The Omniscient

Chapter 799: You have to catch it back

   The 969th floor of the Sky Tower, the Human Body Evolution Center of the Tree of Life Medicine Group.

   Lin Li bought a longevity medicine for his grandfather: "Grandpa, congratulations, you are about to become younger soon! You can play everywhere in the future."

   Grandpa shook his head and said, "What are you playing! Alas, I am also obsessed with ghosts. I have lived to be a hundred and five years old, and now I am going to become a young man. What is going on..."

   Lin Li shouted: "Grandpa, you can't imagine the happiness of young people!"

   "Nonsense! It's not like I've never been young! I've experienced everything when I'm old, and I'm all looked down upon." Grandpa is old-fashioned.

   Huang Ji raised his eyebrows and said, "Grandpa, if you really regain your youth, you won't think so."

   "Is there anything wrong with this? Is it possible that my body becomes younger and my thoughts become naive!" Grandpa said in disbelief.

   One shot of the medicine went down, and Grandpa's body rejuvenated at a slight speed.

   The hair is shed little by little and grow again. The skin can also be rubbed under a layer, which is firm and smooth skin.

   The vitality of the body is returning, and the majestic vitality is full of limbs, corpses, and internal organs.

   The heart beats powerfully, and the washing of the blood on the body, Grandpa seems to be able to experience it firsthand.

   The nerve response is a little bit sensitive, the slow thinking is getting faster and faster, and the vague memory is gradually clear.

   Many long-lost feelings and emotions that disappear as the body ages are gradually awakening.

   The whole process lasted for five hours. After all, it was a transformation without side effects. This speed is actually very fast.

   "It's over, grandpa." Huang Ji said.

   Grandpa jumped up from the bed, his energy and spirit recovered to the state he was in when he was in his twenties.

   is lean and lean, no meat, after all, the weight cannot be restored to the value of the year out of thin air.

   "It's amazing! The current technology is really..."

   Grandpa said that the speed of speech was obviously faster, and he touched his hands everywhere, peeling off the dead skin on his face.

   He looked in the mirror, twisting left and right, as if he had ADHD.

   "Haha! Uh...cough cough..." Grandpa's laughter was full of vitality.

   suddenly realized that he was a bit gaffe, put his hand in front of his mouth and coughed awkwardly, returning to an old manner.

   "This is not right, is it a side effect?" Grandpa said calmly.

   Huang Ji smiled so that his eyes narrowed: "Grandpa, don't suppress yourself. The hormone secretion of young people is different from that of old people."

Grandpa    said: "This feeling...I really don’t experience it, I don’t know. It reminds me of when I was young..."

   "You are a young man now. Grandpa, take a shower first." Huang Ji said.

   Grandpa walked into the shower room, Lin Li had already prepared new clothes for him.

   At the beginning, Grandpa walked in with his hands behind his back, as if he was sullen. But not long after, Grandpa’s humming sound came from the bathroom...

   The sound of a quick shower and shower, mixed with old songs of the agro-industrial class of the last century... Obviously, Grandpa didn’t know that soundproofing would not work.

   Zhang Junwei smiled and said: "The old man is the same as before, when he just regained his youth, he was unconsciously moved..."

   Everyone knows that this is not because Grandpa has become naive. The thought memory of a hundred years is still there, and Grandpa is still very mature. But the various impulses from the physiology can't be suppressed by many years of memory.

  Especially after regaining youth, it seems to have suddenly traveled to the body of the past. This kind of hormonal surging experience, mortals can't hold back.

   The Nirvana group of the Illuminati back then was the same. The East Coast's strongest man Musa participated in World War II and the Vietnam War. He had countless experiences, but he continued to learn new things, and he wouldn't have a centenarian style.

   The enthusiasm and curiosity of young people will not die out because of the memory.

   Soon, Grandpa was all refreshed, changed his clothes, and walked out.

   Grandpa has calmed down a lot at this time, and his vigorous energy has gradually subsided, but he also has to admit in his heart... It's nice to be young!

   He recalled a lot of things, those vague memories, turned out to be so precious... He remembered the appearance of Huang Ji's parents, yes, he had forgotten them all, now they are so clear.

   and his own parents, and many funny childhood stories...he recalled one by one.

   Based on this alone, if he elects him ten thousand times, he will definitely choose to live and continue to live.

   That kind of enthusiasm, that kind of vigor, that kind of hard work that didn't want to stop, were all lost and regained.

   It turns out that being alive is so much fun.

   "Grandpa, I may leave again next year..." Huang Ji suddenly said this.

   Grandpa came back to his senses, and said nonchalantly: "Ah? Oh! You are busy with you! Don't worry about me."

   If it was before, he would be disappointed if he didn't say anything. The elderly still hope that their children and grandchildren will be with them.

   But it's different now. Everyone is so young, so what do you do when you stay at home? He wants to go out for a break himself!

   "I can't stay free anymore, people still have to do something! Unfortunately, there is no farming anymore, do you want to be a worker? Build the motherland..." Grandpa muttered himself, his brain became more active, and he had more ideas.

   Lin Li couldn't help but vomit: "Grandpa, your consciousness is too high, we don't need money, you can play!"

  From this, it can still be seen that Grandpa's thoughts are relatively old, and some concepts cannot be changed no matter how young the body is.

   Grandpa waved his hand and said, "Okay, I am not a child, so you don't need to worry about it, I know how to do it myself."

   Lin Li shut up quickly, saying "good guy", this is what he said to his mother when he was studying.

   The adaptability of young people is very strong, coupled with a hundred years of experience, it is even stronger, and there is no need to worry about it.


   More than half a year has passed, and human society is running as it always has.

   Grandpa ran out all day, but Huang Ji was like an empty nester, staying at home and planting flowers.

   The news of Emperor Ziwei's presence on the earth, Yu Moshuo and other higher levels of the earth, have already known.

   is not what Fang Ye said, but Yu Moshuo directly guessed through Fang Ye's actions. In the same way, the advanced civilizations of the galaxy also know it.

   The Milky Way had originally suspected that Huang Ji was hidden on the earth, but it was just a confirmation.

   After half a year, the local galaxy group has spread all over! But the bigwigs from all sides didn't dare to rush into the solar system to find him. The guide system made this a forbidden zone. The Huangji is a human being, and it is legal to stay on the earth, so they are completely dead.

   When everyone is discussing whether or not to forcefully break the law and rush into the solar system.

   Someone is out of customs...

   Strange by chance!

The unified body of    straw hat has become his outer brain puppet.

   Ascending body’s hundreds of millions of computing components, although the imagination potential has been completely stifled and become a supercomputer like Xuehai, but the terrifying computing power itself is also very strong.

   Not to mention a unified substance twelve times the mass of the sun, let Jinsha produce it by itself, I don’t know how many years it will take to save it!

   The most precious thing is, of course, millions of tons of immortal matter, which is simply invaluable.

   Right now, the million year-end accumulation dominated by straw hats has become an accidental strange mecha.

   "Ah, Huang Ji, what do you think I did? I have realized all the ideas you provided!"

   "Huh? What did you say? Missing?"

   came to Ziwei Xing strangely by accident, and couldn’t wait to see Huang Ji’s "Super Galaxy Mecha"!

   A group of Star Alliance representatives who were waiting for Huang Ji to return in Ziwei State, their eyes lit up.

   They dare not break into the solar system to find the Yellow Pole, but some people dare! The Shinrisha Society does not belong to the Star Alliance! Everyone quickly told the situation strangely.

  Occasionally, how clever it is, knowing that these Star Alliance officials are using themselves as gunmen, but... he doesn't care!

   He wants to meet Huang Ji now, share his countless new breakthroughs in technology and knowledge, and discuss his path of "capturing the ascending body into a mecha", and whether there is any room for development in the future.

   As for the facilitator system, it's nothing to do with him!

   If the Shinrisha League is the law of the Star Guards, let alone the sun coming out from the west, even black holes can spray matter out!

   Only knowledge can drive them, and only knowledge can stop them.

   Huang Ji picks up? on vacation? The road to chasing the truth never stops, so what vacation!

   "I'll find him! If he doesn't come back, I will call him back!" Strangely, he directly notified all members of the Shinrisha Society, and at the same time, he took the lead in the solar system!

   If Huang Ji really stops chasing knowledge, then he is not worthy to be his own mentor!

   Occasionally strange, I would rather be an enemy than Huang Ji's waste of his talented brain and inexhaustible reserves of knowledge.

   also have to catch it back, let's squeeze out the knowledge first!

   I saw it accidentally merged into the super galaxy mech... the one million kilometers tall, smooth and bleak green body, shining with stars.

   The original straw hat head has been accidentally and strangely transformed, and now his head is full of arrows, like a neutron pulsar solidified in an explosive state.

   Nine thousand arms, densely arranged, extend around the body, and when combined, they resemble a roulette wheel, as if they were a "Buddha on top".

   The body is a "herringbone" connected by three diamond-shaped celestial bodies. The intersection in the middle is a huge green gem, equivalent to the area of ​​an island, which is an immortal brain with a mass of millions of tons.

   "Oh, it's not going to happen, right?"

   "I asked him to persuade Huang Ji, not to arrest people!"

   "The truth society is crazy! They might really dare to attack Huang Ji!"

   "Huang Ji is very weak now, and accidentally strange that this mecha is the combat body dominated by straw hats..."

   "Don't let him go! I have sealed the wormhole!"

   "It won't be long, he will be able to crack it soon!"

   "Let's stop him!"

   Seeing this strange behavior accidentally, the Star Alliance officials were a little panicked. The people in the Truth Society had a lot of rules over the years because of Huang Ji, but in fact, there are no rules. It is nothing that Huang Ji has satisfied their desires.

   The Truth Society went crazy, and that was a group of terrorists!

  In a short time, all the mechas, spaceships, and guards carried by each civilization were dispatched.

   Ziwei Luoyan saw that he was about to drive the "Super Galaxy Mecha" with twelve times the mass of the sun into the solar system, and also sent Ziwei's army to stop it.

   Now in Ziwei, science and technology have been firmly seated in the early days of unified power.

   In addition to the background is not as good as Taiweihua, the technical level is beyond that!

   But now it is strange by chance, it is equivalent to a weakened version of the straw hat dominate!

   "Just because you want to stop me? Only immortal weapons can fight immortal weapons!"

   The battle had just begun, but by chance, I didn’t hesitate to use the Immortal Light Shield.

   10 times the 24th power of immortal energy, the unit density is too high, even the death light can not penetrate.

   The huge, miserable green mask is immune to all attacks, unless it is attacked by over-range strikes, divine consciousness strikes or black holes.

   Otherwise, there is no energy that can penetrate this layer of shield.

   "Really? You try this!"

   A huge dragon horn suddenly emerged from the vacuum. This was not a teleportation, but a huge dragon boat transformed by a large group of dark matter.

   In the past two decades, the Galaxy has introduced a new unity civilization: the Dragon Race!

  Dragons finally have their own unified power industry, and their unique dark energy weapons have made a qualitative leap.

   You can directly use the unified force field to control the dark energy, expanding the time and space!

   Within the coverage of the force field, you can expand wherever you want!


  The dragon's horn sent out invisible waves, and the Super Galactic Mecha was immediately trapped in the skyrocketing space-time corridor.

   was originally separated from the wormhole by a distance of 500,000 kilometers, but at this moment it has skyrocketed to 800,000 kilometers!

   It is 1.2 million urgently! 1500000!

   It's the same no matter which direction you detour from. From the perspective of the outside world, accidentally strangely moving away from them quickly, getting smaller and smaller.

   From an accidental and strange perspective, the entire universe, the bright stars, are all red-shifting! Get away from it quickly!

   "Under the expansion of time and space, as long as the energy of the dragon's horns is not exhausted, accidentally strange will never reach the wormhole!" Ji Heng said coldly. UU reading

   Everyone breathed a sigh of relief: "How long can you hold on?"

   Ji Heng said lightly: "You provide me with logistics, and the expansion will not stop."

   Everyone knows it, but this is something strange that can always be trapped.

   However, as time goes by, the purple micro galaxy will become farther and farther away from other stars. One or two years will be fine. If it is dozens or hundreds of years, the purple micro star is equivalent to being in a large empty star area.

   "Then keep it closed like this for now...Huh? What's wrong with you Ji Heng!"


   Ji Heng seemed to be hit by a giant hammer in his head, everything was silent for a moment, and only an exploded figure remained in his heart.

   Divine Consciousness Strike!

   transcends the expansive time and space and directly affects the soul.

   Space-time Corridor stopped swelling!

   "Didn't you want me to bring him back? Hypocritical!"

   "I want to go against Huang Ji's wishes without offending him, how can there be such a good thing!"

   "I don't believe Huang Ji will give up the endless mystery of the universe."

   "If it is true, he must kill me first!"



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