The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 107: New Chapter? ChūNin Exam Coming? (Second Update!)

At the end of the mission, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng, who also completed the mission, also gained quite a lot of experience. Their levels have both exceeded level 100, and they have obtained several pieces of [rare level] equipment and B and C level ninjutsu reel.

For Li Qing, what is trash, but for them, it is a top-quality existence. Everyone is so happy, and at the same time, their gratitude to Li Qing is even deeper.

In this battle, the levels of Naruto Sasuke and Sakura Kakashi have also increased slightly, but compared with them, the level improvement is not much. It seems that NPCs can also be upgraded by killing or completing tasks.

In the next period of time, Dazna and the islanders in the same city worked together to complete the final construction of the bridge.

During this period of time, Li Qing and the others were not idle, fighting monsters nearby to level up, and catching some seafood from the beach from time to time to eat, not to mention how pleasant it was.

It is worth mentioning that when Shui Wuyuebai woke up and learned that Zai Bu Zhan was leaving, he almost froze Lin Jiachen and others who were guarding there into ice cubes and then went to chase Za Bu Zhan, after all, it was Mr. Zai Bu Zhan who killed her. Bringing her up and teaching her ninjutsu, it can be said that this life is never to be given. Finally, under Li Qing's persuasion, she gradually accepted the news of her leaving.

That night, Shui Mu Yue Bai cried a lot, and Li Qing was by her side from the beginning to the end.

It has to be said that girls are the easiest to gain favorability when they lose their reliance and their hearts are most vulnerable. In just one night, Li Qing heard four system messages, all saying that Shui Wuyuebai's favorability for him has increased .

In the end, Minazukishiro's affection for him stayed at 69, and he was only 1 point away from becoming a more intimate couple~.

However, Li Qing is not a person who takes advantage of others' dangers, and does not take advantage of Bai's weak time to do any cross-border behaviors, but just quietly accompany her.

The bridge in the country of Nami was finally built with the joint efforts of the islanders, and it was named "Blue Bridge" to commemorate the player Uchiha Ao's contribution to the bridge.

[World Channel] System Announcement: With the help of players [Uchiha Qing], players [Lin Jiachen] and players [Cheng Mengmeng], the islanders of the Wave Kingdom finally built a bridge connecting hope, and with the help of [Uchiha Qing] Named as [Qingqiao], player [Uchiha Qing] became the first player to name a building, congratulations to him!

As soon as the announcement came out, countless players commented and left messages. Some players who liked [Uchiha Qing] even bluntly said that they must go to [Qingqiao] to take a look and support the local economic construction of the islanders of the wave country.

Of course, what the islanders and Li Qing and others did not expect was that because of this announcement, the [Green Bridge], which was originally ordinary and inconspicuous and only used to connect trade between several countries, has since become a supportive local bridge. In economically developed tourist attractions, from time to time, there will be boring players who spend money to travel there. The place was so poor that even ninjas couldn’t afford it.

Instantly rich...

After playing the game for a long time, Li Qing was a little tired, so she simply left the game for a while, and was going to visit the Hokage forum.

Sure enough, as he expected, a promotional video of the upcoming new version has been posted on the huge advertisement on the Hokage forum. The name is very attractive.

"Chūnin exam, it's interesting..."

Li Qing smiled faintly. Judging from the missions of the previous version updates, this time the Chūnin exam will inevitably involve hundreds of millions of players competing for the Chūnin spot! And there are so many anime characters present at the same time.

What kind of scene will it be!?

Just thinking about it makes Li Qing's blood boil!

At this time, he clicked into the video and saw that under the 3D holographic projection, a countless genius went through the selection of various hidden villages, and then cast his eyes on Konohagakure with bright eyes. At the end of the title, he gave Uchiha, Hyuga and other family members a perspective , showing a vibrant scene of countless talented ninjas competing on the same stage!

...asking for flowers......

After the video, some version data changes and the like are posted.

1: Get【Genin forehead protector】, register as【Genin】players can now pass【Chūnin Exam】to become Chūnin, the minimum level required to participate in【Chūnin Exam】is level 125, and the highest level is not limited.

2: Further repair NPC, the new version of NPC has been injected with biotechnology technology, has human thoughts and behaviors, making the online game Hokage more entertaining.

3: Add fan system. Players can follow their favorite players or NPCs to become their fanatical fans. Players and NPCs with more fans will immediately trigger [Fan Quest], or have [Fan Halo Bonus.


4: Increase the friend system, players with a favorability of 60 points can add friends and form a team remotely...

The post has tens of millions of clicks and millions of comments in just a few minutes.

Most of the players are stunned, they don't know what is called Chūnin, let alone how to conduct the Chūnin exam... Of course there are some high-priced rewards for clues

And as soon as this post came out, it also caused a sensation in organizations and alliances all over the world. Many alliances and unions that had suffered losses in the past few times, once again mustered up their confidence and vowed to successfully become Chūnin and become the ultimate winner!

Of course, because only 125-level Genin players can take the Chūnin exam and become a Chūnin, many players with insufficient levels immediately turned red and went to level up monsters. Spend a lot of money to choose a company to help you level up, and strive to reach level 125 as soon as possible!

After closing the post, Li Qing took a short rest and boarded the game again.

At this time, he, Kakashi and others had already embarked on the route back to Konoha Village.

A few hours later, everyone arrived at Konoha Village. At this time, Konoha Village has been crowded by Konoha players, and everyone is dying!

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