The Omniscient

Chapter 781: Order and chaos

"The All-Knower (!

"There really is an explosion in technology."

There are many bigwigs in the world, who has not experienced several technological explosions? It soon became clear that the earth would definitely set off an upsurge of development.

But this way, everyone did not expect it.

Overthrow the hero...

The observer's evaluation of the people on earth back then was called cruelty. Because human beings can abandon the most important heroes in their civilization, because of the changes of the times, they can just abandon them, or they can slander them.

This is recognized as a barbarian act in the starry sky.

The earth used to be so cruel, but now it is about to join the star alliance, why is human beings so cruel?

"Emperor Ziwei, your achievements have been distorted by your own mother clan, and you are clearly the savior of civilization." Zheyi Jin Wu said angrily.

Unexpectedly, Huang Ji smiled and said, "Am I the savior? So what? Civilization is still my mother."

"..." Everyone present was stunned.

In a simple sentence, Huang Ji explained the truth thoroughly.

There has never been a savior, Huang Ji will always call himself a doctor. As a member of civilization bred, Huang Ji did what he could, and that was all.

He cleared all obstacles to civilization and became the so-called savior of civilization, so the ‘Master’ who cleared him in the end should be his own.

For a while, everyone had nothing to say.

"What are you talking about, Huang Ji, is this your mother race? Your mother race or primitive race?" The straw hat master suddenly broke the silence.

After being handed off by Huang Ji, and being played by Mo Yun, the Straw Hat Master was not angry or noisy, but kept absorbing information from the surroundings.

Huang Ji looked down at the earth and said frankly: "Yes, I am a person on earth."

"My civilization and society remain in the early stage of nanometer, and some areas have entered the era of nanometer peak."

"On my planet, there are still more than 3,000 stone tribes living on hunting-gatherers."

"My fellow clan, there are even countless people who are struggling with disease and famine."

The Straw Hat ruler was dull, but he was very knowledgeable and had never heard of such a thing.

Too weak, such a weak civilization, his rule will grasp a lot.

Such a bacteria-like world will give birth to a yellow pole?

Others can also feel the awkwardness of the straw hat dominance, human beings are dying, and many higher civilizations want to flatter and don't know how to do it.

But facts speak louder than words. People on earth are by no means as mediocre as they seem on the surface.

Could it be his special talent, that is, everyone can question the savior above, and everyone can become the savior?

No, if it doesn't work, isn't it a mess? Either the potential is infinite, or the potential is 0.5?

Many civilized missions are puzzled. I don't know where the potential of this legendary civilization that gave birth to Huang Ji is high!

Zheyi Jinwu didn't want to think about this issue, he was more concerned about the technological explosion itself: "The Emperor Ziwei, so only one thing that has never happened before, as a fuse, can ignite a technological explosion?"

Huang Ji glanced at him: "It's not that simple. The right time and the right object are more important."

"Isn't it still a matter of luck? Can it be said that the emperor has counted it?" Everyone stared at Huang Ji.

Lin Li also looked at Huang Ji. He knew that all of this was under Huang Ji's control.

It seems that Mo Yun's break-of-convention behavior triggered a technological explosion. But this move was made by Huang Ji more than 30 years ago.

If Huang Ji had not appointed Temelo to deal with wandering pirates, Temelo would not return to Earth with Mo Yun.

Moreover, Huang Ji accepted her as a righteous daughter and chose a Chinese name, which now seems to have far-reaching intentions. It was this step that Temelo allowed Mo Yun to accept Chinese culture from an early age and was sent to the Nuwa plan.

Mo Yun's growth experience was decided as early as Huang Ji's casual move.

In addition, Fang Ye is also very important. It was he who forced the jellyfish pirates out, and then informed Yu Moshuo and others, Mo Yun's communication channel.

Otherwise, the electromagnetic wave of Mo Yun would not be received in a few minutes. After all, the earth would not pay attention to information on an unknown frequency at the time because of the great silence at the time, and would inevitably miss this event.

It can be said that the reminder of jellyfish pirates is very important.

The handling of the jellyfish pirates was also appointed by Huang Ji back then. It could have been solved casually, and Huang Ji insisted on letting Temelo solve it.

Thinking about it now, if Brando or others were sent to perform this task, the jellyfish pirate would definitely not survive, and would have died long ago. That is, Temelo had no experience, so that jellyfish survived to this day.

Finally, there is a time for Huang Ji to return.

In the eyes of others, when Mo Yun sneaked into the Observer spacecraft, he planned to invite Earth to join the Star Alliance. Anyway, the biological culture vessel has been settled, and the completion of the target is only a matter of time. There is no need to wait for seven months.

However, in Huang Ji's eyes, these seven months are crucial. When he came back, he prevented Zheyi Golden Crow from inviting the earth into the alliance in advance, so that the earth civilization was given time to cut off the ‘savior’s shackles’.

These seven months are the most important seven months in human history. In the confusion and confusion, they overthrew and established their own technological backbone.

Lin Li realized that this technological explosion was intertwined, and it wouldn't work without a link. And all the important links can be traced back to Huang Ji's meeting with Temelo, which was Huang Ji's 32-year-old, seemingly meaningless move.

"Great Emperor, how exactly did you count this ingenious timing?" Zheyi Golden Crow's eyes gleamed.

"How to calculate this point is a sociological question. I left a set of Ziwei Yishu deduction models at Galaxy College. If you are interested, go and study." Huang Ji has no way to let others have information perception. What we did was to build a set of causal calculus models that included the human mind.

For the time being, this system is still very imperfect, but it is still possible to deduct some major events and some of the crux of civilization.

In theory, anyone can figure out the general trend of their civilization as long as they repeatedly calculate, and then adapt to the times.

However, after calculating it, some people may follow the general trend, and some people may just not...

2046, March 15.

Seven months have passed since the disaster.

The scientific community of the earth civilization has fallen into a state of vigor, the collision of ideas and the burst of inspiration are far higher than the contention of a hundred schools of thought and the beginning of the twentieth century.

This time, it is a cultural fusion common to all nations of mankind.

Coupled with the unprecedented disaster, it has greatly stimulated people's thinking.

The comfort zone was broken, hundreds of millions of people left their hometowns, and hundreds of millions of jobs and lives were completely torn apart and reorganized.

At this time, no one will watch TV, gossip, play games, or chase celebrities, and they will be more pragmatic when life is in a trough. A little bit of entertainment already feels very happy, and more people are forced to think about survival, the direction of civilization, and the future of the collective.

After the catastrophe, the changes in the entire era have made some people decadent, but they have also made some people love life even more.

When more and more of the latter, far overwhelming the people who live in the mess, this society is an enterprising society.

The collective wisdom burst out from it.

It is not only scientists who lead progress, but ordinary engineers also have whimsical ideas in the process of industrial construction.

Even an ordinary workshop worker, after working hard to do today's work, is eating and holding a great enthusiasm for production, thinking about how to improve his life.

Suddenly, I thought of a way to increase production. I immediately put down my job, rushed into the workshop to take measurements, and then reported to the person in charge.

After accepting his proposal, the factory only made one very simple change, and the productivity of the workshop increased by one-thousandth.

Although this is a humble progress, such small things happen all over the world.

Countless such individuals appeared one after another, changing the world sporadically.

The progress of civilization is created by countless ordinary people in such trivial matters.

Small progress such as 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, etc., when they appear at the most basic level, a big era is set off.

However, there is no conflict between the explosion of technology and social unrest.

In fact, throughout history, the most passionate moments of human thought are often the most acute moments of contradictions and turmoil. This was true in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and it was also true in the early twentieth century.

The entire society of the earth today is like a melting pot. While tempering and building the cornerstone of civilization for ten thousand years, it is also facing very serious livelihood problems.

First of all, food is the number one problem. There was a shortage of food for hundreds of millions of people in the world. When the disaster hit, economic activities stopped, and the number of hungry people soared to 2 billion in an instant, and this number is still increasing day by day.

Coupled with the war in the first two months, 70% of the world's regions are now in famine, and the number of hungry people is as high as 5 billion.

Regardless of the fact that the civilized earth government has been established, the enforcement power is actually terribly low. The food on-demand supply bill passed as early as October has not yet been fully implemented.

In areas with grain reserves, grain is not released. Seeing riots in famine areas, the Earth Alliance Civilization Army can only choose to ‘forced mobilization’. Using military aircraft to pull food to various parts of the world, the number of people who die of starvation every month in the world has been reduced from the initial 20 million to 100,000.

But even if the transportation problem is solved and the global food reserves are allocated on demand, the earth’s civilization will not last long.

In the first few hours of the disaster, plants all over the world absorbed excessive amounts of ultraviolet light, and grains were the most damaged. The output was reduced by 30%-40% in the light, and 60%-70% in the heavier, and some fields and even grains were not harvested.

After calculation, the earth’s food reserves are simply not enough to feed everyone.

In order to solve the food crisis, the remaining fifty-six countries are making every effort to organize their citizens to cultivate land, but in some areas and some people, he just doesn't participate in this kind of social reconstruction.

They would rather watch the fields go to waste, watch the city run-down, than try to change, just wait for the so-called civilized government to deliver aid.

The relief materials and vehicles were looted by the rioters. They would rather face an army with live ammunition and fight against them than put down their guns and go to work.

Take North America as an example. Hundreds of new forces, large and small, have been established, independent of the earth’s civilization.

Some are called kingdoms, but in fact they are just armed organizations. Cults, racism, and violent dictators are wreaking havoc on this land.

Like a Jewish economic union, it is already very orderly. The ‘Noah’s Cult’, the ‘City of David’, the ‘Red Neck Legion’, and the ‘Santiago Empire’ are basically close to anarchism.

People's thoughts are not interlinked, and their enlightenment may differ greatly.

In the increasingly tense food crisis, the UU Kanshu coalition government finally decided to abandon some areas and instead give priority to ensuring the operation of the ‘conscious areas’ that have begun to restore social production.

So far, only five months of on-demand distribution has been run, and it has been declared bankrupt.

The whole earth has a big explosion of technology and a big trough in society.

Some people are determined to forge ahead, and some people give up on themselves. Enlightenment and madness coexist, progress and regression go hand in hand, love and malice are intertwined, the place of order is thriving, and the place of chaos is rotten and smelly.

In this contradiction, the earth civilization ushered in a more shocking event: contact with extraterrestrial civilization.

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