The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 2: Uchiha Bloodline, Reborn With Cheats?

"The new online game will officially open at noon tomorrow, please register and enter at that time!"

After saying these words, the head of the earth slowly disappeared into the huge 3D screen...

With his disappearance, many people frantically ran back to their homes, preparing to look up information online, hoping to know the information and internal data of this online game in advance.

At the same time, many forces on Earth have also taken action, hoping to obtain first-hand fresh information.

You must know that the more information you have, the more you can go ahead of others, have more resources, and thus dominate.

It's a pity that when "Hokage Ninja" was developed, the internal data had already been controlled by the Earth's military, and only a few high-level officials had internal data.

For many poor people, let alone what "Hokage Ninja" is, they don't even know what a ninja is, let alone things like Chakra.

Of course, there are also many things released. For example, the characters in this game will use the energy of Chakra. The characters are divided into Genin, Chūnin, Special Jōnin, Jōnin, Kage-level and so on according to different levels.

Just when the various forces were active, Li Qing had already returned to her home.

His home is in a slum, a place far away from the city. It is full of garbage produced by humans, and many low-level people gather here.

Before the crossing, both parents of this body died, and it is said that they died in the belly of an alien creature.

But I have to say that even the people at the lowest level can get on the Internet and earn a living in this era, and the social welfare system has reached an outrageous level.

Turning on the computer, Li Qing saw countless information about Hokage Ninja, many of which were asking others if they knew about this online game.

"Urgently looking for background information on Hokage Ninja!"

"Urgently looking for the Hokage ninja character training level..."

"Don't ask here, it's impossible to know, the government has already collected the information, and no one is allowed to leak it, it's impossible for us assholes to know..."

"Hey, I didn't expect to be thrown so far before I started running..."

"It is said that many groups on the earth have invested a lot of shares, just to get first-hand information!"

"The current information is priceless! It is impossible to give it to others. After all, if you know a little more, you will be ahead of others..."

Li Qing browsed through a large number of posts, basically asking questions, and did not know any information at all.

Of course, he also saw a lot of false news in many postings. For example, Hokage ninjas said that these ninjas can only practice fire spells. If you want to learn spells, you must be close to the flames to practice...

Many scammers even took this opportunity to make a fortune.

Li Qing sniffed the news flying all over the sky...

The day I've been looking forward to is finally here. Five minutes before 12:00 noon, "Hokage Ninja" has registered nearly 10 billion users before the service is launched, and the number is still rising rapidly!

Li Qing put on the newly developed online game helmet, took a deep breath, entered the game, and started to create his own account.

"Please enter the name you want to register." At this time, a dialog box popped up.

Li Qing looked at the dialog box and fell silent for a moment. Instead of filling in a random name like other players did, Li Qing entered four words: Uchihaqing.

If he didn't guess wrong, the name he entered might affect the player's fate.

"The input is successful, congratulations to the player, the main plot of Uchiha has been triggered, and [Uchiha Bloodline] has been activated!"

"The growth attributes of [Uchiha Bloodline] are as follows: [Strength Growth] +120%, [Spiritual Growth] +150%, [Physical Growth] +200%, [Initial Strength]: 20, [Initial Intelligence]: 25, [Initial Agility]: 30."

Sure enough, after he finished filling out, a system prompt came from his ear.

And when the screen turned, a man in Uchiha costume appeared in front of his eyes, and beside him were some hairstyles, eye pupils, accessories and other collocations.

Li Qing made a simple match, and then a dialog box popped up successfully: Congratulations, the character is created successfully!

"Entering the game..."

"Reminder: The Uchiha clan is a cursed clan. When the closest companion dies, the blood in the body will be stimulated, and they have powerful pupil ninjutsu skills..."

"Since the player triggered Uchiha's main storyline, the animation was automatically activated..."

Then there was a flower in front of Li Qing's eyes, and a huge waterfall appeared in front of him. The two men faced each other with the river as the boundary, and a powerful momentum faintly emanated from their sides. The peerless strong man here was dressed in Uchiha costume , hiding in Susanoo, and on the other side, is a man with a huge scroll on his back, and a huge tree man at his feet.

Immediately afterwards, the two strong men rushed towards each other...

"Isn't this the plot of the Battle of the Valley of the End?" Feeling the plot again, watching the peerless collision between the two, Li Qing felt his blood boil.

Soon after the opening animation ended, Li Qing appeared in a huge and luxurious mansion, with a blood fan drawn on the side, presumably this is the mansion of the Uchiha clan.

In the mansion, there were two NPCs standing, one of them was holding a baby in his arms, his face was full of love.

【Uchiha Fugaku】, level 678, Konoha Jōnin.

【Uchiha Itachi】, level 356, Konoha Chūnin, member of Anbu.

【Uchiha Sasuke】, level 0, baby.

"Damn it..." Seeing this scene, Li Qing suddenly felt like an anime reappeared. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and opened his attribute disk.

He saw that it was clearly written on the level of kinship: Uchiha Qing, a member of the Uchiha tribe.

The younger brother of NPC 【Uchiha Itachi】! !

Brother of NPC 【Uchiha Sasuke】! ! !

Glancing at Sasuke, who was still a baby, and at Uchiha Itachi, who was still very young, Li Qing suddenly realized that the official plot of Hokage [Nine Tails Riot] would start soon?

He looked outside the mansion again and saw densely packed players crowding at the entrance of the village. It seems that if you name them casually, you will become civilian ninjas like them!

And at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "The gold coins you paid have arrived, and the plug-in is opening..."

cheat! ?

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