The Omniscient

Chapter 823: 80 billion black hole array

   The decay of the sky pulled Huang Ji to leave, but in the next second, countless wormholes sprung up behind him like bamboo shoots after a rain!

   "Want to come? Destroy it to me!" The sky decay reacted extremely quickly and quickly destroyed those wormholes.

   This is obviously a group of dimension guardians who want to come here.

   When someone destroys his wormhole, he also destroys them: if you don't let me go, I won't let you come!

   This is an air battle that spans an unknown number of light years. However, although his skills are in place, his size is too weak.

   What's more, now it is dealing with guardians of unknown dimensions. Even if the star gods are too lazy, the weakest guardian is the master of the star realm.


   Some wormholes were broken and revived, and new wormholes were bred in the glow of the explosion.

  The decay of the sky could not be stopped at all, and a wormhole burst out with countless substances!

   The attack is as bright as a nebula, sprayed out, filled with mist.

   That is a vast expanse of star fog made up of countless fine and immortal matter whose total mass is comparable to that of the moon!

   The Guardian of Dimensions is here! Dominated by the many dolls in the box, I am too familiar with the tactics of the Guardian of Dimension.

   One shot is a thunder blow! Before people arrive, there will be infinite murder!

   Huangji combined with the decline of the sky, now there are 10 trillion tons of immortal matter left, and the mass of the moon is 700 billion tons!

   Seven million to one! No room for operation!

  The enemy hasn't shown up, and every quantum of Huang Ji and others will be wiped out!

   "Hiss!" Rao is how proud Tianshui is. In the face of this unreasonable covering attack, he can only burn all the energy and save only one atom.

   At this critical juncture, Huang Ji is very calm, snapping his fingers, time and space burst out black holes like orders!

   This is truly a magnificent scene that is unbelievable. Huangji is like a big firework that keeps blooming.

  Of course, the fireworks are blooming with countless sparks. And the yellow pole, blooming out, are countless miniature black holes!

   These terrible celestial bodies, the stars are falling like rain, swaying all over the sky!

   In addition to the yellow pole blooming black holes like a high-speed fountain, distant time and space, it is like flintwood sparkling fire and gold stars... wiping out countless black holes compressed by black.

   An array of 80 billion weekly black holes, formed in a flash!

   In theory, he really couldn't beat the guardians of many dimensions, and it was even more difficult for him to survive in the hands of the Star God.

   However, there is something beyond theory, and it is called cheating.


   Huangji uses the true vision of time and space to observe countless black holes in the sky, and uses information to perceive the characteristics of a bug-like universe to break the material information that enters the black hole and the unknowable iron law outside the horizon.

  In an instant, countless black holes skyrocketed!

  Everything is crying, time and space are distorted, densely packed miniature black holes, stepping from the micro to the macro, from gravel to giant!

   The mass is soaring rapidly, and the horizon is rapidly expanding.

   A group of black holes with a total mass of 8 trillion solar masses was formed in this way.

   countless black pustules bulging in time and space! Crowded, superimposed, like a huge shape, the surface is full of dense spherical particles of ‘grape clusters’!

   The low-dimensional gate, Huang Ji and others are all in the center of this huge cluster of grapes.

   There is hollow!

   is a zone surrounded by countless black holes!

   The starry sky of the universe is out of sight. Looking around, the upper and lower sides are full of darkness!

   The countless long rivers of nebula matter floating in the hollow space are pulled by gravity, wandering and twisting, like ‘disordered spiral feathers’ that pervade tens of thousands of kilometers. It's like billions of rubber bands trembling, dancing, tearing, and overlapping.

   Trillions of tons of matter hit the inner wall of this black hole barrier and turned into a magnificent streamer, forming a semi-arc accretion disk, which revolves around the inner wall!

   Tianshui, Gai Yu, and everyone on the scene looked silly.

   For the first time in their lives, they were surrounded by countless black holes. This feeling of black hole horizons in all directions gave people the illusion of being sucked into the black hole and looking out.

   Of course, they are still outside the horizon. The distorted space-time in the center is the last island in the sea of ​​black holes, their only foothold!

   "What are you kidding? Where does your energy come from..."

   The sky is stammering, and such a magnificent array of black holes burst out in an instant. The energy consumed by this is astronomical!

   However, Huang Ji did it overnight, as if a little energy was useless, it was done!

   "I borrowed it from the universe." Huang Ji said lightly.

   Observing the inside of the black hole, and then the black hole skyrocketed, this is not really the birth of energy out of thin air.

   As much data as there is in a black hole, it must have as much mass. This is the first-order law of the universe. And if the data of billions of stars is transmitted to it, then this black hole must have the mass of billions of stars. This energy is given by the universe, and it can also be regarded as energy from higher dimensions.

   This is the principle of black hole skyrocketing technology. The group leader can do it in a small amount, and the higher the technical level, the more terrifying the skyrocketing efficiency.

   But no matter who it is, the implementation of this technology itself will consume huge energy. And it adds more value than black holes.

   The universe will not lose money!

   In addition to facing Huang Ji...

   Huang Ji’s observation behavior, no consumption...

   So Huang Ji said that his own characteristics are the bugs of the universe. Perhaps, the dimensionality is high enough that it is indeed possible to skyrocket the black hole without consumption.

   But whether it is four-dimensional, five-dimensional, or seven-dimensional, eight-dimensional, in short, this kind of non-expensive black hole technology, three-dimensional is impossible.

   So Huang Ji said that his behavior was cheating.

   However, existence makes sense. Cheating on the laws of physics may be reasonable under another concept.

   Make good use of bugs and don't cheat maliciously. For Huang Ji, this is all he can do.

   "Is there still this kind of technology... In this case, it can not create a giant attractor!" Tianshou said in surprise.

   Huang Ji shook his head and said, "I don't have a chance. I can't do it under the eyes of the Star God."

   "You remember this structure, the array of 80 billion black holes is the outer shell of the giant attractor."

   "You have to reproduce this thing in the outside world, block a piece of time and space, and then continue to consume huge amounts of energy to expand the dimensions of the matter inside into two dimensions, triggering the phenomenon of maintenance."

   "With such repeated twisting and tempering, time and space will collapse."

   Tianshang looked around and remembered deeply.

  The giant attractor is such a series of black hole arrays. Indeed, the time and space inside is equivalent to being blocked.

   is not only blocked, but also twisted like a twist, like a tight rubber band.

   At this time, there are constantly incidents of objects falling to two dimensions. It is strange that time and space do not collapse due to repeated impacts of the light of dimensionality.

  So, it's a vacuum crusher!

   "I understand... With these black holes, you delay a thousand years, not really a thousand years."

   "If I escape to the outside world, the flow of time will be different from yours."

   The sky was declining and looked at Huang Ji shockedly.

   Bizarre to incredible technology, as well as the courage to dominate the realm of the star realm, against the courage of the ten star gods.

   If a person like Huang Ji died here, it would be a loss to the universe... and he actually chose to become a star **** and buy time for himself.

   This burden is extremely heavy. But there is no way. On the other hand, he buys time for Huang Ji. I'm afraid he won't buy much...

   "Huang Ji, I will come back successfully, you must wait for me!"

   "If you die, I will turn the universe upside down!"

   Huang bliss, and said: "Don't die, let's talk..."

   "Huh?" Tian was puzzled, and was about to leave by the low-dimensional door.

   Suddenly, he was struck extremely strangely.

   bang, the magnificent dazzling light and shadow spread on him like a tear.

  The trajectory of the declining sky leaves a dense and infinite number of afterimages, layered on top of each other, each of them looks like an entity, but overlaps together, like a tossed slide.

   He is missing one dimension!

   "Ah!" The sky fell suddenly and was reduced to a two-dimensional life!

   Lin Li and Rui Ji, and even everyone in the box, all saw their souls numb!

   At this moment, from any angle, one can see through all his parts!

  The declining body was reduced to two dimensions, but no one could see his infinitely thin profile, because he had no profile at all!

   The people on the east saw his front face, the people on the west saw his front face, and even the people above his head saw his front face... He was like a photo always facing other observers.

   But again, it is not a photo, but the feeling of an infinite number of photos being superimposed on data. The front side, the top of the head and the feet, the inner and outer appearance... all can be seen from a single direction.

   Dimensionality reduction blow! Lan Tian once demonstrated such methods.

   Stable dimensionality reduction is a very advanced technique, but unstable dimensionality reduction is much simpler. Just as controllable nuclear fusion is more difficult to achieve than nuclear bombs, it is a terrible attack to apply the dimensional expansion technology to weapons and to the enemy.

   Once all the physical data of the body is touched, it is forcibly reduced to one dimension without any safety measures, and it will be illuminated by the dimensions of nature. This is a must-kill technique for the top astral masters.

   These high-dimensional explorers, they are indescribable and have certain resistance to this. Therefore, the only person who can reduce the dimensionality of the sky failure is the star **** on the ceiling of the dimensionality.

   No matter which dimension comes down, no matter what the privileges of the descendants, all have no meaning, because the privileges that the descendants have, the Star Gods have, and the privileges that the descendants do not have, so do the Star Gods!

   All knowledge of the current dimension is known, all technology is realized, and their bodies are swallowed by time and space... They are the substitutes for this dimension!

   Dimensional light is light from other dimensions, and the entire three-dimensional world is like a ‘shadow’ cast by this four-dimensional light.

   In the same way, the two-dimensional world is the shadow of the three-dimensional world. Its area is so huge that it cannot even be described by astronomical figures. It wraps all the three-dimensional light cones in time and space, like a huge film.

   And now, the decay of the sky has been reduced to two dimensions, just like shadows in three-dimensional space-time. Naturally, it will be illuminated where it should be.

   "Even if my ashes are wiped out, and I am driven into the abyss by the light of dimensionality! Huang Ji will inevitably avenge me! One day, the purple order will be reflected in countless dimensions!"

   hum! In just an instant, the decay of the sky completely disappeared, the afterimage was disillusioned, and it fell into the endlessly distant two-dimensional space-time membrane of the universe.

   This dimensional photo phenomenon is so neat that it is daunting.

   As if in a dark house, there was a black shadow-like object standing up, and suddenly it snapped, the huge searchlight shone, the beam of light shone on the object, snapped the wall to create a dark shadow.

   In the whole process, there is a sense of unstoppable, natural, natural, indispensable, and unlucky inevitability.

   This sense of necessity strongly impacted bystanders who watched the maintenance phenomenon, causing Ruiji, Lin Li, Gai Yu and others to feel powerless and desperate.

   Rabbit, dead fox, sorrow, Tianshou was killed in seconds!

   died so simply, there was no resistance at all, and he didn't even know where the enemy was!

   If he was caught by the supreme supernatural power, he slapped it into nothingness!

   Star God! This is the Star God... Through countless black holes, he can still kill him!

   Even if the sky is full of arrogance and decay, you have to brag when you are dying, but what's the use? There is no place to be buried in an instant!

   What delays, what I must return as a star god, all disappear like dream bubbles!

   "The sky is declining and is dead?"

   is too strong, Lin Li rarely felt the fear, it is also wonderful, he has not realized for the first time until now, what a desperate battle this is!

   Lin Li, tense... Looking at Huang Ji tremblingly, there is no idea in his heart.

   However, Huang Ji smiled softly and waved his hand to rub the vast galaxy dust around him.

  In a short while, a large mass of dust was molded into a complex body like a supreme machine, which was the body of the astral human race.

   I saw that the created giant also possesses many attributes of a high-dimensional descendant. Every particle in the body has become an immortal matter!

   But how is this possible? How can a high-dimensional descendant rub it out with bare hands?

   "It turns out that my free soul can ignore the dimensionality reduction blow?" The star human race opened his eyes and spoke, and opened his mouth.

   "My will is indestructible!"

   The sky decayed and shouted with overjoy, moving everything in all directions.

   The soul that has passed the second step of the π-level road is no longer stuck in things, but exists independently.

   The body was killed by Wei Zhao, but the soul was parasitized on the surrounding dead objects, still living.

   Of course, this is impossible to move, the body of the dead can only drift with the flow, parasitizing it like a living dead who can only think, sinking into eternal darkness. UU reading is no different from being dead, but Huang Jiqi reshapes the living body, and he can be alive and kicking directly.

  Gaiyu was dumbfounded, and Tianshui stepped into the second step of π level, which can be said to have saved his old life!

   π-level three steps, although the first two steps are classified as the dominance of the star realm, but in fact they are classified as the star gods, and there is nothing wrong with it.

   The first step is to make the body into a π-level life form, which is already infinitely useful.

   In the second step, even the will is like a star god, not lingering in things, even in the air, even in the brain of a pig, the soul can parasitize thinking.

   Even if the body is destroyed, the big deal is to change the body, all the data and memory will not be lost.

   This dimensionality reduction blow is indeed terrifying, but the indestructibility is extremely close to the immortal will of the Star God.

   To kill the existence of Tianshui and Huang Ji, which has already taken the second step, the soul must be obliterated.

   The soul is a six-dimensional matter, and only six-dimensional or above attack techniques can destroy it.

   "If I don't take the second step as soon as possible, I'm just an ant that can be wiped out in front of the Star God!"

   "Only when you have achieved a π-level soul can you have the basic life-saving ability..."

   Gai Yu was shocked, and finally made up his mind.



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