"Sir, General Jiang is invited. While

a few people were talking, an NPC approached.


Tang Dao rushed to the living room with a few people, and Jiang Chengji was already waiting.

"You're here, just in time, I have some questions for you.

Jiang Chengji was also very happy to see Tang Dao, and hurriedly invited him to take a seat.

"Now Jiangjiawu has 200 armor soldiers and 400 militiamen, although the strength is not weak, but there is Wutong Town nearby, Tongshi Town and Qianjin Fort are far away, and it is estimated that Sal City has also noticed us, I don't know the next development strategy, do you have any suggestions?"

As a child of a big family, Jiang Chengji's military and military capabilities have nothing to say, but it is not his strength to lead a side of land and govern and develop people's livelihood.

"In other words, Jiang Jiawu can use six hundred armed forces now, and he has to divide his troops to defend his home, and there are only four hundred people who can really be used, right?"

Tang Dao thought about it, the best way is to merge the rest of the forces, but before that, it must be strong enough military force.

And military power, in addition to numbers, and more importantly, equipment.

At present, the game is generally light infantry and light cavalry, and there is no heavy infantry and mounted cavalry, and the armor forging technology is relatively not so difficult.

If you want to build armor, the three most basic conditions you need, people, fuel, and ore, the only thing that Jiangjiawu can have now is fuel.

In addition to being used to make equipment, the paulownia wood produced in and around the Tiantong Mountains is also a good material for making charcoal, which can be used as fuel to melt strong ores.

As for ore, both Copperstone Town and Qianjin Castle have them, and if you have enough strength, you can plunder them.

And the most critical link, people! Jiangjiawu's current blacksmiths can only make some simple agricultural tools, and they can't even make decent weapons, and there is a great lack of excellent blacksmiths.

Therefore, if you want to develop, there are two ways to choose, directly plunder the equipment, or set up your own equipment production line.

Plundering equipment, there are 1,000 city guards on the nearby town of Wutong, all of them are light infantry, and Jiangjiawu, there are only 200 light infantry, and the rest of the so-called militia, in fact, are farmers with weapons, and their combat effectiveness is not strong.

It is indeed difficult to defeat a thousand with 200 men, and people will call for help, and once the rest of the town reinforcements arrive, I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out.

To set up an equipment production line, blacksmiths and ores are all problems, and Wutong Town can't beat them, let alone Copper Stone Town and Qianjin Castle.

Therefore, the development of Jiangjiawu is very tricky, which is why Jiang Chengji has not been able to officially develop until now.


Tang Dao paced back and forth in the meeting room, if there was enough armor, he could turn the remaining four hundred militia into light infantry, a total of six hundred people, or a battle with the thousand city guards in Wutong Town.

But where can I find these

four hundred sets of armor? That old man from Jingmu Mountain? No, he can't have four hundred sets of extra armor over there.

In addition, the armor of NPCs in the game is not sold, and players cannot buy it from the store and ship it over.

Jiang Chengji also frowned, he didn't have no military ability, but it was difficult for a good woman to cook without rice, there was no one under him, no matter how strong his military ability was, he couldn't show it.

Ding, friend message.

Immovable as a Mountain: Isn't there? Help me fight a boss, here in the Tiantong Mountains.

Death Scythe: Don't make a fuss, I'm thinking about something.

Immovable as a mountain: Thinking while fighting, a half-orc leader, wearing armor, has a very high defensive power thief, the front row is resisted, and the output of the back row is not enough.

Death Scythe: Half-orcs

wearing armor and not moving like a mountain: Yes, you don't know, in this tribe that has been cleaned up recently, the elite of the half-orcs are wearing armor, and this leader is even more outrageous, with rough skin and thick flesh, and a full 30w HP.


The back did not move like a mountain, saying that Tang Dao was no longer in the mood to look at it.

Yes, orcs! Armor!

The first news that the bandits of Jingmu Mountain were foiled was that they acted as intermediaries between the Copperstone Town Guards and the Orc tribe, smuggling armor and weapons in order to fatten the orcs and raise their own dignity.

When the orcs attacked Anchao Lake Town in the north before, there were indeed elites wearing armor.

If the armor on the human side is not good, the armor on the orc side is not certain.

Thinking of this, Tang Dao directly dialed the voice that was as immobile as a mountain.

"Hey, Shanzi, you send me the coordinates, and how many orcs are there in armor?

Tang Dao said straight to the point.

"The coordinates have been sent to you, about a hundred, how can you look at the corpse and not let it refresh?"

asked Fudo Rushan.

"Move it every ten minutes, make sure it's updated for status, and if you can take the armor off, even better. Tang

Dao thought about it, the refresh time of ordinary corpses in the world is 15 minutes, except for special ones, just in case, moving once every 10 minutes is enough.

"Okay, you have to come quickly, my side... "

On the other side, he was speechless when he didn't move, and it was so refreshing to hang up the phone, this young man.

In Jiangjiawu, Tang Dao walked directly in front of Jiang Chengji.

"General Jiang, immediately arrange for someone to go with me, go to a place to carry armor, no, just bring a hundred militiamen, and change clothes on the spot!"

"Ah? Okay, I'll order troops immediately."

Although Jiang Chengji didn't know what was happening, he still chose to believe Tang Dao, and immediately ordered a hundred armor soldiers (light infantry) and a hundred militiamen.

"Let's go!" Tang

Dao led everyone towards the coordinates given by the immovable mountain.

After shuttling between the mountains, a small orc tribe appeared in front of him, but now the ground was a little bloody, and many orc corpses were lying on the ground, and the blood stains on the red ground had not yet had time to refresh.

The gates of the tribe were savagely slammed open, and the sound of fighting was heard inside.


"Stop! This is the brother of the alliance leader, the scythe boss, and the alliance leader is waiting for you inside. The

old player next to him had seen the Death Scythe, so he didn't stop it, and let Tang Dao shuttle with people.

"Is it really okay for us to be like this?" Jiang

Chengji looked at the eyes of these people looking at him, and he was a little disliked, it was a kind of look at the prey.

Jiangjiawu is not recognized by Saarland City, so all NPCs are red-named, i.e. hostile units.

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