The Omniscient

Chapter 819: Only 1 step away from the ceiling

   "I hope this war will come later, and wait until I become the master of the astral world! Otherwise, the end of the war, life will be in the hands of others..." Tianshui said nervously.

   "Why only consider war?" Huang Ji suddenly said.

The sky is stunned: "This still needs to be considered? Gulambaatar will solve all the descendants, and also reverse the high dimension, haven't you seen it? This is not far from the ascension. Once successful, it will inevitably sweep the whole The battle of dimensions."

   "Didn't you say it yourself at the time? The low-dimensional is accumulating strength to prepare for a counterattack that will fully counterattack."

   Huang Ji took it for granted: "Then stop it."

   "You and Gaiyu only consider the possibility of war. Victory is more important, but for the many low-level civilizations in the galaxy, it doesn't make sense for anyone to win."

   "It's nothing more than the order above the head has changed the batch of people...who will be replaced is irrelevant to the dust-like sentient beings. On the contrary, when the war begins, they may be annihilated by unknown attacks at any time by billions of stars."

   "So if you don't fight, it is the best solution."

  Gai Yu looked weird. Didn’t expect Huang Ji to be so skilled and so naive in thinking?

   He couldn't help but whispered: "War is inevitable and cannot be stopped. How many years of hatred is this!"

"Hatred can be resolved. They all stand at the top of the dimension. What can't be seen? You look down on the Star God too. If there is no extremely open heart and capacity, and fearless courage, it will be just a star after many years. Master of the world." Huang Ji said lightly.

  The decay of the sky makes the scalp numb. What does it mean to be ‘just’ the ruler of the star realm?

   Gai Yu was silent for a moment, and said, "Do you want to say that there is no fundamental conflict of interest between dimensions?"


   are both three-dimensional and light-cone space-time. Everyone is just a little bit higher in frequency. Is there really a conflict of interest that can be reconciled? Not really.

   is nothing more than high-dimensionality wanting to become stronger through low-dimensional privileges. Looting low-dimensional resources is more for self-preservation. Killing low-dimensional people is also to rob technology and accelerate growth.

   The same goes for the low-dimensional hunting and killing of high-dimensional explorers, in order to become stronger and protect themselves.

   Huang Ji said: “If you only use the dimensional privileges to develop yourself and communicate technically, both parties can still make progress together.”

   "The current situation is nothing more than a fight over generations. The confrontation since ancient times is regarded as an objective truth."

  Gai Yu has a lot of knowledge, and naturally wants to get this level. In theory, it is possible to communicate and establish an order between the two dimensions at the beginning.

   But the problem is, no one does that, and no one accepts anyone.

   The high-dimensional strong will come down, and the technology must be rebuilt. If you can’t beat the low-dimensional strong, you must become strong as soon as possible and develop to a firm foothold.

   In this process, it is no longer clear who moved the hand first and who left the first wave of blood debts.

   Theory is after all theory. Once a war is started, it can no longer be stopped.

   "There is no cross-dimensional order, what you say is vain!" Gai Yu was a little speechless.

   Huang Ji smiled and said, "Then build it."

"Ah? The war between dimensions is led by the star gods. How can you and I establish this order? Can you represent the high-dimensional star gods or the low-dimensional star gods?" Gai Yu became more and more stunned. Gulambaatar can't do it.

   Huang Ji said: "I represent all the creatures that have nothing to do with it but will be implicated."

   "..." Tianfai scratched his head.

  Gai Yu settled down. In normal times, he would not pay attention to such naive and conceited remarks, and simply ignored it.

   But now he is extremely weak, Huang Ji has a life-saving grace, and his skills are only higher than his own. He really can only listen and answer seriously.

   "Are you serious?" Gai Yu organized the words: "With your current size, no matter what your skills are, once exposed, the one who greets you is death."

   "Facing the pursuit of the Star God, do you still have to talk about the interdimensional order? This is simply impossible. As long as one person does not believe in this order, war will be inevitable."

   Huang Ji categorically said: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, defeat everyone, they can only choose to believe in me."

   There is no way to refute this. Indeed, it takes power to establish order.

   If you want to establish a cross-dimensional order, you will defeat all the strong in the two dimensions.

   Tianfu has been silly to hear, what the **** is this? Don't help one's own dimension, or take refuge in the lower dimension, but to be the enemy of the whole world?

   Are you crazy? The truth is this truth, but what makes Huang Ji? At one point, he wondered whether he should steal the warping matrix, and immediately strayed away.

   "Okay, I'll help you." After a moment of silence, Gai Yu said suddenly.

   The sky faded wrongly, and then the thought turned around, and it was already stunned.

  Gai Yu continued: "If you want to do this kind of thing, you must at least be a Star God, otherwise you won't even be qualified for dialogue."

   "All the technologies I collected and researched in low-dimensionality are already comparable to the dominance of the astral world. You and I share each other, exchange what is needed, and explore together, and maybe you can find an opportunity to progress to the π level."

   Tianshui smiled secretly, and said that it was so, no matter whether it was done or not, let's talk about it if you agree.

With Gai Yu’s one-inch golden body, he was originally a mermaid. It is meaningless to refute. First, exchange a wave of skills, and by the way get a teammate, unite to gain self-preservation and restore strength. So many things, why not do it. .

   As for the cross-dimensional order, this is indeed a profitable thing for everyone.

   "Huang Ji, you and I are allies. Of course, we must advance and retreat together. I am willing to help you stop this war with all my strength." Tianshui opened his mouth and came.

   What happened Huang Ji said: "I'm only one wire away from the Star God, and I don't need your skills."

   After finishing speaking, half of the mass in his body was divided into a module. This module contains majestic data, which contains the knowledge of countless astral masters.

   "The universe understood by each star realm ruler is similar, but the models are slightly different. They complement each other and can approach the π level infinitely, but just like this, it cannot become the π level."

"How can it become π?" Tianshuai briefly visited the data module, and was shocked by the majestic data. I can't believe that Huang Ji is not only the technology dominated by the low-dimensional star realm, but also knows nearly one hundred thousand. A four-layer model of different unified forces.

  Gaiyu was also quelled, and he still exchanged with others, with another hammer...

   But he was not surprised. Huang Ji's method of saving himself was incredible. Now it is reasonable to show an infinite level close to the π level.

Huang Ji said: "To become a π-level, there are three steps. First, to shape a π-level life form, you must build an ingenious model that combines all three-dimensional knowledge and matter to construct a body that includes the observable universe. Eighty percent of the data. Time and space will treat your body as a part of it, or in other words, treat you as an independent, condensed small'observable universe', and then connect with you in parallel."

   The sky is declining suddenly, it turns out that this is the essence of time-space true vision. Time and space store a huge amount of information, not only the ocean that carries all things, but also the server that saves all things data.

   By compressing the data in the immortal matter to reach 80% beyond the observable universe, deceive the universe and connect to this server.

  If you are in your own dimension, this is extremely difficult. It is impossible to really run around the universe and collect data.

   Know the range of the observable universe, which is constantly expanding! As time goes by, the so-called 80% data will only increase, and it will grow faster and faster.

   The only feasible way is to rely on mathematical tools! Deduced 80% of the information of all things in the universe with extremely accurate models.

   However, this step is very simple for dimensionality reduction organisms, and this step is naturally skipped.

"Second, to shape the π-level consciousness, this must have an ultra-high understanding of the six-dimensional soul sea, and then launch a wave of super-high-frequency divine consciousness blades, cut off the connection between oneself and the soul sea, and become a person who jumps out of the soul water cycle system. Life dissipates completely after death and does not return to the sea of ​​souls."

"This will allow your thinking speed and the upper limit of your thinking memory to not be limited by physics, but only depends on a custom soul structure model. A good model is more efficient. Even if it is only the brain of a worm in physics, it can record everything in the universe. Data and process it."

   Huang Ji's remarks, even Lin Li understood. Isn't that beyond the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements?

  Gai Yu listened, if he got the most precious treasure, his heart said that he wanted to be like this!

   In fact, he already knew the first step, but he didn't know how to go later, so he took a risk and often battled the guardians of the dimension.

  This is why he was planted and was blocked by a star god. If it weren't for Huang Ji, he would have died.

   He thought carefully about how to do this. It was easy to say but too difficult to implement. A little carelessness, isn't this a suicide?

   Everyone, even the twenty-five masters who crashed into the box, are listening to this precious guide, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is too precious, this is to point the way.

   "These two steps are to lay a solid foundation to achieve the third step..."

   "Engulf time and space."

   Hearing this, everyone was at a loss, devouring time and space? How can this be done?

   Huang Ji said: "This step requires a huge amount of energy to create a giant attractor, crush the vacuum, and then swallow its radiation... is the true dimensional ceiling."

"This kind of swallowing is impossible for non-π-level life forms, because only by connecting with time and space first and having a detached will, can it be possible to capture the radiation that will be integrated into other time and space within one Planck time. That is possible. Observe the last unknown thing in the universe."

   "To control it is the π of technology, and it is the Dzogchen."

   The sky is declining and the heart is shaken, and it is a huge source of attraction! The source of gravitational attraction that attracts the Rania Kea super galaxy cluster and the surrounding multiple super galaxy cluster complexes.

   is 400 million light-years in scale, pulling hundreds of millions of stars... It turns out that the thing is an instrument that is made to smash a vacuum.

   How much energy does this special need! No wonder Huang Ji knew the road so thoroughly, and said that he was only one line away from the Star God.

   It turns out that there is still this step, which is difficult to do.



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