After 022

passes through the territory of the turquoise, it is the territory of the black bear, which is a level 13 monster with rough skin and thick flesh and strong strength, comparable to an elite monster.

Barren Black Bear

Level: 13Attack

: 280Defense

: 300Health: 1500Skill


Heavy Attack - 5% chance to stun the target when attacking.

Description: A black bear living in the barren mountains, with a short temper, you must be careful when encountering it.

Looking at the three-meter-tall black bear standing up, Tang Dao was a little stunned, is this really a monster that he can fight at this stage?

Tang Dao's current attack is 256, reaching 85% of the black bear's defense, so ordinary attacks can still deal damage, but it doesn't hurt.


The black bear waved its claws at the same time as the Tang knife attacked, and the bright red numbers flew up. Took away a third of the blood.


Tang Dao made a critical hit, counting the previous knife, it didn't even hit one-third of the black bear.

When the black bear waved his palm, Tang Dao flashed directly to the side, adjusted his posture in the air, and then waved his hands and cut!



Fortunately, with you, critical hit! The high 50% crit rate makes it easy for Tang Dao to trigger a critical hit, otherwise he would not dare to come here.

"Roar!" the

black bear roared and waved its giant palm again.



two consecutive critical hits, the black bear's HP was directly emptied, and he fell.

His experience bar increased by 3%, and he harvested a full 7 copper coins, but unfortunately he didn't have a collection technique, otherwise this bear paw could still be sold to restaurants to make money.

In the setting of the world, NPCs killing each other will not explode gold coins or equipment, but they can obtain all the items of the other party, so the setting that players can explode gold coins is undoubtedly quite valuable for NPCs.

The inability to explode gold coins means that their gold coins can only be obtained through ore smelting, but how can gold mines be so easy to find? There are not many silver mines, and copper mines have to be used for daily life utensils.

So every thing you get in the world can be sold to NPCs to make money, if you have a collection technique, you can even go to chop firewood and sell, of course, the price is not high, 100 catties of firewood is only worth 15 copper coins.

Today is the fifth day of the world's service, and the exchange rate between gold coins and real currency has fallen to 1 in 4000, and 1 copper coin is equivalent to 4 cents, okay, barely able to play money.

However, it costs 300 mana to kill a black bear, which is still a case of luck and a critical hit, and the mana of the Tang knife is 440 points, so it will take 160s to play the next round after the fight, and it will take longer to be safe.

Now that he doesn't have good equipment in his hand, Tang Dao can only wait to kill, and he can accept it every three minutes on average.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Dao killed a total of 50 black bears, successfully upgraded to level 12 and 32% of the experience points, and at the same time, the wallet also had 7 silver and 34 copper.

"Find a place, let's eat first!" Tang

Dao went offline in a wood.

Taking off his helmet, Tang Dao looked at the 1077.5 yuan in his wallet and decided to have a good meal.

"Boss, let's have a little fried pork bowl. "

I found a restaurant with a lot of people, ordered a small fried meat rice bowl of 18 yuan, the boss's craftsmanship is very good, Tang Dao ate three meals in one go, which attracted frequent attention, but he didn't care, he gave money anyway.

While eating, check the forums to see if anything has happened lately.

Poster:Eating melons Xiao Song

Fengyun Pavilion VS Shenghuang,Today in the wild boar forest west of Sal City,Fengyun Pavilion players led by Fengyun Sword Immortal clashed with Shenghuang,Shenghuang's first mage Feng Qingge is also there,After competition,Hundreds of people in Fengyun Pavilion were wiped out by Shenghuang。

1st Floor Player Feng Yanju: Shameless Shenghuang!Sword Immortal is just a newcomer, you Feng Qingge are all top mages, is it a sense of accomplishment to bully novices

?2nd Floor Player Overlord Bone: Yo yo, isn't this a defeated general under Fengyun Pavilion? How? Incompetent and furious?

3rd floor player Feng Qingge: Don't talk about heroes in order, even though Fengyun Sword Immortal is a junior, there are no old and young on the battlefield.

4th Floor Player Fengyun Shenfa: A good hero who doesn't judge in order, Feng Qingge, you are in Sal City, right? Wait for me! 5th

floor player Husky eats watermelon: Can you take me...

6th Floor Player Cold-Blooded Rose: Interesting!7th Floor Player

Fengyun Sword Immortal: I am not talented, and I hope that my predecessors will give me more advice in the future!

The smell of gunpowder is very strong, and the Shenghuang Guild has long been dissatisfied with Fengyun Pavilion, and wants to replace it as the first guild in China, and now there is a chance to fight Fengyun Pavilion's newcomer Fengyun Sword Immortal, this person is the nephew of Fengyun Divine Sword, so naturally he can't miss it.

After resting until half past six in the evening, Tang Dao went online again.

"Phew, fortunately, it was fought in the wild boar forest, otherwise I'm afraid my little assassin would have been crushed into bone meal."

Sensing that the neighborhood was still relatively quiet, Tang Dao breathed a sigh of relief, this is okay, but why is the name of the wild boar forest a little familiar?

No matter, level up first!

It's still a black bear, one in three minutes, and if you kill a level 13 monster at level 12, you can get 2% of the experience points of this level.

Similar to killing low-level monsters, when killing monsters that exceed this level, they are represented by levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and get 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, and 6% of the experience points in turn, and those who exceed level 5 get 10% of the experience points of this level.

Of course, there will be level suppression beyond level 5, which will weaken the attack power of the lower level by 30%, so basically it is impossible to fight monsters beyond level 5.

Boss killing has also been adjusted.,It was originally 30% of the experience value of this level.,But now it's 50%,The premise is that the boss is not lower than its own level 3.,If it's advanced, it will increase appropriately.。

At the same time, elite monsters will also be farmed near the city, and the experience value is 3 times that of the same level, and the attributes are 30%~50% higher.

The probability of ordinary monsters dropping equipment is 0.01%, the probability of elite monsters dropping equipment is 0.05%, the boss is 100%, F-level bosses drop green equipment, the highest is blue, and D-level bosses drop blue equipment, the highest is purple, and the lowest is green. , and so on.

But there is an exception.,That's the set.,If a certain kind of monster can be out of the set.,Then its burst rate will be increased to 5%,Of course, this is the explosion rate of the set pieces.。

The equipment levels are: White, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Orange, Golden, Legendary, Brilliant, Star Artifact, Epic Artifact, a total of 11 levels.

Until 12 o'clock in the evening, Tang Dao killed 110 black bears again, and rose to level 13 to 76% of the experience points of this level, and there were 15 silver and 4 bronze in the wallet, which was a lot.

After taking a look, the Lord of Xunqianlou and the Heart of Death are still online, and the Heart of Death is already level 14, so she should have a lot more opportunities than herself.

His original strategy was to go to the north river to kill the turtle, but now he has a mission, so he can only continue to move forward on the barren ridge in the eastern suburbs.

However, at this time, it was already stuck in the black bear territory, and there was no equipment improvement, so I could only wait slowly.

At half past one in the morning, after reaching level 14, Tang Dao chose to go back to the city, it is not a way to fight like this, it is better to go to the sewers first to see, maybe there will be a better harvest.

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