
phantom wolves in the rear of 070 also followed, and directly used the phantom flash to cross the shield array in front of them, and assaulted into the crowd behind, with the blessing of 150% attack speed and 30% critical strike rate, the many crispy skins in the rear couldn't bear it at all, and it was a mess.

Xiu Xiu -

Tang Dao dodged a few of the ranger's feather arrows sideways, and saw Linglong Hua retreating, and the flame light gushed out from the staff.

-1320, -1264

dagger wave, solve the two assassins who came over, dodge Linglonghua's fireball technique again, Linglonghua has a warrior by the side, can't be killed, go!

The warrior in front of him came back, and Tang Dao could only leave to the side.

"Leave the monsters alone, kill the Divine Scythe first!"

Linglonghua shouted, but the outputs were already in a mess, and no one listened.


-892 and -852

flew out with two critical hits, killing a swordsman and smashing a gap.

-386 and -382

left with two sword damages, and the feathered arrows from the rear flew, turning over to dodge, and an ice pick appeared under their feet.


swallowed a refined blood vial, and 96 blood was barely withdrawn.

"Bastard! let him run again!" By

the time Linglonghua and the others hurriedly dealt with this group of phantom wolves, Tang Dao had already run away without a trace.


Tang Dao turned over the tree, waited for the blood vial CD to be ready, poured another blood vial, and the blood volume came to 396.

Glancing at his blood-red name, he was a little reluctant to exonerate the scroll, just this one, what if he wanted to use it later?

Pak pa pa ~

A rush of footsteps sounded, and it turned out to be a group of assassins rushing over, led by a one-turn assassin, bellflower LV20 cold knife man.

"Vice-President, isn't it a bit too aggressive for so many of us to surround and intercept a Death Scythe?"

asked an Assassin as he hurried.

"No, this is the president's order, although I don't know what the president is going to do, but since the order is given, just do it, besides, there will be 1,000 yuan for killing once, and it is not a loss.

Bellflower shook her head.

"I heard that Linglonghua was broken through by the Death Scythe with a group of monsters, so we won't meet him halfway, right?"

asked another assassin, and the only one in the team who had been transferred was Bellflower.

"Possibly, be careful.

Bellflower nodded, and swept her eyes around again, making sure that no one was there before continuing on her way.

When the last assassin walked under the tree of the Tang Dao, the Tang Dao struck.

-1370, +287

daggers sliced the assassin's neck from top to bottom, killing instantly, even the cuirass exploded, and the dagger in his left hand hooked the cuirass into the backpack.

The figure of Tang Dao suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.


Many assassins looked at each other, but only the bellflower reacted the fastest, and it also flashed + forcibly hidden, rushing towards the direction where Tang Dao finally disappeared.

Two unseen assassins face off in the darkness of the jungle.

The bellflower looked around cautiously, there were no footsteps or movement around him, but he was very sure that the Death Scythe did not leave, because he felt the murderous aura.


! The fallen leaves in the left rear suddenly moved, and the bellflower did not hesitate to swing its dagger and stab it, but it pounced into the air, and its eyes fell to the ground, it was a piece of equipment that was thrown out!

Almost without hesitation, he struck reflexively, his wrist was directly held, a cold light swept through his throat, the blood bar was emptied, and he fell to the ground.


dagger burst out, and while it was still in the air, it was caught by a hand, and then the figure left the place.

"Vice President!" When

the rest of the assassins arrived, they only saw Tang Dao's back disappearing into the jungle.

"Catch up! Be sure to get his sight!The president is coming with someone!" shouted

bellflower in the group.

The rest hesitated, then chased after them.

But the imagination is beautiful, and a few screams rang out in the jungle, and the bellflower watched her teammate's avatar go to ashes.


As soon as she was resurrected, Linglonghua rushed over with someone, and when she saw the level 19 bellflower, she naturally knew what was going on.

"The president has already come over with a human bag, let's chase after it!" Bellflower

took out a spare dagger from his backpack and chased it in the direction of Tang Dao.

After killing several assassins in a row, Tang Dao's blood volume has been absorbed, but the name is more red.


was a sound of breaking wind overhead, Tang Dao's heart suddenly cold, and he subconsciously raised the dagger in his hand to block.


massive damage flew up, instantly emptying 70% of Tang Dao's HP, and suppressing it on the tree by the way.

Without waiting for Tang Dao to react, the long sword in his hand changed, and he stabbed towards Tang Dao.

Level 20 Crusader Skill!

Leap (Level 1): Launches a surprise attack on a target within 3 yards, ignoring 30% of its defense, dealing 130% physical damage, consuming 200 mana, and having a cooldown of 15s.

Flash!Holy Guardian Healing Technique!


Dao dodged the blow without hesitation, and swung his double dagger to kill back, and the man raised the long sword in his hand and held it across his chest.

Block!Level 20 Crusader Skill!Block

(Level 1): Raise your sword to block the next attack, gain 20% physical immunity when your strength is greater than 70% of the opponent, gain 10% physical immunity when you are less than 70% of the opponent, consume 200 mana, and have a cooldown of 15s.

-712, -683

, two damage flew up but did not kill the opponent, and the health of the comer was rudely estimated at around 1500 points.


Comeder swallows a blood vial and pulls away at the same time.

Shui Yuexing LV20 Crusader

"Shui Yuexing, I have no grudges with you in the past and no enmity in the near future, you take someone to chase and kill me, I'm afraid something is wrong, right?"

Tang Dao's flash was still cooling, and he didn't dare to bully him closely, for a master like Shui Yuexing, the swordsman's strength crushed the assassin, and once he was parried and attacked, it was a dead end.


Shui Yuexing did not answer, and the sound of footsteps could be heard again in the surrounding jungle.

Tang Dao chose a place with the most sparse footsteps to leave, and from time to time feathered arrows flew by, rangers.

"Illumination!" Shui

Yuexing waited for reinforcements to come, and the two of them recovered to full health, and chased after them with their long swords again.

Pop -

an illumination technique flew into the sky, but did not find the figure of Tang Dao.

However, the people of Shui Yuexing had all converged and compressed Tang Dao in an encirclement.

A phantom wolf pounced, Tang Dao dodged sideways, and the double dagger slashed through the wolf's abdomen, and then flashed to predict the landing point, cut it away, picked up the silver coin, and left here.

"The monster corpse is new, chase!" As

soon as the front foot left, the back foot Shui Yuexing chased after him with someone, and when he saw the corpse of the phantom wolf, he immediately chased after him.

"To the east of the Phantom Jungle is General Ridge, the terrain is dangerous, and there may be another wave there. Tang

Dao pulled out the map and decided to break through to the east.


walking a distance, Tang Dao suddenly ran two steps, stepped on the trunk of the tree, jumped up, pierced the branch with a dagger, and submerged into the canopy.

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