Darkness, boundless darkness.

Cold, cold that stings the bone marrow.

"Son, when you grow up in the future, you have to protect your mother and don't make her sad.

"Well, it will, what about you, Dad?"

"Dad has to go to work." "


Father's voice sounded, and childhood memories came to my heart for some reason, but my father's face gradually blurred.

"Xiaobao, Xiaobao..."

The mother's call sounded, this is the nickname that only the mother will call, and he did not protest less when he was a teenager, but now it sounds extremely kind.

"Mom!" Tang

Dao was deep in darkness, and his mother's voice seemed to echo in every corner, but no matter where it was, there was no mother's voice.



Tang Dao woke up suddenly, the original darkness suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by a spacious and bright ward, and the faint smell of disinfectant lingered on the tip of his nose.

"This is, ward?" Tang

Dao was a little puzzled, was his memory missing? Trying to remember, he was only able to escape from the attack at night recently, but he only remembered that he asked Tang Xin to call, and then he couldn't remember anything.

"Are you awake?" the

nurse on duty, who was dozing off, quickly stood up.

"Where is this?" Tang

Dao asked with some vigilance.

"This is the private hospital of the Tang Group, and Mr. Tang arranged for you to be admitted there. The

nurse replied as she put a pillow on Tang Dao so that he could sit up and lean against the head of the bed.

"What about Tang Xin?" Tang

Dao was still very vigilant, and it was a stupid person who believed what others said.

"You're talking about Miss, right? She's just gone out. The

nurse continued.

"How did I pass out?" asked

Tang Daocha.

"This, I don't know, you were already in a coma when you sent it, and the whole left shoulder was covered in blood, which scared us at the time, but fortunately we were safe and sound later. The

nurse's answer made Tang Dao even more puzzled, he was in a coma when he was sent, so he was unconscious at the scene? What about Tang Xin?

Looking at the shoulder that was wrapped into a dumpling, Tang Dao tore off the infusion tube in his left hand, and then got out of bed and prepared to go out.

"Eh, no, what are you doing?" The

nurse was originally checking the remaining amount of medicine, but found that Tang Dao had stopped infusion directly, and hurriedly shouted.

Bang! The

door of the ward was kicked open, and Tang Xin appeared at the door with a lunch box.

"Uh, you're okay, that's good. "

Tang Dao is a little embarrassed, NND, is his suspicion a little too serious.

"Hmph, what can I do? It's you, I thought you were teasing Zhenzhen.

Tang Xin snorted coldly and put the lunch box on the bedside table.

"Miss. When

the nurse saw Tang Xin, she hurriedly bowed and saluted, and only then did Tang Dao notice the name of the ID hanging on her chest - Xiao Zhen.

"It's okay, add two bottles of medicine to him, and count it on my account.

Tang Xin sat on the chair and said to the nurse.

"Big brother, this is medicine, not wine, can you add it indiscriminately?" Tang

Dao was a little speechless, what is this girl's brain circuit?"

"Cut, I don't have any sense of humor, the meal for you, eat quickly, you haven't been online for a day."

Tang Xin pointed to the lunch box.

"Damn, such a black heart? I'm injured, I'm injured.

Tang Dao burst into tears, choose a street lamp, sister.

"Virtual games, and you don't want to play in person, just use your brain.

Tang Xin said indifferently.

"I hope the food is delicious. Tang

Dao was no longer able to complain.

However, although Tang Xin has a hard mouth, the food in the lunch box is very good.

Black chicken soup with fish gelatin, Tibetan sheep with fish belly, braised pork, stir-fried vegetables, and a large bowl of rice and two oranges.

"Want to help?"

asked Vera softly.

"Uh, how can I help?" Tang

Dao was originally a little inconvenienced, but his eyes lit up when he heard this.


"No, I'll do it myself.

Tang Dao declined Zhen Zhen's kindness, so let's eat it slowly.

"Anyway, how did I faint yesterday? It stands to reason that I shouldn't.

Tang Dao asked with some confusion.

"How do I know, you just fainted, I thought you would go offline without saying your last words.

Tang Xin said with a strange face.

"Okay, I'm going to call my mom before I go online in a while, don't make a sound.

Tang Dao thought about it, although it was just a nightmare, but his mother's safety was still very important, and he hadn't called back for so long.

After the meal, Tang Dao dialed his mother's phone.

"Hey, Xiaobao, why did you remember to call me at this time today?"

The mother's gentle voice sounded, which immediately let Tang Dao's unresolved heart relax.

"It's okay, it's just... It is...... Kind of misses you. "

Before, Tang Dao couldn't say this, but for some reason, he can say it now.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time, mother and son were connected, how could the mother not know her son's temper? Tang Dao would not have said such things before, and something must have affected him.

"How are you doing?"

asked the mother worriedly.

"It's good, it's, it's good. Tang

Dao didn't know what to say.

"You, did you break up with Yi Ya? I can't contact her recently, I also said that I would send a red envelope on her birthday two days, but I found that I had deleted my friends, and the phone couldn't get through.

Mother's words made Tang Dao even more silent.

"Alas, I don't want to get involved in the affairs of young people, and it's normal to divide and merge, but I hope that you don't let down the feelings of others. On

the other end of the phone, he sighed, and then he gave him a lecture.

"Well, yes, I just wanted to tell you about this, since you guessed it, it's nothing, it's estimated that I'll be back alone for the Chinese New Year this year.

Tang Dao squeezed out a smile and said.

"It's good for you to come back, as long as you're doing well, Mom will be relieved, object, don't worry. "

Well, okay, I will, don't talk about it, I still have something to do, hang up first, bye-bye!"

Tang Dao hung up the phone and leaned on the bed.

Yi Ya, don't say it, it's almost forgotten, maybe the feelings are really like quicksand, with the wind and time, gradually dissipating.

After a while, Tang Dao gathered his thoughts, put on his helmet, and went online!

It was four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky was dark when day and night alternated in the game.

Several people are in Jiangjiawu, and the current team, except for Tang Xin and the two who are still in the Northern Regions, plus seven of them, has not even been able to put together a complete team of ten.

"I said, boss, where are I going to level up? I'm almost sick. As

soon as he went online, he heard the voice of the evil disciple complaining, he was an idle lord.

"Leveling? That's a lot of place.

Tang Dao smiled slightly, there was the Tiantong Mountain Range nearby, and there were many orcs in it.

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