"You must level up as soon as possible to improve your strength. Big changes will come soon."

Although he had received such a huge promotion, Lin Feng did not relax at all. Instead, he seemed to speak more seriously.

Once the regional unification is completed, it means that a series of High Level game content such as regional battles will be unlocked one after another.

Once these contents are unlocked, a big change will soon come.

In every major region of Apocalypse Continent, there is a title called the Ruling Guild.

Which guild can compete for this title and become the ruling guild of a large region.

He can decide many major issues in this region.

For example, whether this region will launch a regional war, who will launch a regional war, etc.

These important decisions that affect the entire region are made by the guild holding the ruling guild.

This shows how powerful the ruling guild of a large region holds.

And to win this title, naturally a bloody battle is inevitable.

Now with the unlocking of the regional war, it means that the Chinese region will soon unlock the content of the ruling guild at the same time.

Lin Feng wanted them to prepare in advance.

In addition, with Lin Feng's wave of war to destroy the country.

While he unified the entire Huaxia region.

Naturally, seven new cities were built for the Immortal Guild.

Originally, it was just the Immortal Guild that occupied the Great Wall of Immortality and the main city of Great Yuan.

Now it has expanded directly to the main city of the Imperial City in one go.

It turned into a behemoth spanning the Huaxia region.

Moreover, the three system main cities are the best built in the Huaxia region.

Except for the main city of Dragon City, the remaining two cities were included in the Immortal Guild.

The reputation of the Immortal Guild spread far and wide in an instant.

Lin Feng clicked on the guild interface at this time and upgraded the existing buildings.

In addition to the three newly unlocked buildings.

Those buildings built earlier can no longer keep up with the level of the guild.

[Tip: The resource collector will be upgraded to lv40 at a price of 1 million. Do you want to confirm? ]

[Tip: The guild trading house will be raised to lv40 at a price of 1 million. Do you want to confirm? ]

[Tip: The guild Blacksmith Shop will be raised to lv40 at a price of 1 million. Do you want to confirm? ]

[Tip: The guild warehouse will be upgraded to lv40 at a price of 1 million. Do you want to confirm? ]

Lin Feng pressed confirmation and raised all these buildings.

As the gold coins were deducted from his account, a large amount of golden light began to emerge from the Undying Guild.

Those buildings began to grow and become more detailed and gorgeous!

And as these buildings continue to be upgraded, new functions will continue to be unlocked.

[Congratulations! Your resource collector has been upgraded to lv40. Please increase your guild level to unlock a higher level cap! ]

[Congratulations! Your guild trading house has been upgraded to lv40. Please upgrade your guild level to unlock a higher level cap! ]

[Congratulations! Your guild Blacksmith Shop has been upgraded to lv40. Please increase the guild level to unlock a higher level cap! ]

[Congratulations! Your guild warehouse has been upgraded to lv40. Please increase your guild level to unlock a higher level cap! ]

After the one-time upgrade, each building in the guild has unlocked more functions.

[Resource Collector lv40]

[Durability: 100w]

[Function: Mining and collecting guild resources from the ground, with a maximum output of 40,000 guild resources every 12 hours. Guild members can seize resource parts from other guilds through guild wars. Each resource part collected can accelerate the guild's collector production speed by 10%. ]

The resource collector is the least improved of all buildings.

From lv1 to lv40, the speed of resource production has doubled.

The main upgrade significance of this building is.

After reaching level 40, the guild can destroy the enemy guild's resource collector in guild battles and then seize their collection components.

Each time you seize one of these collection parts, your guild's production speed can be accelerated by 10%.

Compared to upgrading, this acceleration is much more reliable.

As long as 10 guilds are captured, it will be 100% accelerated.

It is much more reliable than upgrading.

Lin Feng turned to look at the remaining upgraded buildings.

[Guild Trading House lv40]

[Durability: 100w]

[Function: Provide all external trade functions of the guild, including sales and acquisitions, etc. It can currently accommodate up to 20 trade routes at the same time and put 5 million pieces of goods on shelves at the same time]

[Guild Blacksmith Shoplv40]

[Durability: 100w]

[Function: Provide the Blacksmith building of this guild to repair, strengthen, enchant, etc. equipment. It currently provides an additional 15% chance of success]

[Guild Warehouse lv40]

[Durability: 10w]

[Function: Allocate 500,000 square meters of storage space to each member of the guild. The president himself enjoys an additional 2,000,000 square meters of storage space. In addition, 1,000,000 square meters of storage space are provided for the guild president to allocate freely]

These Foundation Buildings are basically numerical improvements, there is nothing worth saying.

The only major improvement is the improvement of the guild warehouse.

After being upgraded to lv40, the guild warehouse will not have the original storage space.

An additional 10 million squares of space were created for the president to freely arrange.

In previous lives, these extra grids were usually allocated to each guild member based on status.

Or give it to the merchant players in the guild.

But Lin Feng had seen an even more amazing gameplay in his previous life in the strategy group.

In a previous life, there was a big genius businessman who developed this function into a business.

That's a rental warehouse!

These 10 million cells of storage space are given to the president for free allocation.

So in addition to distribution in this guild.

The guild leader can also choose to allocate this part of the storage space to the city to which his guild belongs, and then rent out these spaces!

You know, the backpack capacity of each player on Apocalypse Continent is very limited.

Even through various krypton gold methods, the space that players can carry is far less than that of warehouses.

In this game, if you are a businessman player, you will definitely have a huge need for storage space.

Because merchant players in Apocalypse Continent often need to run businesses and transport goods.

Circulate goods in various cities.

Therefore, the storage space is almost equal to their profit ceiling.

The more space there is, the fewer trips back and forth, and the more time you save.

That’s why someone developed such a scheme to use these storage spaces to make money!

Because in some prime road sections with huge transaction volume and developed trade routes.

The warehouses in these cities along the way are very popular.

In this life, Lin Feng happened to meet this condition.

Because in order to rent a warehouse, the guild must have a size that spans a large area and many cities.

Because this can meet the needs of merchant players to transport goods all the way.

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