The Omniscient

Chapter 782: Primate will

   The All-Knowing Information Volume Chapter 792 The primate will on the land of the earth, if it is a political entity, the number has soared to the ‘eight hundred kingdoms’.

   But there are only 56 seats that are truly recognized by the earth’s civilization.

  The ten countries headed by China, Canada, Russia, Britain, Germany, Mumbai, Turk, Persia, Egypt and Brazil, have been closely united in politics, economy, culture and scientific research.

   On this day, they all discussed the ‘Star Alliance Invitation Letter’ very solemnly.

   Yes, solemn.

   They should have cheered and cheered, celebrating the Nuwa spacecraft, successfully completing the immigration at Proxima b.

   Human beings finally multiply across the interstellar, and they are recognized by the Galactic Alliance.

   However, they have already undergone a transformation, and they have regarded Huang Ji's interstellar picture as one of the ‘possibility’.

   Then, now this invitation letter has to be discussed carefully.

  Possibly, it is exactly what Huang Ji said.

  Or, they have achieved the test including Huang Ji, an alien, before they got the invitation of the Star Alliance.

  Or, the so-called Galaxy Covenant does not exist. From beginning to end, they are under the control of ‘a certain civilization’.

   That ‘X Civilization’ claims to be the Galactic Covenant, but maybe the so-called Galactic Covenant is their only civilization...

   This x civilization, from a very early time, used the story of the "Yellow Jike Fighting Desi" to make the earth civilization familiar with, accustomed to, and understanding of the extraterrestrial civilization in the universe.

  So, it's not worth the brainless cheers at all.

   "Everyone, this seems to be a concept implantation. This civilization observes the earth’s culture and way of thinking, and actively creates a ‘Star Alliance’ concept that is easier for the people on earth to accept."

   "They almost succeeded in making us insiders extremely eager to join the Star Covenant, and very much looking forward to integrating into them! They extremely believe in the interstellar, possessing a huge common order, and ruling the entire galaxy!"

"Deep down in our hearts, for decades, we have all kinds of illusions about joining the interstellar society. We regard the unproven concept of the Star Alliance as the truth. To enter the interstellar age, we must join They took it for granted and justified things."

   "In retrospect, this kind of thinking is actually very scary."

   "This in itself may be the ‘propaganda method’ of a certain civilization’s contact with the earth. This may be the ‘Trumen’s world’!"

  The representative of Huaguo expressed his concerns very seriously in the meeting.

The Russian representative took the lead in agreeing, and took out a thick translation of the foreign invitation letter, saying: "I agree with this statement. Look at this content, this existence named'Civilization of Light' proposed the so-called guide system, A number of civilized missions appeared and contacted us. They will give gifts of friendship on their behalf, and we are free to choose one of the civilizations as our guide."

   "The guidance period can be as short as a few decades or as long as hundreds of years. We will only come into contact with this civilization as a pre-transition for us to thoroughly face the tens of thousands of races in the Milky Way."

   "Guide civilization will help us adapt to the interstellar age, and help us to progress to a certain extent, ensuring that we have a complete interstellar civilization system and industrial system, and then completely open us to a large society full of races."

   Regarding the facilitator system, Hua Guo didn't know about it from Huang Ji, let alone others.

   At this moment, the Star Alliance invitation letter suddenly mentioned this system. In addition, during the guidance period, only contacting one civilization, this is undoubtedly more conducive to cover up the so-called "Star Alliance does not exist".

   The Russian representative continued: “This civilization limits us to the lies of the'Star Covenant' by shaping false concepts, and everyone knows that the'Star Covenant' is a tool for others to manage us."

   "We thought those aliens were also under the Star Covenant order. But in fact, they can double-label us according to the situation, and use the Star Covenant as an excuse to use us according to the situation."

   "We thought we had joined a big family, but in fact, it was we who took the initiative... got into a birdcage and was proud of it."

The representative of Persia said: "I am very disgusted with the claims about the origin of mankind in the'Huangji Notes'. If this is false, then one of the purposes of aliens is actually to make us innately inferior to aliens. people."

   "Alien creation theory tears our beliefs to pieces."

   "This kind of soft knife is so unpredictable that I have to guard against it."

   "Everyone..." The California representative knocked on the table and said, "Don't pull it away. I don't object to your idea, but this idea itself is also an unreasonable guess. What is the point of our worrying about this?"

   "Even if this is true, we can't break this artificially created ‘false framework’. Are we just dragging it out and not joining?"

   "With all due respect, maybe we are being monitored at this moment. All we say here, they have professional personnel to analyze."

   Everyone looked sad, yeah, what's the use of saying this?

   The earth is now in a mess, and people’s civilization is mysterious and powerful. What's the use of being hostile to aliens?

   The representative of Hua Guo leaned forward and said: "We put forward this idea to alert you. It is not that we will not join the Star Alliance, let alone that we are hostile to extraterrestrial creatures."

   "People who are willing to lie to us is kind! It is good news in itself."

   "No matter what the purpose is, even if it is to use us to create wealth, exploit us to produce for them, even if it is to assimilate us. This is not the worst case. On the contrary, it proves that they are very ‘civilized’."

   "So not only can we not be hostile, we must also be more active in contact, exchange, and study with them. There should be a lot of friendship, and all the cooperation should be in place."

   "Only on this basis, we cannot be blindly and optimistic. We must regard each other as another civilization, not the so-called Star Alliance."

  The California representative said impatiently: "What's the difference? They really want to assimilate us, and we have nothing to resist."

"Of course there are differences." The representative of Huaguo said solemnly: "For example, it is reflected in the government's propaganda of'extraterrestrial contact'. No matter what the aliens say, our internal propaganda, don't mention any Star Alliance, just say Civilization is in contact."

   "We are finally sure that we are not alone in the universe. In the vast starry sky, a certain civilization discovered us, that's all."

   "We only report to the people what we have seen and confirmed facts. There is no need to talk about the so-called 3,000 civilizations and 10,000 races of the Star Alliance."

   "Anything that aliens tell us that we can't actually get in touch with will not be reported."

   "Even to refute rumors. Unless something really enters our lives."

  The British representative thought: "If aliens, this whole set of rhetoric has ulterior motives, then the government should at least not become an accomplice, right?"

  The representative of the Chinese nation nodded and said: "Yes, we can't fully believe the information provided to us by a person who appeared almost out of thin air on earth and spent most of his life in the universe."

   "Therefore, we should have the ability to recognize the information from the outside world, and we should not have naive thoughts..."

   "Although we still don't know what the purpose of X civilization is, no matter what it is, even if we have a lot of behavior, it is better than all human beings who have no brain to believe in aliens."

   The representative of California raised an objection: “People are not here to invade us, but to help us. This will guide the public to be wary of extraterrestrial civilization and may irritate aliens.”

   "Since others have thrown out the olive branch, they have been tirelessly making so many cultural beddings, and we are just asking for trouble!"

   "It's better to open your arms and blend in more thoroughly, so that humans can live a higher civilization life as soon as possible."

   Many country representatives looked at the Canadian representative, frowning.

   A small number of people agree with him. Anyway, the gap is so big that people want to assimilate themselves, so it's better to lie flat.

   But most of them are still very sober: outsiders are always outsiders and cannot be truly accepted. It is really naive to think that you can become a member of a higher civilization with enough cooperation.

  The representative of the Chinese nation stood up directly, glanced at the possibly undefended conference hall, and said earnestly: "This is what we must emphasize today...Humans are humans, and we have our own civilization."

   "Any ‘comprador’ who sells the collective interests of the public in exchange for the so-called welfare of human beings for the benefit of an individual or a small person will be the enemy of all mankind."

   "Today, we must unify our positions. Now vote, who is for? Who opposes?"

   The California representative slightly twitched his eyelids, but he did not make a sound for a long time.

   Times have changed. China is now eloquent, and the ideas it holds are more in line with the collective interests of mankind. In other countries, no one has the ability and position to distort and package some concepts.

   So far, in this meeting, the Earth Civilization united the government, unified thinking, and established the principle of ‘falsely join the Star Alliance’.


   2046, March 16, at the same time that Proxima B Liu completed the immigration day by day.

   The lord of the Zigzag Wing Golden Crow couldn’t wait, and at a speed that surpassed everyone, representing the entire Star Alliance, he was the first to send an invitation to earth civilization.

   The invitation is very solemn, mainly for Interstellar Common Language, and secondly there is a compiled data package about Interstellar Common Language.

   This is a necessary procedure. After all, the direct arrival of the spaceship will frighten people. Let’s ‘letter exchange’ first, so that the Earth should be prepared for reception, and then the various civilized missions will arrive.

   In the invitation letter, he spoke earnestly about the order of the Star Covenant and the system of the leader. I also included private goods, and used words to mention my own civilization of light many times. Among the various rhetoric and grammar, there are many words such as greatness, long history, advanced technology, clear system, and culturally friendly and inclusive...

   The representatives of other civilizations admire the speed of the Zig-Wing Golden Crow. It was too fast, and the invitation was sent out when the target reached 0.1 femtosecond.

   But come back quickly, everyone has waited for three days, but they didn’t even wait for a reply!

   One look, the earth is in a meeting!

   This meeting made all the civilized missions look stupid. What the hell, pretending to join the Star Alliance?

   directly treat the entire Galaxy Star League as a ‘certain civilization’?

What does it mean? The people on Earth see themselves... as equal to the entire Star Alliance?

   Zheyi Jinwu's face is bitter, and his heart said how to guide this? He has devised a package plan, and he is still waiting to win the status of a leader, have a friendly relationship with earth civilization, and become a brother, teacher and student who will forever give up.

   As a result, they hadn't met before, so they were wary, pretending to greet them on the surface, and fortifying them in secret.

   How can I cross my heart? I am afraid that the better the earth, the more vigilant the earth, right?

   By the way, he still doesn't care how vigilant people are inside. The most difficult thing in the world is to distort people's hearts.

   Unprecedented situation, this is... this kind of thing has never happened in the entire galaxy before, think about it carefully, this is also caused by Huang Ji.

The    guide system was temporarily added by Huang Ji, and the earth civilization was the first civilization to enjoy this transitional policy.

   In addition to this special time node, the earth civilization is at a time when it is most suspicious of Huangji's intelligence, and the facilitator system has intensified this suspicion.

   It's impossible to say that Huang Ji didn't expect it.

   Everyone looked at Huang Ji, there was no wave in his ancient well, as expected, there was no surprise at all.

   deliberately? Does this kind of thing make any sense?

   Lin Li was also very confused, and asked Huang Ji privately: "Big Brother, why do you want this? The order of the Star Covenant is becoming more and more harmonious. It is impossible for the earth to be unfavorable if we maintain it. Are you trying to keep the earth vigilant?"

Huang Ji denied: "Vigilance is not the point, it is just superficial... After the lead-up period is over, what should be debunked will still be debunked. Their current thinking, UU reading looks very naive, a lot more. But in fact, this is a kind of'primate will' that most civilizations don't have."

   "The primate will?" Lin Li was even more confused.

   Huang Ji turned his head to look at him: "Hua Xia Civilization has a very confident cultural concept, that is, the'World Center'."

"Humans are the primates of all things. This does not mean that human beings have brains and all things must revolve around us, but a mission and a responsibility. This civilization is supposed to be the leader of all souls, led by all things thriving and prospering. All beings move towards happiness."

   "This thought is too arrogant, but it is still hidden in our bones, as if there are only'China' and'foreign countries' in the world."

   "If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are good, you will benefit the world. When you are fragile, this is just a self-centered delusion, but when you have the ability, this will is called ‘let me and others’!"

   Lin Li was stunned and realized that this is a culture that naturally has a strong sense of mission and responsibility.

Huang Ji looked at the earth: "This kind of earth civilization develops, and after a hundred years, the concept is completely formed. Even if it is revealed that there are thousands of civilizations in the galaxy, their thinking and concepts will regard the'other civilizations' as a whole. ."

   "Except for ‘us’, there are ‘others’. The sense of independence will be very strong, the sense of self will be very strong, and the sense of ‘ownership’ will also be very strong."

   "This is not to say that they will be detrimental to the Star Alliance, on the contrary, they will be the first when they need civilization to stand up...the first one, think! Come! Own! Own!"

   Lin Li felt deafened, and he finally understood that what Huang Ji was looking forward to was not a purely wealthy, purely powerful civilization.

   is a great civilization.



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