The Omniscient

Chapter 775: Distant immigrants

"The All-Knower (!

Proxima b, 4.2 light-years away from the earth, ushered in a group of uninvited guests.

The'Nuwa' interstellar spacecraft.

This is an interstellar migration ship that set sail 25 years ago on earth civilization. It has nuclear fusion power and is 38 meters long. Its maximum sailing speed is one-sixth the speed of light.

This speed has reached the conventional level of interstellar civilization, even if it is atomic civilization, or even higher trino civilization, its spacecraft is only so fast most of the time.

If you are not in a hurry, maintaining this speed is the most cost-effective option, which is called energy-saving speed.

However, how could earth civilization be in no hurry, it is simply too late!

This is already the fastest manned spacecraft ever built by the Huaxia Kunlun Project.

Carrying the greatest dream of all astronauts, colonizing across the stars.

When the whole ship set off, there were only four people, two men and two women, carrying the gene pool of earth species, and they were ‘distributed’ to Proxima b forever.

Whether it's because of the mission or the fuel, they don't support their return.

The design of the spacecraft is also very rough, with a long and slender shape, which is extremely unsuitable for steering. The few propellers on both sides are destined to have no flexible ability to change direction.

Speed ​​up speed up speed up! Reaching one-sixth the speed of light, this is the original intention of designing it.

Communication still relies on electromagnetic waves. I was able to connect with the earth just after I left, but now I have basically given up. I have become a long-distance traveler who is drifting outside and completely lost.

Excavation and acquisition capabilities, scanning and exploration capabilities, and even combat capabilities, need not be discussed, all have been sacrificed.

In order to reach Proxima b in 2045, scientists have given up too much, and everything is only to ‘deliver people as soon as possible’.

"Peng Lao, leave it to me and Mo Yun about landing." A young astronaut lifted the old astronaut to the seat, and said with vigor and vitality.

However, the astronaut named Peng Lao did not reply. Upon closer inspection, his face was bloodless and his body was severely dehydrated. It turned out to be a corpse that had been dead for many years!

"You are in your eighties, you should let us young people stand alone, don't you worry about me, don't you worry about Mo Yun?" Liu Zhuri tried his best to persuade, if you weren't talking to the mummy, the scene before him seemed like The grandson who acted like a baby with his grandpa.

"Yes, yes, you are right... You have the elixir, you are not old..." Liu Zhuri said to himself, with a helpless expression on his face, and helped another elderly female astronaut to fix it on On the seat.

At this time the door of the rear cabin opened, and a short-haired white woman was suspended in the air, gently kicking her leg backward, gliding gracefully like a fish.

She didn't say a word, and sat silently in her seat.

"Slowdown is complete, ready to land." The woman's voice was as clear as sweet springs.

Liu Zhuri sighed and said: "Okay! Mo Yun, let us witness with our grandparents, the first interstellar landing in human history!"

The voyage mission is aimed at emigration.

For the entire mission, under the conditions of immature technology and short time, they did not consider returning to the voyage at all. Coupled with the long sailing time, limited personnel capacity, and problems such as birth, old age, sickness and death, it was finally decided to adopt a combination of the old and the young.

Two astronauts in their fifties who have taken elixir, plus two twelve or thirteen-year-old volunteer children with aerospace background, these are all the members of this mission.

The latter was brought purely to let young people in the immigration base.

Liu Zhuri is a child left by Liu Tengkong on the earth. As the son of meritorious deeds of the former victims of the Sky Patching Project, Liu Zhuri secretly joined the project at the request of Liu Tengkong, which can be described as the'second generation of heaven'.

And another child, named Mo Yun, although her hair and pupils are black, her skin is fair, her facial features are profound, she is of Greek origin in terms of blood, and she has no oriental descent.

But the name is Mo Yun, and whether it is education or cultural influence, he is completely Chinese.

As for how it was selected, no one on the ship knows, and the origin is quite mysterious.

But anyway, on this ship, it is a family.

The two senior astronauts raised two children for a long time, much longer than their biological parents.

In addition, the task itself is to completely tie their destiny together, and the relationship between the four can be described as closer than their relatives.

Unfortunately, just two years ago, two senior astronauts passed away.

Peng Lao and another female astronaut were suddenly bombarded by gamma rays during a routine external maintenance.

After the two were rescued back, they almost lost half their lives.

Soon after, his lungs became fibrotic and his genes collapsed. Even though Mo Yuntian was a wizard, he continued his life with the barren conditions in the spacecraft.

They also died of illness two years ago.

This arduous task completely fell on Liu Zhuri and Mo Yun's shoulders.

"Slow down!"

"Nuwa has been captured by Proxima b and entered the orbit of the satellite."

"Optical sensor information collection, imaging of the planet's surface environment..."

The brown land is full of deserts and hills, and dust storms sweep across the sky.

Desolate and arid, it looks like another color of Mars.

Through the element analyzer, it can be known that the atmospheric concentration of this planet is very high, mainly hydrogen, helium and carbon dioxide.

The average temperature is around zero, which is actually very suitable for the existence of liquid water, but unfortunately, there is no water at all on this planet...

Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf star with low illuminance, but it cannot hold Planet b close to it, and its temperature is very suitable for people on Earth.

In general, this is a weak habitable star. As long as there is a recyclable immigration base, humans can survive here.

At least there is no magma soaring, continuous acid rain, poisonous gas, lightning and thunder, or barometric pressure explosion.

The surface of the planet can be regarded as a threat, that is, a hundred-meter-level dust storm.


The Nuwa spacecraft landed smoothly on an open plain.

"Twenty-five years, we finally arrived."

"Did you see Mr. Peng?"

"Edit a radio signal to inform the motherland that we, on behalf of all mankind, have safely arrived at Proxima b. This is the first time that mankind has set foot on land outside the solar system."

Liu Zhuri's voice was full of vicissitudes and excitement, tears even flowed from the corner of his eyes.

The voyage was too long, and the journey was even more difficult and dangerous.

Twenty-five years is definitely not a short time, living and growing in this cramped spaceship environment. There is no starry sky outside, no sunlight, no more people.

The two senior astronauts are unbearable, so what about two children?

In the first two years of sailing, Liu Zhuri went from a very sensible, intelligent and considerate child to a rebellious and violent boy, and was almost driven crazy by the repression in the spacecraft.

At that time, the spacecraft was still passing through the Oort Cloud, and there was always the threat of comet impact. Under the terrible pressure of living in fear all day, the comet damaged the spacecraft, and urgent repairs, they thought they were dead for several times.

Liu Zhuri, who was only fourteen or five years old at the time, clamored every day that he wanted to go back.

The atmosphere inside the spacecraft is terrible.

At the most critical moment, Peng Lao even planned to abandon the two children into space...because the collector outside the spacecraft was smashed, which meant that they could not obtain materials from the comet's moisture.

This, in turn, will cause problems with the energy supply of the oxygen generator and the water circulation system, and the inventory will also be leaked.

In that case, if you want to ensure the survival of the people on the ship for 25 years, you must either use the energy reserve reserved for deceleration or reduce consumption!

The deceleration energy must not be misappropriated. This is Peng's stubbornness. His duty is to send people to the destination. As for whether it is two old people or young doesn't matter.

Since the deceleration energy cannot move, there is only left to reduce the consumption... The best way is to abandon the two children who are completely behind on the boat.

But in the end, Peng Lao and another female astronaut did not do this, but adopted strict oxygen and drinking water distribution.

The two of them took regular oxygen every day and were in a state of semi-suffocation throughout the year. They only took a little more when they needed a lot of brain use.

Drinking water is also calculated in grams and allocated to the level of thirsty.

There is no doubt that although you can't die, this kind of life day after day is extremely painful.

They were in this state for ten years!

Finally using these ten years, they successfully repaired the collector.

But the crises came one after another. During the voyage, they encountered a gamma-ray burst.

In the end, the two astronauts died on the road, failing to witness this historic moment with their own eyes.

Recalling the rebellion in his youth and the teachings Peng Lao had taught him during his lifetime, Liu Zhuri was very painful.

"It doesn't make sense to post a congratulatory message. The earth can't receive it. Don't waste energy." Mo Yun operated quickly with both hands, processing some data.

"If the earth can't receive it, we have to send it too. It only costs a little electricity. This is symbolic. Yes, it is sent to Peng Lao. Do you understand?" Liu Zhuri said with red eyes.

Mo Yun grinned and said: "I can understand, but what I want to say have already suffered from a serious mental illness."

"...You, don't you want Old Peng? I'm not mentally ill, I just miss that old man. I feel I am normal, and I do my usual work very well..." Liu Zhuri said babblingly.

Mo Yun turned his head, looked at the old man in the seat behind him with nostalgia, and said softly: "I miss them, but I won't talk to the dead."

"You are too calm, Mo Yun, you will be very lonely like this." Liu Zhuri said, looking at him.

"I am not alone. Your feelings come from your negativity and confusion. And I have a very fulfilling life, and mathematics makes me happy." Mo Yun showed a standardized smile.

The smile is beautiful, perfectly in line with the golden ratio, symmetrical, delicate, and ingenious.

But seeing Liu Zhuri shuddering, his pupils quaked, and his hands went crazy.

"I think you are crazy! You know mathematics, mathematics, and mathematics all day long..."

Mo Yun even agreed very much: "You are right, it may be me who is crazy. After all, mental illness is relative to the majority."

"There are only you and me in the spacecraft. My opinion only represents 50%... so we... are actually each other's lunatics."

The dark universe is eternal, lonely, dead, and vast... Two teenagers grew up in this long-term, depressive, threatening environment that requires careful planning. No matter how rebellious and violent, he will soon be forced to be mature and stable.

Until now, Liu Zhuri and Mo Yun are both thirty-two years old.

The unique growth experience makes them a top technology elite at a young age. Especially Mo Yun, she had already completed all the courses when she was sixteen years old. After she had no knowledge on the spacecraft to learn, she could only solve the math puzzles for herself, and then solve them by herself, and take advantage of them. The limited materials on the spacecraft, make some inventions.

Her life is so monotonous and unpretentious.

But with the death of the two elders, their extreme loneliness eroded them, and their mentality moved towards different adaptation methods.

Liu Zhuri almost turned the two elders into fantasy partners. In his eyes, the two elders were almost alive and could chat with him.

Mo Yun is immersed in mathematics. After all, this is the only thing that can be continuously studied under the current conditions. It is also the cornerstone of science. The more you study, the more you can't stop.

She herself also has amazing talents, and her mathematics attainments at the moment, she has no idea where the profoundness is going.

"Mo Yun! Can you speak a little bit of human words, it's the kind of talking taste under the simple human emotions, really, I haven't been here for a long time!"

"Fuck!" Mo Yun glared at him, his tone heavy and powerful.

Liu Zhuri was taken aback, and quickly said, "If you don't say it, let's not talk. Why do you shout so loudly."

However, Mo Yun said seriously: "As you wish, this word is full of humanity."

"This..." Liu Zhuri completely gave up communicating with Mo Yun in depth. They weren't the same kind of people at all.

The two of them were doing business while chatting. Mo Yun quickly said: "The gamma radiation content in the outside world is seriously exceeding the standard. Proxima Centauri and the Earth are both on the eruption path of the Betelgeuse gamma-ray burst. The horse rays go towards the earth."

"Now that we have reached Proxima b, the gamma-ray burst has approximately reached the earth."

After Liu Zhuri listened to the radiation content data reported by Mo Yun, his heart seemed to have fallen into an ice cave.

"So...humanity has been destroyed..." Liu Zhuri's eyes flushed.

Mo Yun searched for a certain signal and said: "Not so fast. The gamma-ray burst is weakened by the earth's magnetic field and atmosphere. If it hides underground, humans can continue for a long time."

"What's more, everything is possible in 25 years. Maybe the earth has found a way to resist the impact of gamma-ray bursts."

Liu Zhuri enthusiastically threw his fist and said, "Regardless of whether the earth can survive this catastrophe, we must complete our mission."

"Establish an immigration base as soon as possible. Civilization has considered that Proxima Centauri suffered a gamma-ray burst first, and launched the "Fuxi" interstellar unmanned transport ship ahead of time."

"The materials and facilities needed for the base are all there, enough for us to build a base that can live under gamma rays."

They are not the first spacecraft to come to Proxima b, and Nuwa is the second phase of the project. In fact, in the ten years before departure, the country has launched a large number of interstellar vehicles, known as the "Fuxi Series".

The various materials, materials, and facilities are made into modular modules and launched first. Those "Fuxi" transport ships will automatically slow down and complete their orbits, becoming satellites of Proxima b, and airdropping materials to the planet.

In the end, the people in the "Nuwa" only need to find one and they can build a base.

Of course, because the distance is too far, and there is no help from the ground command center, the calculations predicted for 25 years have a very high error rate, and there are many accidents in the middle.

So it is most likely that it crashed directly onto a star or planet, or even ran into deep space forever...

Therefore, in order to ensure success, twelve "Fuxi" ships were launched throughout the first phase of the project to increase the fault tolerance rate with the number.

As long as one ship successfully landed, the mission of the'Nuwa' can be completed.


"No one could be detected...Fuxi."

"Approximately, they all hit Proxima Centauri and were engulfed in a sea of ​​flames."

The words of Mo Yun made Liu Zhuri desperate.

Too bad, the entire army of the twelve Fuxis was wiped out?

This alien star is left with their lonely Nuwa?

Without Fuxi's materials, what would they use to build an immigration base?

No, there is another way, and that is to dismantle the Nuwa spacecraft... Its own materials and equipment are enough to build a recyclable immigration base.

But without the cloning equipment in Fuxi's warehouse, one can only rely on the most primitive reproduction.

"Is there no way out...then, tear down the spaceship."

Liu Zhuri looked at Mo Yun with a sense of mission: "Mo Yun, from now on, we are the last kind of fire for mankind. You and I are the Nuwa Fuxi of the new world. On this planet, we will continue the human race."

"Haha." Mo Yun showed a very standard smile: "I don't need you to be such a dumb Fuxi."

"What are you talking about, this is our task!" Liu Zhuri said in a daze.

Regarding the existence of gamma doomsday, they are of course very clear. Their mission here is to continue the fire of human civilization, and this is one of humanity's plans to fight against the end of Gamma.

So I didn't care about it and sent them when the technology was not yet mature.

With controllable nuclear fusion, it is clear that the supporting technologies can be polished to make the immigration plan more secure. But time was too late. The Nuwa spacecraft, under such conditions, set off in a hurry, demanding that the construction of the immigration base must be completed before 2045.

Even so, it was too late.

The Nuwa's plan is mainly to complete the targets of the Star Alliance.

As long as the base of Proxima b is completed, and then the two of them complete their race reproduction, it means that humans have been able to cross the interstellar multiplying races and meet the minimum standards for joining the Star Alliance.

But now that the gamma-ray burst has arrived, they have just arrived at Proxima b.

It's easy to build a base, just dismantle the spaceship, but what about having a baby? They have to create at least one healthy offspring in order to meet the standard.

Originally, there was not enough time, and the earth might be in dire straits.

If Mo Yun does not cooperate, then humanity will die...

Liu Zhuri scratched his head and said: "Mo Yun, I know you are hard to accept. We grew up together, like brothers and sisters...I also find it hard to accept, but this is our mission on the stars."

"Fuxi and Nuwa in the myth are also brothers and sisters, but it is the two of them who created human beings."

Mo Yun smiled mysteriously: "Nuwa Tuan the earth to create a human being, there is never a need for Fuxi, mud is enough."

"Huh? That's a myth, how does the soil make people!" Liu Zhuri was at a loss.

Mo Yun turned around and entered his cabin to take out his inventions and accumulations over the years.

"The human body is just a mass of carbohydrates, and all the necessary elements are in the mud and water."

"Tuning the soil to create people is nothing more than changing the combination of elements, turning a mixture of carbon and water into carbohydrates, plus some other elements that are in the soil."

Liu Zhuri was stunned: "You all said you want to change the element combination! You want to directly convert from carbon to water. This breaks away from the general chemical reaction and enters the level of tampering with the atomic arrangement."

"We haven't even reached the peak of nanotechnology, how dare we dream of technology in the atomic age!"

Mo Yun showed off his various small inventions over the past ten years, either new materials, strange parts, or simply improved original equipment of the spacecraft.

At first glance, these things are just irrelevant small inventions.

Most of the technical content was in the early stage of nanometer, and a few involved the heyday of nanometer, and there was not even a peak.

However, Mo Yun was very confident to drag these ‘groceries’ to the industrial cabin, and enthusiastically began to transform the original nano-printer and polymer synthesis furnace of the spacecraft.

Looking at her posture, it seems that she intends to transform the bioprinter of the atomic age.

"Wait a minute, you won't be able to join the Star Alliance like this. Even if you do, you will only create vegetative people without wisdom." Liu Zhuri hurriedly said.

Mo Yun made it on his own: "There is no need to create a complete person. What I really want is to replace my'artificial child palace', so that we can clone the people in the gene bank at will."

"Come on, help me dismantle the spacecraft's engine. I finally figured out how to use simple materials to achieve atomic control."

Liu Zhuri saw her coming for real, and said madly: "Are you really crazy? If there was an atomic production line, the country would directly create sky-type fortifications, and it would be easy to resist gamma-ray bursts!"

"As a result, you have invented atomic technology so as not to have children?"

Mo Yun ignored him, and UU read intently to reform.

"Forget it, it's up to you, it's too late anyway."

Liu Zhuri looked out the porthole, the dark universe, empty and empty.

The plan of relying on the help of aliens is too late. Even if Mo Yun uses a machine to replace childbirth, it will take time to create a child. How can it take a month?

Unsurprisingly, the earth has already begun to be bombarded. I don’t know if the earth’s native land has thought of a solution in the past 25 years.

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