The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 100: Minazukishiro's Fan Club! ? (Fifth Update!)

"This, how is this possible?"

Minazuki Lingmeng looked at the broken crystal, her eyes widened in surprise, she couldn't believe everything in front of her eyes.

This is one of the strongest secret arts of the Mizunazuki clan, and it exploded in the instant it was formed. What, what is going on?

And just when he was surprised, he saw a layer of Lightning Style Chakra attached to Li Qing's【Shinigami Breath】, making his weapon sharper.

"So it is!"

Minazuki Lingmoe suddenly realized that at the moment when the magic crystal was formed, Li Qing chopped the magic crystal... If it were another ninja, she might not believe that anyone could do this, but for the sharingan As far as Uchiha Qing is concerned, it couldn't be simpler!

"what are you thinking about?"

Suddenly a cold voice resounded without warning, before Shui Wuyue Lingmeng even reacted, he just felt a gust of cold wind blowing towards his face.

I saw where [Shinigami Breathing] passed, the scorching flames illuminated the dark sky, at this moment Li Qing, 13, was like a bright and fast flame in the night sky, capable of devouring everything.

"Uchiha Flow: Blast Sword!"

Yes, what he is using at this time is the Uchiha Taijutsu that Uchiha Shisui once taught him, people are like a strong wind, and the sword is destroyed!

Li Qing's speed is too fast, when has Minazuki Lingmeng seen such physical skills? In addition, many of her ninjutsu need to be performed from a long distance, and she suffered a big loss immediately.


Minazuki Lingmeng's equipment was good enough, under the terrifying damage of [Quadruple Critical Strike], the damage was reduced by more than half, but this also reduced her health by a quarter.

The severely injured Shui Wuyue Lingmeng was furious, and wanted to quickly distance herself from Li Qing, but obviously Li Qing had already guessed at her weakness, and followed her from the beginning to the end, sticking close to her and her In close combat, within a few rounds, Mizunazuki Lingmeng, who was not strong in physical skills, was attacked by Li Qing a few more times, and her blood bar was cut by half.

In desperation, Minazuki could only consume the huge Chakra to create an ice clone to escape, and at this time, her blood volume was less than half.

It's a pity that all her movements, under [Sharingan]'s Shinigami-like pupils that can capture all movements, are all illusions. No matter how she uses ninjutsu, they are all captured by Li Qing's eyes.

The moment she created the ice avatar, Li Qing's attack once again attacked the deity of Minazuki!

"Good boy!"

Mizunazuki Lingmeng didn't expect that her attack had been seen through, and she gave a sigh of admiration in her heart, and quickly formed a seal: "Ice Escape Secret Technique: Ice Prison Technique!"

I saw that the hard ice formed a huge cage to protect her from harm, and Li Qing's [Shinigami Breathing] was pierced on it, only to hear the ice shaking and shattering, bursting and shattering Among them, the ice prison exploded instantly, flying ice cubes and snowflakes like darts.

Another more than 4000 points of damage was hit, although the damage was not high, but it once again gave the proud Minazuki Reime a setback blow, which made Minazuki Reime feel a huge sense of frustration in her heart!

"Damn it!"

Finally, after several defeats in Li Qing's hands, Shui Wuyue Lingmeng cursed angrily, no longer chose to fight, but slowly closed her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, [Shinigami Breathing] pierced through her chest, dealing the last high damage, and then Reime Minazuki closed her eyes angrily in grief and indignation, turning into a vast amount of gold coins and equipment.

Under the [Quadruple Rewards], Li Qing directly obtained 4 million experience points, and was upgraded by 1 level. At the same time, she got a number of [Rare Levels, Equipment and Ninjutsu Scrolls] [Ice Escape: Black Dragon Violent Kill!

[Rare level] equipment is not worth much, but [Ice Escape: Black Dragon Storm Kill] is really powerful, Li Qing simply sorted out the pretense, and clicked [Ice Escape: Black Dragon Storm Kill] to use.

"Congratulations, you have learned [Ice Escape: Black Dragon Storm Kill], this skill can summon the power of the blizzard when the player [Jie Yin], it can cause 180% ninjutsu damage to the enemy, and 100% range damage, range 2000 yards, the hit enemy has a 10-30% chance to enter the frozen state according to the distance!

It has to be said that the attribute of this black dragon storm kill is enough to be heaven-defying, the key is the skill that can make people enter the frozen state, which is equivalent to a field control skill, but in terms of damage, it is better than the A-level ninja of the same level. The technique is less.

Don't look at how Li Qing and Mizunazuki fought for several rounds, but in fact, the two only fought for less than a few minutes. From Li Qing's start to the end of the battle, it was almost the blink of an eye. .

And with the death of Minazuki Reime, Minazuki Haku and Zabuza both showed expressions of astonishment, they never imagined that Minazuki Reime's Chūnin form would be wiped out by Uchiha, the Genin!

"Bai, don't be soft-hearted, resolve the battle quickly!"

At this time, Zabu Zhan gave an order to Mizumuzuki Shiro. After all these years together, he knows Shiro's character best. This is a good boy who is kind and unwilling to kill people.

It's a pity that sometimes being kind can become an obstacle instead. 180 "Okay, don't kill Mr. again!"

Minazukishiro nodded obediently, ready to kill.

At this time, the Commander of Magic Crystal, Naruto, and Lin Jiachen Cheng Mengmeng are on the verge of limit. During the fight, Sasuke used his body to block the damage for Naruto several times. At this time, he opened [Sharingan] like the original book. With Sharingan, he Already able to gradually follow Minazukishiro's actions.

As for Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng, they are a bit of a soy sauce role. Minazukibai's offensive is almost always to greet Naruto and Sasuke, but rarely hits them.

Just when Minazukibai raised his hand, preparing for the final move, and when Li Qing was also preparing to make a move, bursts of cheers and enthusiasm came from afar...

In the distance, a team of parade players who held a sign of "Cute Girl Minazukibai" and shouted "Mizunazukibai I love you" rushed towards here frantically.

These players are all wearing T-shirts with pictures of "Mizuna Moon White" and headgears engraved with the Q version of "Mizuna Moon White"'s headgear... It seems that there are at least more than 100,000 people, and they It looks like a group of fanatical fans!

Seeing this scene, everyone who was fighting was stunned!

And Mizunatasuke himself was even more bewildered!


What the hell?.

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