
With Chen Hao’s order, those SWAT soldiers who had already been unable to resist their excitement did not say a word and rushed forward. With the most sloppy and fastest standard action since enlistment, they pushed the eight men to the ground with their rifles on the back of their heads.

“Don’t move! Be honest! ”

“Comrade! Homosexuals! Don’t be impulsive! “Those people are scared half to death, they are safe and accustomed, when have they seen this position?” One by one, he held his head in his hands and begged for forgiveness one after another.

“I am Zhang Ling! Do you dare to move me?! Zhang Ling screamed.

Bang! Bang!

Two bullets exploded at his feet, leaving deep holes. Chen Hao’s smoking muzzle aimed at Zhang Ling’s head, his eyes were cold and unmoved.

Zhang Ling’s face was miserable, and he trembled and squatted down with his head in his arms. Several SWAT fighters rushed over and handcuffed him.

“Article 16 of the third page of the Xuanyuan Valley Secrets Regulations, anyone who interferes in the affairs of the Xuanyuan Valley without formal documents is dealt with as suspected treason. If a conflict is caused with Xuanyuan Valley, it will be punished as treason and can be killed on the spot. Chen Hao calmly read out a regulation.

“Zhang Ling, you are very lucky.”

“If you had just resisted, then you are dead by now.”

“Impossible! I hadn’t heard of where Xuanyuan Valley was! How could there be such a regulation! Zhang Ling shouted. With the rank of a lieutenant in your army, it is like knowing the existence of Xuanyuan Valley, it is really ignorant. Chen Hao said dismissively.

“Even in the name of Zhang, I don’t dare to say this in front of me, what are you?”

The cold and domineering words spat out from Chen Hao’s mouth, like a sharp blade, fiercely piercing into the hearts of everyone here, making them all cold.

What a terrible man!

Lieutenant Colonel Li couldn’t help but shed a cold sweat on his face, of course he knew that Chen Hao was not telling a lie. Although Chen Hao was a lieutenant colonel, he was a special adviser to Xuanyuan Valley, and he was one of the only three remaining innate masters in Xuanyuan Valley, so it can be said that his status was almost equal to Wang Yinghua!

In terms of identity, Chen Hao had almost overpowered the major general. Coupled with the pressure of Xuanyuan Valley, Zhang Ming’s name also had to be polite to him!

It was precisely because of this understanding that Lieutenant Colonel Li fully supported Chen Hao’s behavior!

“Hold them down on me, get in the car, and go to the Modu Security Area.” Chen Hao said calmly.

“Oh…” The SWAT officers couldn’t help but look at each other, and they had just handcuffed the grandson of the commander of the garrison area and took him directly to the garrison area.

Instructor This is the rhythm of looking for trouble!

If this had been put in the past, they would not have dared to. However, this time with the support of such a great god as Chen Hao, they did not hesitate in the slightest.

Isn’t it the Demon Capital Garrison! the mother, make a big fuss today!

Pushing and shoving, these people were handcuffed and pushed into military vehicles. Chen Hao looked back at Lieutenant Colonel Li and Long Feihu, “Are you going?” ”

The two laughed bitterly and nodded.

Having reached this point, they also followed Chen Hao’s footsteps. After all, the anger of the major general, they still can’t bear it.

“Go.” Chen Hao let out a sound, and the military vehicles that had just entered within a few minutes drove out of the detachment, followed by several police armored vehicles, and drove up the highway in a mighty way.

The special police who drove the car were very refreshed, and every time they were pressed by this group of young masters in the garrison area, this time they finally raised their eyebrows! Look at the arrogant Zhang Ling, an ugly face handcuffed and sitting in the police car, honestly, the driving SWAT police will be comfortable.

You too have it today!

“It seems that your reputation is not very good.” Chen Hao couldn’t help but laugh. “Look at this group of people, their faces are going to laugh, how much do you say you hate?”

“I just said a few words, why are you arresting me?” Zhang Ling asked with an ugly face. “This matter, involving a lot, is far from being as simple as you think. You have to think about who made you receive things. Chen Hao said.

Zhang Ling’s face changed, and then it became pale in an instant.

“Oh? It seems that you are not so stupid. Chen Hao raised an eyebrow.

“I came here on orders.” Zhang Ling said hard. “Whose command?” To put it bluntly, this carriage is anti-eavesdropping. Chen Hao asked.

Zhang Ling’s face was complicated and he said, “My second uncle.” ”

“Who is your second uncle?” Specific points. ”

Although Zhang Ling is a fool, he is not a fool, and naturally knows that he has been shot by someone. “My second uncle, Zhang Minglong, has the rank of colonel, and he called me here.” Zhang Ling said.

“You didn’t ask him for documents?” Chen Hao asked. “No…” Zhang Ling blushed and whispered. Because you don’t take the documents every time, others will let you take them, so you get used to it. Chen Hao said calmly.

“I don’t think he told you about Xuanyuan Valley either.”

“……. No. ”

“Very good, Zhang Ling, if what you say is true, then congratulations, you have recovered a life.” Chen Hao said.

“My second uncle… What will happen? Zhang Ling couldn’t help asking. The colonel was aware of the existence of Xuanyuan Valley, he knew that Xuanyuan Valley regulations were deliberately violated, and if there was no explanation, he was treason. Chen Hao said calmly.


The two words were like a heavy hammer hitting Zhang Ling’s heart, making his face turn blue.

This is a great sin!

The Huaxia of this world is not like the Huaxia of Chen Hao’s previous life, as long as it has committed the crime of treason, once the crime is determined, it is a life sentence!

If it is a little more serious, it will definitely be a death sentence!

Moreover, the family of the traitor will be the focus of the state. The inaugural work needs to be repeatedly reviewed, and if it is not good, it will be dismissed without reason, and it is even more difficult to think about being an official!

Absolutely heavy to the horror of the end!

“What, you don’t think you can believe it?” Chen Hao looked at Zhang Ling’s face and instantly saw through his thoughts.

“Your second uncle is very kind to you, why would he do such a thing.” You must be thinking that, right? Chen Hao sneered and said, “People can’t look like people, and the sea water is incomparable.” The world is not as beautiful as you think. ”

“If you don’t want to end up miserable in the future, I suggest you restrain yourself and be a good person.”


“Instructor, the guard station has arrived.”


Chen Hao no longer paid attention to the silent Zhang Ling and turned to get out of the car.

“Coming back so soon? Lieutenant Zhang was quite fast this time. Are you still escorted? A soldier standing guard looked at the heavily armed SWAT team members and couldn’t help but laugh.

The team members looked strange and almost didn’t laugh.

We are indeed escorting, escorting the “criminals” over, and we are looking for trouble!

“Oh, Lieutenant Colonel Lee, how did you get here?” The two soldiers standing guard were startled when they saw Lieutenant Colonel Li get out of the car. “Quick! I want to see the Commander! The situation is serious, go and inform! Lieutenant Colonel Li said fiercely.

“Huh?” The two soldiers opened their mouths.

“Zhang Ling is in trouble!” As soon as Lieutenant Colonel Li said this, the two soldiers suddenly realized, and one of the soldiers ran in with his legs like the wind. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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