"It's okay, follow me." "

Tang Dao took Jiang Chengji, as well as the two hundred people, and went straight to the place where the immovable mountain surrounded the boss, that is, the center of the tribe.

If it is really as the mountain said, it is a tall wolf half-orc, at this time has been beasted, two meters five, covered with thick armor, protecting the soft abdomen, holding a thick-backed machete in his hand, dancing like a tiger, quite inappropriate.

Wolf Orc Leader Jacksy (E)

Level: 35Attack

: 13000Defense: 10000Life

: 300000Skill

: Beastification, Sky Slash, Howl of FearIntroduction


Half-orcs living in the Tiantong Mountains are brutal by nature, often raiding surrounding villages and towns, slaughtering people, and cannibalizing people for pleasure.

Around the BOSS, Fudo Rushan is personally carrying a shield to carry the injury, and the protected Baiyun Gorge and other long-range systems continue to output, but with little effect, the level suppression plus the exemption from injury, the output capacity is limited.

"You're finally here, I'm going to cry if you don't come again. Seeing

Tang Dao's immobility, he said miserably, the hand carrying the shield was about to be numb, and the opponent's strength was too terrifying.

"Pull us in, disciple, you and Qiu Guan flanked and disturbed, and I will output it.

Tang Dao pulled out the double dagger on his waist and rushed towards the boss, who only had 80% of his HP at this time.

"Sir, what about me?"

Jiang Cheng basically wanted to step forward to help, but he was afraid that it would be inappropriate and a little embarrassed.

"Shanzi, you arrange for someone to receive those armors for Jiang Chengji. "

Tang Dao is already close to the boss, and the light on the dagger flashes.

Blade Kill!

-2003, -2003, -300, -300, -100

instantly burst out with nearly five thousand damage, Tang Dao pulled away the hatred of the BOSS, the BOSS didn't say a word, a knife swept over, the blade tore through the air and made a sharp wind breaking sound, eager to directly cut Tang Dao in half.

This knife was extremely fast, Tang Dao could only fall backwards to dodge, and his right hand was propped up on the ground and rolled away.

And the boss swept away with one blow, and immediately changed his move and slashed down, and after being dodged by Tang Dao, he picked up the tip of the knife again, and was dodged by rolling again.


Continuous attacks failed to touch the opponent, which made the boss very annoyed, and after a low roar, he swung his knife and slashed again.


Immovable Rushan carried a shield to fill the position, blocking this knife, and on the other side, the Qiu officials and evil disciples on both sides also saw the right time to strike.

Sancai Swordsmanship!Aurora Slash!

-759, -759, -100, -2646, -100

I have to say that although he was pit by the giant dragon Primo, the martial arts he taught were really strong. The two teamed up, and with the 100 damage of the fire elemental affinity, they instantly defeated a lot of the boss's HP.

At the same time, the long-range skills in the back row also flew over, and the debuff of the dark mage, the burst output of the light mage, and the feather arrow of the archer strong crossbowman fell on the boss together.


Seeing that he was besieged, the BOSS withdrew with a knife, and then raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar.

System Prompt: You are affected by Cry of Fear, and your Attack is reduced by 25%.

"It's okay, my attack isn't high anyway. "

Tang Dao doesn't matter, as long as it's not a control skill, continue to swing the dagger output.

The boss was not afraid at all, like a god of war, slapped Qiu Guan away, and then turned around and slashed back the evil disciple, and immediately jumped up and kicked on the shield that was as immobile as a mountain, kicking it back three or four steps.

After breaking through the encirclement of several people, the boss pounced on the ranged player.

The two of them, Shaking the Sky Wuyue and Wangu Hengtian, had already prepared, and stepped forward with their shields, and one person on the side, blocking the BOSS.

The boss is blocked in his path and roars violently, trying to intimidate the opponent in front of him.

But in the face of the blood basin mouth that was close at hand, the two of Eternal Hengtian and Heaven-shaking Wuyue did not have the slightest fear, and bravely + tower shield, firmly defended.

Bai Yunxia, a level 28 archer in the rear, saw the opportunity, drew his bow and arrow, and shot the boss's tongue with an arrow, and immediately blood splattered, and the boss bit off the arrow, but also closed his mouth with interest.

Tang Dao saw the opportunity in the rear, thunder + cut!

-790, -790, -300, -100

blades slashed through the thick back of the boss's neck, and did not cause much damage, the damage was not high, and it was reduced by 25%, and the cutting bonus was not high, fortunately, it has the influence of the Eagle Strike and the affinity of the fire element, and it comes with an additional 400 points of damage.

This time, Tang Dao did not pull the hatred, but was the unaffected Baiyun Gorge and other long-range systems, which were firmly locked by the BOSS.

"Don't let him kill, he has a passive, kill and restore 1% of his maximum health. Immovable

as a mountain hurriedly shouted.

The boss jumped up and wanted to jump out of the way of the two.

"Raise the shield!" The

evil disciple who withdrew to replenish the blood shouted to the mountains and rivers around him, and the other party was also very compatible, raising the shield in his hand.


Guilty Disciple stepped on the shield, and then jumped up as well, swinging his sword and slashing at the boss.

Bang! The

strength is far inferior to the other party, and the evil disciple was directly knocked out, but fortunately, it was a heavy armor system, and he did not die on the spot, and retreated with residual blood.

However, this also bought time for the rest of the people, Qiu Guan saw the landing point of the boss, charged + stabbed, and the long sword in his hand was suddenly raised, full of strength, and then swung it down.


Blood splattered, and the boss's wolf tail broke in response to the sound and fell to the ground.

However, this also completely angered the BOSS, abandoning the long-range system, the BOSS screamed, turned around and swung the knife violently, and chased after the Qiu Guan, slashing out several times in a row, directly hitting the stiffness, holding down the Qiu Guan's long sword in his left hand and raising the block, and the machete in his right hand swept fiercely.

Qiu Guan had no choice but to let go of the long sword, rolling and dodging, she lost her weapon and was bloody, and just got up when she saw a cold light attacking, it was the boss who projected her long sword.

"Oh no!" Qiu

Guan's pupils shrank, this time there was no way.

At this moment, a figure flashed out in front of her, and then raised the dagger horizontally, and put on a parry posture, and the person who came was the Tang knife that rushed over with an instant.


A scalp-tingling injury flew up, and Tang Dao's blood volume disappeared directly.

However, he is not dead!


The immovable eyes that were rushing with the shield were about to pop out, what is going on? What is this special immortal?


While pouring a refining blood vial, Tang Dao could only withdraw, and he was now a poor donkey.

Fortunately, he arrived without moving, pulled the boss back, and resolved the crisis.

"Thank you.

Qiu Guan thanked him after taking the long sword, but there was also some doubt in his eyes.

"Dark Shield, I've only been left with 2 points of blood. Tang

Dao also had palpitations, if it weren't for the lack of distance from the Holy Guard's healing technique, he wouldn't have rushed all the way over to instantly add a shield and parry, so he barely took the boss's casual blow.


poured a refining blue potion again, and after recovering mana, the priest also raised his health, and Tang Dao struck again.

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