stone statue guards were like gods of war, repelling the knights again, and under the suppression of the powerful force, everyone could hardly hold the shield.


Song of Ice and Fire raised his staff, and a fireball flew out.


damage flies up, not even the scorch damage of the Fireball spell.

"The stone statue is immune. "

The Song of Ice and Fire frowned, how can this be fought?

The attributes of the Immortal Deer King are very ordinary, but the attributes of this statue are a little too outrageous.

-289 and -289

shocked figures appeared behind the stone guards, bringing out two critical hits, but it was useless, this level of output, the boss's health bar was not driven.

On the contrary, the boss turned around and swept away the shock string with one shot, and even almost killed him.

"How do you fight this?" Tang

Dao held the dagger, a little hesitant, the hidden attribute of this boss is too much to avoid outrageous, right?

Attack/Defense/Blood These attributes that can be seen directly are called basic attributes, physical injury, critical damage, magic injury, dodge rate, and critical strike rate that cannot be seen directly through the panel, and need to be measured and calculated by the player himself are called hidden attributes.

Obviously, the basic attributes of this stone statue guard are already very strong, breaking 10,000 offense and defense, up to 200,000 blood, but what is even more terrifying is its hidden attribute.

Critical Damage, Physical Damage, and Magic Damage Immunity are up to 50%, in short, physical critical hits falling on the boss will be directly weakened by 75%, and non-critical magic damage and physical damage will be weakened by 50% when falling on the boss.

In this case, it is difficult for everyone to beat this boss.

What's even worse is that there are likely to be 3 more bosses like this, as well as the immortal deer king who is proficient in magic.

However, Song of Ice and Fire does not intend to give up, and continues to command the output of everyone, but fortunately, there is a knight player with a hidden profession in the team, so that he can bear it, otherwise he will probably be tortured and killed by the stone guards.

At this moment, Evening Wind and Moon received a message from Xiaoxiao Duyu:

"I have taken people to detour behind the Death Scythe and others, do you want to attack?"

"Hold your ground for the time being, wait for orders.

Although the movements of Evening Wind Mingyue and the others were already very slight, they were still noticed by Tang Xin.

Compared with the newcomer Song of Ice and Fire, whose means are slightly immature, Tang Xin and Tang Dao, the two old foxes, are much more stable, their faces do not change, and they communicate by typing.

Heart of Death: "There are people behind you, surrounded." Death

Scythe: "We will definitely be stopped when we make a move, let Tang Tian take a look."

Tang Dao and Tang Xin took two steps forward with daggers, and sure enough, the bamboo shadow moon mark that had been prepared for a long time was thrown into the sky with a lighting technique, and they didn't say anything, and they seemed to have said everything.

The two sides resumed the confrontation again, but just now because Tang Dao and the two stepped forward, Tang Tian, who was covered by his figure, disappeared.

Not long after, Tang Tian came with news from the forest behind the side that Xiao Xiao Duyu and a hundred people were behind everyone, all of them were heavy armor and could directly break through their own formation.

As time passed, even as it continued to wear out, the Statue Guard's HP gradually decreased, and since it lacked skills, there was no need to worry about it fighting back.

Everyone watched as the stone guard's HP dropped to 90%, then 70%, 60%... Up to 0%.

When the last bit of health was emptied, the stone guard knelt on the ground with his spear in hand, and then shattered into a cloud of rubble.

The scene was a little awkward for a while, because the stone statue guards didn't burst out anything except stones, experience points, equipment, and gold coins, only stones all over the ground.

A Song of Ice and Fire couldn't believe that his experience bar hadn't moved at all, and he watched it several times in a row before accepting this fact.

A stone statue guard won't burst out of anything, then...

The twin horns on the head of the Immortal Deer King once again condensed a touch of green, and they sank into the second stone statue, and this stone statue was also like the first, raising its spear and striding towards everyone.

"Alliance leader, are you still fighting?" asked

Wanfeng Mingyue a little speechlessly.


A Song of Ice and Fire frowned, can you fight it?

One boss takes a long time, you can't get anything, and there are three that are exactly the same, and NPC Jasmine is watching the whole time, I'm afraid she won't make a move.

At least she won't make a move until the Immortal Deer King makes a move.

"Let's fight first. After

weighing the pros and cons, A Song of Ice and Fire chose to make a move.

Just like the previous time, it took a long time to kill the second one, and it was still a familiar formula, nothing.

The Immortal Deer King did not have any mood swings and activated the third stone statue.

A Song of Ice and Fire was silent, but with a wave of his staff, the crowd struck again.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and it doesn't take until five o'clock in the afternoon in the real world that the third stone statue guard is killed, and then the Immortal Deer King resurrects the fourth.

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