The Online Game For Everyone Started With A Hundredfold Retaliation!

Chapter 148 All Types Of Equipment Are Under Construction

After returning to the guild, Lin Feng opened the military camp interface to check.

Because rewards related to military units will be unlocked directly in the military camp after being obtained and will not be displayed in the backpack.

That's why he had to go back to the Immortal Guild to check.

At this time, it was displayed in the army camp of the Immortal Guild, and a brand new hidden unit was indeed unlocked!

[Xuanjia Army (Hidden Legendary Level)]

[Type: Shock Cavalry]

[Health Points: 10w/10w]

[Attack power: 4w]

[Defense: 10w]

[Xuantie Heavy Armor: The Xuanjia Army wears ancient Xuanjia, which reduces the damage received by an additional 30% and enjoys an additional 50% resilience against negative effects]

[Thousands of troops: The Xuanjia army is famous for its unparalleled impact. When performing a collective sprint attack, it causes damage 3 times the attack power]

[Description: Powerful shock cavalry wearing ancient mysterious armor. Once grouped together, they can produce devastating power...]

This Xuanjia Army can be called a land tank!

Although it doesn't look very eye-catching on the surface, it has a decent HP of 100,000 points.

But in fact, the defense power of this thing is as high as 10w!

Coupled with the passive ability of Black Iron Heavy Armor, the defensive capabilities of this unit are simply unbelievably high.

It would take a long time to wear off these 100,000 blood.

And since they are shock cavalry, they all attack with high-speed charges.

The passive of thousands of troops can ensure that the Xuanjia Army can produce very terrifying output!

Just such a heavy cavalry that can resist, deal damage, and move very fast.

Simply the most ideal unit!

If there were only hundreds or thousands of heavy cavalry, their power would not be apparent.

But once hundreds of thousands are deployed, they form a queue like the Great Wall, and then they charge at once.

At that time, what the enemy saw was an endless dark city wall crashing towards them!

Thinking about that scene, it is simply despair!

Without saying a word, Lin Feng clicked on the military camp and started configuring it.

[The 600,000 Xuanjia Army will be recruited at the price of 3,000,000 gold coins. Are you sure? ]

[Tip: After completing this recruitment, the current units will be replaced]

Lin Feng directly clicked to confirm, and then bursts of golden light suddenly emitted from the military camp.

The 600,000 troops currently owned by the Immortal Guild were directly cleared by the system and began to be replaced.

Rows of Xuanjia troops, who were waiting in full formation, all lined up directly in front of the Immortal Guild's military camp.

With this army, Lin Feng no longer has to worry about future guild wars.

At this time, he continued to click on the backpack and took out the remaining three rare drawings.

[Tianlei suit manufacturing drawings]

[Function: After unlocking, all templates and production lines of the gold-red gold level of the Tianlei suit are provided]

[Ice Bloodline Set Manufacturing Drawings]

[Function: After unlocking, all templates and production lines of the gold-red gold level of the Ice Bloodline Set will be provided]

[Resurrection Potion Set Manufacturing Drawings]

[Function: Provide production templates and production lines for resurrection potions after unlocking]

These production drawings are High Level props that include all production templates in the entire set.

Once Lin Feng is unlocked, he will be able to obtain production templates for corresponding equipment from Yellow Gold Level to Red Gold Level.

This means that he can choose whether to produce high-quality suits or low-quality suits.

Generally high quality means high profits, but production speed is not fast.

The relatively low quality means that there are more players buying it and the production speed is fast.

Lin Feng had just signed a raw material contract with the Tissot Chamber of Commerce.

Naturally, there is no shortage of materials in the Immortal Guild.

All that's missing is the drawings.

Without saying a word, Lin Feng immediately placed all these drawings in the manufacturing factory for analysis.

Within a short while, prompts were sent out one after another.

[Congratulations! You have unlocked all the production lines of the Sky Thunder Set (Gold-Red Gold)! ]

[Congratulations! You have unlocked all production lines of the Winter Bloodline Set (Gold-Red Gold)! ]

[Congratulations! You have unlocked all production lines of Resurrection Potion (Legenary Level)! ]

The Sky Thunder Set and the Winter Bloodline Set are mid-to-upper-tier equipment with very standard attributes in the game.

Because the properties are relatively tiger balm, and the quality ranges from gold to red gold.

Therefore, in the previous life, it was very popular among civilian players and the market was huge.

In addition, Lin Feng just acquired the resurrection potion production line.

This potion can almost be said to be a must-have prop for playing difficult dungeons in the future.

It is also a very important medicine during various major version updates.

This resurrection potion allows players to have a resurrection buff within 1 minute after taking it.

During the duration of the resurrection buff, if the player dies, he will be resurrected within 10 seconds.

This potion does not occupy the limit on the number of resurrections.

Therefore, even a major version update like Undead Cataclysm will not take up those ten resurrection opportunities.

But its drawback is that it is more technical to use.

If you drink it too late or too early, it will not be effective.

But even so, this medicine is still very popular and the price is very high.

Lin Feng knew the value of these three things very well, so he immediately clicked on them one by one, and then distributed them for production.

[The Tianlei suit (dark gold level) production line will be set up soon]

[Current output: Sky Thunder Set (dark gold level)]

[Estimated output: 1,000 sets per day]

[The Winter Bloodline Suit (dark gold level) production line will be set up soon]

[Current output: Winter Bloodline Set (dark gold level)]

[Estimated output: 1,000 sets per day]

[Resurrection potion (Legendary Level) production line will be set up soon]

[Current output: Resurrection Potion (Legendary Level)]

[Estimated output: 3,000 bottles per day]

Lin Feng confirmed everything. The five production lines in the Immortal Guild were all filled up and began to roar.

At this point, Lin Feng finally collected all the rewards from the Chinese Epic loot.

This wave of gains is indeed the same as what the strategy team in the previous life said.

It’s a bloody profit!

At this time, he took another look at the World Channel and saw that the situation had already exploded.

Due to the rapid unification of the Huaxia region, many players from outside regions were unable to accept it.

Especially the U.S. Region, Japan Region, and Korea Region, which are hostile to China.

In addition, as soon as this news was announced.

Apocalypse Continent's global scientific research team also immediately held an emergency meeting.

The atmosphere around the world seems to be on the verge of breaking out.

At this time, the Golden Great Emperor, Linglong Luoshui and others had also returned to the guild.

They brought with them the spoils of the war, except that five were divided among them.

The rest were all exchanged by Lin Feng into guild resources and gold coins.

At this time, except for the guild resources, all resources are of little significance to Lin Feng.

After obtaining this batch of guild resources, it means that the Immortal Guild can also start to upgrade all existing buildings to the full level.

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