The Omniscient

Chapter 798: The way back already given

   Mr. Zhao became extremely honest and low-key.

  Because the extraterrestrials have to watch Lin Li’s performance, all others are cancelled...

   Although Fang Ye didn't tell him too much, and no one dealt with him or anything, he also knew he was dead.

   However, he is not a person who gives up lightly. Seeing that no one cares about him, he bites his head and follows the show.

   In the center of the stage in the Antarctic Hall 6, Lin Li worked hard to perform alone on it.

   After all, he did not perform in the Supreme Hall as mentioned before, but returned to the small hall that he originally chose.

   After all, he was performing alone, and his audience was not large, so it seemed that it was not lively for such a big place.

   Lin stands alone on the stage, wearing a nano windbreaker, covered with light and shadow, and then becomes the Nuo family for a while, and then becomes a human being. Play a man for a while, and a woman for a while. Sometimes turned into a robot, sometimes turned into a beast.

  This kind of quick disguise, although there is a heavy sense of distortion, is enough as a role-playing on the stage.

   derived from this form of stage performance in which one person plays multiple roles.

   The scattered audiences under the stage would occasionally burst into laughter. The laughs were more of Lin Li's rushing, running around, switching voices, playing multiple roles, and trying to make everyone laugh seriously.

   Many of the artists sitting in the front row, their eyes straightened, wandering away. Mr. Zhao exclaimed loudly, and from time to time he leaned back and laughed, finally saving the atmosphere.

   Zhang Junwei and others in the box, watching Lin Li's hard work on the stage, didn't know whether to laugh or not.

The grandfather next to   , leaning on the seat, has fallen asleep with his head down. People tend to get sleepy when they get older.

   Huang Ji smiled faintly, he was already watching the constellation secret meeting in the second half of next year.

   Fang Ye took it very seriously. At first he thought that Lin Li was simply not talented for being funny, and the script he wrote was too bloated, but then he discovered that Lin Li was more like a true story with comedy elements added.

   Lin Li's interpretation of the story is about five thousand years ago, a Nuo mother girl and a primitive tribe teenager fell in love.

   Due to cultural and ethnic differences, the two sides made a lot of jokes.

   The boy looked for acupuncture points on the scaly body of the Nuo mother girl, and almost pulled out the girl’s lantern, saying: Your Yintang has sprouted!

The girl is also very simple. When I went hunting with the teenager, I didn’t know it was looking for food. I thought it was just for fun. She returned empty-handed for the first time. After learning that the shot was to be brought back, she hurried to the scene and dragged back two yuan. Stones and a tree pierced with arrows.

   Lin Li had an honest face and acted these passages very vividly, but there was a lot of real laughter at the scene.

   But Fang Ye saw more, the whole story, there are many details that are not for comedy.

   The boy became the leader of the big tribe because of the Nuo mother girl's increase in knowledge, and his mind and structure were also extremely high in that era.

   Girls feel true love because they are young, a kind of indifferent race, even if they can't reproduce their offspring, they will still exist inexplicably.

  The two parties often meet privately in the land of Heluo, the mountain of qingyao.

  The boy made a beautiful mountain garden for the girl, and the girl planted many strange flowers and plants.

   But it’s not long, the father of the Nuo mother girl discovered this and wanted to kill the teenager because the girl was still underage...

   The young man escaped in hiding in the garden in the mountain. The girl met him for the last time and gave a mechanical doll modeled after her, telling the young man that she was leaving the planet.

"will you come back?"

   "Until I became an adult, my father would not allow me to stay away from home."

   "Then I'll wait for you, you are almost adult, right?"

   "It's coming soon, there are five hundred years left."


   Lin Li's dumb and dumb expression made fans laugh.

   Fang Ye smelled a touch of sadness from the story.

   The girl knelt and looked up at the starry sky in Linli, while she was playing background music, and left.

   is clearly melancholic music, but this scene has a plum-cut comic effect, which makes people smile.

   Five thousand years after the time came, a mother-no-mother woman came to a mountain col in Caocun Township, Xin'an County, Luoyang, and looked through the young man who was buried in the ground waiting for him, and planted the flowers that she had planted together in the past.

  The story ends here.

   The artists are dull and do not know what they have experienced. They say it is a comedy, but it ends with a tragedy. Said it was a tragedy, but was always funny and spoiled the atmosphere.

   In the box, Nuo mother Vita tilted her head and said: "There is a loophole, Nuo mother's induction meat cage is not allowed to be touched by others."

   Hearing this, Fang Ye also asked: "The Great, is there a prototype for the story? The girl is not from the Nuo family, right?"

   "The story is supposed to be the dragon clan, Lin Li has been replaced by the more familiar Nuomu clan." Huang Ji said calmly.

   Fang Ye knows more than the average audience, and naturally has a completely different understanding of the story.

   He was shocked and said: "This story is true? What did the boy do afterwards?"

   Huang Ji said indifferently: "The boy later unified the Central Plains..."

   "He is?" Fang Ye's eyes widened.

   Huang Jidao: "His surname is Ji, his name is Hong, and his name is Tianyun."

   "The name of Tianyun originated from the clan's love of using tortoise shells for divination, healing, and witch doctors, and it was rumored to be the Xuanyuan clan in later generations."

   Fang Ye was shocked. He didn't know many details of Huang Ji's words, and he heard them in the cloud, but of course he immediately reacted as soon as Xuanyuan's name came out.

   The protagonist of this story is the Yellow Emperor.

   Lin Li took the story and adapted it to a comedy. In the real situation, it should be the young Huangdi who transformed from an ordinary primitive man and set up a great ambition.

   From then on, Honghu flew high and flew thousands of miles in one fell swoop, laid out for a hundred years, and established the foundation of civilization.

   His son landed on the moon to transform into a dragon, and his grandson Jedi Tiantong.

   "In that story, Luoyang Caocun Village Mountain Col..." Fang Ye asked again.

   Huang Ji said: "The mountain of the blue key, the secret capital of the emperor, the secret secret."

   Fang's ambition said that **** it, watching a funny show, and even knowing the secret capital of the emperor, the place where the Yellow Emperor buried his bones...

   He hurriedly notified the report and sent him to visit Caocun Township.

   There were three capitals in the ancient times, Kunlunqiu, the capital of the emperor, Qingyao Mountain, the secret capital of the emperor, and Luoyang, the capital of the emperor god.

   Kunlun and Luoyang are both very famous, but the mountains are silent and unknown, really mysterious and obscure.

   What will be the secrets left by the Yellow Emperor?

   Fang Ye still wanted to ask, but Huang Ji ignored him and helped his grandfather out of the box.

   "It's over? Ah, the performance is really good..." Grandpa said in a daze.

   Huang Ji smiled: "Does Grandpa mean it?"

   "Hi, grandpa is not in good spirits, so he fell asleep when he didn't pay attention." Grandpa touched his face, looked at the approaching Lin Li and said, "Sorry, boy, I didn't watch..."

   Lin Li took the opportunity to say: "If Grandpa is younger, he will definitely be very energetic."

   "Um...Yes, that longevity medicine can restore youth?" Grandpa suddenly asked Huang Ji.

   Huang Ji nodded and said, "Yes, you are young until you are 120 years old. There are basically no side effects. Grandpa wants to try it?"

   "Then... or I'll try it." Grandpa said.

   Lin Li is overjoyed, how did it become?

  Obviously he had persuaded so many times before, but it didn't work, but Huang Ji agreed with this question?

   "Let's go, let's go to the evolution center for injections." Lin Li exclaimed.

  Vita, the messenger of Mother Nuo, asked: "The Great, the Milky Way is looking for you everywhere, since you are here...then..."

   "Anyway, Nuomu civilization, don't come to me..." Huang Ji said casually.

   Vita said helplessly: "I...I can be regarded as having never seen the emperor, but I can't help it."

   "Every move of the solar system, civilization is staring at every moment, all computer data of earth civilization is simply transparent..."

Speaking of him looking at Fang Ye, Fang Ye also said: "The Star Alliance entrusted humans to find the emperor. Nephita hopes that we will inform her if we have news. Even if I don’t say anything, they can confirm that you are on the earth through today’s clues. superior."

   Huang Ji smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, just know it. During the lead period, the various civilizations of the Star Alliance cannot step into the territory of mankind."

   "Ah this..." Weta and Fang Ye looked at each other, wondering what Huang Ji Nong's "dead game" meant.

   If there is no yellow pole, the constellation secret meeting cannot be opened. Huang Ji picks up his son, and all civilizations have to drag him over, otherwise, who else can represent the entire star group to face the phoenix ruler?

   Said that Huang Ji wanted someone to invite him... the problem is here, the earth is in the protection period of the guide, except for the Nuo mother, no other civilizations can come, otherwise it would violate the laws of the Star Covenant.

   He just wants the mother of Nuo to miss him. How can this be good? Really don't plan to take care of things anymore?

   Weta was very worried, and didn't know what medicine was sold in Huangji Gourd.

   A group of people walked out of the theater, and many people stood in rows in the hall.

   Mr. Zhao hid in the crowd, his brain was running wildly. Huang Ji's identity, he still doesn't know which fairy is, but judging from the reactions of Weta and Fang Ye, it must be an incredible existence.

   At this time, his secretary leaned forward: "Mr. Zhao, Hermes has already arranged it. It is at the door and can be picked up at any time."

   "There is also the elixir that the old man needs, I also have it."

   The intention of the secretary was that Mr. Zhao hurriedly stepped forward to make up for it, but Mr. Zhao shook his head: "Who told you to make preparations? Do nothing! Move the flying saucer away and don't block the lane of others."

   "Huh? But what they drove was just an original superconducting car...In their capacity..." The secretary was stunned.

   "What are their identities? I don't know, what are you thinking about? They drive whatever car they drive. And the elixir, put it away for me!" Mr. Zhao said very decisively.

   Seeing that Lian Nuo's mother respects Huang Ji, and Fang Ye's sentence, who said that aliens are not the people's congress of the earth? His three views have collapsed, but he is too smart.

   Normal people must have exhausted their minds to behave now, but he thinks more, and on the contrary, he dare not use any authority anymore.

   At this time, he can't hide, how can he still take the initiative to move forward and shake under the eyes of others? It is a lot of mistakes to say that it is not custom-made.

   He is now desperately analyzing this group, recalling Huang Ji's every move, Zhao Zong has a vague understanding, realizing that he still has a way out!

   Today, he is relying on trying to figure out what he wants, and he can always do things in accordance with the wishes of those in power. From the fact that he used the elixir and fiddled with Comet Di'an, he knew that he was good at understanding the inner thoughts of others.

   Keren always makes mistakes. Today is considered to be planted, blood mother is unlucky, how can you think of this group of people with such hard feet?

   But since the matter is over, he doesn't want to give up lightly.

   Huang Ji and his group crossed the hall and walked out of the theater. Fang Ye stopped and looked at the large group of people standing in rows.

   He didn't say anything, he explained the principle of confidentiality to everyone, and let them go away.

   "What do you do with Mr. Zhao?" Lin Li looked over and said.

   Fang Ye smiled and said, "What do you want to do?"

   "I think about it..." Lin Li touched his chin.

   is here, after all, what should be here is here. Those artists and stars retreated quickly, and didn't want to stay with Mr. Zhao for a long time, for fear of being affected.

   The secretary also slipped away.

   Mr. Zhao took a deep breath and said with difficulty: "I was wrong about what happened today. Don't worry, I will resign by myself."

   Zhang Hua covered his face and said, "How do you count if you hit me!"

"I did it, but you beat me harder. If it weren't for you, no one could do to me. But since I was wrong, I paid the price. I admit it." Mr. Zhao insisted. .

   "Fucking?" Zhang Hua froze while clutching his swollen face.

   I thought that now the situation had turned, Zhao Zong would sigh in a low voice in front of him, but he couldn't say anything.

   "You didn't beg for mercy?" Lin Li was also a little surprised.

   "I have been struggling for twenty years until today. Once I stepped on the wrong track, I started all over again. Is it useful to beg for mercy?" Mr. Zhao pursed his lips.

   When he said this, his hands were shaking.

   Although he doesn't know Huang Ji's identity, Fang Ye's identity is already ridiculously high. Even if Huang Ji and the others don't say anything, he hasn't gotten around when things spread out today.

   Just as the Zhang Group was in front of him before. Sometimes when I fall from a height, I really can't climb back.

   He will truly have nothing. I don't know how many people will take the opportunity to trample him to death.

  Hard gas turned to hard gas, objectively re-starting, it is impossible at all, unless...

   "Well said, if you can get to this point, you can go again. It's no big deal, come on." Huang Ji suddenly spoke.

   Zhang Hua was a little stunned. He didn't expect Huang Ji to help Mr. Zhao at this time.

   Mr. Zhao was already wet with sweat behind his back, and his body was weakening. Huang Ji's words saved his life.

   He was betting on what Huang wanted to see.

   After knowing that he had kicked the iron plate, Mr. Zhao frantically thought about his way of life. No one knew better than him how miserable he would be after he fell.

   So there is only one way for him to survive, and that is Huang Ji, the highest standing in the audience. Everyone is not as good as Huang Ji's words, as long as Huang Ji speaks, he still has a way to survive.

   Thinking back carefully, Huang Ji is very strange. He was really angry only when he played An Huixing. At other times, I watched that Lin Li clash with myself.

   It's like watching a movie.

  Although he was also involved in the play, Huang Ji only asked for one thing from beginning to end, and he was not allowed to kneel!

   Huang Ji only took it seriously at that moment. Perhaps, as long as he didn't offend that point, Huang Ji wouldn't do anything to him? Such big people often don't care about many things.

   So Mr. Zhao bet, this may be the only life-saving straw he can hold.

   Unexpectedly, he was right, Huang Ji really helped him.

   "Lin Li, you kicked his medicine and paid him the money." Huang Ji added another size.

   Lin Li scratched his face: "Brother, he brought a group of supermen to attack you."

   "One thing belongs to the same thing, you have already beaten it back, he bought the medicine himself, and pays it to him." Huang Ji said.

   The secretaries and other celebrities who hid far away are all trapped. This is not as simple as losing money. It means admitting that they are also at fault. Even Huang Ji has lost money, and it is impossible for others to fall into trouble.

   Lin Li asked Fang Ye to help himself with 2.5 billion pads, and muttered: "It's not that you said you can't go, I'm on it."

   "I didn't say it to you." Huang Ji smiled.

   Mr. Zhao widened his eyes and looked at Huang Ji incredulously.

   He thought he had insight into Huang Ji's character, grasped the will of the superior, and relied on his ingenuity again to survive the catastrophe, and now it seems that it doesn't stop there.

   Huang Ji’s phrase ‘I’ll help you, but don’t kneel’ is not only for An Huixing, but also for him?

   "Huang Ji's identity is mysterious and lofty. I am destined to overturn, so he can naturally think of my situation afterwards. He didn't stop all this and watched me offend them."

   "But when we were still in opposition, did you deliberately give me a way out?"

   "Is it meant for the woman at the time, but also for me a few hours later?"

   "As long as I do this, he will help me?"

   Mr. Zhao is stunned, it seems that Huang Ji has set up an objective law that treats everyone equally. Set the benchmark for others in advance.

   Now, the situation has reversed, Lin Li has become a power, and he has fallen into a more miserable situation after the failure of women like Zhang's group and An Huixing.

   But Huang Ji's words also apply to his enemy.

   Facing the same situation, if he can do it, give him a hand.

  How could there be such a person in the world? When I started to offend him, gave myself a ray of life first?

   There was no fire, and he seemed to have jumped out of people's field of vision calmly.

   Whether it is his friend or his enemy, they are like actors on stage, but some are decent and some are villains.

   "Why?" Mr. Zhao said blankly.

   Huang Ji spread his hands: "Because I am a doctor."

   Mr. Zhao was puzzled, Huang Ji turned and left and said, "Since you have resigned, let's go to North America. In the troubled times, you still have a place for you."

   "Use your ability to figure out the ‘shangyi’ ability and use it to think about ‘shangyi’. Only then will you have real achievements."

   Seeing Huang Ji and his party leave, Mr. Zhao was stunned.

   "My dear father, who is he?" Zhang Hua looked at Huang Ji who was helping his grandfather in the car in front of him. So far, he hadn't figured out who Huang Ji was.

   Zhang Junwei shook his head and said: "Actually I don't know..."

   Fang Ye Lian Nuo's mother left behind, and asked others to send Nuo's mother back, and he must follow Huang Ji the whole time.

   The meaning behind this makes the scalp numb.

   Zhang Hua covered his face, turned his head, and saw An Huixing, like a thief cat, sneaking into his car.

   "Hey..." Zhang Hua was a little speechless: "What are you doing with you? Take a taxi and go back by yourself."

   Comet An froze there, at a loss. She didn't even watch the show, unlike Mr. Zhao, who dared to bite the bullet and watch the show together.

   She had been cowering in the hall, seeing that Mr. Zhao was all right, she immediately followed.

   "Are you going to dump me?" An Huixing cried.

   Zhang Hua gave a white glance and said, "What do you mean? You won't want me to assume that nothing happened?"

   An Huixing panicked, she quickly looked at Huang Ji, but found that Huang Ji did not turn her head back.

   This makes An Huixing very desperate, how can she want to have such a thing? Where do you know the horror of this group of people's high status?

   An Huixing’s tears came down. She was about to offend one when she was caught in the middle. In the end, everyone was fine, but she had nothing.

   "Why, where did I go wrong? You can forgive even Mr. Zhao, but you can't forgive me?" An Huixing trembled.

   She still doesn't know why Huang Ji would pull Mr. Zhao.

   Zhang Hua didn't know either, and only Lin Li thought of the things that Mr. Zhao finally understood in his heart.

   Because Huang Ji has always been like this, Lin Li is used to it.

   But other people can't figure it out. The ghost knows that Huang Ji's simple sentence is not allowed to kneel, which is actually a life-saving law.

   "Okay, you can go back first," Zhang Hua shook his head and got into the car. It was no longer possible to treat her as a girlfriend.

   He took out an earth coin and asked An Huixing to take a taxi back by himself.

   Comet An collapsed, she knocked out Zhang Hua's hand, rushed to the front of the car, and stopped Huang Ji who had not gotten into the car.

   "Didn't you say you would care about me?" An Huixing cried out.

   Huang Ji sighed: "But you refused."

   An Huixing was stunned, only then did she realize the importance of not being allowed to kneel, but she regretted it now that there was no time.

   "I don't have anything anymore, you can't do this...uuuuu..." An Huixing snarled.

   Her face was lost all her life today, and her boyfriend was gone, just to get the elixir, in the end, even Mr. Zhao could be lifted by Huang Ji, but she had nothing, she couldn’t accept it.

   Grandpa frowned slightly, he stopped talking, and finally said nothing. What can he say? Give her two pills? Or let Zhang Hua forcefully accept a girlfriend?

   Huang Ji wiped away her tears and said: "A person is responsible for what he does. He has the courage to face a fiasco, how about you?"

   "You can't do this, why am I the worst! You are so great! If you help him, you must help me too!" An Huixing said nonsense.

   Fang Ye frowned, what a mess.

   Huang Ji didn't care, and said meaningfully: "Whatever efforts you make, you should get what kind of results."

   "I can help you to get the results you deserve."

   He got in the car and left.

  An Huixing is still reluctant, but Mr. Zhao walked over and held her back: "Enough! That's stupid. A fool like you can never get up after one failure."

Hearing that Mr. Zhao could teach her the other way around, An Huixing sat on the ground and cried: "You all have money and power, but I have no choice! In the end, you can be forgiven. If I am not weak, no one will care. Me! I deserve to be the worst!"

   "Did you not understand what he said? I should give you the longevity medicine." Mr. Zhao said in a deep voice.

   "Huh?" An Huixing suddenly looked up.

   Mr. Zhao looked at the car where Huang Jiyuan was going, and muttered: "You made a choice at that time and abandoned your dignity and boyfriend, but I should also fulfill my promise."

  An Huixing stood up quickly, yes, she did all that because of the medicine in Zhao's hand.

   "He can forgive me, so how can he really ignore you?"

Mr. Zhao took out his mobile phone and ordered two medicines for her, and said, “I would have nothing and couldn’t afford this kind of thing. He paid me this money specially. Because they broke my medicine, and Among the broken medicine... there are two that belong to you."

   "Do you really think he is just saving me, but he is actually helping you."

   "You actually said that you are the worst, you laughed to death, and my 20 years of achievements have been lost all at once!"

   Comet An is stunned. It turns out that this is what Huang Ji calls ‘let you get the results you deserve’.

   From the moment she abandoned her dignity and her boyfriend, Mr. Zhao should have given her medicine.

   There are many ways to save Mr. Zhao, just one sentence, but Huang Ji lost money, which is to let Mr. Zhao honor the price of trampling on An Huixing’s dignity.

   This is Huang Ji's unspoken gentleness.

   Otherwise, under the normal resolution, she and Mr. Zhao should have nothing.

   After An Huixing realized this, he was a little confused: "I didn't expect that a person like you would actually fulfill the promise."

   It was clear that this money was the capital of Zhao's comeback, and he even allocated a billion to buy medicine for her.

   Mr. Zhao gave a blank look: "Do you think I am as stupid as you? You have to be credible."

   He tidied his collar, looked at the 1.5 billion left on the phone, and left happily.

  An Huixing thinks about it, Huang Ji's meaning is so clear, the background is unfathomable, and Mr. Zhao has been severely taught once, how dare he not give it.

   Thinking of this, An Huixing regretted it again. Two pills were obtained, but she seemed to have missed a better choice.

   One for mom and one for dad, what about herself? It seems that she can only rely on herself, but with her knowledge, in this stable China, it is difficult to get it for a lifetime.

   Looking at the car where Huang Ji and Zhang Huayuan were going, UU reading looked at Mr. Zhao who was walking to the other side, she overtook the latter, this was the only strong one she could come into contact with.

   "Hey, where are you going?"

   "North America, he said I can get up again, and if that's the case, I'll go for it!"

   "In such a dangerous place, do you go alone?"

   "I did not deprive me of power! What is my S3 afraid of!"

   "I'll go with you!"

   "What? I don't want you to hold me back."

   "How dangerous it is for you to go alone."

   "Go away, what are you doing to me! I have 1.5 billion, and I will hire someone."

   "I also have a billion, I sold the longevity medicine, how about investing in you? No matter how much money you make in the future, you will get half of me!"

   "What? Do you have this courage?"

   "Instead of believing that I can make money, I believe in the vision of the strong."


   "Just say you want the money!"

   "The longevity medicine cannot be sold at high prices in China. You can bring the medicine directly to North America. In some places you can sell more..."



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