The Omniscient

Chapter 774: Victims and Gains

"The All-Knower (!

The straw hat ruler fell asleep for a day, and for his body, from Taiweihua Yinlan to Miao Zunzhi Wang Buddha, from Dragon Clan's Ruiji to accidental strangeness...everything was helpless, even an atom could not be pryed off.

It is hard, high-energy, firm, and stable, especially the core system, which consists of one million tons of immortal material, and it can't even be detected.

This kind of feeling that people can do whatever they want, can't hurt anymore, it really makes people feel a kind of icy cold.

"The technology gap is too big, even the sleeping body, we can't disassemble it!" Miao Zunzhi Wangfo said in frustration.

"No, the technology is not so bad, but the material strength is too high! The whole body does not even have a single conventional substance, and the uniform field is so strong that it is so horribly strong. Such a body is really a masterpiece!" Occasionally, weirdly excited! Analyzing, from beginning to end, he was lying on the head of the straw hat race and couldn't get down.

Yinlan asked excitedly: "Do you have a way to dismantle him?"

"There is still a way to destroy, and dismantling is impossible! This is limited by our existing tool conditions." Occasionally, it is strange to keep micro-analyzing it, and the spirit is flying.

He was very interested, but the others' hearts were cold. Everyone thought of a terrible thing. What if the straw hat dominates wakes up?

And wake up earlier than Huang Ji, isn't it a waste of time?

"Greed, too greedy, he should be swallowed by a black hole. Only black holes can damage this body. If he wakes up earlier than Huang Ji, we will all rest!" Rui Ji's eyes were sharp and she immediately proposed to use the black hole to destroy it. Straw hat dominates.

Alan couldn't help but complain: "When you all saved him, I just wanted to say, is it for these precious materials?"

This body is too expensive, the conventional stuff that the straw hat dominates has been abandoned, and now all that remains is the essence.

It was the incorruptible body of King Kong that was so strong that they couldn't dismantle it.

"It can't be destroyed. After the matter enters the black hole, it can't come out again. There is still everyone's soul carrier in it!" Yin Lan tried his best to stop it.

The person who asked Miao Zun to rescue the straw hat before was also him, not for the material, but to reshape the bodies of the victims of this battle.

Their souls did not dissipate, but were carried on the golden glimmer. Huang Ji said that with that thing, he can resurrect this man who has been wiped out in battle.

However, the fusion of the straw hat and the yellow pole resulted in a lot of golden gleaming atoms trapped in the straw hat.

Black holes can swallow everything, and they also have evaporation technology, but when matter enters the black hole, all information is blocked inside. Even if the black hole is evaporated, the energy obtained is a brand-new energy in the universe, and everything that was originally will disappear forever with the black hole.

"War will have sacrifices. In fact, there are already some particles that have entered the black hole before." Rui Ji was solemn and deep.

"Yes, we can't risk facing catastrophe again just because of the person in the straw hat." Miao Zun also agreed.

"But Huang Ji was stunned first, he will definitely wake up first..." Yin Lan insisted.

"Human and human physique cannot be generalized, Huang Ji may not wake up first." Alan said very rationally.

Everyone quarreled endlessly. In the end, Ruiji, Miaozun, and even Ziwei decided to destroy the Straw Hat Master immediately, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

The only people who didn't express their opinions were Yake and Occasionally Strange. Yake didn't care about these. He just felt noisy and sat silently watching the "Black Hole Sea".

It's strange that I've been studying something intently all the time.

"What are you doing?" Yinlan asked strangely by accident.

"What's the quarrel! I've been studying it all this time. Your focus is on who wakes up first? This is an unscientific judgment. Is it possible that Huang Ji wakes up first, so he can be dismantled?" Occasionally strange. Posing his lips, he did not make blind and unscientific judgments just because he admired Huang Ji.

Everyone was taken aback, yes, not necessarily.

Unconsciously, they had already regarded Huang Ji as a omnipotent existence. Instinctively believed that as long as Huang Ji wakes up first, everything can be resolved.

But Huang Ji did not extract even one atom from the body dominated by the straw hat during the sleepwalking battle.

The same black hole was used to reduce and destroy him, and the others were all crushed and beaten.

"So you also support destroying him... You are right. Huang Ji may not have a solution. We can't give him such a heavy burden as soon as he wakes up. Destroy it!" Yinlan changed his mind. .

However, by chance, he said, "Destroyed? It is a pity to destroy such a great body. If you don't want it, just give it to me. I declare that this guy is the property of the truth society!"

He declared it as private in a very domineering manner!

The identity of the Truth Society was also unscrupulously exposed. Of course, no one cared about such details at this time.

The authority of too small and the order of the constellations were all changed and affected in this war that affected all civilizations.

The reputation of Emperor Ziwei Huang Ji has resounded through this starry sky.

He broke everything in the old, even ‘enemy’ everyone, and saved everyone.

In the face of all doubts, he did not explain, and simply pulled the constellation's enemy, the Straw Hat Dominator, and beat him on the spot.

At the moment of victory, everyone had only one idea about where Huang Ji's technology came from: Come on, no need to explain, you are awesome...

The magical anticipation, the calmness of strategizing, the unfathomable technical strength...what kind of super technology is behind it, no one dared to ask.

Strong and gentle coexist, everyone can only look up and believe in him.

"Occasionally strange, do you have found a way to disassemble the straw hat?" Yin Lan asked curiously and expectantly.

Occasionally a strange right hand, a dot-matrix transformation map of fluttering light appeared, and it seemed that something had been studied thoroughly.

He said very confidently: "Leave it to me. Prepare a uniform material with a standard stellar mass. Given your background, you should be able to get it?"

"no problem!"

"By the way, I also want some immortal atoms. I will give you as much as you have."

"Okay...well...I will raise it as soon as possible!" Yinlan didn't talk nonsense, and acted immediately.

The Taiweihua civilization, which has been baptized by wars and ravaged by catastrophes, is empty at this moment.

Of the nine prophets, there is only one ghost horse left!

Still missing memory, a ghost horse that lived in the Warring States Period...

Yinlan, as the only surviving Taiwei Chinese on the front line, acted immediately and became the prophet of Taiwei Hua!

This is a matter that everyone's quantum nucleus can decide together. The real prophet is screened by Xuehai big data, not by voting. But if all Taiwei Chinese nominate someone together, that person will also become a prophet.

With surplus Xuehai, he can immediately inherit it, and without Xuehai he can have considerable political influence.

In Gao Wei’s live broadcast, Huang Ji’s figure was deeply imprinted in everyone’s hearts, followed by Miao Zun, she was too big... and she contributed a lot in the final union... some numb rice bugs, no ears After hearing things outside the window, she couldn't distinguish between reality and illusion, and she was alert to the fool who was connected to the high-dimensional communication and thought it was an illusion.

Next is Yinlan and Ruiji, one representing Taiweihua, and the other representing the dragon family and the entire galaxy. After all, the leaders of the galaxy are left with Huang Ji and her.

Yinlan inherited the position of prophet, and he immediately felt Xuehai's call.

Looking at him in amazement, it was Huang Ji's body, waiting for him to take over.

It turned out that Huang Ji gave up the starlight body after releasing the second impact of the power of divine consciousness.

Then there was no operation, and I fell asleep silently.

"So confident?" Yin Lan was startled.

It's like playing a game, crackling a bunch of preset operations, the last step is to shut down...then people leave and go to sleep.

Unreasonable gambler! Absolutely confident lunatic!

Either die or be invincible?

Yinlan easily took over Huang Ji's starlight body, and integrated the information of nine universities, and added civilized authority.

It has even been upgraded and improved, a brand-new version integrating attack, defense, movement, and production, super learning the sea!

Yinlan immediately mobilized Taiweihua's resources and appealed to everyone to rebuild civilization, but also retrieved his own identity for Huang Ji and sent it back.

Occasionally it was strange that with Tai Weihua's huge logistic support and even technical support, it was like a fish in water, and he directly attacked the straw hat master and began to brutally and inhumanly ravaged.

At the beginning, everyone was very much looking forward to it. Strangely and unexpectedly, all kinds of unclear devices were created, various subtle experiments one after another, and various luxuriant databases were established.

But time passed by minute by minute, five hours had passed before, and now it is ten hours.

Occasionally it is strange that I can't get an atom down!

"Hey hey hey, are you okay? Destroy it, destroy it quickly, I feel he is about to wake up!" Miao Zun was a little panicked.

She feels that she is afraid that her brain is out of her mind? I believe that accidental and strange, and put such an important matter into the hands of the people of the truth society.

This group of lunatics, in the face of valuable research objects, are desperate, giving up their lives and forgetting their lives, completely desperate!

"Pull him away quickly, don't let him mess around, let this seat destroy the straw hat!" Miao Zun has already replenished energy, and at this moment, his arms are stretched out, Jin Guangxixi.

Everyone also felt that this was too unreliable, and they had to stop it immediately.

"Let him continue." A voice said suddenly.

"What a joke, if the Straw Hat Master wakes up, who can beat him again! What you are in charge of...Huh? Huang Ji is you."

Miao Zun saw the visitor clearly, and immediately put away his energy, his arms folded homeopathically, no, four pairs of arms folded forty, and he chanted oh my buddha.

The person who came is Huang Ji. He has returned to his body before being detained. At this moment, he is the weakest existence in the audience...

However, no one dared to underestimate him, guarding him one after another, with a look of joy and even admiration.

Huang Ji stretched his waist, moved his muscles and bones, his body crackled and released gamma rays.

"Sure enough, you wake up first!" Yake said calmly.

"Emperor, please reshape the billionaire elite of my dragon clan!" Rui Ji made a salute.

Yin Lan immediately took out a large number of golden particles in his body, which was the soul carrier of the vast majority of people in this battle.

"Sorry, some people's souls have been wiped out in the black hole and cannot be recovered." Huang Ji said.

As everyone knows, Huang Ji's and straw hat's bodies were swallowed by black holes, and those people really died.

"War will have sacrifices. You can save so many people. You have done it to the extreme... Alas, I don't know who died... How many of us are too Chinese." Yin Lan said.

Huang Ji directly told him: "It's all too Chinese."

"What!" Yin Lan was startled, feeling bitter in his heart.

Huang Ji looked at him and said, "It's the group of prisoners who Jing Nan is with us."

Yin Lan was shocked, it was the group of people. They were the earliest Jingnan group. They followed Huang Ji to escape from prison and captured the highest judicial organ. Yin Lan was still involved at that time.

He didn't trust Huang Ji and asked himself to lead the army, so those people... were actually his soldiers.

Yin Lan is no more than a small natural policeman, and has now become a prophet of civilization. But the group of prisoners died forever.

As they said when they were impassioned: Give your life back to civilization.

Although they were unforgivable during their lives, their sins ended when their lives were dedicated to this war.

"Understood, they have protected civilization and the entire constellation. I will sing their achievements forever in the annals of history." Yin Lan said.

"Actually, there is another prisoner alive, Xili." Huang Ji took out a particle.

Yin Lan said clearly: "So it is Aochen and they are all dead."

Huang Ji calmly looked forward. In this war, he had never seen a straw hat master before, even Xuehai had never seen it, and there was no way to win without death.

So, he went to prison and chose that group of people. This is for the fault tolerance rate, for him to choose more room for victory.

If he blindly pursues perfection, Huang Ji is like being restrained by his hands and feet. After all, victory is more important, so he once said to Aochen: I will not lie to the dying.

In fact, after merging with the sea of ​​study and learning the information of the whole constellation, he has found a way to win.

When faced with the Straw Hat Domination, he had a variety of ways to win, and even the prisoners were saved, as long as they didn't fall into the black hole in the end.

However, he still chose the death ending, because in that choice, the interstellar citizens of the entire constellation would unite and defeat the straw hat.

Most of the unity, unity with everyone, although it can be defeated, but...the future is different.

Compared with this meaning, death is not necessarily a bad thing, and even death is a kind of salvation.

So only Huang Ji knew that the sacrifices made by Aochen and other millions of prisoners were not sacrifices for protection, but to unite the entire constellation.


The body dominated by the straw hat suddenly moved, seeming to be a sign of waking up.

"Not good! The Straw Hat Master is awake!" Alan immediately reminded everyone.

After Huang Ji regained his consciousness, everyone saw it, but Alan didn't. He used to silently warn everyone when they talked. This is true on earth, and it is still true when stepping into the universe.

Everyone was shocked, now wake up, can Huang Ji deal with it?

Oops, Huang Ji is too weak now. He returned the powerful Xuehai fusion to Yinlan. There is only an extremely weak milk enemy around him. He is the same body that he had before coming to Taiweihua, although it is also very strong, but How can it be compared with the straw hat dominating the expensive ontology?

It is impossible to build a very large and high-dimensional communication network, and the power of divine consciousness is not enough!

"Occasionally strange, go back!"

"Huang Ji, quickly take over the Xuehai Body!"

Yin Lan opened his body without nostalgia, his tone anxious.

However, Huang Ji smiled: "No need. The Straw Hat Master has been solved by accident. If he wants to study, he will leave it alone."

"What?" Everyone was astonished.

Occasionally he said strangely: "What are you shouting! The soul dominated by the straw hat has long been taken out by me."

"Take it out?"

"Here, he's here!" Occasionally, weirdly took out a little man, his head is a green straw hat, only one foot high, he can hold it with a single palm!

It is a miniature ascending body constructed from two immortal atoms carrying the soul and a little unified matter...

Everyone felt unbelievable, seeing that by chance, they continued to carry out various experiments with a fanatical expression. They did not expect that he had already gotten the straw hat dominance.

Although the expensive body was still undamaged, not even an atom was stripped off, but accidentally strangely, it stripped the spirit field dominated by the straw hat, that is, the soul.

Carry it in another miniature version of the body, and then this expensive body in front of you is just an empty shell.

"Then why did it move just now!" Alan asked.

Occasionally, weirdly enthusiastically said: "Of course I made him move! I can only drive it slightly for the time being, but it doesn't matter, I will control it sooner or later! Make it my vehicle."

"They were robbed by me, you are going to destroy it anyway, so this is my personal belongings!"

The constellation dominates the ascending body to create a vehicle? This crazy idea was also figured out by Shinrisha.

What other people think at best is to value these precious materials and plan to dismantle them.

This is indeed an amazing asset! Straw hats dominate millions of years of accumulation, and most of them are here! Apart from anything else, the immortal matter alone is a precious treasure that the entire galaxy group does not have.

"Then leave it to you." Huang Ji said indifferently.

Occasionally, weirdly turned around and said: "Give me some technical support, Huang Ji, do you have any good ideas? When I look back, I will get this immortal brain down, and the other immortal substances are at your disposal."

Huang Ji sensed the countless inspirations in his heart and smiled: "If you are technically supported...Look at this..."

He separately carried out data packaging and technical deductions for one of the million accidental and strange inspirations, and then sent it to the other party.

"Follow this line of thought, think about it."

The latter was shocked by the heavens, and he was fascinated by it.

"Fuck, I just got a little eyebrow, you already have such a mature plan... it works! I feel it works!" Occasionally strange, the more I look at it, the more excited it gets.

Huang Ji said: "Come on, as for the'four-personal body' dominated by straw hats, leave it to me."

Occasionally it was strange to throw the miserable green straw hat villain to Huang Ji.

Ten kilograms of uniform material, plus ten grams of immortal material, is enough to carry all the knowledge of the straw hat.

Although the majestic data related to it is gone, just like the research institute has no computers and the scientist has lost the data, his soul is still this constellation, second only to the polymath of Huang Ji.

But Huang Ji is holding him now, like holding a doll...

As for the huge expensive body he gave it to random strangers at will.

Through the analysis of the straw hat ontology, I then researched how to make the ascending body, and in turn created a micro version of the ascendant carrier, in which the talent is absolutely unique.

Not counting Huang Ji, he was originally the number one genius in this galaxy group.

"No, not anymore..."

Huang Ji looks at the Milky Way in the starry sky, where the earth has come to 2045.

A cosmic genius has also grown up.


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