"I really don't understand why the boss sent so many people here to defend, he was so afraid of the Grim Reaper's scythe and fled into the General's Ridge?"

In front, three regiments of 10 people were defending here, carefully searching for every bush.

"Let's say a few words, the Death Scythe has killed more than a dozen of our brothers in a row, and its strength is quite terrifying, so it's better for us not to encounter it.

The other swordsman said helplessly as he explored the grass.

"So what? We have 30 people here, plus two regiments of 10 people on the flanks, 50 people, as long as he dares to come, he will not have to die? That's 1,000 yuan!" The

soldier who spoke at first was a little disdainful, the assassin was very good, but he was also very brittle.

Even if he is a master assassin of the level of the Death Scythe, his defense power is 150+, even if he is an unpopular warrior like himself, with 500+ strength, touching him is also 350+ damage, and at most three or four knives will kill him.

"Be careful, the president has a strict order that the Death Scythe is not allowed to go to the General's Ridge. The

Assassin on the side looked around carefully, faintly uneasy.

"I heard that Shenghuang's people seem to be fighting bosses in General's Ridge, you say, the boss shouldn't be guarding Shenghuang's people, right?"

a summoner slowly spoke, holding a staff.

"Shenghuang, can't you, where can a guild of that strength level use us?"

the warrior was a little puzzled.

"I don't know, I don't think the Death Scythe will come anyway. The

summoner shook his head.

"No! stop!"

the assassin stopped, crouching down and picking up a leaf, the cut on it was so fresh that the juice hadn't even dried up.

"Watch out for the top of your head..."


Before he could finish speaking, a wound erupted, killing the Assassin instantly.

"Stop him!"

the rest of the people just reacted, and the ranger drew his bow and shot arrows.

Puff puff -

Tang Dao dragged the summoner and stopped in front of him as a meat shield, eating a bunch of damage for himself.

Leaving the corpse behind, he flashed towards the grass on the other side of the General's Ridge, and in a flash he entered the grass, lost his vision, and then continued on his way.


on a trap, the people behind got the view and rushed over.

Xiu Xiu -

surrounded by feathered arrows flying over, but the mountains in the jungle are high and dense, and ordinary rangers can't aim at all.

"General Ridge, Shenghuang!" Tang

Dao originally wanted to bypass the Phantom Jungle from General Ridge and go south to the Copper Stone Canyon, but now he heard that Shenghuang's people were fighting the boss, and he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Overlord Bone has bullied himself so many times in the novice village, it won't be a problem to rob him of a boss, right? Thinking in

his heart, he quickened his pace and rushed towards General Ridge.

"Sure enough!"

Seeing the thorny vines that had been cut off in front of him, Tang Dao was overjoyed, this was not a ready-made road?

"Oh no! Alas, follow me!" Shui

Yuexing led people all the way over, until the entrance of this road, he still didn't see the figure of the Death Scythe, where did he not know what happened?

"Boss, are you from Shenghuang?"

"Well, let's carry out the mission, no matter what party I am, you're still the vice president, aren't you?"

Shui Yuexing also had a good attitude towards this quasi-first-class assassin, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, president!"

Bellflower suddenly knew what to expect, and chased after him with someone.

Shui Yuexing stood in place, and after reporting the situation to the above, he continued to chase in.

Since Shenghuang's people had opened up the road in advance, Tang Dao was not entangled by any monsters along the way, but on the contrary, it was hilly terrain and ran fast.

On the edge of a cliff in General Ridge, 200+ people from Shenghuang are fighting a level 30 D-level tree spirit boss.

According to the setting of the world, the D-level BOSS should have 1 piece of purple equipment or 3 pieces of blue equipment, in the current environment, 1 piece of blue equipment can be sold for 3k~1w market, and purple equipment is a priceless treasure.

"Overlord bones!" Feng

Qingge, who was outputting it with all his might, suddenly shouted.

"Vice President!" the

Overlord Bone came with remnants of blood.

The attributes of this BOSS are quite terrifying, almost everyone who touches them, half of the 200+ people are warriors and swordsmen, and the remaining 70% are priests, and the real output is only 30+ people in addition to Feng Qingge.

"The Death Scythe is coming, you bring someone over to stop him, you must stop it!" Feng

Qingge gave an order while out.

"Huh, how would he know about this place?" As

soon as the overlord heard the name of the Death Scythe, his heart was first happy, after all, there were many people here, and the new and old accounts were counted together. Immediately, he was shocked, how could he know about this operation?"

"Don't worry about it so much, you must stop the Death Scythe."

Feng Qingge didn't answer, but just repeated the order again.


Overlord Bone nodded and left here with 30+ people.

On the other side, Tang Dao had already gone around the jungle next to him, constantly approaching the end of the road, and at a distance, he could already see the huge boss and the surrounding figures.

Silver Wind Tree Elemental (E)

Level: 30


: Defense

: Life:


: Introduction: You

can't see anything, but now the boss still has 50%+ HP, so there's no need to rush.

After turning over the tree, his vision became clearer, and he could see the formation of Shenghuang clearly.

Lone Sky Feather with a dozen knights at the front, behind is the priest, every three priests have a knight to assist in the defense, flanked by wandering knights, crusaders and berserkers, and at the back is the output team headed by Feng Qingge, the back of the output team is full of traps, beware of assassin sneak attacks, and there are several assassins behind the traps to guard.

Due to the high attributes of this boss, it is an iron plate for assassins who do not have armor-piercing skills, so they don't bring a few assassins, and more are mages and rangers.

The Ranger has the highest armor-piercing cap and attack speed cap, although both are Rogue transfers, the Assassin has a 40% armor-piercing cap and a 200% attack speed cap, and the Ranger has a 60% armor-piercing cap and a 250% attack speed cap.

It's just that the current version doesn't have enough equipment, and no assassin or ranger can fill up the armor piercing, and the attack speed depends on the equipment bonus.


, Shui Yuexing!" Overlord Bone led people to collide head-on with Shui Yuexing and the others, and the two sides immediately tensed.

"Wait!I'm here to chase the Death Scythe, what about you?Everyone usually doesn't mess with the river water, so there's no need to fight this time, right

?" Shui Yuexing raised his hand to stop everyone and said in a deep voice.

"Death Scythe, you didn't catch it?"

the Overlord was startled.

"Spread out! go find it

in the woods!" Shui Yuexing reacted very quickly, if he wasn't on the road, then he would be in the woods!"


overlord was afraid of Shui Yuexing's strength, and carefully instructed the people behind him, he was not far from him, beware of him making trouble.

Tang Dao can really see it on the tree, the boss's HP has been decreasing, to 30%, it's time to get closer to the past and try to grab a wave.

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