"Haha, but there is an old saying in Huaxia, called this time, that time." Mr. Tang refused to cooperate at the beginning, but it was because our sincerity was not enough, and now, we will give enough sincerity. The

middle-aged man smiled, then held out three fingers.

"The Dongri Chamber of Commerce is willing to pay 30 billion yuan to jointly develop the land in Dongbin District with the Tang Group!"

30 billion? What is the Dongri Chamber of Commerce going to do? When the Tang Group won that piece of land before, it was only 35 billion, is there anything strange about that piece of land, how can the Dongri Chamber of Commerce, which has always been shrewd and unwilling to suffer losses, be like this?"

Tang Yunshan still refused, which made many people secretly hate that he was not Tang Yunshan, it was 30 billion funds.

"Mr. Tang, as the saying goes, leave a line in everything, and you will see each other in the future, you can't say it so absolutely, right?"

After being rejected again, the middle-aged man seemed to be less patient, and his tone became stronger.

"It's a common saying, 35 billion land, I think it's not bad.

Tang Yunshan still insisted.


the middle-aged man snorted coldly and put away the smile on his face.

"Toast and don't eat and drink!" a

ronin bodyguard said in broken Chinese, and then stepped forward to stretch out his hand to Tang Yunshan.


Ah Long, who was beside Tang Yunshan, reacted extremely quickly, took the first step to protect him, raised his right hand, and punched out.

Da Da Da ~

The ronin took three steps back before he stabilized, and his body shook for a while, almost overturned.


the ronin looked at his right hand in disbelief, as if he didn't understand why he had been shaken back so easily.

"Mr. Beigong, your people are too rude. "

Tang Yunshan is not a good stubble, the other party is already about to make a move on himself, so naturally he doesn't need a good face.

"I'm sorry.

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he stepped forward and slapped the ronin, and then angrily scolded him to step back.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the ronin just now made a move, obviously at the behest of Beigong.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Tang, Beigong is here to toast you and apologize. The

middle-aged man beckoned, and the waiter hurriedly brought two glasses of wine.

The middle-aged man held a cup in each hand, and then handed Tang Yunshan a cup, but Tang Yunshan did not answer, the middle-aged man's eyes swept away, and someone in the surrounding crowd suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Tang, you have to be forgiving and forgiving.

"Since Mr. Beigong is so polite, we can't be stingy. "

It is said that Mr. Tang is broad-minded, isn't it?"

These speakers are all group CEOs or family talkers with a large size, and they add up to a lot of force.

As for their willingness to intercede, it is because they have a cooperative relationship with the Tori Chamber of Commerce.

"Hmph, don't forget, this is China, not Japan.

Forced by the situation, Tang Yunshan still took the wine glass, and his tone was still not very good.

"Of course. The

middle-aged man smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass and drank it all.

"It is said that meeting is fate, and it just so happens that everyone is here, and we have a lot of cooperation with the bosses of the Tohnichi Chamber of Commerce. The

middle-aged man motioned to the members of the Chamber of Commerce to take the opportunity to discuss cooperation and integrate into the reception.

"Do you want to go?" At

the door, Tang Dao looked at Tang Xin.


Tang Xin nodded.

Since he didn't drink, Tang Dao drove by himself, and on the way, Tang Xin sat in the back seat and played with his mobile phone, without saying a word.

The vehicle passes through the bustling downtown area, and the scenery on both sides keeps flying backwards.

But when I turned out of the business area and was about to rush towards the villa, the car shook suddenly and immediately lost control.

Bang! A

huge sound came, and Tang Dao, who was sitting in the driver's seat, only felt that the vehicle slammed in a certain direction, and then floated out, hitting the steering wheel with his hand quickly, and finally did not hit the guardrail.

"Be careful, it's weird." There

was no time to appease Tang Xin, Tang Dao had already looked around vigilantly, this car was regularly maintained, and the probability of a flat tire was too low.

"Be careful!"

Tang Xin didn't wear a seat belt just now, so she was dizzy for a while, and when she saw the situation in front of her, she just saw someone raise her right hand at Tang Dao in the driver's seat, and in her hand was a black pistol.

Bang, bang, bang!

Three shots in a row, fortunately Tang Xin reminded him, and Tang Dao's reaction was beyond ordinary people, so he hurriedly lowered his head, and the bullet almost brushed against his scalp and hit the sofa.

The attacker seemed a little surprised to see that he missed the three shots, but he still walked with a pistol in his hand.


car door was directly opened, and another man in black was also holding a gun, and he was about to pull the trigger when he aimed at the position of Tang Dao.

Tang Dao grabbed his ankle with his backhand, and pulled it suddenly, the man suddenly lost his balance, and a shot hit the sky, Tang Dao pounced, slapped the opponent's pistol away, hit the bridge of the opponent's nose with his forehead, and then grabbed the collar and held it in front of him.

Five shots in a row, the attacker in front wanted to kill Tang Dao, but he hit his companion who was used as a meat shield, and blood splattered immediately.


The shot was so ruthless that Tang Dao couldn't help it, threw the meat shield in his hand towards the man, and then turned over to pick up the gun, and both sides raised the pistol almost at the same time.


The two gunshots almost overlapped, but Tang Dao reacted quickly and dodged part of it, while the other party, because Tang Dao couldn't use a gun, missed it.

However, the other party ran out of bullets and was about to withdraw the reload.


Dao threw out the pistol, and he pounced on it.

I have to say that for people who are not accurate in marksmanship, perhaps the lethality of throwing it out is indeed greater.

The pistol smashed into the other party's face, Rao is the other party was extremely vicious, and the pain on the bridge of his nose also made him sore, unable to concentrate.

At this moment, Tang Dao had already arrived, kicked the opponent's pistol away, raised an elbow with his right hand and hit his neck, directly beating him to his knees on the ground, his fist was suddenly raised, and he slammed down on the Tianling Gai.

Bang! Click!

Before the other party could even react, his cervical vertebrae were broken, bleeding from all his orifices, and he fell to the ground with a limp and paralysis.

After making sure that neither of them had breath, Tang Dao realized that his left shoulder hurt so much, and he was just on the line of life and death, so he didn't even feel anything.

"It's okay. Pulling

the car door and looking at Tang Xin, who was shrunk into a ball, Tang Dao sighed slightly and comforted.

"Really, really?" asked

Tang Xin tremblingly.

"Really, call your dad and ask him to pick him up.

Tang Dao covered his shoulders, his hands were full of blood, and he didn't want to wipe it on his phone, so he asked Tang Xin to call.

"Okay, how are you?" Tang

Xin hurriedly rummaged through his phone.

"It's okay, if you can, help me get the medicine box in the trunk, and call 120 by the way.

Tang Dao said slowly, and he couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

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