The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 101: Mizunana Moonbai's Confusion! (First Update!)

Minazuki Shiro, who grew up beside Zabuzhan, never had the concept of fans in her heart. When she saw this group of fanatical fans, her heart suddenly panicked, her face turned red instantly, and she subconsciously refused. Said: " don't come here!"

Hearing what the goddess in my heart said, the 100,000 fanatical fans immediately stopped and stood where they were.

The leading fan is a middle-aged man with a sloppy beard. He has tattoos of Minzuna Moon White's Q version tattooed all over his body. He seems to be the most enthusiastic fan here: "We will do what the White Goddess says! The White Goddess is Let us die, and we will die without hesitation! Because...Mizuna Moon White Goddess, we love you!"

The latter sentence was completely shouted out by the fans. It has to be said that when these 100,000 people shouted the slogan together, the sound was so loud that people's eardrums were about to be shattered.

This Minazukibai fan group is a fan group organized spontaneously by the players after they saw the news of [Death], there were not many fans at the beginning, and [Minzunazuki] grew up. They don't know what it is, the fan group is not strong, and some players who don't know what is good, took a few photos of [Waterless Moon White] from a distance and uploaded them on the Internet...

It’s okay if it’s not uploaded, once it’s uploaded, the players who see the photos will spontaneously organize a fan group like crazy, and agree to confess their love to the goddess together, so this scene happened today, as for the Q version of Mizuna Moonbai Headgear, clothes and even tattoos are all spontaneously made by certain players

"We love you, we love you, we love you..."

The railings on both sides of the bridge had already been laid, and the words of the fans immediately echoed.

Originally, these voices were spoken from the mouths of those beautiful boys and girls. It was still a very beautiful scenery, but most of the people present were middle-aged men with hair all over their bodies and unshaven beards. How could they hear this voice? All a bit sour.

Poor Minazukishiro didn't know how to deal with such fanatical fan confession, but Uzumaki Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, and others were all stupefied

It is not known exactly what happened. For these NPCs, there is no concept of fans in their minds.

Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng, who were accustomed to modern life, were dumbfounded.

Who made it so cute?

And Li Qing tilted his head, but didn't feel anything incredible...

After all, many Internet celebrities in the previous life became popular overnight, and they had millions of fans in an instant. After the Hokage world became an online game, it is normal for fans to appear. Besides, there were no fans in the previous life. There are many fans, and many people like the role of COGPLAT very much. The appearance of this scene is both unexpected and reasonable.

But what makes Li Qing a little curious is, if goddesses like Tsunade, Terumi Mei, and Yuhihong come out in the later stage, will they quickly accumulate a large number of fanatic fans like Minzunagetsu? It's just a poor male NPC character, It is not easy to accumulate powder.

"Don't pay attention to those players, they are a bunch of idiots... Do it, Bai~"!" Zabuzhan in the distance gave the order gloomyly, and the appearance of fans can only be regarded as a small episode.

"Okay, I won't behead you again!" Shui Wu Yue Bai also restrained his mind and calmed down his emotions at this time.

The Thousand Books formed by condensing the air of Bloodline appeared in her hand in an instant.

In the original book, Minazukishiro was wearing a mask at this time, but she stopped wearing it a long time ago.

"Are we really doomed here?"

Naruto, Sasuke and the others looked at Senbon with a trace of despair...With their strength, they are no match for Minazukibai at all, and if Minazukibai hadn't been restraining his strength all the time, I'm afraid Several people are now a dead body.

"Look, the goddess is going to kill, the goddess is going to kill!"

The fans watching on the side immediately became noisy again, everyone was extremely excited, and little stars of admiration shone in their eyes.

And at this moment, just when Minazukibai was about to strike, suddenly, a pair of scarlet Ergouyu [Sharingan] appeared in front of her without warning, and at the same time, [Shinigami Breathing] stabbed fiercely at her. Magic Crystal.

The Minaduki Clan's secret technique, Ice Escape Secret Technique: Magic Mirror Ice Crystal, although the ninja inside the magic crystal is very difficult to decipher, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it can break through from the outside.

But Li Qing, who was familiar with the weakness of this technique, broke through from the outside in an instant.

", eh?"

Mizumuzukibai never thought that her ice escape secret technique would be cracked in an instant, and at the same time her eyes showed surprise, the speed of [Jie Yin] was also a beat slower.


A strong force sent her flying, causing an astonishing damage of more than 60,000 points. Mizumutsukishiro slid on the ground for several meters before stopping, and the clothes she was wearing were almost worn out.

The magic crystal that had trapped Naruto for a long time shattered in the next second, turning into flying ice flowers, and the coldness that shrouded the surroundings also dissipated at this moment.


The rescued Naruto, Sasuke, Lin Jiachen and others were lying on the ground breathing heavily, their faces were indescribably pale. Their blood bars are already on the verge of extreme, as long as they receive a little more attack, they will die.

Cheng Mengmeng braced her body and used (Ma Wang's) medical ninjutsu to treat the three of them, and then saw that the blood bar of the three began to rise slowly, while her Chakra volume dropped rapidly.

"Thank you..."

Naruto Sasuke thanked Cheng Mengmeng.

Little Sakura, who was protecting Dazna in the distance, breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that a few people were fine. At the same time, she secretly thanked Uchiha Qing and Cheng Mengmeng. Without these two people, they might have been wiped out.

Of course, even if Li Qing doesn't make a move, Naruto and Sasuke of Xiaoqiang No. 2 will not die because of this. After all, the protagonist's halo is in his hand, and he can open and hang indefinitely.

"Damn, how dare you beat our goddess so badly, fuck it, give it to Laozi!"

In the distance, those fanatical fans saw that Minazukibai was beaten, and they were all furious, their eyes were full of burning pain, and they rushed forward!

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