After a while, the soldier ran back, with a sweaty colonel. The colonel said, “The commander invites you in.” “Hmm.” Lieutenant Colonel Li nodded and waved his hand, and several SWAT team members pressed Zhang Ling and the others out of the car.

Looking at the handcuffed look of several people, the muscles on the colonel’s face twitched twice, and he helplessly said to Lieutenant Colonel Li: “Old Li, this is not necessary, right?” ”

Lieutenant Colonel Li’s face was very serious, and he said: “Old Pang, this time it is not possible, things are very involved!” “What? What happened to him? Colonel Pang asked in amazement.

It can be seen that Zhang Ling did not make less trouble, otherwise why would he say “and”?

“Come, I’ll introduce you. This is Comrade Chen Hao of Xuanyuan Valley. ”

“Hello, I’m Hao Chen.”

As soon as he heard a few words from Xuanyuan Valley, Colonel Pang was suddenly excited, only to feel cold from head to toe, and rushed to salute.

I’ll go! How did the people of Xuanyuan Valley get here?!

He looked at Zhang Ling’s gray face and suddenly understood in his heart.

Zhang Ling, this boy ran into trouble, and he was involved in Xuanyuan Valley!

Colonel Pang, who understood Xuanyuan Valley’s energy, naturally knew what a terrifying figure Chen Hao was, and he now had the heart to strangle Zhang Ling!

“I don’t bother to say anything, Zhang Ling is an accessory to this matter, the main criminal is in your garrison area, the matter involves secrets, and I want to see Commander Zhang in name now.” Chen Hao said.

He used the word “main offender.”

Colonel Pang’s cold sweat is down!

“Please come with me.” He did not dare to be idle, and immediately walked into the station with Chen Hao and the others.

Along the way, many soldiers passed by, and they looked at Zhang Ling who was handcuffed in shock, as if they had seen a ghost. Zhang Ling’s face was gray, and he was eager to find a seam to drill into!

“Isn’t that the commander’s precious grandson Zhang Ling?”

“Yes! How was he handcuffed? ”

“It’s probably another trouble, and it looks like it’s not small.”

“Isn’t that Lieutenant Colonel Pang?” Hey? How come the SWAT team guys are coming? ”

“Run outside on time to cause trouble and get caught!”

“Oh, it’s miserable.”

“Two words less! Go fast and go fast. ”


Their discussion was small, but the people here basically heard it. Colonel Pang’s old face was flushed, and the handcuffed man was also embarrassed.

“Let me show you the joke.” Colonel Pang said awkwardly.

“It’s okay, understand.” Lieutenant Colonel Lee said kindly. Hearing his words, Colonel Pang’s face became even redder.

Shame on you!

What a shame!

His pace slowed down unconsciously, not here for others to watch.

Zhang’s office soon arrived, the others stayed outside, and Colonel Pang walked in with Chen Hao, Lieutenant Colonel Li, and Zhang Ling.

Zhang is a middle-aged man in his fifties, with gray hair and some old looks. However, his eyes were bright and energetic, his figure was straight, and he exuded an invisible breath of iron blood and majesty.

This is an iron-blooded general who came from the war years.

Zhang Ming looked at Zhang Ling, who was handcuffed, and his face couldn’t help but change. “Lieutenant Colonel Lee, is this too much?” He looked at Lieutenant Colonel Lee and said disapprovingly.

“No, that’s normal.” Chen Hao said calmly.

“You are…” Zhang Ming saw that there was a stranger talking, and just wanted to reprimand two sentences, but suddenly his eyes narrowed and he didn’t speak again. As a major general, there was no shortage of intelligence in his hands, and he naturally knew Chen Hao’s identity.

“It seems that Commander Zhang recognizes who I am.” Chen Hao said.

“I didn’t expect Major Chen from Xuanyuan Valley to come to me, and I was far away. I don’t know what happened to Zhang Ling? Zhang Ming’s face was slightly solemn, and he asked seriously.

The matter involved Xuanyuan Valley, even if Zhang Ling was his grandson, he could not cover up.

“Then I’ll just say it.” Chen Hao looked at Zhang Ming with a smile and said. “Do you know that Zhang Ling is almost going to commit treason?”


Zhang Ming almost jumped up from his chair and said emphatically, “This is impossible! ”

“My grandson I know that he is naughty though. But I have always taught him to be loyal to the country, and he cannot treason against the country! ”

Zhang Ling took people to the Modu SWAT detachment today, and according to him, he received orders to receive the helicopter and the body of the last attack. But he doesn’t have any documents to prove it, Commander Zhang, you should know the seriousness of this matter, right? The last time, but I Xuanyuan Valley is fully charged. Chen Hao said coldly.

“Moreover, this is the news sent the day before yesterday, you should not be unaware, right?”

Hearing Chen Hao’s words, Zhang Ming’s face changed drastically!

“Impossible! I’ve never given such an order! How can it be! Why didn’t I know about this?! ”

Zhang Ming looked at Colonel Pang and asked, “Who gave the order?!” ”

Colonel Pang hesitated and did not speak.

“Do you know who gave the order and didn’t tell me!?” Zhang shouted angrily.

“Tell me! Who gave the order! ”

Zhang was like an angry lion, he had repeatedly warned his subordinates not to interfere in Xuanyuan Gu’s affairs, why did they directly act without his orders?

“Yes… It is Colonel Zhang Minglong……. He said this little thing doesn’t need to be told to you…” Colonel Pang said with a cold sweat on his face and trembling.

“Bastard!” Zhang Ming was furious and shouted, “Come! ”

Crash! The office door was pushed open and two hard-faced soldiers walked in. This is a pro-soldier brought up by Zhang Ming, representing Zhang Ming’s order!

“Go and escort Zhang Minglong’s bastard to me!”


The two soldiers were ordered to turn around and leave.

“Major Chen, I’m sorry, but it was my lax command that caused such a thing.” Zhang said solemnly. “Commander Zhang, there are some things I think you know. This matter is very serious, and now suddenly such a thing has appeared…” Chen Hao stopped halfway through his remarks, he knew that Zhang Ming understood what he meant.

Zhang Ming was stunned, randomly showing a thoughtful look, and cold sweat instantly fell on his face.

He naturally knew what Chen Hao was talking about!

He also understands what that means!

This means that the Demon Capital Garrison may have been infiltrated by the enemy! Moreover, the object turned out to be his cronies!

“Major Chen, if this incident is really that… The words that the force did. Then I will never cover up appeasement! Zhang said solemnly.

Zhang’s nominal loyalty to the country was unquestionable, and there were traitors under his command, which was something he absolutely could not stand! In particular, it is actually using Zhang Ling to act, which is definitely a violation of Zhang’s nominal bottom line.

Even if it is his own cronies, as long as they violate the interests of the state, Zhang Ming will definitely not hesitate! _

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