The Omniscient

Chapter 938: Collaborative Super Dimension

The utilitarian who has no bottom line, the farther he can go.

As long as the heart's obsession with the Tai is unwavering, then in the process of transcending the road, the heart will be eroded by dreams sooner or later.

Intelligent creatures will change, it's just a matter of sooner or later.

On this point, Aguzo is actually right. The higher you go, the closer you are to the One, the more extreme utilitarians will be, because after all, the world is very realistic!

But there is no absolute in everything, Lan Jue and Yukongshan, even when they come to Siwei, still regard each other as partners. This is the difference between them and Aguzuo.

People are different, at least, they have not changed.

This benefits from the collective and moralism of social civilization. The heavier this is in the mind, the later it will become pure utilitarianism!

Huang Ji knew very well that the two brothers had not changed up to the sixth dimension. Then? There's no after that.

They will fall in the six-dimensional time and space! Eliminated by the reality of utilitarianism!

And this is the universe Huang Ji wants to heal.

If you are chasing a supreme state, you will eventually distort the human nature in your heart... then this is reasonable, but it is not very yellow!

Why can't you distort that realm and chase the humanity in your heart?

Why do you have to change yourself? Who stipulated this ‘reasonable reality’?

He doesn't want to adapt to this reality, but wants the reality to adapt to him!

At this time, the only four super-dimensional persons in the four-dimensional space-time gathered together to discuss the truth.

Throwing away the uniqueness of Tai One, they have no conflict of interest between them, and because they are saved by Huang Ji, Lan Jue knows everything.

In fact, without saying anything, Lan Jue had nothing that Huang Ji didn't know.

At the moment they are talking about, of course, there is only one problem, and that is how to continue to exceed dimensions.

In common sense, the hardest thing is always the first time. Although it will become more and more complicated later, it cannot be said to be ‘difficult’.

Lan Jue said, "I originally thought that a thousand years would be enough, but after studying for a hundred thousand years, I couldn't get rid of it."

"Also, Aguzo has been trapped in the four-dimensional space-time for hundreds of millions of years, which is very telling."

"This time and space, I'm afraid it has also been tampered with."

Lin Li was surprised: "What? There is still a cliff when co-authoring? It's not over, right?"

Lan Jue said, "Maybe not everyone is like Aguzo, but if only one of all the Transdimensionalians in the past thinks so, then there must be the so-called fifth cliff."

Lin Li was speechless. He broke a fourth cliff, and sacrificed so much. Now there are only four of them. How can they break the fifth cliff?

Huang Ji smiled and said, "No, not really."

"No?" Everyone was shocked.

Lan Jue said suddenly: "Yes, how else is Aguzo super-dimensional? If someone blocked the 5th dimension before Aguzo, then the 4th dimension would definitely not be missed, but the fact is that Aguzo was super-dimensional without hindrance. ."

Lin Li scolded: "The co-author is just a dog thing!"

Huang Ji shook his head and said, "In fact, it is not. Long ago, there was an ancient blockade who created the fourth and fifth cliffs."

"But there is nothing, it is eternally maintained, and he hasn't stayed here for maintenance, he has already gone to Six Dimensions... so the blockade created was finally destroyed by time..."

Lin Li took a deep breath and said, "It turns out that the expiration date has passed...Aguzuo belongs to the first super-dimensional person after the blockade dissipated naturally!"

Everyone understood this logic and felt deeply the hardships of the road to super-dimensionality.

The time velocity of three-dimensional and four-dimensional is not the same. It has been hundreds of millions of years for Aguzo to super-dimensional, but more than 10 billion years have passed since the three-dimensional.

This is still the fourth cliff that was forcibly broken by Ziwei, replaced by the ancient blockade in Huang Ji's mouth, the blockade that was wiped out purely by time, how long did it last?

I am afraid that the three-dimensional universe did not know how many billion, billion, billion, billion years in the past, and finally returned to the singularity and did it all over again.

How many amazing talented Tianjiao, in that blockade period, lived for countless years, and died in depression.

"So is there a fifth cliff? If it has been wiped out, Aguzo will not be trapped here for hundreds of millions of years." Lan Jue said.

Huang Ji smiled and said: "The fourth cliff has long been wiped out, and of course the fifth cliff is coming soon. Although it is still blocked, the difficulty of cracking is greatly reduced."

"Actually, at the level of Aguzo, it would have been unlocked long ago, which is equivalent to no blockade, but... he is destined to be unable to unlock it. He will never think of that method."

"What do you mean?" Yu Kongshan was puzzled.

Huang Ji gave them a theoretical model, saying: "The supernumerary energy you just used is actually a way to break through the fifth precipice, but this is a temporary rule that you can only have when you take the three-dimensional weak nuclear source material together with the super-dimensional. Only the first Super Dimension can succeed."

"In other words, now only you, Yukong Mountain, can break the Fifth Cliff. Lin Li and Lan Jue, myself, have lost the possibility of independent breakthroughs forever."

Lin Li said blankly: "What are you talking about, to be honest, I was crushed and beaten by the Yukong Mountain just now, and I didn't understand what the supernumerary energy was."

Yu Kongshan explained: "That is the energy technology in the temporary new rules that appeared under the non-conservation of parity. It is something that the four-dimensional nature cannot have."

Lin Li quickly said: "Wait a minute! Four-dimensional parity is conserved!"

Symmetry reflects the commonality of different material forms in motion, and the destruction of symmetry makes them show their own characteristics.

Like a pattern, if it is extremely identical and symmetrical, it looks regular, but at the same time it appears monotonous and dull. Only basically symmetrical but not completely symmetrical can constitute beautiful buildings and patterns.

Three-dimensional nature is just such an architect, and this is also the reason why three-dimensional element combinations, material formulas, structural arrangements, and life evolution are so colorful!

Parity is not conserved, and it is a natural law in three or even two dimensions. But starting from four dimensions, parity has been conserved.

Because the force that causes the non-conservation of parity is the weak nuclear force.

It is the only interaction that can change the taste of quark, the only interaction that makes parity non-conservative, and the only interaction that violates CP symmetry.

Electromagnetic force and strong nuclear force are four-dimensional, inflation force and spiral force are five-dimensional, divine consciousness and causality are six-dimensional.

The weak nuclear power is only three-dimensional.

Therefore, the parity is not conserved, it will only exist in one to three-dimensional space-time, and it will not be there since the four-dimensional.

It does not mean that four-dimensionality contains one to three-dimensionality, and it must have everything in it. It can only be said that the effect of weak nuclear force is a special case of four-dimensional matter when there is only three-dimensional one-sidedness.

This kind of power cannot affect higher dimensions upward.

On the contrary, gravity, a high-dimensional force, can affect downwards.

If six dimensions are the dimensions of cause and effect, the fifth dimension is the dimension of the law of identity, and the fourth dimension is the dimension of the law of excluded middle, then the three-dimensional space-time... is the dimension of the golden rule. It is the dimension of precision symmetry that will lead to a slight deviation and cause the Vientiane to suffocate.

Therefore, the three-dimensional space-time is really unique. It is not only the dimension favored by the Soul Sea Law, but also the dimension with the most possibilities for the evolution of all things.

Not counting the great Holy Spirit, then all life in the universe must come from the three-dimensional world.

Yu Kongshan said: "The attributes of the lower dimension are not incapable of continuing upward. The super-dimensional person itself is such an existence that goes upstream."

"There are rare chromoelectric source matter in the four-dimensional space-time, projecting a three-dimensional starry sky matter."

"Three-dimensional also has so-called weak nuclear power, which projects the starry sky of the two-dimensional world..."

"I found some of these substances and added them to my super-dimensional brain."

"Through my rigorous calculations and technical configuration, I have allowed these weak nuclear source materials to extend to the fourth axis in the super-dimensional process, and then my brain becomes the source of unconserved parity in the four-dimensional space-time!"

Lin Li understands what is supernumerary energy.

The four-dimensional space-time material combination is monotonous, and the science and technology tree is derived from extreme symmetry. The five elements are changed and matched back and forth. This is called the technology allowed in the rule system.

But once the law of parity is not conserved, the combination of matter and the form of energy suddenly increase.

Yukong Mountain is equivalent to temporarily loading a rule package, expanding the four-dimensional science and technology tree!

This is the reason why Lin Li was crushed and beaten. Of course there are other factors, but the science and technology tree of his family is expanded. There are many things he doesn't understand, and of course he can't deal with it.

"Of course, this is not stable. Forces that do not belong to this dimension will be washed away by inherent laws."

"At this moment, my parity is not conserved. It is fading. Soon I will completely assimilate into a member of the law of conservation."

Yukongshan's words are very clear, and Lin Li certainly understands that special cases are special cases after all.

His behavior was caused by genius technology, which was equivalent to dropping a stone on this flat lake. After all, the ripples would calm down.

Huang Ji smiled and said: "Enough, before it disappears, we have to join hands with Chaowei."

"Aguzuo didn't think that Chaowei did this like you, and he would never miss this short'expansion period'. And because he couldn't see, and couldn't count the various supernumerary technologies under the effect of non-conservation, he thought about it. Don’t even try to break the fifth cliff."

Lan Jue said: "I didn't expect that, to be honest, who would want this? No one can add a substance that has only three dimensions in its origin. That will reduce the success rate of one's own super dimensionality."

Lin Li nodded and said, "Yes, when my eldest brother told me about super-dimensional brains, he also said that he was a person. He would use space-time particles to make super-dimensional brains. Because space-time particles are ten-dimensional, they can be used all the time."

Huang Ji said: "So normal super-dimensional people like us, only those who carry unconserved origins can cooperate, super-dimensional and breakthrough together."

"If there is no Yukongshan, we will have to wait, or train a new super-maintainer to do so."

"But obviously, this is Aguzo's thinking blind zone, so I said he is destined to be unable to exceed dimensions."

For a while, everyone was thinking about it. Lan Jue and Yukongshan were both top talents. After a little calculation based on Huang Ji's model, they would find out.

This kind of coordinated super-dimensionality is dangerous, and the initiative lies in the carrier who does not conserve the origin.

In theory, Yukongshan can be super-dimensional by one person, and he can completely leave three other people in the process, causing them to die.

Lan Jue looked at his partner. He believed that Yu Kongshan would not do this to him, but it was hard to say to Huang Ji and Lin Li.

He immediately sent a private message to Yukongshan, talking about something.

Huang Ji smiled but didn't say anything, but Lin Li didn't expect it at all. He still asked Yu Kongshan: "Hey, you added the three-dimensional original substance to Chaowei's brain. Isn't it... there is a missing piece in your brain?"

"...Are you special..." Yu Kongshan was speechless, and his heart said that you can't speak?

Indeed, this will cause him to be "brainally disabled"... At this moment, there is an important area in his brain that is constantly disappearing.

Although it can be remedied, it is an eternal shortcoming, because other parts of the super-dimensional brain have gone through a super-dimensional process, which is equivalent to having a ‘refining’ to extend a new dimension.

Everything that was added later is a patch, and this may be a hidden danger in the latter half of the road to extra-dimensionality.

Lin Li quickly said: "Sorry, sorry, my mouth is cheap, you're fine, my eldest brother is a doctor."

Huang Ji groaned: "For the time being, I can't make up the vacancy perfectly. This kind of shortcoming is fine now, but it will cause big problems when the six-dimensional exceeds the seven-dimensional."

"But rest assured, I will definitely have a solution at that time."

"Really..." Yukongshan was a little lost.

Anyone who knows that he has a big hidden danger will not be happy. Especially on the great transdimensional road, not being able to move on is more painful than death.

"I can only say that there is something to do with it. I think there will be eternal shortcomings, but if you can't defeat Aguzo, you will die, let alone talk about other things."

"It is under the pressure of Aguzuo who will kill all the super-dimensional people who are blocked on it, that I have this kind of whimsical idea, all just to be able to resist at the weak moment of just super-dimensional!"

"I just didn't expect that Emperor Ziwei would solve him easily..."

Huang Ji bitterly said: "It can't be said to be easy. All the causes are planted in three dimensions."

"We sacrificed too many people, this is the most painful price..."

For him, a tragic victory means a loss!

Upon seeing this, Yukongshan quickly said: "In short, take advantage of my non-conservation of the original source has not disappeared, as soon as possible to coordinate Super Dimension!"

He has shared science and technology with Lan Jue and Huang Ji, and he is constantly strengthening himself at this moment, and he has reached the level of the four-dimensional star god.

Lan Jue has been studying here for 100,000 years, and the new super-dimensional technology has already been entered into the super-dimensional brain, let alone Huang Ji.

Now as long as Yukongshan completes the superposition state of Vientiane, and tailors itself a four-dimensional super five-dimensional process model, it can continue to rise.

However, Huang Jidao: "We have to wait for someone."

"Huh? Who? Now in the three-dimensional is there anyone who can super-dimensional?" Everyone was astonished.

The source of non-conservation is constantly disappearing, and we must not wait too long.

And the three-dimensional world powers are dying, Yu Kongshan is very clear about the redshift civilization and the blueshift civilization, and no one will be super-dimensional in the near future. Who else can you wait for?

Huang Ji smiled and said, "Void."


Yukong Mountain and their world, although there is no void civilization, but he already knows the terrible void civilization from Ziwei.

Wasn't Aguzo just to prevent the void from being super-dimensional, and was helped by other partners to super-dimensional first?

"Well? After he is beyond dimension, we may not be able to suppress him!" Yu Kongshan said solemnly.

Huang Ji calmly said, "I can't hold it down without anyone."

"..." Seeing him so confident, Yu Kongshan had nothing to say.

"Whatever." Lan Jue shrugged, he didn't even know the void.

Huang Ji said: "The vast majority of the ancient super-dimensionalists in higher dimensions...are the great Void Masters of the past."

"Under normal circumstances, in a three-dimensional era, the first super-dimensional is basically the void. Aguzo is a special case, a miracle on the starry sky side of their era."

"Void Super Dimensionalists are self-respecting. To be honest, what we will face in the future... It is simply an incommunicable high-dimensional evil god..."

Lan Jue and Yu Kongshan looked solemnly, realizing that their small group that can communicate and cooperate is probably a very precious situation.

Void, a group of Void Super-Defenders!

Isn't the high-level dimension similar to raising Gu?


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