The Omniscient

Chapter 825: Power of life

Huang Ji finally formally observed ten star gods and completed all the information about the observable universe in this dimension.

At this point, the 3.1415922 dimension, all living beings, the past and the future, and events are all within his grasp.

His every move, even a thought, can choose his fate here.

From the Star God to the sentient beings, all the thoughts are known to him. At this moment, there are only two things in this dimension that still have secrets, one is called Huang Ji, and the other is called [Information].

The unknown is endless. If anyone claims that everything has no secrets at all, it is actually ignorance.

The true knower knows what he has...I don't know.

"It's over..." Huang Ji said gently.

"Have self-knowledge, but gave up resisting...Intruder!"

It wasn't any star **** who spoke, but a star realm master, and it was Hulu.

His body is here, with ten immortal battle stars on his feet, and his body is covered with a hideous scale-like structure, which seems to be wrapped in dark bones, his head is like a monster with dense fangs, and the whole looks like an upright big crocodile.

Such a simple appearance is a π-level body that contains 80% of the observable universe data. He has already taken the first step to π-level, and he is also famous among the masters of the stars.

At this moment, Hulu is on behalf of the Dimension Guardian Legion, and questioned: "You are the strongest of the existing invaders, and...the strangest one. What is your purpose, just say it."

Huang Ji is not surprising. From beginning to end, he swallowed matter and avoided the civilized area.

This is a high-dimensional descendant, will not go to extravagant things.

Some low-level civilizations, but the mere ants, even their dimensional guardian legion, will not take care of them. If they are destroyed in battle, they will be destroyed.

As a result, Huang Ji, as an intruder, displayed public order and good customs, which was extremely contrary to peace.

The biggest reason for the guardian of the dimension in such a big battle is Huang Ji's strength. In the presence of the Star God, saving people from the sky is a slap in the face.

They guessed that this might be the guardian of the upper level, or even the star **** of the upper level!

In the previous intelligence, the betrayer said that Huang Ji was just an inspector, just a group leader, and probably had no eyes. Everyone believed in facts, and facts speak louder than words.

In short, Huang Ji is the most technologically advanced among the known descendants, and the material basis is only one step away from the Star God.

And with this kind of existence, would he be concerned about lower civilizations? And it is still a low-dimensional, naturally hostile civilization. Is it necessary to deliberately save their lives?

What's more, all the rescued intruders were arrested and locked in a box.

All of this must be purposeful, perhaps to surrender? Want to be a collaborator who is not enslaved?

Regardless of whether or not, Huang Ji couldn't escape anyway. The moment he tore the black hole protective cover, the Star Gods destroyed the warping matrix in Huang Ji and others' bodies.

Ten star gods gathered, such a big battle, not to mention that Huang Ji is not a star god, even if it is, it can be suppressed.

"No need to calculate, Yuliye, the energy that creates a black hole does not come from this dimension." Huang Ji answered the question.

The ten star gods looked at him, but still said nothing, their bodies were not shining galaxies, but like a starry sky background.

It is the background, like the brilliance of the distant starry sky, showing a towering outline under the convex lens.

Such a body seems to be composed of time and space itself.

Moreover, in the middle, some immortal battle stars are dotted, such as Gulan Bator. His five big stars are like five eyes, smart and jumping.

Suddenly seeing Huang Ji directly talk to Yuliyeer, he felt that he was ignored, and said angrily: "Huang Ji! Give you a chance to explain your intentions, you don't want to, then fight!"

He suddenly shot, using the power of divine consciousness to strike.

The immortal battle star at his feet flew out a huge crescent sleeve blade, mounted on his left arm, and held it high.

This is not to rush up to kill people, it is actually launching a weapon to destroy the soul.

Huang Ji rescued Gai Yu just now, his soul was obviously severely damaged, and Huang Ji had taken the second step, only the obliteration of the soul could really kill him, so it was inevitable for Hulu to use such a weapon.

This is not the kind of gentle attack of Divine Consciousness Resonance. No matter how many people gather, Resonance can only stun others, and cannot wipe out the soul.

It is as if the power of the radio is too high, it is impossible to break the material, its wavelength is too large.

However, at the technological level dominated by the star realm, the weapons of divine consciousness will undergo a transformation, reaching extremely high frequencies and energy levels, which can wipe out the soul. Otherwise, how can you cut yourself off the shackles and cut off the shackles of the soul sea?

"Worn out!"

With a wave of Hulu's crescent sleeve blade, most of the people present felt the trembling divine consciousness fluctuation, which appeared on Huang Ji out of thin air.

π-level souls can't be enslaved, so if you make a move, it is a lore.

Huang Ji didn't move, but Gai Yu made up his mind to fight. He immediately created a black hole beside Hulu, and at the same time ejected immortal star fog, and Hulu's weapon...particle to particle, intending to destroy the terrible soul-killing weapon.

However, his size is too small, even if he adds some, it is far inferior to any dimensional guardian present.

What's more, the total amount of immortal material in a decorative relief on the weapon in Hulu's hand is 500 times that of his...

"Buzzing!" The black holes that appeared beside Hulu disappeared one by one, all being evaporated by negative particles.

The other immortal blows that Gai Yu released anxiously also seemed to be a joke, one by one shattered halfway.

The same as the master of the star realm, with such a big gap in size and equipment, there is still a sky and a land.

"Huh?" Hulu easily resolved Gai Yu's attack, only to find that Huang Ji was also calm, as if he hadn't been hurt at all.

"It missed... this guy, refactoring so fast."

Soul obliteration attacks, high frequency, naturally more difficult to hit, like condensing the brilliance into a laser, the farther apart, the more accurate the numerical model is needed.

Hulu possesses a lot of immortal matter, and can force the data of true vision of Huangji. With Huangji's current size, it can't be stopped at all.

It can be said that Huang Ji was stripped naked in front of these guardians!

Hulu saw that Huang Ji's soul model was being rebuilt frantically at this moment!

The soul itself is ever-changing, but it is inseparable from its origin. Everyone has their own unique model of change.

Although this model is extremely complicated, once the powerful masters this model, one can definitely figure out what the soul looks like at a specific moment.

Unless, for self-disturbance, replace the soul's superego subconsciousness, manually manipulate the soul's fluctuations, without changing the essence, the details do not follow the laws of the model.

In this way, others can't lock his soul.

This trick is very difficult to reconstruct the soul, and a little carelessness is tantamount to suicide. However, Huang Ji is now reconstructing every Planck time, and he is so proficient!

It's incredible. Such a fast reconstruction frequency means that Huang Ji has no room for observation and no room for thinking, which is equivalent to... blindly doing it!

Don't you need to look at it, don't count it, and just do it in a desperate manner?

In fact, there is really no need to count, Huang Ji has already foreseen the future and set the operating procedures, which is equivalent to calculating all the changes in his soul in the future.

This is incredible, because there are some probabilistic changes in it.

"If this is the case, then obliterate him at close range!" Hulu hurriedly approached, and the crescent sleeve blade cut down like a star with a blade!

The closer the distance, the more blurred the model needed to lock the target.

Directly physically lock, the most convenient, it will drop ten times in one effort!

"Gulambaatar, ascension does not necessarily mean war. Do you really care about this so-called hatred? Just thinking about doing it first before others hurt yourself." Huang Ji looked at the Star God and said lightly NS.

Su Lu feels ridiculous, Huang Ji is just the ruler of the star realm, so he has always wanted to talk to the star god?

Except for certain circumstances, uploading data to the Star God, at other times, no one is qualified to talk to the Star God.

It's very simple, the Star God knows what they want to say. The Star God can truly see the physical data of anyone, and even the fluctuation of the soul. To a certain extent, you can read your mind. The words you have to say have not yet been spoken, and they will be recognized as soon as they are formed in the brain.

At such a close distance, only the Star God and the Star God can communicate, and the rest of the Star Gods are all ants, but the background noise of the universe.

However, Gulambaatar replied: "You come from the dimension of origin?"

Hearing this, the star immortal sleeve blade that Huly was about to cut to Huangji stopped, and braked!

Hulu looked weird and stepped aside.

The mortal blow was curbed because of Gulan Bator's words!

It was not Gulan Bator's doing it, but he took the initiative to stop. It was very simple... The Star God did not speak, he would deal with Huang Ji as he pleased, but if the Star God speaks, nothing will happen to him... It is impossible to kill the Star God. Who is being questioned.

Hulu is very strange. Couldn't the Star God know what Huang Ji was thinking?

"Origin dimension... It's a shame for you to think so. It's my unique ability to listen to your private conversations..."

"I come from the 3.1415926 dimension."

Huang Ji talked directly with Gulan Bator, or rather, he just talked to the Star God from beginning to end.

As for Hulu's words and deeds, they are all in the ears, Huang Jili is too lazy to reason, not despising, but meaningless.

As it is now, when Gulan Bator spoke, Hulu immediately stepped aside, as if it had become air.

Huang Ji continued: "What you talked about just now was all vain. Whether it is my cosmic skyrocketing ability or my purpose, you can't talk about a result, so it's better to ask me directly!"

"I already know the knowledge in this dimension. You can listen to our conversations without fusing time and space particles. Besides the void technology from the origin dimension, what unique ability can you have?" Gulan Bator said.

The dimension of origin is the golden section node of the universe, that is, the dimension 3.82. That is the place where life first appeared. Life there is also the most blessed, and there will be some technologies that other three-dimensional civilizations cannot invent.

Just now the Star Gods didn't take action to obliterate them, they were just talking about the various abnormalities displayed by Huang Ji.

The soul repair can also be done by the Star Gods, which shows that Huang Ji has Star God level technology.

But the black hole skyrocketed without consuming any matter in the observable universe, which is more weird.

What is even more bizarre is that the Star God talked secretly, and Huang Ji interrupted frequently! Every sentence is right, Huang Ji shouldn't be able to scan the Star God communication.

This forced Gulan Bator to finally face Huang Ji and talk with him on an equal footing.

Huang Ji said: "Do you really know all the knowledge in the dimension? The unknown is infinite... even I dare not say that I know all..."

"Theoretically, in any three-dimensional space-time, one can directly transcend the dimension and achieve a four-dimensional life form. Do you also know this technology?"

The star gods were silent for an instant. Yes, Chaowei Technology does not mean that it must rise to 3.82 or 3.99 to enter the four-dimensional realm...

Any point in the three-dimensional universe can be extra-dimensional.

They can detach themselves in place now, but... they don't know what to do...because there is no theory about how to achieve transdimensionality.

Not to mention ultra-dimensional, even the ascending technology, he has only completely breached it some time ago.

"How do you create a black hole without consumption?" a star **** asked. Since Huang Ji said to ask him directly, he would just ask him directly.

"I use information characteristics, beyond natural science." Huang Ji told him sincerely.

"???" The star gods were confused, they had not known as the ceiling of the dimension for hundreds of millions of years, or the first time they didn't understand...

"Beyond natural science?" Gulambaatar was too lazy to refute it. If you don't say it, don't say it. What kind of information is it? What the **** is that?

He felt that Huang Ji was fooling him, deliberately creating some weirdness, and then invented packaging to delay time. After all, he also knew about the decline of the sky, isn't Huang Ji just staying to buy time?

Gulambaatar didn't ask, and as expected, once he asked, Huang Ji would pull out some illusory theories that could not be falsified.

The creation of a black hole without consumption is actually the energy derived from other dimensions, so this is probably some kind of new technology that has not been discovered.

So he just said: "Needless to say! The unknown in you, when I step into the upper dimension, and even the origin dimension, sooner or later I will know..."

"One day I will reach the top of the ten dimensions and know all the mysteries of the universe!"

"Well said. But after three thousand five hundred seconds, you will ask me what information is." Huang Ji said flatly.

Gulan Bator looked at Huang Ji with interest: "I like confident guys, but with this little method, you can't fight me."

Huang Ji smiled and said, "Indeed, I won't be able to beat you for the time being. But there is actually no inevitable contradiction between dimensions. Obviously, they can make progress together by means of transactions, but they have gone to war."

"In fact, 690 million years ago, you were the first to do it. It was you who killed the descendants who first explored the low-dimensionality for the immortal matter... Then there was a series of mutual hunts."

"But forget it, the farce of killing and killing will stop here. If you have to bloodbath the shame of being invaded, these forty-five masters can be executed in public under order."

After all, he lifted the box and threw it out. The doll masters in the box were stunned. It turned out that this is a gift box?

Huang Ji has betrayed his own dimension, did he use them as a nomination?

However, no one was present to pick up the box, letting it drift far away.

Yuliyeer said: "I already know your goodwill, and I recognize your strength, Huang Ji, allow you to become a member of the Guardian Legion of Dimension, join us, and defeat Gaowei."

There are two star gods here that have a slightly higher status. One is the newly emerging Gulan Bator, who first developed the ascending technology. The other is the oldest star god, Yuliye.

All the other star gods have been more or less under the shadow of Yuliye.

Yuliye's misunderstood, he thinks Huang Ji said beautifully, just want to join them.

After all, Huang Ji's benevolence and unique technology touched them, so they accepted Huang Ji smoothly.

The π-level soul cannot be swallowed into the ascending body, nor can it be enslaved, and is eligible to be a collaborator.

They have a hundred thousand star realm rulers, so they don't mind having one more. To reverse the high dimension, the more high-end combat power that is already needed, the better. If Huang Ji is Gaowei's Star God, it would be even better. They will obtain all the information of Gaowei and directly make the preliminary preparations for the crusade.

However, Huang Ji said, "Don't you understand? I'm not here to join you, let alone attack your own dimension with you."

"It's not an opt-in, it's the enemy." Yuliyeer said. In his eyes, Huang Ji must always stand on the side, not his own dimension, or their dimension.

Huang Ji shook his head and said, "Does the two dimensions have to be at war? Your dream is to achieve the One, not to conquer the dimension."

"Are you trying to stop this war?" Yulier understood.

Huang Ji nodded: "I am standing here today to ask you to join my Ziwei Order!"

The Legion of Dimension Guardians was in an uproar.

Too rampant, I thought Huang Ji was protecting the weak and imprisoning explorers, one by one, all in order to become a collaborator and conquer his own dimension with them.

The star gods all agreed to him and were willing to accept him equally.

As a result, Huang Ji turned them back? Ziwei Order? What it is!

"What is Ziwei Order?" Yuliyeer said, a big star flickered slightly, this was the next ultimatum.

Huang Ji's voice resounded through the starry sky: "Legislation for dimensions! Order to the starry sky and civilization to all races!"

Hulu's eyes widened, legislating for the dimension? What a big tone!

The many star realm masters present felt that he was crazy, even if the high-dimensional Star God came, it would be destroyed if he said it!

A master of the astral world, trying to be a dimension lawmaker?

Gulambaatar stretched out his palm and said: "As long as you speak wisely, this so-called order is meaningless. Just one thought can make you disappear into the universe."

Huang Ji earnestly said: "Destruction is easy, but construction is difficult. Seeking a way is not killing. Scientific progress lies in production."

"One by one, you have the power to reach the sky and the dimensions are invincible.

"Could it be that this is the way to become the One?"

Gulan Bator was startled and did not refute, because what Huang Ji said was right.

Value is created by labor, and the progress of civilization step by step depends on production, not destruction and destruction.

Fighting is important, but if you want to achieve the One, you do not rely on the power to explode the universe, but the ability to create the universe.

No matter who wins or loses in the dimensional war, there will only be one dimension that can continue to advance. But if an order is established, it will be able to advance together, which is a double benefit. This is where creation is higher than destruction.

In fact, everyone knows what Huang Ji means, inter-dimensional order, hehe, similar thoughts, after so many years, who can't think of it?

It's just that no one can do it!

People of both dimensions, whoever stands up, cannot be trusted. Whether it's going up or down, the best solution for the two star gods to meet is to kill each other.

In that case, there is no need to talk about order, and everyone is not naive.

"Without strength, all talk is empty. If you like to talk, become a prisoner of the soul, let's talk about it." As the oldest star god, Yuliye set the tone directly.

I saw Yuliye's eye, starlight and generous.

In an instant, all of Huang Ji's physical data was seen through by him, and in an instant he could quantumly return to nothingness.

At that time, only π-level souls will remain, and they will be sealed in the dead like prisoners. You can change him to a very weak body at will.

Yuliye, has planned to erase this inexplicable fellow.

However, at the same time, Huang Ji also changed.

His quality has plummeted! Almost all disappeared!

Huang Ji returned almost all of his own matter, leaving only three elementary particles! The force field released by these three particles dominates the surrounding natural matter, forming a phantom.

So on the surface, Huang Ji is still Huang Ji, but in fact, only those three particles are real him.

"Small bugs." Yuliye was about to wipe out the three particles.

Using just three particles to form the organism and dominate countless natural substances is indeed powerful.

But the Star God can do it too, not even three, one particle is enough. It can also be seen that Huang Ji is still a lot worse than the Star God.


The three particles of Huang Ji were wiped out without any suspense!

However, while disappearing, three other particles emerged, continuing to maintain the phantom of the yellow pole.

That turned out to be the mass that had disappeared before, in the form of a delay, returned by the universe!

boom! Annihilated again!

But just right, three more particles emerged, exactly at the same time when the first three particles disappeared.

It's as if a body has disappeared and another body has been refreshed at the same time.

Huang Ji's 100,000 tons of immortal matter returned to the universe in one breath, just like squeezing toothpaste, how many ‘three-particle bodies’ would there be?

It's like distributing a life into countless parts, one after another, accurately carrying Huang Ji's soul, taking Planck time as a unit, taking over his consciousness!

The star gods saw the doorway, feeling a bit interesting.

This kind of delay technology, they will also, this is a Star God-level technology.

But so what? The body of the three particles, the strength dropped sharply, it can be said that any person present, even the doll dominated, Huang Ji could not win.

"Such you, isn't UU reading left to be slaughtered?" Yuliyeer said indifferently.

Huang Ji's phantom is getting bigger and bigger, with a height of one million kilometers, with a faint smile on his face.

He spread his hands and smiled and said, "I admit that the current self can't touch you at all."

Suddenly smiled, this is nonsense. Not to mention the star gods, Huang Ji couldn't even move the overlord group leaders present, the star-level immortal mass, is this a joke?

However, Huang Ji went on to say: "But the greatest power of life is'life', not'death'."

"I am a doctor, not good at killing people, but good at saving people."

"To save others, save yourself first. Today, I will stand here and give you an hour. Whatever method you use... I will never fight back."

"You guys who claim to know everything about Dimensionality, let's do it as much as you want, it's okay to do it all together!"

"Try if you can kill me."

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