The Omniscient

Chapter 783: Come

   Chapter 785

   "Aliens? Are you kidding me?"

   "There is an extraterrestrial civilization, and it requires formal contact with us? Is this another cult spreading rumors! I heard that foreign countries are doomsday, and cults are everywhere."

   "Don't make this fame right now. What kind of aliens are you talking about? Why won't they come out during the Gamma Scourge? Let's stop a bit now, the bull ghosts and snake gods are going out again?"

   "It's not fake news, the news is all on the air, and some leaders have made speeches. This is the first time in human history to communicate with extraterrestrial intelligent creatures. Watch the news!"

   "People's spacecraft is in the solar system, demanding to descend on the surface, and the news will be sent directly to the earth's civilized government... What's so, this is true!"

   "Is there really an alien civilization? I don't believe it..."

  "The extraterrestrial civilization spacecraft will arrive on April 1, and the heads of the fifty-six countries are ready to welcome this. This is the fifth type of contact! The news has been confirmed! The news has been confirmed!"

   "What's wrong in this world? I just lived a few days with peace of mind, thinking that the disaster has passed, and even aliens appeared?"

  Although there is no plan to disclose information in the interstellar space such as the Covenant, there is no way to hide the imminent arrival of extraterrestrial civilization.

  After sufficient preparations, the official announced the news that “earth civilization will come into contact with extraterrestrial civilization”.

  It spread to everyone in 56 countries in just one day, and even people in chaotic areas can learn about it through radio.

  This kind of thing is like a bolt from the blue sky, which instantly aroused huge discussions on a global scale.

  People who have unlimited imagination about the universe are all shocked by the arrival of aliens at this moment.

  Desperately trying to find aliens in the past, but the universe was silent.

   Now that aliens have really come, many people feel scared.

  It’s too sudden, people even hope that they find aliens, rather than aliens suddenly come to Earth!

  Just after the gamma natural disaster, aliens came again.

  People who have experienced disasters instinctively think about the worst. Even if you are a fan of aliens, you can't help but worry.

  This is actually the civilized government of the Earth, deliberately guiding. In their reports, they constantly emphasize that they will treat them friendly and that they are ready for all preparations. The Earth hopes to have in-depth exchanges and learning with extraterrestrial civilizations in the future.

  But what is the attitude of the other party, why did the other party suddenly appear, and what is the purpose of this contact?

  There is no such information, which makes people feel anxious. The earth only knows its own unilateral affairs.

'Peace-loving civilization','the other party has shown goodwill in exchanges','the earth and extraterrestrial civilizations will establish friendly diplomatic relations', such words, the official did not say a word, for this unexpected civilization, the official did not Make any'qualitative'.

  Yes, this is normal. An unfamiliar civilization suddenly descends, and the government knows nothing about it, so it’s normal if it dare not qualitatively.

   But this way there are too many unknowns, and people don’t like the unknown.

  Fortunately, the purpose of the Earth Civilization Government is to package everything into "human first extraterrestrial contact", not to create panic.

  Of course, it is impossible for the government to let the panic ferment like this. Many stable reports have been released one after another. Although it is still uncertain, through logic, it can be concluded that the aliens have a certain degree of goodwill.

  In addition, the non-governmental media also took this to revive, reporting and discussing the matter frantically.

  Since the Gamma natural disaster, the media and entertainment industries have collapsed. The past years of singing and dancing have supported too many people in this industry. How can there be entertainment in difficult times? Naturally, it withered and shattered, and the entire industry shrank to almost nothing.

  Now that the news of the aliens came out, it could be regarded as saving them.

  Who is talking about anything else at this time? The sky is big and the aliens are the biggest thing!

  Various programs, three sentences not far from aliens, discuss and analyze from various angles.

  Set up various columns to introduce the vastness of the universe and guess the situation of this unknown civilization.

  First of all, war is impossible. The unknown civilization comes not for aggression, otherwise there will be no exchanges and contacts, but direct attacks.

  Second, the technology gap is too large, so there will be no barbaric plunder. There is nothing worth plundering on the earth, and the only valuable thing is people.

  So the worst possibility is that all human beings are ‘exploited’ by alien civilizations.

  Third, the establishment of diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial civilizations means that mankind has entered a new era. The technological and cultural exchanges between the two parties will promote the progress of mankind.

  At this moment, the post-disaster construction of mankind may also be able to obtain help from extraterrestrial civilization, but it is not known what price mankind will pay for this and what pains it feels.

  These are all challenges that humans will face in the future, but humans must face the reality and face the challenges fearlessly.

  In short, under the deliberate concealment of the government, everything is developing towards the perspective of ‘the fragile earth was discovered by a mysterious, powerful, and unknown higher civilization’.

  In the public opinion, it is everywhere that human beings will pay a huge price even if they get help, and the kindness of aliens itself has rational guidance such as purpose.

   is in people's feelings of anxiety, tension and anticipation.

  The day of official contact has arrived.

  On April 1, a huge spaceship appeared above the sky.

  Golden shell, ambilight, oval, it looks bigger than the moon!

  Then...a solar eclipse happened.

  The sun was slowly obscured by the huge spaceship, turning the latter into an elliptical black shadow with glowing edges. There were also circles of golden halo on the black shadow, with a little starlight in the center.

  As if, the sun opened its black pupils!

  The heavy pupil obscured the sun. Everyone in the daytime looked at this scene in shock and could not speak.


  Like some kind of force field, it instantly covered everyone, shrouded the whole world, or more than the whole world.

  In the next second, the global aurora that can be seen every day disappeared, and the radiation outside the magnetic atmosphere also instantly disappeared, leaving only the normal radiation of the sun.

  The scientific advisory group, which was ready for contact on the giant steel platform in the East China Sea, was so scared that it almost suspected that the machine was wrong after detecting this.

  The Betelgeuse radiation storm that may last for several years or even decades has disappeared without a trace.

  That is radiation, how can energy disappear out of thin air?

   Soon, they know where the energy is going.

  Heavy snow!

  There was heavy snowfall all over the world, but it was not accompanied by a cold storm, it just gathered out of the atmosphere inexplicably cleanly.

  Radiation is converted into mass, and then this snowflake is formed. It seems that it is not water, but a special substance.

  Countless snowflakes, descending from nine days, gathered in the East China Sea from all directions.

The heads of fifty-six nations, as well as the scientific advisory group behind the scenes, were shocked to find that the steel platform standing on the sea under their feet was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye!

  Pieces of white snowflakes aggregate to form a special alloy, and the area of ​​the platform that was originally intended to moor the alien spacecraft has skyrocketed!

  The person standing on it seems to see a steel continent forming.

  There are frigate ships and even media ships on the sea. Seeing this scene, they thought they were going to be hit by the inflated platform.

  But not. The steel continent bypassed the ships and continued to radiate outward, making them feel like they were in a harbor.

  "Do you think the tarmac we prepared is too small?" An engineer stepped on the newly-emerged deck under his foot. The quality is very good, and it is indistinguishable from the original engineering team.

  The steel platform was originally two square kilometers, which is already huge.

  As a result, as soon as the aliens came, they expanded it to 6,000 square kilometers!

  Six thousand! Just made a hundred Manhattans?

  Moreover, it still captures radiation in space, transforming mass to energy!

  The ability to turn radiation into a special alloy means that it can turn energy into any substance! This is a terrible technology that has played in the material world and has reached completion in the field of mechanics.

  The gap between the earth and its productivity is completely different.

   "That double pupil is the symbol of Ziwei, right?" the representative of Hua Guo said.

  Yu Moshuo calmly said behind him: "Yes, Huang Ji should come in person."

  "Can I get in touch with the Sixth Heavenly Army?" the representative of Hua Guo asked again.

   "No, the great silence has not been eliminated. According to the guide system introduced in the invitation letter, only after we complete the guide period, the interstellar society will be completely open to us." Yu Moshuo said truthfully.

  The representative of Hua Guo stared at the vision that had begun to appear on the horizon, and said: "So, Huang Ji, we can only deal with it as aliens."

  Suddenly, the clouds in the sky began to shine, and the second sun appeared!

  Followed by the third and fourth... until the tenth is empty!

  It stays above it for one day, showing a double pupil shape, and stays below it for the 9th day, falling continuously, flying across the sky, and landing on the platform of the East China Sea.

  Nine **** of light, hot and dazzling, make human beings represent one party and can’t help but raise their sleeves to cover their eyes.

  Fortunately, the light disappeared in an instant. Not only that, but there was also a faint layer of translucent shield that appeared in the air, seeming to prevent radiation from harming people.

  When the ball of light disappeared, it was replaced by nine giant birds. The other parts are very different from the birds of the earth, but the eagle-like head of the bird is very obvious.

  The huge blade wings make them levitate in mid-air, and the faint halo looks holy and noble.

  Many country representatives, their legs are weak...

   "The Sun God?"


  Representatives of different cultures can map the Jinwu ethnic group to their own beliefs.

  Sun, eagle head, wings, ball of light, holy light... Although later humans have done a lot of artistic processing, these basic elements are still passed down. This race has obviously had a huge intersection with humans in the past.

   "Humans on earth, my name is Lusa, on behalf of the Civilization of Light and congratulations to you as a member of the Galactic Civilization." The headed Zig-Wing Golden Crow has his eyes twinkling like morning stars, and his voice is directly in everyone's ears!

  Human representatives have complex looks. They are also the first time they have faced aliens. They have imagined many feelings, but they didn’t seeing a god!

   didn't even take the spaceship, it just descended like a fall.

  "Earth civilization welcomes the arrival of your civilization very much. We are a friendly civilization that loves peace and hope to become eternal friends with the civilization of light." The representative of China replied.

  Zhang Wing Golden Oulosa was overjoyed after hearing this. Name the civilization of light directly, and establish diplomatic relations as eternal friends, of course that’s good!

Regardless of whether he was polite or not, he agreed on the spot, and directly took out the ‘Credentials’ composed of trinity materials, he would first enter into a contract with the earth’s civilization.

  According to regulations, the civilization that is the first to formally establish diplomatic relations is the guide.

  "Please make a careful decision. The exploitation of the weak by the civilization of light is well-known as the Milky Way." A high-pitched voice came, like a dragon chanting.

  Ji Heng and several other dragons descended from the sky. They are all five hundred meters tall, and they don't know where the mighty power is.

The   nebula-like trinity armor, alternated in blue and black, suddenly descended on the huge platform.

  Looking at such a magnificent dragon man, the tail swaying behind him was two hundred meters long, and the air screamed as he waved it.

   "Hello, my name is Ji Heng, representing the dragon civilization."

  Ji Heng also used the energy shield to lock up the radiation, gently introducing his civilization, and at the same time, he did not forget the inferiority of the civilization of light.

  He introduced the reputation of the Golden Crow in the Milky Way, and emphasized that the earth was once enslaved by the Golden Crow.

  On the contrary, the dragon civilization has always cherished the weak and protected the earth. The name of Kunlun was also given to it by the dragon.

  Ji Heng is telling the truth, but the human representatives condensed their expressions.

   "Sure enough, this is the rhetoric. If they are all in the same group, then this is the play for us."

  "Emphasize that the origin of human beings is them, and at the same time one sings the white face, the other sings the red face..."

   "And deliberately created a situation where multiple civilizations are opposed to each other, but in fact, the ‘dragon’ and the phoenix are all the same civilization."

  Because the general tone has long been set, in the face of the confrontation between the dragon and the phoenix, the representatives of the fifty-six countries cannot help but speculate like this.

  After that, more and more messengers came.

  The starlight of Tianxinren is dazzling, like the silhouettes of billions of stars, permeating the sky and slowly descending.

  The Dark Wings are like gods and demons, with dark red metal bodies, sword-like tails, and sharp bone wings. They are all extremely huge, standing in front of everyone like a mountain.

  The Queen of Kunlun Celestial Insects also came in person. The pure black beetle body is like a continent of flesh and blood. This is still a part of her body. If the whole body is moved, the earth will not be able to put it down.

  One by one weird shapes, or high-energy brilliance, or hideous iron bones, or flesh and blood, quickly make the platform bustling and lively.

  Of course, except for a few races, most members of civilization are still integrated with mechas.

  Middle and low-level civilizations even descended in spaceships.

  Spherical, shuttle, pyramid, complex geometry...Small spaceships of various styles are arranged on the platform.

  Gorgeous and exotic vehicles, the largest not exceeding one million tons, are just personal vehicles, and they are all too backward in the eyes of higher civilizations.

   But in the eyes of the people on earth, all of them are better than their spaceships, so I don’t know where they are advanced!

The Nuomus Meilin with the small lantern in front of the forehead, the Moya like a gleaming jellyfish, the Bezier like a devil in Wantong, the Shacharen with a huge snail shell, the medicine jade like a giant glass, like a flowing candle The Xiaoming clan, the Green Toad clan who never stops screaming, the green-skinned orcs with blue faces and fangs, and the group of light chasers, a group of wisdom foam wrapped in metal...

  They walked out of the spacecraft one by one, dazzling the human representatives.

  The scientists behind the scenes are even more dazzled, crazily analyzing their life forms.

   "The Galaxy, are there really so many races?"

   "This is probably not a civilization, it's really a star alliance."

   "Calm down, this doesn’t mean anything. Most of them are wearing mechas or wrapped in a coat. These images may also be disguised for us to see."

   "Think about it, so many civilized messengers come to see us all in one brain, is it reasonable? Is it possible to hold a summit of a hundred races on the earth?"

  The advisory group behind the scenes talked in the headsets of representatives of various countries.

  Some analysts think that some of these aliens pay too much attention to humans.

  Higher Civilization Mission! What is the earth compared to? Any spacecraft here may be able to destroy the earth.

  As a result, these aliens stood in front of the human representatives one by one, showing no signs of arrogance.

  Even though each of them is extraordinary and incomparably insignificant in comparison to humans, they get together to see the behavior of human representatives, as if to sell them, it is obvious that they want humans to sell some kind of concept or agreement.

  Human representatives learned and communicated with each race while listening to the analysis of the advisory team.

  The messengers of all civilizations were embarrassed, because the words in the headset...they could all hear...

  A headset is a meaningless design for any civilization present...Everyone basically has the sense of electromagnetic waves, and the headset needs to convert electromagnetic waves into sound waves. Their brains directly understand the radio behind the scenes...

  Humans are all conspiring loudly, but on this occasion, Luza and others are too lazy to mention this, right?


  At this time, the last spacecraft landed.

  An ordinary nano-scale spacecraft, V-shaped, blue and white, it is...Kunlun!

   Seeing this familiar spacecraft, Yu Moshuo fell into memory. This was the spacecraft that Huang Ji rushed out of the earth and ran into the interstellar space alone.

   is the only spacecraft that can use wormholes by using all the power of the earth after defeating Dies, using the extremely rare alien materials that have been seized.

   Huang Ji got off the boat, followed by Lin Li and Mo Yun behind him.

   "Emperor Ziwei!" Hundreds of envoys stepped aside and respected.

  This scene looks very strange to human beings. How can various civilizations be clustered together to embrace the Yellow Pole? Unless Huang Ji is their leader.

  In this way, aren’t they the same civilization? It is impossible for Huang Ji to be the leader of the whole galaxy, right?

  Yellow pole is not tall, and it is only nine meters without any additional peripheral substances.

  However, the body of this astral human race is already completely unified matter, and its brain is even more immortal.

  He walked to the center and greeted Yu Moshuo first

   "Lao Yu, don't come to nothing."

  Yu Moshuo looked at the three-story Huang Ji with complicated eyes: "Are you a human?"

   "If you believe me, you don't have to ask. If you don't believe me, I don't have to answer." Huang Ji said indifferently.

  Yu Moshuo's eyes became firm. He believed that Huang Ji must be an earthling. After all, he had experienced all of it personally, but most of the others heard second-hand stories and looked at the leftover classics.

  He believes that all information is true, but now that the environment has changed, he can do nothing.

  And this is not a bad thing. Even though there is a 99% possibility, the government has to consider a 1% worst plan. This is the responsibility to all mankind.

  Human representatives, invited Huang Ji to sit on a huge seat, and the petite aliens such as Nephita were also seated one by one.

  But then we have a hard time. Looking at the various non-human races, the human representatives feel a headache for their large size.

  Some are okay, they are only a few meters high, but some are as high as three kilometers...The dark wing tribe’s chest is all in the clouds! Tianxinren is simply a cloud of starlight.

  In this case, the meeting room prepared by humans is completely useless. Their conference room has been deliberately made several times larger, but it is still far from enough.

   "Don't bother, the civilization present doesn't care about the reception specifications. Multi-ethnic gatherings are often in a void and never need a room." Zheyi Jin Ulusa said very considerately.

  Other civilized messengers also said that it doesn’t matter.'Sitting' is a habit of a small number of civilizations. Many races do not have this physiological structure, so they just need to stand and float.

  Human representatives sat down by themselves, looking up at a group of standing aliens, feeling a bit twisted.

  But still smiled and said: "I want to hear your opinions first about your cooperation with earth civilization."

  Huang Ji leaned back on the chair and said, “There will only be one civilization if you cooperate with you, so mankind must make a choice first.”

"No matter which civilization mankind chooses, once it is determined, it cannot be changed. Future economic exchanges, cultural exchanges, scientific and technological exchanges... can only be conducted with the leader civilization, and other civilizations will exit the solar system and the five surrounding star systems. , No interference. Until you fully enter the atomic age, and you have a certain administrative foundation in the territory of six stars."

  Hua Guo’s representative kept smiling and said: “The earth civilization doesn’t understand you, it’s really hard to make a choice.”

Huang Ji said: "The guides are either kind and generous, or strict and indifferent. Each civilization has its own guiding philosophy, and everyone’s technical level is different, but the people who come here are all kind to the earth and hope that the earth A civilization that has grown up healthily, can actually choose anyone."

   "By the way, Ziwei doesn't have to choose. I came to Earth mainly to go home. I gave Mo Yun a very precious gift. It has violated the rules, so Ziwei has lost the qualification to be a leader."

  Human representatives were all stunned, and the advisory group behind the scenes was all stupid.

  They have already thoroughly analyzed the facilitator system. They think that no matter how big the circle is, it must be Ziwei who will guide them in the end. They actually decided to choose Ziwei.

  Because no matter if Huang Ji is an earthly person or an alien, it is best to choose Ziwei. Among other things, the Sixth Heavenly Army had millions of people on Earth, but they really stayed in the Ziwei faction.

  Unexpectedly, Huang Ji was disqualified as soon as he came up.

  Lusa and other civilized messengers were also shocked. They didn't expect Huang Ji to be so strict. They thought that it was not counted that Huang Ji sent straw hats to dominate.

   But think about it carefully, this gift is indeed too expensive, Huang Ji gave it in the form of foul, in fact, he still achieved his goal. In contrast, directly becoming a leader is not important.

   After all, the position of Huang Ji is there. Who will become the guide and not be able to guide the earth by heart?

  For Huang Ji to be the first to be out, Lusa was ecstatic, and the civilization of light became the leader. Isn’t it stable? Could it be that he finally moved Huang Ji, who deliberately paved the way for them?

  "A precious gift?" The human representatives looked at Mo Yun. Mo Yun was playing with a green hat doll. Could it be that thing? Is it expensive? So ugly...

  Lusa explained on behalf of: “All civilizations that come here can give gifts to the earth, but the value cannot exceed one yuan. How to choose a guide depends on the earth’s civilization.”

   "Lang is the universal currency of the interstellar, applicable to all civilizations. But because of the difference in productivity, the price gap between different civilizations is very large."

   "So, accepting the gift of a more technologically advanced civilization is the most beneficial choice for the people on earth."

   After all, he took advantage of the opportunity to recruit five exquisite aircraft from outside the sky.

  Shaped like an eagle, smooth curve, majestic shape.

  "This is a meeting ceremony of the Civilization of Light. It is no respect. It is just five interplanetary nuclear-powered spacecraft."

  "Specially tailored for leaders of your civilization, with built-in complete medical system, defense system, smart housekeeper, and a longevity medicine production line!"

  "Very suitable as a leader's car, I call it the "civilized ruler"!"

  The five spacecraft sent by Luza have exceeded the current level of the earth and have reached the atomic level.

  Human Science Advisory Group, just looking at the shape and surface materials, you know that this thing is not something that can be made by humans. If you conduct reverse research, it will be enough for human research for decades!

  They looked at the spaceship obsessively, and they didn't expect to have such a big gift when they came up.

  As long as you choose the Civilization of Light as your guide, these five precious spaceships will be given away for nothing!

  Not only scientists are obsessed with it, but representatives of various countries have also fried the pot. The longevity medicine production line?

  The existing elixir of life on earth are all formulas left by Huang Ji back then. They can only increase lifespan by 60 years, and the output is extremely low. They are mainly supplied to scientists, followed by strategic talents in important departments, such as Yu Moshuo.

  Pure politicians, on the contrary, have no shares. Let alone wealthy businessmen, longevity medicine can't be bought with money!

  However, in these five ‘civilized rulers’ spacecraft, there is even a production line. There is no doubt that the higher civilizations produced by others must be higher, and the output is probably not small!

  Looking at the human beings one by one in shock, her eyes showed longing, and Lu Sa raised her eyebrows.

  His strategy is simple, he specializes in leaders! After all, it is these leaders who make the decision. Whether it's a gorgeous and advanced car or an elixir, they can't refuse!

  "The Lord of the Golden Crow!" After scanning, Ji Heng said angrily: "The cost is definitely more than one!"

  Other civilized messengers are also black-faced, what is this doing, sending such expensive things, in the civilization of the atomic age, this is equivalent to super running!

  Lusa passed on a document to everyone and explained: “No, the five boats together are just one shot. They all use very cheap materials, but the design and manufacture are... not just below.”

   "Not even a 1-star mechanic in the next, UU reading www.uukā labor costs are not worth mentioning!"

  Everyone is dizzy, this is simply taking advantage of the loopholes!

  The master of the Golden Crow, is the labor cost not worth mentioning?

  Can use such simple materials to produce such an exquisite spacecraft, Lusa is definitely a first-class mechanic, but he has not gone to the test!

  But after reading the information, they found that it was indeed reasonable. The productivity of the pinnacle civilization of the microzi, the product of the atomic age, is the same as the toy.

  The shell system of Shacha civilization at the beginning, to create a vacuum cut, only five lang! Vacuum cutting is the top weapon in the atomic age! In comparison, these five atom-based spaceships are just pretty good-looking, not as good as toys.

  Moreover, the productivity of the Jinwu people is stronger, and the cost can be kept lower. With some thought, it is possible to build five ships in one shot.

   Coupled with the strategy of seducing leaders, it is directed at human nature! There is no doubt that Luza had planned for a long time.


   P.s: Sorry.



  (End of this chapter)

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