The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 106: Great Harvest, Artifact, Beheading Sword! (First Update!)

Cardo fell slowly.

A system prompt sounded in Li Qing's ear:

"Congratulations, you killed the villain [Kado], completed the main task [Zen Bu Zhan Yu Bai], and successfully changed the fate of [Zen Bu Zan Yu Bai], triggering the hidden side task reward."

"Under [Quadruple Reward], you have obtained 2,000,000 experience points!"

"【Momochi no more chopping】The favorability of you has increased!"

"[Mizuna Moon White]'s favorability towards you has increased!"

"Automatically picking up..."

"You got 3122422 gold coins!"

"You got [Rare Level] [Ninja Divine Fire]! 1"

"You have obtained [Rare Level] [Ninja Divine Light]!

"You got a large HP potion*20!"

"You got a large amount of MP potion*20!"

"You break through! You have reached level 196!"

The sounds of rewards came one after another, and Li Qing's spatial package was filled to the brim in an instant, and his level finally reached level 196!

After simply sorting out the package, he found that this time he had killed so many players and Kaduo 840 times, and obtained a total of more than 3 million gold coins, [rare level] 5 pieces of equipment, HP, MP potion*20, except In addition, there are B-level ninjutsu scrolls B]C-level ninjutsu scrolls*5.

There are a lot of garbage rewards, and there are no heaven-defying equipment or ninjutsu scrolls yet, but it can be said to be a lot of money.

Li Qing carefully collected the equipment and scrolls without hesitation, intending to throw them to his Li's Auction House to earn a fortune.

At this time, the world channel also successfully swiped the screen.

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Qing] killed the villain [Kado], and killed more than 30,000 players, and won a large reward. Please congratulate him!

I want to eat the little tiger: 6 to Feiqi, fortunately I escaped quickly, otherwise I would have become the soul under the sword of Uchiha.

Crayfish is my favorite: It is said that [Super God Special Forces Alliance] and [League of Legends] were also present at the time, but unexpectedly, they were not his opponents...

Love Lori and Love Lafang: [Super God Special Alliance Force] and [League of Legends] are nothing, in front of [Uchiha Qing] (bddi), they are all scumbags. A friend of mine saw with his own eyes that the captain of [League of Legends] pretended to be aggressive and was instantly kicked away by [Uchiha Qing]...

I want to eat it: Hey, it is said that Minazukishiro and Haruno Sakura are very beautiful, so I should go to the country of Nami to have a look. I'm so envious of Uchiha god-tier ah ah ah ah...

In an instant, countless comments and messages followed the announcement.

Li Qing has gotten used to the comments and messages from netizens, and silently closed the channel, hiding her achievements and fame.

"Huh... Cardo is dead too, there is no need for us to continue the mission,"

At this time, Buzhan glanced at the dead Kado with a deep gaze, shook his head helplessly, and turned to look at Li Qing: "Many players are coming for the [artifact] [beheading sword] in my hand, even Kado also took advantage of this, and this incident made me start to rethink the meaning of ninja...Little guy, thank you very much, thank you for calling me and Bai, and thank you for not Kill me while I'm weak, and take away the [Decapitating Sword]."

"In my mind, you are already the ninja who has defeated me. According to the Mist Shinobi tradition of seven people, this [Decapitation Broadsword] should belong to you. And I observed your ninjutsu just now. Although the short blade is very Good for assassination, but not for Uchi-ryu ninjutsu. Take it!"

Bu Zhan rarely talks too much, today he has said everything for several years.

As he said that, he threw the [Decapitating Broadsword] in front of Li Qing, "The Great Sword is given to you, I hope you will not disgrace (Decapitating Broadsword's prestige.

Looking at the [Big Sword of Beheading], feeling the strong fighting intent faintly coming from the edge of the knife, Li Qing's heart became hot for a while, and there seemed to be infinite fighting intent in his eyes.

"Is this the power of the artifact?"

Li Qing could feel the will of the artifact, which seemed to be calling him all the time.

"In that case, then I will accept it." Li Qing is also a bold person, and he did not shirk away from Zabuzhan, so he slowly accepted the [Breaking Sword].

【Decapitation Broadsword】: The weapon of the Mist Shinobi seven people, one of the seven Mist Shinobi artifacts, can absorb the iron in the enemy's blood and repair itself, so it is regarded as an unbreakable knife, fast attack speed, attack power: 3000-5000, with a 5% blood-sucking effect. Warning: This artifact is an item dropped by death. When the player dies, the [Decapitating Sword] will automatically drop, and it cannot be included in the King of Space.

I have to say that the attack power of [Decapitation Broadsword] is about 30% higher than that of [Shinigami Breathing]. What's even more pervert is that it actually has [Blood Sucking Effect]. Doesn't this mean that he can recover blood when attacking? It's a pity that [Big Sword of Beheading] will drop upon death, but this also proves the horror of [Big Sword of Beheading] from the side.

Since this artifact couldn't be put into the luggage, Li Qing had no choice but to carry it behind his back. His Ninja Fire Armor and the beheading sword's attire gave him a majestic and majestic appearance, and Haki was the best in the audience.

"So handsome!" Little Sakura and Cheng Mengmeng's star eyes lit up. Naruto and Sasuke also showed envious eyes.

"If you don't cut it again, you..." Kakashi hesitated for a moment, and was about to say something, but waved his hand if he didn't cut it again: "I still have something to do, as for Mizunazukibai... I'm counting on you guys."

Mizunazukibai was about to say something, but he didn't want to slash, but made a sudden move, slamming hard on the back of Bai's neck, causing the unsuspecting Bai to fall to the ground.

"This..." Zai Buzhan's sudden move made everyone in the audience stunned.

"I will leave it to you, Uchiha Qing, if you treat him badly, I will kill him back. Hehe..."

Saying that, he turned around, his body trembling faintly, two lines of clear tears had already flowed down.

With Bai's temperament, he will definitely follow him, but how can he let Bai suffer with him?

Bai relies on him, why doesn't he rely on Bai?



If you don't jump into the river again, you will disappear after a while.

Looking at Zaibuzhan who left, feeling the tenderness of this iron-blooded tough guy, everyone was silent for a while.

But Li Qing, who was holding the waterless moon in her arms tightly, was a little teary.

When he read the original book and saw the scene where Zabuzhan cried under Naruto's questioning, he knew that Zabuzhan's inner dialogue was full of deep affection, the kind of brother's affection for his younger sister...even was even rejected by the two of them. Wept emotionally.

With the current result, the dialogue is probably the best for him, right?

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