ran all the way back to Sal City, the time was close to two o'clock, most of the players were offline, and Tang Dao also felt sleepy, and he couldn't stay up and go offline first.

Darkness, endless darkness!

" "What kind of dream is this?" Looking

at the boundless darkness around him, Tang Dao felt that he was getting used to it, and as soon as he slept recently, he would have nightmares, and it was that kind of strange dream.

It was as if I was in a cold space, with endless darkness coming from all directions, unable to step on the ground, unable to touch anything, without a single light, as if there was no temperature in my breath, and as if I could feel the frost coming out.

Bang bang ~

The sound of his heartbeat and breathing can be heard clearly, extremely quiet and cold, stimulating every nerve ending, Tang Dao can even feel the blood flowing in the blood vessels, and the tendon of his left hand suddenly jumps...

I don't know how long it took, a little light appeared in the distance, and when I followed the light, I realized that it was a dark blue ghost fire, just suspended in the air, clean and pure.

Obviously there was no movement, but Tang Dao always felt that it was looking at him, as if he was looking at himself, like a living ghost fire, subconsciously raised his hand to touch it, but he couldn't feel any heat when he approached the ghost fire.

The moment the fingertips touched the ghost fire, the ghost fire invaded the upper body like a liquid, instantly wrapping Tang Dao's body, Tang Dao only felt as if he was in the cold, the cold made the flesh and blood crack, revealing a pair of white bones...


This is the sixth day of his resurrection, Tang Dao looked at himself in the mirror with an unusually pale and thin face, and didn't know what to say.

The whole person is like a thin bamboo pole that will fall down if you touch it.

"Eat first, then pay for it. After

patting his face, Tang Dao went downstairs to prepare for breakfast.

"Boss, a bowl of ravioli, well- add an egg. After

hesitating, Tang Dao decided to add an egg, after all, it was very nutritious.


There weren't many people at this time, and the boss quickly brought it over.

"If you are sick, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible, otherwise if you drag it out, a minor illness will become a major illness. The

boss is a simple middle-aged man, and when he saw Tang Dao's sick look, he kindly reminded.


Tang Dao smiled and nodded.

After eating, at eight o'clock

in the morning, he appeared in the city of Sal, found Tolan, asked about the entrance where he had found the mutant rats, and took advantage of the city guards' inattention, opened the manhole cover and jumped in.

Take out the torch you just bought, 5 copper coins each, you can insert it on the ground, it is very easy to use.

"Sure enough!" Tang

Dao looked at the quiet environment around him, and he already knew in his heart that the intelligence of these mutant rats was probably not low, or rather, there was definitely a very powerful leader.

Once a living person enters, it is all hidden, giving the illusion that there is nothing but garbage and some ordinary rats in the sewer.

Holding the torch and walking cautiously, from time to time rats crawled over the instep of his feet, the cold and damp touch made people feel a little disgusting, but Tang Dao didn't mind, but became more and more careful.

Knowing that Suosuo~

There was movement behind him, Tang Dao directly inserted the torch into the wall, took a step forward and turned around at the same time and took out the dagger.

It was a centipede half a meter long, and its dense feet were constantly flying on the ground at a fast speed.

Mutant Centipede

Level: 10Attack: 200Defense: 220Health:


: Toxin

- Deals 1% of the target's maximum health as true damage when attacking.


Tang Dao didn't say a word, and swung it over.

-99 and -5

centipedes took a direct bite.


-82, +4-609,


only made a critical hit, but sucked back some health.

The -99 and -5

mutant centipedes still had dozens of points of blood left, and they bit Tang Dao again.

-82, +4

solved the mutant centipede, gained 0.2% of the experience points of the level, and burst 3 copper coins.

Tang Dao looked at the corpse of the centipede, and knocked the hard centipede shell with the knife, feeling a little pity, this thing is definitely a material, but he doesn't have the collection technique.

Simply put away the whole centipede's corpse, and go back to ask Tolan where he can learn the art of gathering.

Just after Tang Dao killed this mutant centipede, it seemed that the originally quiet sewers became lively, and there were movements all around.

A mutant mouse attacked, and then a dense green dot of light appeared in the distance, and those were the eyes of the mutant mouse.

-152, +7

Tang Dao did not hesitate to slash directly at the mutant mouse's body.


The mutant rat also bit Tang Dao's calf.

-679, +33

Critical Hit Direct Kill, while sucking life, gain 3 Bronze Coins and 0.01% of the experience points of this level.

However, the kills also attracted more mutant rats.

Tang Dao only had 435 HP left, so he could only retreat to the entrance and use the narrow passage to jam the monster group, and only had to deal with two monsters at the same time at most.

-59 and -59

attacked together, and Tang Dao's HP dropped to 317 points.

-152, +7

swings the knife without critical hits, and draws back 7 HP.

At this time, the attack speed of the Tang knife is 160%, which is 3 slashes in 2s.

-152, +7

still no critical hits.

-59 and -59

bitten Tang Dao's body again, and his blood volume dropped to 213 points.

-693 and +33

hit the mutant rat in one click, but it was too late to pick up copper coins, so they could only continue to attack.

-693 and +33

are critical hits again, and it's also very good to have two critical hits with a 40% critical strike rate.

-152 and +7

surrounded the two rats again, and Tang Dao shot.

-59 and -59

mutant rats attack in unison.


to use up that Refined Red Potion, gaining 10% Attack Damage and Attack Speed, and 5% additional Physical Lifesteal for 10 seconds.

-59 and -59

mutant rats attack again.

Restricted by the terrain, there is no way to move and dodge, only to be tough.


-713 and +71

killed the mutant rat with the first critical hit, and gave the second Tang knife to the other end.

-713 and +71

are critical hits again, and their HP has recovered to 459 points.

Taking advantage of the 10s of effort, Tang Dao relied on 10% blood sucking and killed 4 mutant mice.

Killed 2 heads again, and the blood volume couldn't support it, so he could only leave first.

Back in the courtyard, he found Tolan and gave him the corpse of the mutant centipede.

"Damn, has even the centipede mutated?" Tolan

looked solemn when he saw the corpse of the mutated centipede, pacing back and forth in the small courtyard.

"Boy, Sal needs your help! Although those stubborn old fellows have abandoned me, I will not sit idly by for the sake of the people of Sal.

Tolan suddenly reached out and pressed Tang Dao's shoulder, and said firmly.

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