The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 1: Online Games That Can Enhance Reality, Hokage Ninja?

In 2016, a Hokage ninja online game.

A group of players carrying the top equipment and representing the strongest strength of online games are fighting Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji!

Almost all the players gathered on the battlefield, looking up at the sky, watching the battle situation motionlessly.

"God, the tree world is born!"

Suddenly, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya roared up to the sky, the earth shook, and countless big trees rose from the ground, like sharp swords. In an instant, terrible numbers rose up, killing countless players and graying out the interface.

Even those renminbi players wearing the top equipment died in an instant.

System prompt: The 999-level BOSS lord [Ōtsutsuki Kaguya 姬] killed the 2313th player and is killing wildly. Please rush to support and save the entire ninja world!

System prompt: The 999-level BOSS lord [Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji] killed the 3016th player and is killing wildly. Please hurry to support and save the entire ninja world!

System prompt: The 999-level BOSS lord [Ōtsutsuki Kaguya 姬] killed the 4002nd player and is killing wildly. Please hurry to support and save the entire ninja world!

"Hurry up, quickly release the strongest skills!" YY's voice sounded, and a player who possessed [Jiugouyu Rinnegan] and wore the highest-level alien-level battle armor [Royal God Armor] immediately attacked his teammates The command.

All of a sudden, several players quickly formed seals with their hands, using their strongest moves!

"Inferno Style, Flame Control!"

"Fire Style, extinguish the fire!"

"Planetary Devastation!"

In the face of so many attacks from players, the top boss Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji, although losing blood crazily, only changed the blood bar from 99 lines to more than 50 lines!

"Yachigami Sky Strike!"

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji suddenly fluttered her long sleeves, and countless empty phantoms suddenly appeared in the sky.

Accompanied by countless numbers exceeding seven figures, those players who were barely alive were all sent flying, and their heads were grayed out.

System prompt: The 999-level BOSS lord [Ōtsutsuki Kaguya 姬] killed the 4005th player and is killing wildly. Please hurry to support and save the entire ninja world!

System prompt: The 999-level BOSS lord【 Ōtsutsuki Kaguya 姬】 has killed the 4008th player and is killing wildly. Please hurry to support and save the entire ninja world!

System prompt: The 999-level BOSS lord【 Ōtsutsuki Kaguya 姬】 has killed the 4042nd player and is killing wildly. Please hurry to support and save the entire ninja world!

Just when all the players were looking at the gray interface and looking at the stalwart figure of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji floating in the air and feeling desperate, a loud voice suddenly sounded: "Rasengan!"

I saw a Konoha Shinobi named Li Qing, who was only level 49, wearing a cloth shirt, jumped up, spinning a cyclone in his hand, and slapped Ōtsutsuki Kaguya ruthlessly on the chest.

Against level 999 at level 49, you don't need to think about the result. Players who have lost the interface can already think of the final result.

But what they didn't expect was that Rasengan dealt **999 crit damage with one blow!

The mighty Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji just now was pierced through the chest by a small Rasengan and split in two, bursting out top-level equipment and super ninjutsu scrolls everywhere...

System prompt: The 999-level BOSS lord [Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji] was killed by the 49-level Konoha Shinobi player Li Qing, and the player Li Qing obtained [God's White Fang], [War God's Reversed Armor], [Flame Cloak], and [Shared Ashes Together] 】Scroll,【Nine Turns Rinnegan】and other rewards! !

System prompt: The 999-level BOSS lord [Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji] was killed by the 49-level Konoha Shinobi player Li Qing, and the player Li Qing obtained [God's White Fang], [War God's Reversed Armor], [Flame Cloak], and [Shared Ashes Together] 】Scroll,【Nine Turns Rinnegan】and other rewards! !

System prompt: The 999-level BOSS lord [Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ji] was killed by the 49-level Konoha Shinobi player Li Qing, and the player Li Qing obtained [God's White Fang], [War God's Reversed Armor], [Flame Cloak], and [Shared Ashes Together] 】Scroll,【Nine Turns Rinnegan】and other rewards! !

The players were shocked, watching helplessly as Li Qing, the Konoha Shinobi master who killed the ultimate boss, slowly picked up the equipment on the ground, and the world channel also started the most vicious swipe ever!

[World Channel] Xiaosheng is polite: this, how is this possible...

[World Channel] Your father was killed by me, what happened? How many times the crit is this...

[World Channel] A, I'll die immediately, Mom: Damn, even if you ignore the damage skills, it's impossible to deal so much damage with a crit, right?

[World Channel] Fuck you if you line up with me, is this kid cheating? Everyone click report now!



After clicking the game button to exit, a young man with a hair-cut head and delicate facial features lightly lit a burnt cigarette on the ashtray beside him, raised his legs, and said in an arrogant voice: "Laozi is just hanging up, why not?" ?As the youngest cheat development expert in the world, a little Hokage online game cheat is simply a little KISS!"

The young man who spoke was called Li Qing, 18 years old this year, a professional gamer who made money by developing cheats.

Just now he enabled the crit hook for his character, which can make the character's next damage appear as a 999999 times crit. With this cheat, even a first-level trumpet can easily kill a 999-level lord-level boss Kaguya Hime.

While Li Qing was screaming, no one noticed that a flash of electricity suddenly flashed from the iPhone beside him, completely paralyzing him.


A thousand years later.

Floating building! Flying car! 999999 floors tall!

Looking at everything in front of him, Li Qing, who opened his eyes again and found that he had traveled here, was a little dazed for a moment, completely unaware of what happened.

Suddenly, a vast number of memories merged into his mind like a tide!

In 2800, the end of the world came, alien creatures invaded, all cultural knowledge was destroyed, Hokage ninja, One Piece, Ultraman, etc. all disappeared!

In 2850, the people on Earth rebuilt their civilized capital, and by 2600 it had basically recovered to the level before the end of the world, and signed a peace treaty with alien creatures.

In 2801, the head of the earth decided to research technology and improve the physical fitness of all human beings at all costs!

In 2016, breakthroughs were made in technological research, and the online game "Hokage Ninja" was released to the public!


While Li Qing was sorting out his memory, the excited voice of the head of the earth came from the sky, and then a giant head was projected down in the form of 3D holographic projection.

Everyone couldn't help raising their heads at this moment.

"After countless generations of scientists' painstaking research, we have finally made a breakthrough in the technology to improve the quality of the whole people! "Hokage Ninja" is a black technology researched by our scientists. When players enter the online game, they can improve themselves in the virtual world. The strength you have gained can feed back the reality and increase your strength by about 5%-10%!"

"In addition, the abilities and skills learned in the online game world can also be used in reality! This will open the most glorious page in our human history!"

"I have personally tested it myself, and it is usable. For example..."

Speaking of this, the leader made a seal with his hands, and then spit out a mouthful of fire from his mouth, lighting a candle in the distance.

"This move is called [Great Fireball Technique]. How about it, isn't it very powerful?"

Citizens who had doubts about the ability of online games to improve their physical fitness, are all boiling at this moment! One by one eager to try!

Looking at the bewildered and joyful faces of the surrounding citizens, Li Qing searched his memory and found that since the end of the world, "Hokage Ninja" and "One Piece" have all disappeared in the dust of history!

"Can it strengthen reality? Don't tell me I, who knows the plot, want to become the king?" Li Qing couldn't help being a little excited. He was a dick in his previous life, but in this life, with this cheat, he will be a master no matter what. !

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