The Omniscient

Chapter 822: The war is coming

   Now that he has decided to go with Huang Ji, Tianshui quickly entered the working state, and analyzed: "The explorers are almost wiped out. This is an unprecedented level of sweeping. Is it the eve of the war?"

   "It has nothing to do with the war. The reason why I did my best to sweep up is because I rescued people." Huang Ji said.

   The sky is suddenly declining. Indeed, Huang Ji’s rescue efforts were many from the palm of the Star God.

   The timing of several times was extremely clever, but the raid was not getting higher and higher, which caused the Dimension Guardian Legion to attach great importance to it.

   was originally a starry sky banning order, but now it is probably a full-dimensional banning order.

   "I feel like I will be discovered here too." Tianshui said.

   "It can't be hidden for long." Huang Ji said, and the galaxy was turbulent again, and billions of stars began to take in his body and swallow immeasurable matter.

   This movement is totally uncontrollable.

   The countless civilizations of the smallpox galaxy were alarmed, and they immediately reported with joy, and the six unified civilizations sent a fleet to rush here.

   Even if the entire army is wiped out, Huang Ji and others will have to be dragged here!

   High-dimensional descendants! It's a fortune in their galaxy!

   "It won't be long before we hide, we can change places, so we won't take the initiative to expose it!" At the same time, Tianshui also immediately returned to the void and swallowed the Galaxy.

   "Any place is useless, ten star gods are working together to monitor all dimensions." Huang Jitai knew when he was exposed, and to this day, there is nothing to hide.

  Ten star gods are looking for them together! Although usually only one shot, it is not something they can resist.

   In normal times, he would choose to slip away. People have to compromise for reality, the huge power gap, once exposed, they will not have the slightest power to fight back.

   But now, he can only think of a solution. The only way to break the game may be to help Huang Ji achieve level π as soon as possible.

   Only the Star God can fight the Star God, Huang Ji is only one step away.

   Tianshui quickly said: "All the matter I swallowed will be given to you, creating a huge attractor!"

   Huang Ji said, "Star River stays still and plunders dark matter."

   If the yellow pole swallows the galaxy, the civilization inside is still alive. If the sky fails to make a move, no matter what civilized land is.

   I saw that Huang Ji simply swallowed billions of stars and made up for the massive loss of mass these days, then let go of this galaxy, and instead swallowed distant dark matter.

  The decay of the sky is very smart, combined with the last time Huang Ji did not move the civilized place, I immediately understood the meaning: "Don't add new hatreds to the old hate? To express our position, start from the small section?"

   "But fighting is inevitable."

   The decay of the sky is now to Huang Ji, that is to the extreme. Although it feels meaningless, he still obeys Huang Ji's meaning.

   I saw him immediately perceive the vast dark matter outside the galaxy, return it to the void, turn it into a huge star, appear in front of him, and swallow it in an instant.

  Sure enough, the technology is high and it is convenient to do everything.

   This is because his engineering foundation has not been laid well, and many equipment have not been built. If it is the real dominator of the galaxy, it can instantly return to a large piece of dark matter and create a galaxy!

   At this moment, the tiny star system in which they are hiding, within a square inch, all seem to be rosy.

  Void creation, universe factory, billions of stars emerge in an endless stream, directly reflecting this dark vacuum, bizarre and colorful.

   Watching some stars emerge, but they were not swallowed by the yellow pole, Lin Lixin understood and said to Rui Ji: "Hurry up, swallow these substances! They are all left to us."

   "Then I'm welcome!" Rui Ji's mane flew up and swallowed hundreds of thousands of stars at an extremely fast speed.

  In these days, the data modules made by Huang Ji were browsed by them at will. Lin Li was slow to learn, but Ruiji was advancing by leaps and bounds.

   Ruiji's low-dimensional technology is already at the dominant level. Although the third level of productivity is still relatively reluctant, it is much better than Lin Li.

   Everyone knows that this time of exposure will soon lead to catastrophe.

   Hurry up to replenish energy now, one point is one point stronger.

   In just a few seconds, a fleet rushed to the scene and attacked them suicide.

   These elementary unified power civilizations are desperate for their lives and want to hold them back.

   But an attack of this level was disintegrated by the decay of the sky in an instant.

   Wow, Countless ferocious and magnificent battle stars, vanished like foam. Tianshuai also learned Huang Ji, made a box, and moved into it.

   Put the Hexagon Alliance army that the galaxy can sweep across, and it all becomes a box.

   "It is worthy of being a high-dimensional descendant, too powerful."

   "This kind of technology simply puts everything in the palm of the hand."

   "Why didn't you kill us? Does such existence still need mercy?"

   Those civilized armies do not have a few grams of immortal matter, and their technology has been exploded in ten streets. The weather is like an autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves and cleaning up the garbage, and they are done.

  All battleships and battle stars were swallowed into energy by the decay of the sky.

   Incidentally, Tianshui also created a huge wormhole.

   "Leave here first!" Tianshou was about to teleport away.

   However, the wormhole that was originally created to run away suddenly gave out violent distortions and shocks.

   The wormhole is perfectly round, the surface is like a dim mirror, and suddenly the mirror is broken, full of cracks with overflowing light.

   "I knew it!"

   The sky was declining, and at the same time a magnificent explosion occurred in the space, and a steady stream of energy burst out of the void, instantly turning the scene into a sea of ​​high-energy plasma.

   These explosion chains detonated the surrounding stars that were created, and supernova explosions occurred one after another.

   High heat, high pressure, and distorted time and space make the scene like a boundless purgatory.

  The enemy has been eyeing here, now don’t even think about making a wormhole, you have to blow up one if you make one!

   Not to mention the wormhole, almost all the materials on the scene were heated to the creation energy level by enemies who did not know how far away. All the people in it seem to face the horrible torrent of the beginning of the universe.

   And this is just an appetizer. After all, the void creation can't create immortal matter. Although this level of attack may seem terrifying, even the weakest forest can flutter in the wind, and it will not die.

   This is just creating purgatory on the spot, consuming some of their energy, and preventing them from creating anything.

   After all, in such a violent and unstable area, the use of any technology will be affected.

   "Wormhole can't go through, you must use a low-dimensional door." Huang Ji is still absorbing the mass and energy of the scene, like a huge interstellar vortex center.

   "Low-dimensional door?" Tian was shocked. In addition to wormholes, there is another technology that can transmit things instantly, that is, low-dimensional door technology.

   But the low-dimensional gate cannot be teleported within the cone of light, unless... first go to a low-dimensional space-time, and then randomly come back, so that it will fall into an unknown area in the starry sky.

   is sent randomly in this way, which is indeed untraceable.

"But don't you mean that ten star gods are jointly monitoring the observable universe? We will still be found wherever we escape." Tianshuai solemnly said, being chased and killed by the guardian of the dimension. This method can be used to escape or even be found. The star **** chases and kills, this trick has miraculous effects.

   But ten star gods join forces, there is no way, it can be said that there is no solution.

   Whether it is size, technology or number of people, it is a great disadvantage. Tianshui wants to break his head, and he doesn't know what to do.

   The only way that is not a solution is to make Huang Ji step into the Star God before the enemy completely descends.

   At the very least, there must be a peer of the same level, otherwise it's really just waiting for death. Regardless of their big ambitions, the gap in strength is irreparable.

   "Can you create a giant attractor?" Tianshui asked.

   Huang Ji resolutely said: "It's too late..."

   Distressed, yeah, how easy is it to create a huge source? That requires a huge amount of quality and energy, and it will be almost the same for them to accumulate for hundreds of years!

   But now, they probably don’t even have two seconds.

   "For today's plan, you become the Star God." Huang Ji said suddenly.

   "Huh?" The sky was stunned: "You are too late, and I am not enough!"

   "I will send you away, Lin Li and Rui Ji, and I will hold all the star gods for you... a thousand years." Huang Ji quickly said his way.

   "What! How do you hold the Star God for thousands of years?" Tianshui seemed to have heard the ridiculous words of Tianda!

   At the level dominated by the star realm, it has dragged the ten star gods for a thousand years. Isn't this nonsense?

"Within a thousand years, you must step into the π level, otherwise everything will stop!" During the speech, the yellow pole, located in the center of the star, accurately created a low-dimensional one at the scene of violent and constant interference from the air. door!

   Then orange-like bubbles merged into Tianshui, Linli and Ruiji's body.

   That is a special warping matrix that allows them to return randomly.

   "3.09 dimension! This is a lower low-dimensional light cone!" Tianshui instantly deconstructed the other end of this distorted space-time.

   Low-dimensionality also has the lower-dimensionality that it has found. Of course, time and space are not infinitely many. Regardless of the number of frequencies being irrational, it seems that the universe is divided into countless parts. In fact, it is not. The total number is actually finite.

   Time and space are divided into pieces, and the numbers stay at their respective frequencies in a skipping manner. Just as electrons are based on different magnitudes, UU Reading stays on different electronic orbits.

   "How did you make it..." Tianshui and Gai Yu know too well how difficult it is to make something as delicate as the low-dimensional gate in this environment.

   Huang Ji created a low-dimensional low-dimensional door in an instant, and his methods were staggering without knowing how bad the interference was.

   The decay of the sky can only barely see that Huang Ji borrowed the enemy's interference, as if the negatives became positive, and cooperated with other people's operations, cleverly taking advantage of the trend to create this low-dimensional gate.

   seems to be in Huang Ji's hands, everything is creation, everything is vitality. Interfering with creation and obstructing vitality is itself a kind of creation, a kind of vitality.

   This is not the realm that technology can achieve. It turns all things into one's own use, turns the enemy into a friendly army, and turns malicious into a help... The weather is fascinating!

   "Retreat together! Fight guerrilla with them, and one day you can become a Star God." Tianshui quickly recovered and pulled Huang Ji to enter the low-dimensional gate together.

  With this state, once Huang Ji becomes a Star God, he may really be able to fight against many powerful enemies without dying, and then he will have a basis for negotiation!

   How can such a strange person die here!

   What held the Star God for a thousand years, this ridiculous statement, the decay of the sky is directly filtered automatically.



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