The Omniscient

Chapter 855: The way of the universe lies in easy

Huang Ji's achievement of the master of dimensions relies on information perception. However, with scientific methods, there is also the possibility of theoretical realization, but it is extremely difficult and extremely difficult.

Generally speaking, the universe is a chaotic system, which is difficult to deduce and cannot be omniscient forever, because the initial values ​​of all particles in the physical world cannot be measured absolutely and accurately in actual work.

Even the initial value is ambiguous. No matter how high the mathematical attainment is, it will never reach 100%.

The key to the so-called uncertainty principle is that the measurement itself affects the results.

In the final analysis, this is the limitation of ‘mechanics’. As long as you rely on basic forces to measure, it will never be considered accurate.

But the real vision of time and space surpasses mechanics and can know all its data without affecting the particles.

As a result, Laplace demon becomes possible.

But it is only possible. It is extremely difficult to establish a perfect model for calculating the operation of all particles in the universe.

First of all, there must be an initial value of the cosmic system, that is, at least once the omniscient observable universe must be known.

A star **** with a deep background can do it, as long as he is willing to spend his energy and cover the observable universe with the true vision of time and space.

However, there are two more problems here. First, the observable universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. Second, no matter how rich the star gods are, it is impossible to monitor the observable universe every second.

The former allows Star Gods to reach 99% at most, while the latter allows Star Gods to maintain 99% only for a limited time...

The combination of the two is like a lock of physics, as if destined to be a hundred percent π-class body, a dreamy bubble that is hopeless but impossible to achieve.

However, there is a tool that transcends physics in this world, called mathematics.

Mathematics can help people know the areas they can't reach. As the ruler of the star realm in the Lantian area, although the time and space is true, how can his energy compare to the star **** of time and space particles?

But with 80% of the initial value, he relied on mathematics for many years to reach 97%.

This is the power of ‘mathematics’.

"You want to give me your all-knowing mathematical model? You... wait a minute, you promised me to be the lord of the dimensions first?" Ye Meng was very surprised, and his seven'big oranges' shook slightly.

"Isn't this a condition for you to accept Ziwei's order? I agreed." Huang Jidan smiled.

Yemeng was dumb, she just said that.

Her original intention was to refute Ziwei's philosophy, saying: You see, I don't want to fight, but I can't believe you. If I don't want to fight, let me become the Lord of Dimension first, do you dare? You dare not, because you can't believe me, this world is like this.

But she didn't expect Huang Ji to agree!

In Ye Meng's eyes, it is very difficult for her to kill Huang Ji, but Huang Ji can never hurt herself. The only chance is to find a way to refine time-space particles in the difficult self-protection.

But if Ye Meng becomes the Lord of Dimension, then Huang Ji will have no chance at all, and she can easily kill Huang Ji.

"How dare you do this?" Ye Meng asked rhetorically.

Huang Ji said, "Because I believe in you."

"I mean, why do you dare to believe me?" Ye Meng asked surprised.

"Because you really don't like war. After exploring the way of the Lord of Dimensions, what you desire is the beauty of truth and have no interest in rule." Huang Ji spread his hands.

Ye Meng shook the orange and said, "Maybe I lied to you."

Huang Ji smiled and said: "If you really lie to me, you won't ask me so confused, and even more, you will attack me with thunder from the beginning, instead of saying, "In fact, you are willing to accept Ziwei." 'This kind of nonsense on the archway."

Yemeng felt interesting, and said: "I once hoped to build a multidimensional order that would not violate each other with the upper dimension, so that I could study the path of transdimensional quietly."

"Unfortunately, people cannot trust each other. In the end, I and the upper star gods fought in the chain of suspicion..."

"See these seven plane fruits? They are the seven cages where I imprisoned the upper star gods!"

Hearing this, the six million star gods behind Huang Ji were in an uproar.

First of all, Ye Meng actually imprisoned seven upper-level star gods. Could this be a powerful existence that has completed the rebellion?

Secondly, the seven orange-shaped things are technologies that they have not imagined.

The Star God is known as the dimensional ceiling and is familiar with all technologies, but in fact, this "all" is only a relative term, which means that the Star God can replicate and imitate the technology they have seen.

Therefore, no one like Yuliye, Gulan Bator, etc. possesses exclusive skills. In the same dimension, everyone who bows their heads but looks up will actually be the same.

However, the use of space-time particles is vast as a sea of ​​smoke, and there will always be blind areas of thinking, and other dimensions may have uses that all the star gods of their own dimensions have never thought of.

Yemeng’s ‘Orange Time and Space’ is the characteristic technology of this dimension.

It can store huge substances, and can also contain and trap creatures. It is bounded and boundless, sailing in it, as if walking on a sphere, forever around the universe and can't fly out.

People from the outside cannot really see the inside in time and space, and people inside cannot see the outside in time and space.

Even the true vision of time and space cannot be achieved, let alone the law of causality, all cannot cross boundaries, it seems to share a dimensional frequency with the observable universe, but is independent of the gap space.

Many functions, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are artifacts.

"So it turns out that a folded world was created with space-time particles. This is a pseudo four-dimensional object." Gulan Bator said in a novel way, almost learned...suffering because there are no space-time particles to practice.

This is the star god, and any star **** is great.

They don't know how to do this, it's just that the inspiration is not in place, and they haven't thought about designing this kind of thing. Once you think about it, you can imitate it with a little thought.

There is just a gap in efficiency and proficiency.

Ye Meng said with pride: "Huang Ji, I admit that I am not sure to kill you, but it is okay to seal you."

"Again, I can't let you surpass me, and want me to accept Ziwei Order, unless I first become the Lord of Dimensions!"

"I didn't expect you to promise... Thank you very much for your trust, then do you dare to get into the fruit of my plane by yourself?"

"When I reach the Lord of Dimensions, I will let you out and help you achieve Consummation, so that you can spread the order."

Yuliyeer sullenly said: "Don't you think we are a fool?"

"If you take the initiative to be sealed by you, it would be better to let go and defeat you!"

"You don't know Huang Ji's greatness at all. If you really think you are a star god, Huang Ji can't help you? You don't know anything about Huang Ji's power!"

Ye Meng just picked off an orange and looked at Huang Ji and said, "Do you dare to come in?"

"Yes." Huang Ji suddenly agreed.

"Ah..." The six million star gods were panicked. They were not afraid of a big battle. They believed that Huang Ji could finally win, and it would be a big deal to sacrifice a few people.

But if you just grabbed it, then you really gave all the initiative to the enemy.

Seeing Yemeng continuously enlarge the oranges, and depress them with brilliance, they are about to cover everyone.

Huang Ji said again: "Wait a minute."

"Are you regretting it?" Ye Meng really stopped.

Huang Ji smiled and said: "It's not repentance, but when you become the master of dimensions, the universe will be destroyed..."

"What!" Ye Meng was very upset, what does this mean, saying that she can't do it at all?

"I have a 100% model of the universe, and the ultimate chaos algorithm... You want to be the Lord of Dimensions, these can help you have fun." Huang Ji finished speaking, and dropped a big orange, made of tons of immortal matter. Full of physical data.

Afterwards, he took the initiative to meet the fruit of the plane and stepped into independent time and space.

"Huang Ji!" Yuliye eagerly wanted to stop, but it was too late.

Everyone was dumbfounded, Huang Ji was too courageous! I believe that an enemy who has only seen one side!

It’s all right now, their strongest leader is gone, and the rest of the people, don’t look at the mighty battles, but they are as poor as ghosts, and there is no space-time particle. To such an ancient star **** like Yemeng, that’s deliver.

In an instant, everyone was ready to make an emergency evacuation and return to low-dimensional preparations.

However, Ye Meng didn't try to get rid of them, and took the opportunity to solve them. Instead, he read the data left by Huang Ji, closed the door on the spot, and delved into it.

Actually ignored all the enemies present.

"Good opportunity, let's keep an eye on this guy, you Abohid are scattered everywhere, immediately find a place to refine the space-time particles!" Yuliye quickly passed the order to everyone, without keeping it secret.

Because in front of the Star God, any secret communication is meaningless, so it's better to deploy it generously.

Abohid is extremely organized and highly disciplined. Although Yuliye is not qualified to command them, his strategy is correct, and he can only do that now.

Suddenly, four hundred ascending body star gods including Yuliye'er took action. Various attacks attracted Yemeng’s attention. At the same time, six million Apohid protoss fled in all directions, each choosing a certain place in the starry sky. Leave.

However, they all underestimated Yemeng.

The oldest star **** with the dimension of 3.1415926 is both ancient and great. He defeated the upper strata and ruled two dimensions.

And she has amazing accomplishments in folding space.

She saw a branch in time and space, swaying ripples in time and space, creating a huge wormhole in a flash.

The Apohide Protoss who had escaped with the wormhole all walked out of this huge wormhole. They looked around in shock, but they didn't expect to teleport on the spot!

They quickly dived into the wormhole again, selecting the distant starry sky, but no matter how many times they would step out of the huge wormhole in Yemeng...

The paths of all the wormholes on the scene were actually looped together by Yemeng like ouroboros.

"Fly!" The Aposide Protoss fled in all directions, but after flying hundreds of millions of kilometers, they actually came back!

It seems that they are not sailing in a straight line, but as if they are spinning around in an annular space.

Standing in place, Lan Tian couldn't help saying: "Don't struggle, under the Star God, it's impossible for anyone to escape her control."

"The only thing possible is the Huang Ji of the Laplace demon, but unfortunately he fell into the trap by himself."

Yuliye's expressions are solemn, they are not as against the sky as Huang Ji, they can use the power of the star realm to fight against the star gods.

Gulambaatar is a big heart, on the contrary, he is very novel to study the space-time maze created by Yemeng.

Although there are no space-time particles, his vision, but the real and powerful Star God, instantly learned another trick.

"Gulambaatar, think of a way!" Yulier shouted.

Gulan Bator smiled lightly and said: "What can I do? Without space-time particles, and without the help of chaotic butterflies, it is impossible for us to crack this trick...Although I have already thought of a solution..."

There is a solution, but it can't be solved. This is the despair of being blocked by the Star God as soon as he came up.

If they didn't believe in Huang Ji, they wouldn't have invaded so grandiosely, they would definitely be scattered all over the place, and they would secretly find a place to grow up to the Star God.

It was Huang Ji that made them so waved, but no one thought that Huang Ji directly voted...

"Don't worry, how much does Huang Ji exist? Believe him, this Yemeng will not hurt us." Tianshui didn't panic. In his heart, Huang Ji was not a fool, so he was sure of it.

Yuliye'er nodded, Ye Meng did not attack everyone, and Ye Meng refined the seven-face fruit and imprisoned the upper star god, which in itself meant that she was not a murderer.

But Yuliye was still very entangled, sending his opponent to become the Lord of Dimension, this courage is too fat.

"It turns out that the ultimate chaos algorithm... can even be deduced to the unexpanded part of the universe! So even if the universe is expanding faster than light, as long as the calculation efficiency is large enough, it can reach 100%..." I saw that Yemeng has been completely integrated. According to Huang Ji's data, the π-level body has reached 99.99%...

However, just like Yuliye's stealing Huang Ji's data, this ratio is declining crazily.

But Yemeng didn't panic, and activated a set of extremely complex algorithms left by Huang Ji, and quickly stabilized the downward trend, and it was still slowly improving!

Ninety-eight... Ninety-nine... Ninety-nine! Ninety-nine! Ninety-nine!

Yemeng’s energy was rapidly consuming, and all the immortal matter on her body was burned out. She began to use space-time particles again, always maintaining the acceleration of the evolution!

Finally, after four hours, her π-class body was transformed!

She moved all this, it was the feeling that everything was in the palm of her hand.

"The last step is the singularity of the incarnation!" Lan Tian shockedly reminded that he wanted to witness this day. After waiting for too long, he originally hoped that Huang Ji could do it in front of him, but he did not expect it to be Yemeng.

Ye Meng immediately followed suit, and suddenly a strange wave shook the world. All π-level bodies present were kicked out of time and space, and lost the ability to see time and space.

"Well, she is done!" Yuliyeer looked up at Yemeng who had become endlessly great.

It has already become the master of dimensions, transformed into the will of time and space!

Everyone couldn't help being at a loss. They thought that Huang Ji must have moved something, what strategy he was playing, but he didn't expect that the things he gave were true and really helped others to become the master of dimensions!

At this moment, Tianshui can't help but pantothenic acid, what do you mean? Huang Ji really has this method, why not teach it to them?

This is bad, Ye Meng is in charge of Dimension, and Huang Ji can only be at his mercy.

"That's it... It turned out to be this kind of feeling..." Ye Meng fell into self-improvement, because this feeling is really wonderful.

Everything in the universe is under control. Time and space are like his body, which can stretch and retreat arbitrarily, and all energy is taken away...

"I am time and space...I am the one!" Yemeng's voice resounded through the starry sky.

Then... she fell from this great state...

Everyone finds that they can connect time and space again.

"Huh?" Yemeng's dimensional master, he was gone before he was sitting warm.

The omniscience model is no longer omniscient, and the universe has changed beyond the algorithmic deduction, and the π-level body has regressed from 100% to 99%.

"What's going on?" Yemeng increased the deduction, and the advance amount was far beyond the expansion rate of the universe, but it didn't work...The ratio of data continued to regress, dropping to 98%.

what's the situation? This it wrong?

It's still useful just now! Otherwise, how could she become the Lord of Dimensions? She experienced that feeling firsthand, the supreme happiness that transcended the Star God, incarnate the will of time and space, and the ultimate beauty of science, almost fascinated her.

However, this goodness came and went fast, and it only lasted 3.14 seconds, and it disappeared.

The most uncomfortable thing in the world is that it has been gained and lost...Wishes are fulfilled and destroyed.

"There is a problem with this algorithm?" Ye Meng immediately released Huang Ji from the plane fruit.

"You let me out so soon, your math skills are really good. Congratulations on your achievement as the Lord of Dimensions, can you fulfill your promise?" Huang Ji asked.

Ye Meng looked complicated and said: "I'm not trying to collect achievements. I only experienced 3.14 seconds for the Lord of Dimensions and it was over. There is a problem with your algorithm..."

Huang Ji calmly said: "The algorithm I gave you has no problem. You have successfully reached 100%, haven't you?"

Ye Meng teased: "Well, I know what your idea is. You deliberately manipulated to give me a short experience, and then pressed me with the so-called promise. Hey, you are too naive..."

"You fell to the Lord of Dimension, it has nothing to do with me. It's the ultimate model that has changed..." Huang Ji said with his hands.

"Changed? You mean the algorithm of the omniscience universe is not fixed?" Yemeng was at a loss.

Huang Ji laughed and said: "Of course it will not be fixed. The universe cannot be deduced forever with any set of mathematical tools, especially when there are intelligent creatures and even π-level souls. No model can always count the intelligent variables. . The human heart determines the will of heaven."

"The ultimate chaos algorithm...the standard answer will change."

"What I give you is only the right key to truth within 3.14 seconds."

Yemeng's mood is extremely solemn, and the standard answer will change...this is too bad.

It's like when calculating the variables of a pile of sand, today you can use the "graph theory geometry", tomorrow this method will fail, you have to use the "Markov prediction method", the day after tomorrow it becomes the "Monte Carlo algorithm" .

The real situation is worse than this. The ‘ultimate chaos algorithm’ provided by Huang Ji is already extremely complicated. It is a complete set of mathematics, based on a completely new methodology and definition.

Is the result a one-off?

After a few seconds, this answer was abandoned by the universe?

Huang Ji explained: "Ultimate chaotic algorithms refer to a class of algorithms that can calculate all physical data in the universe, but each set can only work within a limited time. And... I can tell you very responsibly, There are endless sets of algorithms..."

"The way of the universe lies in ‘easy’. Some things are not easy forever, and some are constantly changing. Things that are changeable follow hard-to-easy rules."

"If you want to become the master of dimensions, you have to summarize huge cosmic data at all times and build a set of algorithms that can deduce more. This requires strong mathematical skills. UU看书"

"Yemeng, you have to learn to create the ultimate chaos algorithm by yourself... If you just copy the answers blindly, do I still follow you every second and give you the answers?"

Yemeng calmly said: "No, such a way of seeking Taoism is meaningless."

Huang Ji shrugged.

At the same time, Tianshui and others finally understood why Huang Ji did not teach them how to achieve the Lord of Dimensions.

Because it doesn't make sense to teach them, they just punch a card and experience the feeling of the Lord of Dimensions.

The true master of eternal dimensions must possess the mathematical ability to create the ultimate chaos algorithm all the time!

Otherwise, it is just a temporary worker.

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