The Omniscient

Chapter 824: Star God descends

Taking advantage of the fact that the enemy did not continue to kill, Huang Ji sent Tianshui, Lin Li and others away.

Low-dimensional and low-dimensional, technology is not universal, Tianshou and others have no time to waste there, the first time they start to return, they randomly appear somewhere in the distant starry sky.

Said to be random, its real-time machine Huangji was perfectly grasped, and Tianshui and others appeared near a quasar 14 billion light-years away.

Quasars look like stars but are not stars, like galaxies and not galaxies. It emits intense radio waves, thousands of times that of ordinary galaxies.

In other words, it is a monster that looks as big as the sun but has a mass equivalent to thousands of galaxies.

"Good luck! It's me!" Tianshao was overjoyed when he saw quasars nearby.

Quasars are the oldest celestial bodies in the universe and are known as primitive giants. Its core is a black hole, surrounded by materials with trillions of times the mass of the sun. Although it looks like a star, it is not nuclear fusion but black hole radiation that supports it.

This is the age before the birth of stars, the only celestial structure in the universe. At that time, the universe was full of quasars, and it was called the ‘age of superstars’.

The mass of each superstar is thousands or even tens of thousands of times that of the so-called galaxy.

Of course, after more than 10 billion years of consumption, most of the quasars exploded due to collisions with each other and turned into star clusters and star clusters. A few quasars were swallowed up by the black hole, and only the huge black hole was still slowly evaporating.

Quasars that have survived to the present are rare.

The quasar in front of Tianshui's eyes has a mass comparable to 10,000 galaxies, but most of them are black holes, and only less than fifty galaxies remain on the surface. It floats alone in this cold and silent vacuum, and there are no other galaxies around for tens of thousands of light years.

But how to say, it is also a piece of stellar matter, which is densely packed together, which is very convenient to swallow.

The decline of the sky unceremoniously started, and quickly swallowed the ‘first-class cultural relic’ that had witnessed the rise and fall of the universe, so old that it might be the only remaining “first-class cultural relics” in the universe.

In addition, there must be a large amount of dark matter around the quasar. It is precisely because it is buried alone in the dark matter desert that there will be so much matter backlogged together.

Matter fusion, dark matter transformation, in addition to this, there are huge black holes for energy mining.

Retreat here, you don't have to worry about resources and energy at all, saving a lot of time.

"This black hole is really big, creating other black holes next to it and building a giant attractor shell can save a lot of energy." Tianshuai said in surprise.

Originally, he was still worried about how to build a giant attraction and step into the star **** level within a thousand years.

The energy and resources needed are gone. I don't know how many constellations have to be swallowed to get together.

And as long as you do this, you will inevitably provoke the guardian of the dimension, and a fight, even if you defeat the opponent or successfully escape, it must consume a lot of time and material.

As a little rookie who has just stepped into the dominance of the star realm, no matter who he fights, he is fighting hard. Even if you save your life, the energy you have finally collected may be wasted and start over.

But there is no way, this is actually very good, because Huang Ji attracts most of the firepower, which means that all the star gods will be dragged by him.

At the current level of the decline of the sky, it would be difficult to do without the Star God. This is already the greatest help, thinking that the biggest difficulty has been borne by Huang Ji, and the rest of the difficulty has to be dealt with by him!

Unexpectedly... there is also a circle of fate!

A wave of random transmissions turned out to be the start of the primordial superstar. This time, the decline of the sky is almost completely certain, and you can step into the Star God within a thousand years!

"For the time being, don't get close to the quasar, and swallow the matter remotely, so as not to slow down the flow of time. Wait until the black hole is finally used, and then approach it." Lin Li reminded.

"Don't remind me, even five hundred years later, I have thought about how to solve the huge gravitational force caused by the crushing of the vacuum!" Tianshui said proudly.

As he said, a huge amount of data has been transmitted to Lin Li and Rui Ji.

That is all the action plans for the next five hundred years, and the details of the steps. He thought of multiple solutions for the difficulties he might encounter, the enemies he might encounter, and the problems he might encounter.

A small target in ten years, a big plan in a hundred years, step by step, will eventually smash the vacuum after five hundred years.

He has already designed all of these.

After reading the information, Rui Ji and Lin Li couldn't help but admire it. It was so perfect. The moment they saw the quasar, they completed such a huge plan. Is this an ascending body?

They only need to act according to the plan, this feeling is familiar to Lin Libei!

I couldn't help taking a high look at Tianfa, although a bunch of backup plans made Lin Li feel that there is no such thing as Huang Ji's "road to simplicity".

But this is already very powerful, and it really gives people a feeling that no matter what difficulties arise, the weather can be dealt with.

"Yes! Big brother gives you a thousand years, you can succeed in five hundred years?" Lin Li said in surprise.

Tianshui couldn't help but sneer, the heart said that this is not nonsense?

The cakes are fed to the lips! With the technology, the matter, the energy, and the time, Huang Ji has minimized the external interference of chasing him down. This is not enough to step into the Star God, it is better to die!

Tianshui proudly said: "This is the maximum fault tolerance rate. If we can't succeed in five hundred years, at least we still have five hundred years!"

"In fact, I also considered Huang Ji's inability to postpone all the Star Gods. Maybe there is a Star God alone to solve us, and then it will be a real hard fight, because these plans will all be scrapped."

For this, Lin Li calmly said: "Don't worry, the eldest brother said that a thousand years is a thousand years. When you say that you hold ten star gods, you are ten star gods."

Tianshui was in a weird mood, but he didn't refute it either.

He believed in Huang Ji, and Huang Ji's last black hole skyrocketed was too terrifying, it was a physics miracle!

Coupled with so many black holes, the mass is too large, and there is less than eight million times the time velocity difference with the outside world.

In other words, he only needs to hold on for more than an hour to win a thousand years for the outside routine time and space.

Tianshui firmly looked at the distant starry sky: "Huang Ji, don't die!"

"When I set foot on the Star God, I will come back to help you!"

The Yellow Pole is under the protection of an array of 80 billion black holes. All directions in Zhou Tian are the horizons of black holes, and it is impossible for matter to spread in.

This is equivalent to the strongest protective cover of the universe!

As for the so-called spanning distance and void creation method, it is impossible to create immortal matter, at most ordinary matter attack, which is meaningless to his level.

In addition, there are only special methods such as quantum return and dimensionality reduction strikes.

But this kind of method is not effective for π-level souls.

In the end, the only killer move the enemy can use is... to create a black hole.

Black holes are truly the eternal gods of the universe... They are the highest-dimensional blows that can be seen in three-dimensional time and space! The most terrifying existence! none of them!

Even the Star God, if it is completely swallowed by the black hole, it will be cold and will never be spared.

If the enemy creates a black hole in this space and time and completely fills up this so-called hollow zone, it is undoubtedly a lore.

But how difficult it is!

For the Star God, creating a black hole is simple, and it can even rise to an extreme in an instant. Regardless of consumption, the scene can even surpass what Huang Ji just showed.

However, that is in ordinary time and space.

Now Huang Ji is surrounded by black holes. In the hollow zone he is in, the space-time outlier has reached its peak! The difficulty of creating something in the void will be extremely magnified! The technology of the space-time system is even more difficult to maintain!

When the straw hat dominates facing a huge collision of 90,000 black holes, it can be seen that even a wormhole cannot be created.

Now that the huge black hole of 80 billion still surrounds it completely, the interference it causes is beyond words. It is not too much to say that this is a piece of time and space abandoned by the universe. It can be regarded as a black hole horizon that has been engulfed, splitting the starry sky.

Even Huang Ji barely managed to maintain the low-dimensional door. After sending away Tianshou and others, he couldn't maintain it, causing it to collapse.

Why does the distant star **** make trouble in such a special space? Not to mention, there is Huang Ji's exquisite technology and endless levels of anticipation.

It can be said that the Star God must come in person, otherwise Huang Ji can't be helped!

However, Huang Ji can't be helped, but other people can't be won.

Gai Yu... trembling!

The fifty dominator dolls in the Huangji box shook their bodies like a reptile, unable to hold themselves.

Why are they involved in such a terrifying battle? The ten star gods are paying attention to this, and there are still not many dimension guardians. This is definitely the strongest force in this dimension.

On the other hand, Huang Ji is also staunchly scared to death. Isn't that afraid? Obviously there is a means to escape, and even time to return. In the end, only his teammates were sent away, and he stayed to fight!

But he also has incredible strength, good guy, inflated 80 billion black holes in one breath, and I don't know where the energy came from!

Borrowed from the universe? Is the universe so talkative?

Judging from the black hole skyrocketing technology alone, this is definitely the productivity of the Star God, and only the Star God can create such a magnificent matter in one go.

The bit dominates and the others, there is no temper at all, and he has even regarded himself as a dead person.

Seeing through life and death in this way, on the contrary, there is gradually a kind of bystander mentality that is ignored: death is dead, and it is not a loss to see the star wars before death.

However, there is one person who is unwilling to give up. He desperately hopes that he can hold his own destiny!

"I must step into the π level!" Gai Yu roared and shot!

The blade of divine power, self-slashing soul!

Feeling a terrible wave of divine consciousness, everyone looked at Gai Yu.

"Is he going to step over the second floor too?" The Drill Master murmured enviously.

These days, just by attending, they also learned a lot. I also saw that the decay of the sky was reduced in dimension, and the body was turned into nothing, the kind of power that did not die, it can be described as envious.

"Although it is extremely dangerous and the death rate is terrible, but in this situation, it is death anyway, it is better to fight!"

"Yeah, I can do it too! I'm so bad now, give me a chance, and I'll give it a try!"

Dominating the dolls are all crying! They understand Gai Yu's current state of mind, how can it be death, why don't they take control of their own destiny? What if it is done?

With an immortal π-level soul, the survival rate will be greatly improved!

They also wanted to fight like this, but Huang Ji refused to give them this opportunity.

But there is no complaint. On the one hand, Huang Ji didn't dare, because Huang Ji had already outstripped their circle of vision...On the other hand, Huang Ji also saved them, or they would have died long ago, and I don't know so much.

So they are more confused. Huang Ji rescues them and puts them under house arrest. What is it like?

Technology? Which of their skills is worthy of Huang Ji's coveting?

"Gai Yu is really lucky, Huang Ji just looks at him differently and makes him..."

"Huh? What!"

The master dolls murmured with greedy eyes, and suddenly they were stunned.

I saw Gai Yu's body stiff, his body floating in time and space, and then torn by the twisted gravity, spirals flying, and every inch of it shattered.



Everyone was shocked, and Gai Yu Tianzong, a wizard, thought that under a lot of pressure and decisive ambition, this wave would be a success!

Unexpectedly, it failed! Fallen on the spot!

"Is it so difficult..." The Dominant dolls were sluggish and didn't envy them anymore.

Gai Yu was the supreme for a long time. He had been the ruler of the star realm for millions of years, and he was guided by Huang Ji. Due to many factors, he should have succeeded, but he died.

It can be seen that this step is really a deadlock of all odds and dangers!

Too awkward, with the consciousness of death, really died...60 million years of hard work was completely wiped out!

"Hey." Huang Ji's voice sounded, and he suddenly controlled Gai Yu's body material, and there was another violent and distorted divine consciousness fluctuation that washed the audience.

I saw Gai Yu's body reshape, and the next second, his brain suddenly lit up with a certain wave of brilliance, and his soul... actually resurrected!

"How is it possible!" At this moment, everyone was suppressed.

Can the soul be resurrected if it dies? Is this the legendary... 9-star medical technique, bringing the dead back to life?

"Am I done?" Gai Yu was a little dazed. His last memory was that he killed himself with a decisive blow.

Then, nothing happened and stood sluggishly in place.

It seems that in a short period of time, I lost consciousness.

"Really resurrected! What kind of technology is this!"

"My God! The soul can be resurrected, wouldn't it be possible to do it again?"

The dominating dolls shouted hoarsely, as if they had witnessed a miracle!

Combining their words, Gai Yu quickly realized what had happened.

He died and was resurrected by Huang Ji.

"You, you, you...can come back to life!" Gai Yu said in horror.

Huang Ji appeared very weak, and his divine consciousness was greatly reduced, as if he had ingested Fushou particles for a long time.

There is no doubt that the cost of the behavior just now was extremely high.

"It's not going back to life, I just hit all the divine consciousness particles exactly at the moment your soul dies, making it just return to the state before death." Huang Ji whispered.

"Fuck..." Everyone was silly.

What kind of fairy operation is this? What concept? A vase was blown to shreds, and suddenly an external force hit, just hitting every fragment, cleverly knocking it back to its original shape, and even the molecular chains were consistent, absolutely incredible.

Corresponding to the soul level, the difficulty skyrocketed countless times. To know the second step of π-level, the connection between Zhan but and six dimensions, that wonderful node, is already very difficult.

And Huang Ji's operation is equivalent to simultaneously performing such an operation on the soul that collapsed, and every divine consciousness particle that escaped. The difficulty is like not knowing how many billion times the ‘self-cutting’ operation is.

In addition, the consumption is also extremely large, because this must also use the power of divine consciousness to collide, and it is his own soul that is damaged, so Huang Ji is suddenly so weak.

"This is just a reshaping of the soul, and it is far from reviving the imaginary life."

"But! You saved my life again!" Gai Yu was going crazy: "During the war, you don't hesitate to hurt your soul, but you want to save me?"

"To be honest, I am not trying to save you." Huang Ji said frankly.

If it is to save people, it is said to save people. He has saved many people a long time ago, but this time it is really not... so he also bluntly told him.

"Say no! Mr. Huang Ji, you gave me a second chance! I, Gai Yu, will be yours in the future!" Gai Yu was excited and could not help himself.

In the universe, life-saving grace is extremely rare, especially when it comes to saving life after death, it is not known how great it is.

He will make a mistake on the second step, but he failed unexpectedly. can be resurrected now and can do it again. This is the absolute second life! It is impossible for Gai Yu not to be convinced by this.

However, Huang Ji still said, "This time...It's not really to save you."

He said, already raising his head.

"That's..." Gai Yu asked, suddenly shocked, and looked up.

I saw the black hole horizon above my head, disappeared!

As if the dome of the huge black giant ball was lifted! That is countless black holes are evaporated!

The Star God is here! Only when the Star God himself descends can the super protective cover made by Huang Ji be torn apart!

The original black hole array now only has a ‘bowl-shaped’ left.

Huang Ji and others were in the bowl, and outside the mouth of the bowl, ten magnificent figures stood in a circle and looked down.

There are three thousand star realms rulers, a million star swarm overlords, scattered everywhere! Encircling the yellow pole and these black holes is too much!

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