
Tang Dao stretched out his right hand.

"Hello. The

Nine Heavenly Palace stretched out its right hand and shook it with Tang Dao with some suspicion, and then kept looking at Tang Dao and the Heart of Death.

"What do you kid want

to say?" Death's Heart knew from the kid's movements that he had something to say.

"Sister, is this your boyfriend?" asked

the Nine Heavenly Palaces cautiously, the corners of Tang Dao's mouth twitching.

"Boyfriend, your uncle!" The

heart of death is another burst without saying a word, and I can't wait to find my parents to return the goods for a younger brother.

"Not boyfriend and girlfriend? Your ID is very unconvincing. The

Nine Heavenly Palace covered his head and said with some grievances.


The Grim Reaper's Heart longed for another burst.

"Eh, you two, leave the Maple Heights first, and then go back to Sal City.

Tang Dao was a little speechless, the heart of death is such a cold person, and his younger brother is such a living treasure, it is really inherited separately.

"Hmph, let's go back to the city first.

Death's Heart said angrily.

Saarland, a stall in the central square.

"Let's take a look, the boots of the 5 laws, the staff of the 7 laws, don't miss it when you pass by. "

Tang Dao adheres to the principle of returning particles to the warehouse, and still picks up some of the equipment that broke out, just to sell it for some money.

"Are you really not a couple?" The

Nine Heavenly Palace glanced at Tang Dao, who was bargaining with someone, and then at the heart of the god of death who was as cold as a pillar on the side, and still asked with some unwillingness.

"No! Tell me about skipping class and playing games with my parents!"

Death's Heart was eager to beat up this kid, but if he beat people in Thrall, he would be captured and locked up by the city guards.

"Don't don't, sister, I finally found someone to name me. The

Nine Heavenly Palace hurriedly said.

"Shut up!"

"Oh. "

When Tang Dao sold out of equipment, there were already 36 silver and 88 copper in his wallet, and he couldn't help but sigh, if it was really a murder and arson gold belt, it was still PK to make money quickly.

"Find a place to wash your red name, I killed more than 40 people, if I am killed, it is estimated that I will have to owe more than 30 levels to the world.

Tang Dao glanced at his red-black name, fortunately, the city NPCs in the world would not attack the red-named players, otherwise he would have to be arrested by the city guards and taken to the vegetable market when he entered the door.

According to the calculation method of the world, the red name dissipates 1 point every 1 hour, and more than 40 points, and it will stay online for nearly 2 days.

If you kill a monster, 100 monsters will dissipate by 1 point, so the fastest way to clear your name is to slaughter low-level monsters.

"But now it is estimated that there are Shenghuang people at the four city gates, and there is a high probability that they will be followed as soon as they leave the city gates.

Death's Heart said, playing with the dagger.

"I know of a place where you don't have to go out of the city to get a red name.

Tang Dao thought of the sewer.


Death's Heart was visibly unconvinced.

At the door of the Priests' Guild, Erica was standing there vividly, looking left and right.

"Sorry, it's late!" Tang

Dao said with some embarrassment as he arrived with the Heart of Death and the Nine Heavenly Palaces.

He took the Heart of Death to Tolan first, but the Mouse Snort Crystal Core of the Heart of Death can only be exchanged for potions, not prescriptions and alchemy, probably because Tolan doesn't want his technology to be all over the street.

"Are these two your friends?" Erica

asked, shaking her head and asking with some curiosity, she had thought that this guy called the Death Scythe had no friends like herself.

"Well, this is the Heart of Death, the Nine Heavenly Palaces.

Tang Dao enthusiastically introduced.


Erica was obviously a little recognizable, but she held out her right hand anyway.


The Grim Reaper's heart shook her back.

"Hello, hello, is the beautiful woman single?How old is this year?What kind of cosmetics do you use to take care of your skin?What kind of boy do you like?......"

Just when Tang Dao opened the map to plan the route, the Nine Heavenly Palace had already asked Erica's household registration book clearly, and it wasn't until Erica was a little impatient that she pulled her hand that she reluctantly let go.

Tang Dao glanced at the heart of death: This thing is really your own? The heart of death

shrugged: No way, my parents gave birth to it, my brother, pet it for a short time.

"Ahem, Erica, for some reason we're going to take a detour, we can't go the same way we were yesterday. "

Tang Dao doesn't want to make a detour, but there are too many Shenghuang players in the city, and once the traces are discovered, a few lives are not enough to die.

"Ah, why take a detour?"

Erica wondered, was there anything else in Thrall that could be a threat,

"because... Well, for some reason, so we want to stay out of people's eyes as much as possible.

Tang Dao couldn't explain this to her.

"Oh, I see, then I'll lead the way.

Erica nodded, and then volunteered to be a guide.

In the team channel

: Nine Heavenly Palaces: Brother Dao, what methods did you use to make this beautiful NPC so obedient?

Death Scythe: Don't call me Brother Knife, I don't bite a lighter, and I don't have more than 700 yuan to deduct.

Nine Heavenly Palaces: Okay, Brother Knife, so what did you do?Death's

Heart: You're enough![Anger] [Kitchen Knife] Play a game, and don't let go of NPCs.

Death Scythe: [Shocked]

Nine Heavenly Palaces: Oh, you know, sister, I don't like real-world beauties, I only like virtual ones.

Heart of Death: Everything on the Internet is virtual, you can't grasp

it!Nine Heavenly Palaces: No!

Of course, Erica didn't know anything about the chat in the party channel, and she led the group around the back of the priests' guild into a small alley, then through a bustling street market, into a small alley, through the first floor of a resident, and around to the sewer entrance.

"Alright, here we go.

Erica turned and smiled at the three of them.

"That's amazing. "

Tang Dao is also a master of the game, but I didn't expect to be able to borrow it from someone else's house.

"Okay, I'm familiar with this place. Hearing

Tang Dao praise her, Erica said a little shyly.

"Well, the old rule, let's go in first, you go behind, remember to call for help in case of danger.

Tang Dao admonished, then lit the torch and entered the sewer first.

The dark and damp sewers were filled with a pungent smell, and the dark green water was filled with all kinds of garbage, and from time to time some animal carcasses were floating by.

"Whew, what the hell is this place?" the

Nine Heavenly Palaces almost wanted to vomit.

"Reminder, don't spit in your helmet, or else—" Death's

Heart mended with a blank face.

"It's good to get used to it, you turn your perception to the lowest.

Tang Dao said kindly.

"Huh, what perception, how to adjust it?" asked

the Nine Heavenly Palaces suspiciously.

Grim Reaper's Heart: Pretend not to know!

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