The Omniscient

Chapter 820: Subjective interference

   Two more days have passed.

   With the advantage of dimensionality reduction, Huang Ji asks for information about low-dimensional space-time.

   In these twelve days, he has almost all knowledge of the observable universe, and there are still some special areas and special lives that have not yet been observed.

   For example, a few astral masters who also have true vision of time and space and always shield their own existence

   For example, all the star gods, Huang Ji did not find a single one. They always keep a cover of their physical data, as if they don't exist in this space and time.

   However, through the perception of the information of many astral rulers, it can be traced back to the star gods they have contacted, and then indirectly learned a part of the information.

   Later, by going back to historical information, Huang Ji found out the past history of them billions of years ago before becoming a star **** in many star regions.

   Therefore, even if the Star God cannot be observed, Huang Ji knows the level of the Star God very well.

   He seems to have seen the existence of Gulan Bator and others. In the early universe, civilization was bred from ignorance, and then step by step explored the universe, went through countless difficulties, and finally moved towards the great perfection of science and technology.

   Among them, Gulan Bator is the youngest existence, with a history of only 1.6 billion years, becoming a star **** 100 million years ago.

   There are ten star gods, and nine of them were born 10 billion years ago. You know how young Gulan Bator is.

And the oldest star god, called Yuliyeer, his predecessor of civilization existed as early as five billion years after the universe was born. He was born in the heyday of the second generation of stars in the universe, and was also the first creature in this dimension. . When the other star gods were in the lower civilization stage, he was already a star god...the oldest star **** deservedly.

   Why did nine of the top ten star gods succeeded ten billion years ago? There is a very important reason, that is the second accelerated expansion of time and space.

   Space-time has been expanding after the singularity exploded, and then it began to decelerate and expand. This is a very simple explosion model.

   But when the universe was 8.4 billion years old, something strange happened. Dark energy surged, causing the decelerating and expanding space-time to suddenly start to expand again. This acceleration has not stopped until now, it seems that it will never end.

   Regarding this, it is unanimously recognized that this is caused by a high-dimensional event.

   This indirectly makes it particularly difficult to give birth to the Star God in the era after the second acceleration.

   Apart from anything else, just compressing 80% of the physical data in the body will increase the difficulty. Time and space have been expanding. It is meaningless to spend countless hours collecting and accumulating data. A mathematical revolution must be carried out.

   There is also a huge source of smashing the vacuum. In the ever-expanding time and space, the difficulty of making is even more explosive.

   The earlier the universe, the easier the development of science, and the later, the more bumpy the road will be, and there will be many new problems.

   Since [the second skyrocketing event], for seven billion years, no star **** was born until the emergence of Gulan Bator.

   So Gai Yu said that Gulan Bator is the only one, and he is absolutely right. He is the first existence that can be ascended at any time, and it can be said that the latecomers are on the top.

  Yes, Gulan Bator has been able to ascend the dimensions and can leave anytime and anywhere. He just wants to reserve more high-dimensional immortal materials, so as to lay more foundation for the future and conquer high-dimensionality in one fell swoop.

   At this time, it is not far away, Huang Ji knows that Gulan Bator will endure 10,000 years at most.

   However, this time is very long, until Huang Ji has infinite confidence, and he changes his mind.


   "It's done! I'm the second step!" Tianshou shouted, spinning around excitedly.

   He has finished cutting himself, and is free from the shackles of the six-dimensional soul sea.

   The souls of three-dimensional beings are all tentacles of divine consciousness spreading in the sea of ​​six-dimensional souls.

   Birth and death, like a six-dimensional rain, a steam cycle between the sky and the sea.

   was born naked, and died full of life's information. In this way, immeasurable creatures brought countless information to the soul kelp, which seemed to be an information integration.

   But when technology reaches its peak, creatures can cut through this cycle and exist independently.

   "You... are faster than me..." Gai Yu was in a daze.

   He has been in the low-dimensional for millions of years, and technically he is already the master of the low-dimensional star realm.

   I didn't know how to take the road behind, feeling that the dominance of the star realm was already Dzogchen.

   Until I met Huang Ji, the huge data matrix contained vast knowledge, which pointed out the way for him.

   Although cut but restrained, it is not as simple as it sounds. In countless data, it is necessary to calculate a wonderful timing, a wonderful angle, and release a devastating attack to cut off a wonderful node between him and the soul sea. A little carelessness is suicide.

   However, Gai Yu has mastered the methods and methods. I thought he would do it after Huang Ji.

   Unexpectedly, it was called Tianshui surpass him!

   Huang Ji is a hidden boss in his eyes. He has so much knowledge and is unfathomable. He did it very normal.

   can the sky fail? He was watching this guy go from an ordinary master, ride a rocket all the way to reach the low-dimensional star realm master, stand with himself in front of the self-cutting level, and then... overtake!

   This had to make Gai Yu vomit blood depressed.

   "Gai Yu, haven't you succeeded yet?" Tian Wei asked back.

  Gai Yu was puzzled: "You are done so soon? How could it be possible..."

"Are you still counting the most perfect node? How can there be any perfection? We don’t have enough computing power and dimensional understanding. The more we want to be perfect, the less we will get. When you are perfect, the time has passed. Now, we have to start again." Tianshui said.

   "Phoenix dominates, what should I do then?" Gai Yu hurriedly asked humbly for advice.

   "It feels almost the same, so I will act decisively!" Tian Wei said ruthlessly.

  Gai Yu said in surprise: "What! Isn't that just looking for death?"

  Even if it is an ascending body, there is only one soul, and hundreds of millions of people are fused together.

   Even if it is separated by the master, it can split into several separate existences, but there is still only one connection with the six-dimensional soul sea.

  In other words, no matter who it is, there is only one chance in this level.

   The so-called connection with the Six-Dimensional Soul Sea, instead of understanding it as cutting a thread with a knife, it is better to understand it as an atomic chip in the brain, which bursts through the brain with one shot, destroying the chip, and the brain does not die.

   The real difficulty is countless times higher than this metaphor.

   One shot down, if it fails, it means death.

   At this point, social civilization is actually very beneficial...No matter how high the death rate, someone will always succeed.

   The larger the population base, the more successful people will be. It is nothing more than a multitude of troops crossing the single-plank bridge to transform into a group of π-level powerhouses.

   But ascending body, it is very miserable, I don’t know how many years of hard work and accumulation, it may be destroyed in this level, and lost all at once!

   If you die, you are all dead. How much did you pay from the civilization of the year to the Ascended, and to today? The result is that you have killed yourself?

   It is conceivable that the psychological pressure of this shot is huge, no matter what personality is used to make up his mind, he must be cautious.

   Of course, we must strive for perfection, how can we rely on feeling?

   Tianshang said in a passionate tone: "Intuition is very important. Sometimes, you have to trust your intuition."

  Gai Yu solemnly said: "It's ridiculous, isn't this just reckless? There are hundreds of thousands of possibilities for the right bet? You will die if you make a mistake... Obviously, as long as you have stronger computing power, you can eliminate many wrong answers."

"Even if the opportunity is missed because of the long time, it will be long in the future. If a day does not work, it will be a year, if a year does not work, it will be 10,000 years, even if it is 100 million years? Node."

   Tianshou Tanshou said: "Yes, your method is the safest...but how long does it take?"

   "You were born 60 million years ago. The vertical and horizontal starry sky is known as the supreme. In the low dimension, you have even reached the dominance of the star realm. Now the road has been pointed out. It will be a matter of time for you to become a star god. It is normal to choose a safe one."

"But I was just an ant before this. From the third floor to the fourth floor to the road to the Star God, I obtained it in a short time. There is no foundation at all. I didn't even build all the equipment on the fourth floor. A fourth-level divine consciousness instrument went straight to the π-level level. This is already a great opportunity, what am I afraid of?"

   "Whether you say that my technology is too easy, or that I am reckless."

   "The war of dimensionality breaks out at any time, and we may be discovered by the guardians at any time. I am not afraid of death. I would rather die on the road to consummation than be killed like ants."

  Gaiyu frowned, isn't this just the head iron?

  The sky is declining and said: "I am not chaotic."

   "Since it is a soul-level operation, it means that our consciousness itself may receive some six-dimensional information."

   "Since rigorous mathematical calculations can't calculate that node, you must combine your own feelings and choose the exact value at the moment you shot from a bunch of probability functions."

   "Believe in me, believe in yourself, the so-called intuition, must fit the information of the six dimensions!"

   "I admit that there is a gambling element, but at a certain moment, I feel extremely strong, and I believe that that moment, that node, and that angle is the most perfect!"

   "It must be! It must be! I dare to bet everything about myself!"

   Gai Yu was full of emotion, this guy won the bet...

   It's not that you have a crazy personality, you must dare to gamble and believe the so-called intuition... Ascending body is very contradictory, and often under the interactive analysis of hundreds of millions of people, choose the safest path.

   Unless, Master Gerry, there is a crazy guy.

   There is a master character in declining days, and it is very emotional. There are many opportunities for a civilization to move towards the ascending body. The declining mother civilization, because it is too difficult to mix in the starry sky, finally collectively decided to become an ascending body... Among them, the best combat and scientific genius became the first. Two first-line personalities, one is called Tianpo and the other is called Decay. The fusion of their personalities is the original self of the declining nature.

   He was actually very emotional. Before he got to know Huang Ji, Tianshui decided to step into the astral world for a billion years. This was a very confident and heroic declaration, but Huang Ji was not touched at all, and even smiled.

   And now, he understands why Huang Ji laughs...

   One billion years is too long, and a two-dimensional catastrophe is about to come. If it does not reach the π level, it will eventually become an ant.

   I don't want to follow the current in the storm, unable to look up and become a fan of the torrent, then I have to fight now.

   "Understood...Even without Huang Ji's help, you will one day be a powerhouse resounding in the starry sky." Gai Yu nodded, from ordinary group leader to half-step star god, the sky decayed soaring into the sky.

   If he doesn't have the instrument to match it, then he really doesn't deserve this opportunity.

   Of course, if you just have the courage to fight wildly, it is not called bravery, but brain damage.

   Tianshuai's strong intuition in his mouth suggests that this is related to a certain natural law at the soul level, and perhaps it is true, not rash.

   "Is there really some kind of information exchange between the soul and the soul sea? Is it possible to feel the perfect node in the dark?" Gai Yu asked Huang Ji.

   Huang Ji said: "Yes. The so-called intuition, most of which are inadvertently interacting with the six-dimensional information."

"There are three types of intuitions for success. First, good luck and chance. This situation is actually the rarest... Second, six-dimensional information, dark perception. UU reading is the most common situation. Common."

   "In addition, there is a third type. Subjective interference. It is actually this type that was triggered by the decay just now."

   "What? Subjective interference?" Tianshui and Gai Yu were both shocked.

Huang Ji explained: "Divine consciousness is the only power that can be transferred with self-will. Of course, it can interfere with the soul node. Through a strong subjective determination, the connection node between oneself and the soul sea suddenly moves to the place in the ever-changing situation. At the point you imagined."

   "Just like this, the self-confidence and courage of the decline of the sky has crossed a critical point. The objective node is forcibly specified in a range."

   "Actually, you are not confident enough in the sky. You still think that you have the element of gambling, so you did slip a circle on the edge of the fall. It can be considered as both luck and wealth."

   The sky fell suddenly, and he realized that he was not betting just now.

   It is not that there is a phenomenon first and then let him know, but he first strongly identified a fact, and then a phenomenon...

   Is this the six dimensions? The dimension of cause and effect... ‘take me as the cause’ is really amazing.

   Although the interference is very small, it only interferes with the node of the connection between oneself and the soul sea for a moment, but this road may be developed as the dimension increases in the future.



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