The Omniscient

Chapter 856: Mathematical intuition

Yemeng's mood is extremely complicated, and the Lord of Dimensions is so difficult.

There is even no fixed answer to this realm, and every once in a while, it has to be rebuilt.

Huang Ji has taught her all the methods, and she can only experience that kind of power.

Yemeng said bitterly: "Why... is it because there are π-level souls? I found that your ultimate chaos algorithm can't completely calculate the every move of π-level souls."

Huang Ji shook his head and said, "But you still succeeded, haven't you? Yes, the π-level soul behavior is elusive. It is chaos in the chaos. It is hard to be counted as death. It can only be stuck at 99% forever."

"But the information inside the π-level soul is not counted in the'observable universe physical data'."

"They exist independently. You only need to calculate the things they indirectly affect to achieve the kind of '100%' recognized by time and space."

Star gods can read minds and even query souls, except for π-level souls.

At most, try to figure it out through the collision of various indirect particles. So it's impossible to be 100%.

But it doesn't matter, this unknown is also not counted as '100%' by time and space.

In other words, with the addition of various π-level souls, the total amount of information is actually ‘over 100%’.

Counting other star gods does not prevent someone from becoming the master of dimensions.

After all, the essence of the realm of the master of the dimension is that the information it masters is consistent with the information of the time and space of that dimension. That is, as long as it is recognized by time and space.

This is still different from Huang Ji's ‘true omniscience’. Being the master of dimensions by scientific methods actually allows the unknown.

Huang Ji is ‘true omniscience’, this kind of omniscience goes beyond the physical level, he actually knows more than the Lord of Dimensions, and he knows more than the ‘space-time master’! The universe is lower than information, the universe is set by information, and physical data does not represent ‘all’.

His omniscience reached the Lord of Dimensions, not because he happened to reach the Lord of Dimensions, but because the universe did not have a higher technological throne for him.

Full marks is the lord of dimensions!

If you set a ‘God of Dimension’ above, then Huang Ji can also be the God of Dimension...

"Just because you knew I would fall, you promised me unscrupulously... you didn't believe me at all."

Ye Meng looked at Huang Ji indifferently, she had to fulfill the promise now.

She has already become the lord of the dimension first, but she has fallen into the realm again. Is this also a Huang Jiguan? Huang Ji gave her the answer once.

Huang Ji smiled and said, "No, I did this because I believed you."

"Let's come, unless you let me try again." Ye Meng couldn't help but say this request.

"Shameless!" Juliele scolded angrily.

"Huang Ji, look at her like this, she doesn't seem to be trustworthy."

"Give up the fantasy and fight!"

"The Great, with your strength, you can definitely crack all her ultimate moves and become the Lord of Dimensions!"

Everyone was persuading that Huang Ji voted as soon as he came up, which really made everyone feel at a loss.

In a real fight, he can definitely win. After all, Huang Ji has won once before. That time, he was alone against the Ten Star Gods, and he was weaker than he is now.

However, Huang Ji didn't care: "Yes, this is the ultimate chaos algorithm after 120 seconds."

After speaking, he gave another piece of information, and then he wanted to step into the plane fruit.

Yemeng raised his hand and said, "You don't have to go in, I'm not breaking my promise, I just want to try again."

"Actually, you can try as many times as you want. It's good for you to practice more." Huang Ji smiled.

Yemeng Leng said: "You..."

"You mean, if I succeed enough times, I can master the laws of the ultimate chaos algorithm?"

"No, there is no fixed law, understand? Its law itself is called'unfixed'." Huang Ji's tone was calm, but everyone was in an uproar.

This is too desperate. It is hard to develop an algorithm to achieve the master of dimension, and then have to invent it again...

It's been so hard once, and it's so hard all the time.

The most important thing is that even if the answer is found, the answer may be out of date.

For example, Huang Ji gave the answer after 120 seconds. It will only be correct for 3.14 seconds. After passing this village, there will be no shop.

This is not only a test of mathematics ability, but also the ‘speed of problem-solving’ of the postgraduate entrance examination.

"If you want to be the master of dimensions as stably as possible, you have to improve your math skills."

"It's like constantly doing questions. You keep reaching 100%, even if you fall, you will grow up in the dark. The most important thing is the improvement of your'mathematics intuition'! When you reach a certain level, you You can maintain the status of the Lord of Dimensions for a longer period of time, or you can upgrade in a short time when you want to upgrade."

"This level, I call it'Chaotic Mathematical Intuition'."

Huang Ji's words, let Yemeng see hope, and it will be easier if there is a way!

It turns out that the way to set foot on the Lord of the Eternal Dimension is to sublimate the ‘mathematical intuition’, which is a very abstract but does exist.

Any intelligent creature has mathematical intuition. Take mathematicians on the earth, they all have higher mathematical intuition than ordinary people, so they can create so many mathematical tools or discover so many formulas.

Euler's mathematical intuition is very high, and he is an absolute galaxy-level talent. It is a pity that he is just an individual of primitive civilization. If he was born in a higher civilization, he must be a well-known existence.

Ramanujan is even more powerful. Mathematical intuition is cosmic!

Mo Yun is now against the sky, he was born with a dimensional mathematical intuition, and he is the highest in that dimension.

Lan Tian is also of this grade, and all Star Gods are also of this grade, but they are all slightly inferior.

However, the dimensional mathematical intuition is not enough to develop a chaotic algorithm stably.

Here, Huang Ji put forward a concept of chaos-level mathematical intuition.

"In the known dimensions, only me has reached the chaos-level mathematical intuition." Huang Ji said calmly.

Yemeng is dumb, isn't it? Huang Ji said to give her an answer, just give her an answer, just copy it!

But she didn't know that Huang Ji actually surpassed the chaos-level mathematical intuition. He was'information-level'...can no longer be described by'intuition', that is, knowing the answer directly...

"You can only rely on yourself..."

Ye Meng murmured, using Huang Ji's second answer to once again become the Lord of Dimensions.

Then with a wave of his hand, six trillion space-time particles were released.

What a huge amount of energy, but small and invisible, because it is only equivalent to 60 parts of space-time the size of an atom.

As the master of dimensions, it is not a matter to easily extract these space-time particles. This is because she is not proficient in the power of the Lord of Dimensions. If she maintains this level for a long time, she can draw more.

I saw Yemeng handing these space-time particles to Huang Ji: "As I said, let me become the Lord of Dimensions, then join the Ziwei Order and create multidimensional peace with you."

"Now that I have succeeded twice, it is my turn to fulfill my promise. These time-space particles will be handed over to you to become the Star God."

Six trillion space-time particles! She took it out easily. It’s enough for the six million Purple Star Gods at the scene, and one hundred million for each...

Not only that, she also used the remaining time to continue refining, and shed a trillion space-time particles for herself, and then she fell back to the Star God.

This is the benefit of the Lord of Dimensions, even if it only lasts a few seconds, it can still benefit infinitely!

In 3.14 seconds, she can kill all the star gods in a dimension, and can also refine massive space-time particles. It can also restart the universe, change the starry sky, or reverse space-time to resurrect many people.

In short, the short-term dimensional master can do a lot of things.

"Hey, this guy, I can see more clearly than I did..." Yuliyeer muttered.

Ye Meng could easily obliterate all of them just now, but he chose to fulfill his promise.

This is tantamount to surrendering the right to life and death just like Huang Ji.

Yemeng said softly: "I don't care about life and death, peace and war, rule or being ruled."

"Only the truth can make me happy... The power of the Lord of Dimensions, when I have the power for the second time, I no longer feel excited..."

"This is just the quest for the root of knowledge and the accompanying power. Compared with this result, having chaos-level mathematical intuition is more desirable and wonderful."

Many people present were shocked, Ye Meng actually saw this openly?

She actually said that the Lord of Dimensions can't make her excited anymore?

But when I think about it carefully, many people laughed, yes, are you looking for the Lord of Dimensions? No, the pursuit is knowledge, the joy of cracking the unknown and searching for the truth.

Achieving the One is actually not an end, but a sign of obtaining the ultimate truth of the universe. If you just want to experience the power of the One, then you can actually become a Buddha...In the virtual universe, the Buddha is the One.

Scientists build nuclear bombs, not because nuclear bombs can bring them happiness, but the knowledge behind them.

There are actually two kinds of seekers. One thinks that science is to change lives and bring happiness to people. The other is that science is to explore the beauty of the ultimate answer.

The former is often a social civilization, and the latter is often an ascending body.

Yuliyeer, Gulan Bator, Tianshui and others all understood Yemeng’s thoughts incomparably. Of course, this does not mean that the Ascended Body doesn’t care about the result, they choose all of them.

It's just that they want ‘Chaotic Mathematical Intuition’ more than they are gifted with the power of the dimension, even if they can’t stably possess supreme power.

Mathematical intuition, anytime and anywhere may burst out amazing inspiration, think of a brand-new mathematical tool, or even a mathematical system, to describe the universe.

There is a new scientific happiness all the time, what a refreshing state this is.

Yemeng said seriously: "Huang Ji, I want to do a problem!"

"As you wish." Huang Ji said, distributing the space-time particles to everyone.

In an instant, an unprecedented scene appeared in the eyes of all the group owners.

It was a spectacular scene of the collective birth of six million star gods.

Space-time is like a haha ​​mirror, strangely curved, forming a phantom.

This body, which looks like a silhouette of a starry sky, has a kind of inexplicable pressure, which seems to be the pressure of time and space itself, which gives people infinite shock.

In fact, this is because the spin of space-time particles is zero.

You should know that the space-time of the universe itself has spin. When a small part of the spin returns to zero, it appears that the space-time particles are refined, and then people can feel the difference between the two space-times.

Use space-time matter with zero spin to construct a body in space-time with spin 1.

Its existence is like the countercurrent in a rushing river, naturally exuding indescribable fluctuations.

Six million star gods, this unprecedented battle shook the observable universe.

Together, all the matter in the sky is equivalent to only ten trillion space-time particles. And this group of people is as high as six trillion, richer than the entire starry sky!

What's more, there is also Yemeng, who is also rich and rich, and Huangji who has stepped into the eternal dimension of the Lord!

Huang Ji's will, transformed into the will of time and space, affects everything in the world as soon as his thoughts move.

"Welcome the return of Emperor Ziwei!" The young enemy Si swayed his body.

Countless group leaders also looked up at Huang Ji and shouted, and among them, there was a voice: "Great Emperor, save me!"

The Raikage Overlord only had a few particles left, which were tortured in the hands of Lin Li and Brandu.

Seeing Huang Ji ascend to the highest point, he was ecstatic and hurriedly called for help.

In his opinion, only Huang Ji would save him.

"Huh! Why are you still alive? Lin Li, stop playing!" Tianshou hummed.

Lin Li stared at Lei Ying and said, "It's cheaper for you..."

After all, he was about to obliterate Raikage.

Lei Ying yelled frantically: "The Great, you said you don't go back to the past!"

"I don't care about your past. Even if you die, I can save your life. Unfortunately, someone cares..." Huang Ji said lightly, and in the next second, reverse time and space, and bring this dimension to all the creatures who died in the invasion of the dimension. , Are all resurrected.

"Reverse time and space, resurrect the dead...This is the Lord of Dimensions." Lei Ying's eyes straightened.

The 100,000 star realms are all very noisy, because too many ancient civilizations have reappeared. Some of the disappeared galaxies have also recovered.

Later, Huang Ji resurrected all the galactic people who died in the hands of Raikage and Beluga.

Evil dragons, Saya, Alan...many dragons, many darkwing tribes, and many Tianxin tribes...all appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this shocking mighty power, Lei Ying realized that Huang Ji could be resurrected even after he died. He only needs to let Lin Li breathe out now.

Otherwise, even if Huang Ji let him go this time, he would die socially in the future, and he would not be able to put an end to future troubles today.

So he rolled his eyes and consciously shouted: "The emperor is kind, I am willing to wash away my sins with death!"

"You Galaxy, please kill me! Please vent your anger on me to your heart's content! This is what I deserve!"

The newly resurrected Alan and the others have a dumbfounded look. From their perspective, their front feet are still desperately facing the invincible Raikage Overlord. They crushed them. As a result, they closed their eyes and saw the Raikage Overlord cry. Shouting and begging them to kill themselves?

Most galactic people, no matter what is going on, they were in an extremely angry fighting state before they died. At this moment, they thought that they were not dead, and all kinds of attacks were sent out in an instant, blasting Raikage and even the white whale leader and others.

Raikage and the others did not resist either, and squeezed against each other in the miserable howling.

Although Lin Li had been beaten so weakly, it was not the dragon they could easily kill, so that they did not die after being beaten for a long time.

Raikage was in pain, but he didn't dare to complain. He was treated as dispelling grievances. While he was beaten, he said, "Use immortal weapons! Could someone please use immortal weapons!"

But for everyone in the galaxy, most of the immortal matter was given to the six Buddhas, and the rest was also consumed in the battle. At this moment, there was nothing.

Where can ordinary weapons strike Raikage? The whole process lasted for a full three hours, and he failed to kill him.

In the end, Lin Li made a move, a chic dimensional stripping, so that they vanished under the light of dimensionality.

"Lin Li..." Alan looked at Lin Li in shock. They were too weak to tell how powerful Lin Li and others were at the moment. It was not until Lin Li made this shot that triggered the Light of Dimension, that Lin Li was already strong beyond imagination.

"Alan, how am I doing this?" Lin Li smiled.

"Ok... so strong..." Alan murmured.

"Hehe..." Lin Li was very pleased. In the past, Alan said that he was strong, and he was very embarrassed. Only this time, it was his strength that really worked hard. It felt that it was naturally different.

Immediately afterwards, everyone had countless doubts. Just now, they were addicted to fighting. They didn't think so much. They asked them all at the moment.

Brandu explained the situation to everyone, everyone was dumbfounded, Star God? Lord of Dimensions? What's all this? How long did they die?

At this time, Huang Ji's voice resounded through the starry sky: "The death of the dimensional invasion has already been restored. From today onwards, all Ziwei orders will prohibit war."

"However, war is also part of the development of civilization, so it is to allow civilizations to declare war on each other to fight."

Huang Ji's words are equivalent to redefining war. Originally, the war didn't care whether the other party wanted it or not. If one side wanted to fight, he could fight it. What is it to destroy you?

But Huang Ji changed the rules of the game and turned it into a product of order like a duel with supreme authority.

Huang Ji will do this every time he controls a dimension, and everyone is used to it. He only needs a word now, and someone will naturally maintain it.

Countless group owners on the scene all wore the new order. Although this actually seriously harmed the interests of these ascending bodies, no one dared to say anything.

Didn't you see the Raikage Overlord and his Ascended Body Alliance, have they been fooled to death?

At the beginning, many people really thought that Huang Jiren's love would be boundless, and Raikage would be resurrected... it was his gentleness that was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But Lei Ying had been dead for a long time now, and he didn't see any movement from Huang Ji...Everyone would understand.

Huang Ji doesn't kill people, but it doesn't mean that he can't get rid of others. The phrase "I can revive you" just made Raikage beg everyone in the galaxy to kill him...

Ziwei ordered the law. No matter how good the universe can be, UU reading only restricts it from being so evil.

How prosperous the universe will be in the future is everyone's business. The law only prevents killing, not saving people. Only stop robbery, don't stop sending money...

The Lord of Dimensions theoretically resurrects whoever he wants to resurrect. The people in the galaxy are not the dead caused by the invasion of dimensions, but Huang Ji still resurrected them, which means that he still has ‘love’.

Huang Ji has saved countless people. Who can care how many more people can be saved?

Ziwei originated from the Milky Way, six million star gods followed Ziwei the Great, and the multidimensional order shook the world.

There is no doubt that since today, the Milky Way is the holy land of the universe.

Huang Ji did not allow Yinhe to take advantage of his prestige and act recklessly. It was already benevolent.

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