


One by one, the damage exploded in the camp of the mages at the back, and almost every knife can kill or cripple a mage, and if you hit a critical hit, you can kill it directly.

The defense of the mage is the lowest among the three basic professions, the base is 5★, if it is an elf mage, it is 4★, most of the mages on the scene are level 13 or 14, and the base health is 240, plus there will be no good equipment in the early stage, and the general health is around 260.

The basic defense of level 13 is only 20~26 points, even if you wear equipment, it will not be too high, and in front of the basic attack of Tang Dao up to 306, it is tantamount to thin paper.

"It's the Death Scythe!" Finally

, a mage reacted and shouted in the team channel.


?" Overlord Bone was shocked, he hadn't killed the Grim Reaper's Heart on his side, and the Grim Reaper's scythe came again?"

"Xiao Jiu, you take it back to protect the mage!"

Overlord Bone immediately said to a level 15 warrior beside him.

"Okay, the soldiers of the second and third squads will follow me and return to the distance. "

The soldier with the ID number nine gray returned with a dozen fighters.

But when they came outside, they only saw corpses everywhere, the mage group was wiped out, there was no way, the mage's starting hand was too long, and the chanting at this stage required 1s clock, but the assassin's movement speed was too fast, especially the master assassin, and the movement could not be controlled at all.

"Bastard! No, Ranger!" No

. 9 Gray smashed his fist on the tree, and was about to curse, when he suddenly realized that there was also a remote output team.


By the time he arrived again with someone, most of the twenty or so rangers had already been slashed and killed, and the rest were in a panic.

"Death Scythe!" Gray

No. 9 snorted, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, he slashed towards the Tang Knife.

Morale, fast attack!

Tang Dao solves a ranger, does not look back, blindly hits, flashes, and cuts.


didn't make a critical hit with two consecutive swords, and Tang Dao could only retreat.


The warrior next to him swung his sword and slashed at Tang Dao's body, and the blood bar suddenly went down a lot.



raised his hand to parry Nine's gray sword, but the difference in strength was too great, and he was directly cut back.

Tang Dao was almost empty of blood and dodged into the dense forest.

"Chase!" No

. 9 Gray snorted, three rounds of attacks had already disabled Tang Dao, and he would die if he stabbed him again.

-765, +38

With a scream, another ranger fell, and Tang Dao also sucked back a little blood, and his body sank into the dense forest again, blocking everyone's sight with the help of dense trees.

"Where's your trap?" Nine

, with an unusually ugly face, questioned the Ranger, whose trap was fatal for an Assassin.

"It's... According to the captain, go and stop the heart of God.

A ranger hesitated.

", follow me!" No

. 9 Gray remembered the order of the overlord bone before, and could only lead people to continue chasing Tang Dao.

-17-556, +27

cutting, a soldier was killed, Tang Dao flashed away, and everyone's faces were hard to see.

On the other hand, since Gray Nine left with some of the warriors, the pressure on the Reaper's Heart was much less.

After killing a swordsman, he dragged the remnants of blood out of the encirclement.

"Xiao Jiu, how are you there?" Overlord

Gu's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water.

"Didn't catch it.

Nine's gray face was also unusually ugly.

"Return, save the rangers first, the mage will be resurrected on the spot, and return to the team as soon as possible, I don't believe that I can't kill them. Overlord

Bone gave the order again.


Gray Nine led the men to protect the Ranger.

Unlike the Novice Village, if you die after level 10 and don't choose to resurrect, the corpse will remain in place and will not be forced to resurrect, and the resurrection cooldown time has been changed from 5s to 30s.

Therefore, the mages who had just been killed by Tang Dao were able to leave corpses all over the ground.

After receiving the order of the Overlord Bone, the mages chose to resurrect on the spot, and only 50% of the blood blue was resurrected in situ, but it was better than nothing.


Two damage floated above the heads of the two newly resurrected mages, and they turned into corpses and fell down again.

"It's the Death Scythe

!" "It's the Heart of Death!" The

two of them read the kill information and hurriedly said in the team channel.

But as soon as they finished speaking, two more mages were killed, and the avatars in the team dimmed again.

"Xiao Jiu, you take someone to protect the mage, and I'll come over with the ranger right away. "

The overlord didn't expect that the two of them would dare to kill the horse pistol, so they let the mage come back to life on the spot.

This battle is even more ugly than losing to Fengyun Sword Immortal in 9527 Novice Village, for no other reason, Fengyun Sword Immortal is a master of Fengyun Pavilion, and it is not a shame to lose to him.

However, in his opinion, these two assassins should be small characters that they don't care about at all, and it would be a shame to lose to them! And it was not only his own people who were lost, but also Shenghuang.

A scream sounded, and the resurrected mage didn't have time to react at all, and was directly chopped and chopped vegetables.

The two-handed dagger used by the Tang knife can attack two targets at the same time, of course, this is also more demanding on the operation.

"Almost, it's time to go!" Death's

Heart sent a message to Tang Dao.

"Okay, after all, it's the Shenghuang Guild, so it's not appropriate to offend too much.

Tang Dao also nodded, Shenghuang is a well-known calf protector, if he fights hard, what if Feng Qingge personally brings someone to chase him?"

"Wait a minute, I'll find someone!" The

Heart of Death sent another message, but fortunately, the two of them had been sharing their positions, so Tang Dao could chase after him.

"Help me, don't chase me! I don't have a rush for syrup!" The

Nine Heavenly Palaces were chased by three level 18 brown bears, barely struggling with the Assassin's speed.

"Stupid, run to the dense area of the trees, use the flash, go through that gap, the trees will block the monster's movement. The

heart of death said helplessly, this unlucky child, the assassin with the fastest movement was chased all over the ground by an ordinary monster, and there was no one.

"Ahh The

Nine Heavenly Palace was stunned for a moment, and then, according to the command of the Heart of Death, threw off the three brown bears.

"Whew, it's so dangerous, it's good that I'm witty!" the

Nine Heavenly Palace Chief, who had escaped, breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest.


the Reaper's Heart tapped him on the head.

"Eh, sister, you're not dead?" Only

then did the Nine Heavenly Palace discover that the Heart of Death had not only not been dropped, but its name had become red.

"You're just dead, can't you hope for me?"

"Oh, someone is here, why is it a black name?" The

Nine Heavens Palace saw Tang Dao coming over, and was a little puzzled, the NPC is also a yellow name.

Because Tang Dao killed too many people, his name was black.

"Introduction, this is my reinforcement, the Scythe of Death. "

When the heart of the god of death saw Tang Dao coming, he took the opportunity to introduce it to the Nine Heavenly Palace.

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